-- Run tests using the TCP transport. module Main where import TEST_SUITE_MODULE (tests) import Network.Transport.Test (TestTransport(..)) import Network.Socket (sClose) import Network.Transport.TCP ( createTransportExposeInternals , TransportInternals(socketBetween) , defaultTCPParameters ) import Test.Framework (defaultMainWithArgs) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import System.Environment (getArgs) main :: IO () main = do Right (transport, internals) <- createTransportExposeInternals "" "8080" defaultTCPParameters ts <- tests TestTransport { testTransport = transport , testBreakConnection = \addr1 addr2 -> do sock <- socketBetween internals addr1 addr2 sClose sock threadDelay 10000 } args <- getArgs -- Tests are time sensitive. Running the tests concurrently can slow them -- down enough that threads using threadDelay would wake up later than -- expected, thus changing the order in which messages were expected. -- Therefore we run the tests sequentially by passing "-j 1" to -- test-framework. This does not solve the issue but makes it less likely. -- -- The problem was first detected with -- 'Control.Distributed.Process.Tests.CH.testMergeChannels' -- in particular. defaultMainWithArgs ts ("-j" : "1" : args)