{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module EasyTest.Internal
  ( -- * Core
  , note
  , scope
  , -- * Internal
  , Env(..)
  , Test(..)
  , actionAllowed
  , putResult
  , runWrap
  , combineStatus
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Stack
import qualified System.Random as Random

-- | Status of a test
data Status = Failed | Passed !Int | Skipped

combineStatus :: Status -> Status -> Status
combineStatus Skipped s = s
combineStatus s Skipped = s
combineStatus Failed _ = Failed
combineStatus _ Failed = Failed
combineStatus (Passed n) (Passed m) = Passed (n + m)

instance Semigroup Status where
  (<>) = combineStatus

instance Monoid Status where
  mempty  = Passed 0
  mappend = combineStatus

data Env =
  Env { envRng :: TVar Random.StdGen
      , envMessages :: [Text]
      , envResults :: TBQueue (Maybe (TMVar ([Text], Status)))
      , envNote :: Text -> IO ()
      , envAllow :: [Text] }

-- | Tests are values of type @Test a@, and 'Test' forms a monad with access to:
--     * repeatable randomness (the 'EasyTest.random' and 'EasyTest.random'' functions for random and bounded random values, or handy specialized 'EasyTest.int', 'EasyTest.int'', 'EasyTest.double', 'EasyTest.double'', etc)
--     * I/O (via 'liftIO' or 'EasyTest.io', which is an alias for 'liftIO')
--     * failure (via 'crash', which yields a stack trace, or 'fail', which does not)
--     * logging (via 'EasyTest.note', 'EasyTest.noteScoped', or 'EasyTest.note'')
--     * hierarchically-named subcomputations (under 'EasyTest.scope') which can be switched on and off via 'EasyTest.runOnly'
--     * parallelism (via 'EasyTest.fork')
--     * conjunction of tests via 'MonadPlus' (the '<|>' operation runs both tests, even if the first test fails, and the tests function used above is just 'msum').
-- Using any or all of these capabilities, you assemble 'Test' values into a "test suite" (just another 'Test' value) using ordinary Haskell code, not framework magic. Notice that to generate a list of random values, we just 'replicateM' and 'forM' as usual.
newtype Test a = Test (ReaderT Env IO (Maybe a))

-- | Record a failure at the current scope
crash :: HasCallStack => Text -> Test a
crash msg = do
  let trace = callStack
      msg' = msg <> " " <> T.pack (prettyCallStack trace)
  Test (Just <$> putResult Failed)
  noteScoped ("FAILURE " <> msg')
  Test (pure Nothing)

putResult :: Status -> ReaderT Env IO ()
putResult passed = do
  msgs <- asks envMessages
  allow <- asks envAllow
  r <- liftIO . atomically $ newTMVar
    (msgs, if allow `isPrefixOf` msgs then passed else Skipped)
  q <- asks envResults
  lift . atomically $ writeTBQueue q (Just r)

-- | Label a test. Can be nested. A "." is placed between nested
-- scopes, so @scope "foo" . scope "bar"@ is equivalent to @scope "foo.bar"@
scope :: Text -> Test a -> Test a
scope msg (Test t) = Test $ do
  env <- ask
  let msg' = T.splitOn "." msg
      messages' = envMessages env <> msg'
      env' = env { envMessages = messages' }
      passes = actionAllowed env'

  if passes
    then liftIO $ runReaderT t env'
    else putResult Skipped >> pure Nothing

-- | Prepend the current scope to a logging message
noteScoped :: Text -> Test ()
noteScoped msg = do
  s <- currentScope
  note (T.intercalate "." s <> (if null s then "" else " ") <> msg)

-- | Log a message
note :: Text -> Test ()
note msg = do
  note_ <- asks envNote
  liftIO $ note_ msg
  pure ()

-- | The current scope
currentScope :: Test [Text]
currentScope = asks envMessages

-- | Catch all exceptions that could occur in the given `Test`
wrap :: Test a -> Test a
wrap (Test t) = Test $ do
  env <- ask
  lift $ runWrap env t

runWrap :: Env -> ReaderT Env IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a)
runWrap env t = do
  result <- try $ runReaderT t env
  case result of
    Left e -> do
      envNote env $
           T.intercalate "." (envMessages env)
        <> " EXCEPTION: "
        <> T.pack (show (e :: SomeException))
      runReaderT (putResult Failed) env
      pure Nothing
    Right a -> pure a

-- * @allow' `isPrefixOf` messages'@: we're messaging within the allowed range
-- * @messages' `isPrefixOf` allow'@: we're still building a prefix of the
--   allowed range but could go deeper
actionAllowed :: Env -> Bool
actionAllowed Env{envMessages = messages, envAllow = allow}
  = allow `isPrefixOf` messages || messages `isPrefixOf` allow

instance MonadReader Env Test where
  ask = Test $ do
    allowed <- asks actionAllowed
    if allowed
      then Just <$> ask
      else pure Nothing
  local f (Test t) = Test (local f t)
  reader f = Test (Just <$> reader f)

instance Monad Test where
  fail = crash . T.pack
  return a = Test $ do
    allowed <- asks actionAllowed
    pure $ if allowed
      then Just a
      else Nothing
  Test a >>= f = Test $ do
    a' <- a
    case a' of
      Nothing -> pure Nothing
      Just a'' -> let Test t = f a'' in t

instance Functor Test where
  fmap = liftM

instance Applicative Test where
  pure = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance MonadIO Test where
  liftIO action = do
    allowed <- asks actionAllowed
    if allowed
      then wrap $ Test (Just <$> liftIO action)
      else Test (pure Nothing)

instance Alternative Test where
  empty = Test (pure Nothing)
  Test t1 <|> Test t2 = Test $ do
    env <- ask
    (rng1, rng2) <- liftIO . atomically $ do
      currentRng <- readTVar (envRng env)
      let (rng1, rng2) = Random.split currentRng
      (,) <$> newTVar rng1 <*> newTVar rng2
    lift $ do
      _ <- runWrap (env { envRng = rng1 }) t1
      runWrap (env { envRng = rng2 }) t2

instance MonadPlus Test where
  mzero = empty
  mplus = (<|>)

instance IsString (Test a -> Test a) where
  fromString str = scope (T.pack str)