module Control.Distributed.Closure.TH
( cstatic
, cstaticDict
, cdict
, cdictFrom
, withStatic
) where
import Control.Monad (replicateM, unless)
import Control.Distributed.Closure
import Data.Generics (everything, mkQ)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.StaticPtr
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import Numeric.Natural
cstatic :: TH.Name -> TH.ExpQ
cstatic f = [| closure (static $(TH.varE f)) |]
cstaticDict :: TH.Name -> TH.ExpQ
cstaticDict f = [| closure (static $(TH.varE f)) `cap` $cdict |]
cdict :: TH.ExpQ
cdict = cdictFrom 0
cdictFrom :: Natural -> TH.ExpQ
cdictFrom n0 = apply abstract [| closure (static $(staticFun n0)) |] n0
staticFun 0 = [| Dict |]
staticFun n = [| \Dict -> $(staticFun (n 1)) |]
apply k f n = do
names <- replicateM (fromIntegral n) (TH.newName "x")
k names (foldl (\acc x -> [| $acc `cap` $(TH.varE x) |]) f names)
abstract [] expr = expr
abstract (nm:names) expr = [| \ $(TH.varP nm) -> $(abstract names expr) |]
fvT :: TH.Type -> [TH.Name]
fvT = nub . everything (++) ([] `mkQ` (\ty -> [nm | TH.VarT nm <- [ty]]))
caps :: [TH.ExpQ] -> TH.ExpQ
caps = foldl1 (\f x -> [| $f `cap` $x|])
mangleName :: TH.Name -> TH.Name
mangleName name@(TH.Name occ fl) = case fl of
TH.NameU u -> TH.Name (mangle_occ u) fl
_ -> name
mangle_occ :: Int -> TH.OccName
mangle_occ uniq = TH.mkOccName (TH.occString occ ++ "_" ++ show uniq)
withStatic :: TH.DecsQ -> TH.DecsQ
withStatic = (>>= go)
checkExtension :: TH.Extension -> TH.Q ()
checkExtension ext = do
enabled <- TH.isExtEnabled TH.ScopedTypeVariables
unless enabled $
fail $ "withStatic requires the language extension " ++ show ext
go :: [TH.Dec] -> TH.DecsQ
go [] = return []
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
go (ins@(TH.InstanceD overlap cxt hd _):decls) = do
go (ins@(TH.InstanceD cxt hd _):decls) = do
let n = length cxt
dictsigs <- mapM (\c -> [t| Dict $(return c) |]) cxt
retsig <- [t| Dict $(return hd) |]
f <- mangleName <$> TH.newName "static_helper"
fbody <- foldr (\_ body -> [| \Dict -> $body |]) [| Dict |] cxt
let tyf = foldr (\a b -> TH.ArrowT `TH.AppT` a `TH.AppT` b) retsig dictsigs
sigf = TH.SigD f (TH.ForallT (map TH.PlainTV (fvT tyf)) [] tyf)
declf = TH.ValD (TH.VarP f) (TH.NormalB fbody) []
methods <- (:[]) <$>
(TH.varP 'closureDict)
(TH.normalB (caps ( [| closure (static $(TH.varE f) :: StaticPtr $(return tyf)) |]
: replicate n [| closureDict |]
typeableConstraints <-
sequence [ [t| Typeable $(return d) |]
| d <- retsig : dictsigs
, not (null (fvT d))
unless (null typeableConstraints) $
checkExtension TH.ScopedTypeVariables
staticcxt <- (typeableConstraints ++) <$>
mapM (\c -> [t| Static $(return c) |]) cxt
statichd <- [t| Static $(return hd) |]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
let staticins = TH.InstanceD overlap staticcxt statichd methods
let staticins = TH.InstanceD staticcxt statichd methods
decls' <- go decls
return (ins : sigf : declf : staticins : decls')
go (decl:decls) = (decl:) <$> go decls