module Duckling.Duration.KO.Rules
( rules ) where
import Control.Monad (join)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Prelude
import Data.String
import Duckling.Dimensions.Types
import Duckling.Duration.Helpers
import Duckling.Numeral.Helpers (parseInt)
import Duckling.Numeral.Types (NumeralData (..))
import qualified Duckling.Numeral.Types as TNumeral
import Duckling.Regex.Types
import qualified Duckling.TimeGrain.Types as TG
import Duckling.Types
ruleHalfAnHour :: Rule
ruleHalfAnHour = Rule
{ name = "half an hour"
, pattern =
[ Predicate $ isGrain TG.Hour
, regex "\xbc18"
, prod = \_ -> Just . Token Duration $ duration TG.Minute 30
ruleADay :: Rule
ruleADay = Rule
{ name = "a day - 하루"
, pattern =
[ regex "\xd558\xb8e8"
, prod = \_ -> Just . Token Duration $ duration TG.Day 1
ruleNumeralnumberHours :: Rule
ruleNumeralnumberHours = Rule
{ name = "number.number hours"
, pattern =
[ regex "(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)"
, regex "\xc2dc\xac04"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (m1:m2:_)):_) -> do
hh <- parseInt m1
dec <- parseInt m2
let divisor = floor $ (fromIntegral (10 :: Integer) :: Float) **
fromIntegral (Text.length m2 1)
numerator = fromIntegral $ 6 * dec
Just . Token Duration . duration TG.Minute $
60 * hh + quot numerator divisor
_ -> Nothing
ruleIntegerAndAnHalfHours :: Rule
ruleIntegerAndAnHalfHours = Rule
{ name = "<integer> and an half hours"
, pattern =
[ Predicate isNatural
, regex "\xc2dc\xac04\xbc18"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token Numeral (NumeralData {TNumeral.value = v}):_) ->
Just . Token Duration . duration TG.Minute $ 30 + 60 * floor v
_ -> Nothing
ruleAboutDuration :: Rule
ruleAboutDuration = Rule
{ name = "about <duration>"
, pattern =
[ regex "\xb300\xcda9|\xc57d"
, dimension Duration
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:token:_) -> Just token
_ -> Nothing
ruleExactlyDuration :: Rule
ruleExactlyDuration = Rule
{ name = "exactly <duration>"
, pattern =
[ regex "\xc815\xd655\xd788"
, dimension Duration
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(_:token:_) -> Just token
_ -> Nothing
rules :: [Rule]
rules =
[ ruleADay
, ruleAboutDuration
, ruleExactlyDuration
, ruleHalfAnHour
, ruleIntegerAndAnHalfHours
, ruleNumeralnumberHours