-- |
-- Module : Polynomial.Roots
-- Copyright : (c) 1998 Numeric Quest Inc., All rights reserved
-- License : GPL
-- Maintainer : m.p.donadio@ieee.org
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Root finder using Laguerre's method
-- This file was sucked out of the Wayback Machine at www.archive.org.
-- This was orginally a HTML files containing literate Haskell. It has
-- been modified to use the Polynomial library, and Haddock style comments
-- have been added. As much as the original formatting has been retained
-- as possible. --mpd
-- Original comments are below
Literate Haskell module Roots.lhs
Jan Skibinski,
Numeric Quest Inc., Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
1998.09.05, last modified 1998.09.24
This module implements Laguerre's method for finding complex
roots of polynomials. According to [1], it is by far the most
straightforward of these sure-fire methods. It does require that you
perform complex arithmetic (even while converging to real roots), but
it is guaranteed to converge to a root from any starting point. In
some instances the complex arithmetic is no disadvantage, since the
polynomial itself may have complex coefficients.
[1] Numerical Recipes in Pascal, W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery,
S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, Cambridge University Press,
ISBN 0-521-37516-9
See also some other variations of the same book by the same authors:
Numerical Recipes in C, Fortran, etc. I just happen to own [1], although
I have never programmed in Pascal. :-)
To solve the equation
x^2 - 3 x + 2 = 0
form the list of coefficients [2, -3, 1] (notice the reverse
order of coefficients) and execute
roots 1.0e-6 300 [2,-3, 1]
-- where
-- 1.0e-6 is a required accuracy
-- 300 is a count of permitted iterations
-- (You set it to small number just in case you
-- do not trust the algorithm. But if you do,
-- then set it to something big, say 300)
The answer is [2.0 :+ 0.0, 1.0 :+ 0.0]; that is, both roots are
real and equal to 2 and 1:
x^2 - 3 x + 2 = (x - 2) (x - 1) = 0
module Polynomial.Roots (roots) where
import Data.Complex
import Polynomial.Basic
-- * Functions
-- | Root finder using Laguerre's method
roots :: RealFloat a => a -- ^ epsilon
-> Int -- ^ iteration limit
-> [Complex a] -- ^ the polynomial
-> [Complex a] -- ^ the roots
roots eps0 count0 as0 =
-- List of complex roots of a polynomial
-- a0 + a1*x + a2*x^2...
-- represented by the list as=[a0,a1,a2...]
-- where
-- eps is a desired accuracy
-- count is a maximum count of iterations allowed
-- Require: list 'as' must have at least two elements
-- and the last element must not be zero
roots' eps0 count0 as0 []
roots' eps count as xs
| length as <= 2 = x:xs
| otherwise =
roots' eps count (deflate x bs [last as]) (x:xs)
x = laguerre eps count as 0
bs = drop 1 (reverse (drop 1 as))
deflate z bs' cs
| bs' == [] = cs
| otherwise =
deflate z (tail bs') (((head bs')+z*(head cs)):cs)
laguerre :: RealFloat a => a -> Int -> [Complex a] -> Complex a -> Complex a
laguerre eps0 count as0 x0
-- One of the roots of the polynomial 'as',
-- where
-- eps is a desired accuracy
-- count is a maximum count of iterations allowed
-- x is initial guess of the root
-- This method is due to Laguerre.
| count <= 0 = x0
| magnitude (x0 - x0') < eps0 = x0'
| otherwise = laguerre eps0 (count - 1) as0 x0'
where x0' = laguerre2 eps0 as0 as0' as0'' x0
as0' = polyderiv as0
as0'' = polyderiv as0'
laguerre2 eps as as' as'' x
-- One iteration step
| magnitude b < eps = x
| magnitude gp < magnitude gm =
if gm == 0 then x - 1 else x - n/gm
| otherwise =
if gp == 0 then x - 1 else x - n/gp
where gp = g + delta
gm = g - delta
g = d/b
delta = sqrt ((n-1)*(n*h - g2))
h = g2 - f/b
b = polyeval as x
d = polyeval as' x
f = polyeval as'' x
g2 = g^(2::Int)
n = fromIntegral (length as)
-- Original Copyright Notice
-- Copyright:
-- (C) 1998 Numeric Quest Inc., All rights reserved
-- Email:
-- jans@numeric-quest.com
-- License:
-- GNU General Public License, GPL