module Math.Diophantine.Internal
, Solution(..)
, Z
, mergeSolutions
, specializeEquation
, solveLinear
, solveSimpleHyperbolic
, solveEliptical
, solveParabolic
) where
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Ratio ((%),numerator,denominator)
data Solution = ZxZ
| NoSolutions
| SolutionSet [(Z,Z)]
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Solution where
show ZxZ = "{(x,y) | x <- Z, y <- Z}"
show NoSolutions = "No Solutions"
show (SolutionSet ns) = show ns
type Z = Integer
data Equation = GeneralEquation Z Z Z Z Z Z
| LinearEquation Z Z Z
| SimpleHyperbolicEquation Z Z Z Z
| ElipticalEquation Z Z Z Z Z Z
| ParabolicEquation Z Z Z Z Z Z
| HyperbolicEquation Z Z Z Z Z Z
instance Show Equation where
show (LinearEquation 0 0 0) = "0 = 0"
show (LinearEquation d e f)
= dropWhile (`elem` " +") $ cShow d "x" ++ cShow e "y"
++ fShow f
show (SimpleHyperbolicEquation b d e f)
= dropWhile (`elem` " +") $ cShow b "xy" ++ cShow d "x"
++ cShow e "y" ++ fShow f
show (ElipticalEquation a b c d e f)
= dropWhile (`elem` " +") $ cShow a "x^2" ++ cShow b "xy"
++ cShow c "y^2" ++ cShow d "x" ++ cShow e "y" ++ fShow f
show (ParabolicEquation a b c d e f)
= dropWhile (`elem` " +") $ cShow a "x^2" ++ cShow b "xy"
++ cShow c "y^2" ++ cShow d "x" ++ cShow e "y" ++ fShow f
show (HyperbolicEquation a b c d e f)
= dropWhile (`elem` " +") $ cShow a "x^2" ++ cShow b "xy"
++ cShow c "y^2" ++ cShow d "x" ++ cShow e "y" ++ fShow f
show e@(GeneralEquation{}) = show $ specializeEquation e
cShow :: Z -> String -> String
cShow 0 _ = ""
cShow 1 v = " + " ++ v
cShow (1) v = " - " ++ v
cShow n v
| n < 0 = " - " ++ show (abs n) ++ v
| n > 0 = " + " ++ show n ++ v
fShow :: Z -> String
fShow 0 = " = 0"
fShow n
| n < 0 = " - " ++ show (abs n) ++ " = 0"
| n > 0 = " + " ++ show n ++ " = 0"
extendedGCD :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a,a)
extendedGCD a b = extendedGCD' 0 1 b 1 0 a
extendedGCD' _ _ 0 s' t' _ = (s',t')
extendedGCD' s t r s' t' r' =
let q = r' `div` r
in extendedGCD' (s' q * s) (t' q * t) (r' q * r) s t r
divisors :: Integral a => a -> [a]
divisors n =
n : 1 : (concat [[x,n `div` x] | x <- [2..intSqrt n], n `rem` x == 0]
\\ [intSqrt n | isSquare n])
isSquare :: Integral a => a -> Bool
isSquare n = intSqrt n ^ 2 == n
intSqrt :: Integral a => a -> a
intSqrt = round . sqrt . fromIntegral
mergeSolutions :: Solution -> Solution -> Solution
mergeSolutions (SolutionSet ss) (SolutionSet ts) =
SolutionSet $ concat $ zipWith (\a b -> [a,b]) ss ts
mergeSolutions NoSolutions s@(SolutionSet _) = s
mergeSolutions s@(SolutionSet _) NoSolutions = s
mergeSolutions NoSolutions NoSolutions = NoSolutions
mergeSolutions NoSolutions ZxZ = ZxZ
mergeSolutions ZxZ NoSolutions = ZxZ
mergeSolutions ZxZ ZxZ = ZxZ
specializeEquation :: Equation -> Equation
specializeEquation (GeneralEquation a b c d e f)
| a == b && b == c && c == 0 = LinearEquation d e f
| a == c && c == 0 && b /= 0 = SimpleHyperbolicEquation b d e f
| b^2 4 * a * c < 0 = ElipticalEquation a b c d e f
| b^2 4 * a * c == 0 = ParabolicEquation a b c d e f
| b^2 4 * a * c > 0 = HyperbolicEquation a b c d e f
specializeEquation e = e
solveLinear :: Equation -> Solution
solveLinear (LinearEquation d e f)
| d == 0 && e == 0 = let g = gcd d e
(u,v) = extendedGCD d e
in if f == 0
then ZxZ
else NoSolutions
| d == 0 && e /= 0 = let g = gcd d e
(u,v) = extendedGCD d e
in if f `mod` e == 0
then solve' d e f g u v
else NoSolutions
| d /= 0 && e == 0 = let g = gcd d e
(u,v) = extendedGCD d e
in if f `mod` d == 0
then solve' d e f g u v
else NoSolutions
| d /= 0 && e /= 0 = let g = gcd d e
(u,v) = extendedGCD d e
in if f `mod` g == 0
then solve' d e f g u v
else NoSolutions
solve' d e f g u v = SolutionSet [ s | t <- [0..]
, let x = e * t + f * u
, let x' = e * t f * u
, let a = e * (t) + f * u
, let a' = e * (t) f * u
, let y = (d) * t + f * v
, let y' = (d) * t f * v
, let b = (d) * (t) + f * v
, let b' = (d) * (t) f * v
, s <- [(x,y),(x',y'),(a,b),(a',b')]
solveLinear e =
case specializeEquation e of
e'@(LinearEquation{}) -> solveLinear e'
_ -> error "solveLinear requires a linear equation"
solveSimpleHyperbolic :: Equation -> Solution
solveSimpleHyperbolic (SimpleHyperbolicEquation b d e f)
| b == 0 = error "Does not match SimpleHyperbolicEquation form"
| d * e b * f == 0 && e `mod` b == 0
= SolutionSet [e | y <- [0..], e <- [ ((e) `div` b,y)
, ((e) `div` b,y)]]
| d * e b * f == 0 && d `mod` b == 0
= SolutionSet [e | x <- [0..], e <- [ (x,(d) `div` b)
, (x,(d) `div` b)]]
| d * e b * f /= 0
= SolutionSet $ map (numerator *** numerator)
$ filter (\(r1,r2) -> denominator r1 == 1 && denominator r2 == 1)
$ map (\d_i -> ( (d_i e) % b
, ((d * e b * f) `div` d_i d) % b))
$ divisors (d * e b * f) >>= \n -> [n,n]
solveSimpleHyperbolic e =
case specializeEquation e of
e'@(SimpleHyperbolicEquation{}) -> solveSimpleHyperbolic e'
_ -> error "solveSimpleHyperbolic requires a simple hyperbolic equation"
solveEliptical :: Equation -> Solution
solveEliptical (ElipticalEquation a b c d e f) =
if (2 * b * e 4 * c * d)^2 4 * (b^2 4 * a * c) * (e^2 4 * c * f) > 0
then let a' = fromIntegral a
b' = fromIntegral b
c' = fromIntegral c
d' = fromIntegral d
e' = fromIntegral e
f' = fromIntegral f
b1 = ((2 * b' * e' 4 * c' * d') sqrt
((2 * b' * e' 4 * c' * d')^2 4 * (b'^2 4 * a' * c')
* (e'^2 4 * c' * f'))) / (2 * (b'^2 4 * a' * c'))
b2 = ((2 * b' * e' 4 * c' * d') + sqrt
((2 * b' * e' 4 * c' * d')^2 4 * (b'^2 4 * a' * c')
* (e'^2 4 * c' * f'))) / (2 * (b'^2 4 * a' * c'))
l = ceiling $ min b1 b2
u = floor $ max b1 b2
cs = [ v | x <- [l..u]
, let y' = ((b * x + e) + intSqrt
((b * x + e)^2 4 * c
* (a * x^2 + d * x + f))) % (2 * c)
, let y'' = ((b * x + e) intSqrt
((b * x + e)^2 4 * c
* (a * x^2 + d * x + f))) % (2 * c)
, v' <- [(x,y'),(x,y'')]
, let v = (fst v',numerator $ snd v')
, denominator (snd v') == 1
in if null cs
then NoSolutions
else SolutionSet cs
else NoSolutions
solveEliptical e =
case specializeEquation e of
e'@(ElipticalEquation{}) -> solveEliptical e'
_ -> error "solveEliptical requires an eliptical equation"
solveParabolic :: Equation -> Solution
solveParabolic (ParabolicEquation a b c d e f) =
let g = if a >= 0
then abs $ gcd a c
else (abs $ gcd a c)
a' = abs $ a `div` g
b' = b `div` g
c' = abs $ c `div` g
ra = intSqrt a'
rc = if b `div` a >= 0
then intSqrt c'
else (intSqrt c')
in if rc * d ra * e == 0
then solveEliptical $ ElipticalEquation (a^2 * g^2) 0 (a * c * g^2)
(d * ra) rc (ra * f)
else let us = [u | u <- [0..abs (rc * d ra * e) 1]
, (ra * g * u^2 + d * u + ra * f)
`mod` (rc * d ra * e) == 0]
in SolutionSet
[ v | t <- [0..], u <- us
, let x1 = rc * g * (ra * e rc * d) * t^2
(e + 2 * rc * g * u) * t
((rc * g * u^2 + e * u + rc * f)
`div` (rc * d ra * e))
, let x2 = rc * g * (ra * e rc * d) * t^2
(e + 2 * rc * g * u) * (t)
((rc * g * u^2 + e * u + rc * f)
`div` (rc * d ra * e))
, let y1 = ra * g * (rc * d ra * e) * t^2
+ (d + 2 * ra * g * u) * t
+ ((ra * g * u^2 + d * u + ra * f)
`div` (rc * d ra * e))
, let y2 = ra * g * (rc * d ra * e) * t^2
+ (d + 2 * ra * g * u) * (t)
+ ((ra * g * u^2 + d * u + ra * f)
`div` (rc * d ra * e))
, v <- [(x1,y1),(x2,y2)]
solveParabolic e =
case specializeEquation e of
e'@(ParabolicEquation{}) -> solveParabolic e'
_ -> error "solveParabolic requires a parabolic equation."
solveHyperbolic :: Equation -> Solution
solveHyperbolic (HyperbolicEquation a b c d e f)
| d == e && e == f && f == 0
= if isSquare $ b^2 4 * a * c
then mergeSolutions
(solveLinear (LinearEquation (2 * a)
(intSqrt $ b^2 4 * a * c) 0))
(solveLinear (LinearEquation (2 * a)
(intSqrt $ b^2 4 * a * c) 0))
else SolutionSet [(0,0)]
| d == e && e == 0 && f /= 0 && isSquare (b^2 4 * a * c)
= let us = concat $ zipWith (\a b -> [a,b])
(divisors $ (4) * a * f)
(map (0) $ divisors $ (4) * a * f)
k = intSqrt $ b^2 4 * a * c
ys = [ (y,u) | u <- us
, let yn = (4 * a * f) % u
, let y' = (u + numerator yn) % (2 * k)
, let y = numerator y'
, denominator yn == 1
, denominator y' == 1
in SolutionSet [ (x,y) | (y,u) <- ys
, let x' = (u (b + k) * y) % (2 * a)
, let x = numerator x'
, denominator x' == 1
| d == e && e == 0 && f /= 0 && f `rem` foldl1 gcd [a,b,c] /= 0
= if 4 * f^2 < b^2 4 * a * c
then NoSolutions
else error "not yet implemented"