Name: dynamic-plot Version: x-revision: 1 Category: graphics Synopsis: Interactive diagram windows Description: Haskell excels at handling data like continuous functions in a nice way, i.e. without discretising anything to finite arrays as is typically done in languages like Matlab. Instead, you can simply pass around functions or infinite data structures (or /very/ high-resolution data that would be infeasible to handle in a strict language). . However when you want to /view/ the data, it will eventually need to be exported out of Haskell in some finite form. The purpose of this library is to delay this discretisation as long as possible: it implements an interactive plotting window that accepts continuous/recursive data and only “flattens” it according to the specific view configuration. You can then zoom in to a shown diagram and it will automatically calculate the features more detailedly, or zoom out and discover previosly unexpected features. You don't need to worry about specifying the range and/or resolution beforehand: the program will try to find a suitable default view based on /all/ data your displaying, and you can always still zoom, resize or move later. . are used as the “pre-rendered” type. This makes the output usable in a very wide range of applications, though at the moment only the GTK window view is implemented. License: GPL-3 License-file: COPYING Author: Justus Sagemüller Maintainer: (@) sagemuej $ Homepage: Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >=1.10 Extra-Doc-Files: images/examples/*.png , images/examples/*.gif Source-Repository head type: git location: git:// Library Build-Depends: base>=4.5 && <6 , transformers , mtl , vector-space>=0.8 , MemoTrie , vector , containers , semigroups , random , MonadRandom , time , async , deepseq , process , constrained-categories >= 0.2 && < 0.3 , diagrams-core == , diagrams-lib >= 1 && < 1.4 , diagrams-cairo == , diagrams-gtk , gtk > 0.10 && < 0.15 , glib , colour >= 2 && < 3 , manifolds >= && < 0.1.1 , lens Other-Extensions: FlexibleInstances , TypeFamilies , FlexibleContexts , GADTs , RankNTypes , ConstraintKinds , PatternGuards , ScopedTypeVariables , RecordWildCards , TupleSections ghc-options: -O2 default-language: Haskell2010 Exposed-modules: Graphics.Dynamic.Plot.R2 Other-modules: Graphics.Dynamic.Plot.Colour