module Duckling.Numeral.HU.Rules
( rules ) where
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Duckling.Dimensions.Types
import Duckling.Numeral.Helpers
import Duckling.Numeral.Types (NumeralData (..))
import Duckling.Regex.Types
import Duckling.Types
import qualified Duckling.Numeral.Types as TNumeral
ruleIntegerNumeric :: Rule
ruleIntegerNumeric = Rule
{ name = "integer (numeric)"
, pattern =
[ regex "(\\d{1,18})"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):
_) -> do
v <- parseInt match
integer $ toInteger v
_ -> Nothing
ruleNumeralMap :: HashMap Text Integer
ruleNumeralMap = HashMap.fromList
[ ( "nulla", 0 )
, ( "z\x00E9r\x00F3", 0 )
, ( "egy", 1 )
, ( "kett\x0151", 2 )
, ( "h\x00E1rom", 3 )
, ( "n\x00E9gy", 4 )
, ( "\x00F6t", 5)
, ( "hat", 6)
, ( "h\x00E9t", 7)
, ( "nyolc", 8)
, ( "kilenc", 9)
, ( "t\x00EDz", 10)
ruleNumeral :: Rule
ruleNumeral = Rule
{ name = "number (0..10)"
, pattern =
[ regex "(nulla|z\x00E9r\x00F3|egy|kett\x0151|h\x00E1rom|n\x00E9gy|\x00F6t|hat|h\x00E9t|nyolc|kilenc|t\x00EDz)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) ->
HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower match) ruleNumeralMap >>= integer
_ -> Nothing
elevenToNineteenMap :: HashMap Text Integer
elevenToNineteenMap = HashMap.fromList
[ ( "tizenegy", 11 )
, ( "tizenkett\x0151", 12 )
, ( "tizenh\x00E1rom", 13 )
, ( "tizenn\x00E9gy", 14 )
, ( "tizen\x00F6t", 15 )
, ( "tizenhat", 16 )
, ( "tizenh\x00E9t", 17 )
, ( "tizennyolc", 18 )
, ( "tizenkilenc", 19 )
ruleElevenToNineteen :: Rule
ruleElevenToNineteen = Rule
{ name = "number (11..19)"
, pattern =
[ regex "(tizenegy|tizenkett\x0151|tizenh\x00E1rom|tizenn\x00E9gy|tizen\x00F6t|tizenhat|tizenh\x00E9t|tizennyolc|tizenkilenc)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) ->
HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower match) elevenToNineteenMap >>= integer
_ -> Nothing
twentyoneToTwentynineMap :: HashMap Text Integer
twentyoneToTwentynineMap = HashMap.fromList
[ ( "huszonegy", 21 )
, ( "huszonkett\x0151", 22 )
, ( "huszonh\x00E1rom", 23 )
, ( "huszonn\x00E9gy", 24 )
, ( "huszon\x00F6t", 25 )
, ( "huszonhat", 26 )
, ( "huszonh\x00E9t", 27 )
, ( "huszonnyolc", 28 )
, ( "huszonkilenc", 29 )
ruleTwentyoneToTwentynine :: Rule
ruleTwentyoneToTwentynine = Rule
{ name = "number (21..29)"
, pattern =
[ regex "(huszonegy|huszonkett\x0151|huszonh\x00E1rom|huszonn\x00E9gy|huszon\x00F6t|huszonhat|huszonh\x00E9t|huszonnyolc|huszonkilenc)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) ->
HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower match) twentyoneToTwentynineMap >>= integer
_ -> Nothing
dozensMap :: HashMap Text Integer
dozensMap = HashMap.fromList
[ ( "h\x00FAsz", 20 )
, ( "harminc", 30 )
, ( "negyven", 40 )
, ( "\x00F6tven", 50 )
, ( "hatvan", 60 )
, ( "hetven", 70 )
, ( "nyolcvan", 80 )
, ( "kilencven", 90 )
ruleTens :: Rule
ruleTens = Rule
{ name = "integer (20,30..90)"
, pattern =
[ regex "(h\x00FAsz|harminc|negyven|ötven|hatvan|hetven|nyolcvan|kilencven)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) ->
HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower match) dozensMap >>= integer
_ -> Nothing
ruleCompositeTens :: Rule
ruleCompositeTens = Rule
{ name = "integer ([3-9][1-9])"
, pattern =
[ regex "(harminc|negyven|\x00F6tven|hatvan|hetven|nyolcvan|kilencven)(egy|kett\x0151|h\x00E1rom|n\x00E9gy|\x00F6t|hat|h\x00E9t|nyolc|kilenc)"
, prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
(Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (m1:m2:_)):_) -> do
v1 <- HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower m1) dozensMap
v2 <- HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower m2) ruleNumeralMap
integer $ v1 + v2
_ -> Nothing
rules :: [Rule]
rules =
[ ruleIntegerNumeric
, ruleNumeral
, ruleElevenToNineteen
, ruleTwentyoneToTwentynine
, ruleTens
, ruleCompositeTens