doccheck: Checks Haddock comments for pitfalls and version changes.

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This tool aims to detect any common pitfalls that is often seen in documentation generated with Haddock, commonly caused by lack of familiarity with the markup or time to review the generated documentation. Extending this tool is rather simple (add parsers) and can be easily used to judge the impact of changing Haddock's parsing rules.

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Versions [RSS]
Dependencies attoparsec (>=0.10), base (>=4.6 && <5), directory, directory-tree (>=0.11), filepath, ghc (>=7.6), ghc-paths (>=0.1), text (>=0.11) [details]
License GPL-3.0-only
Copyright (c) Mateusz Kowalczyk
Author Mateusz Kowalczyk
Maintainer Mateusz Kowalczyk <>
Category Documentation
Home page
Bug tracker
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by MateuszKowalczyk at 2013-08-13T15:03:57Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables doccheck
Downloads 1256 total (2 in the last 30 days)
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A very naive tool to identify any potentially doc-breaking/changing structures in Haddock documentation.

Usage: doccheck [-h] [file ...]