{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | -- Module : Text.EDE.Internal.Parser -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2022 Brendan Hay -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- /Warning/: this is an internal module, and does not have a stable -- API or name. Functions in this module may not check or enforce -- preconditions expected by public modules. Use at your own risk! module Text.EDE.Internal.Parser where import Control.Applicative (Alternative ((<|>))) import qualified Control.Comonad as Comonad import Control.Comonad.Cofree (Cofree ((:<))) import Control.Lens ((%=)) import qualified Control.Lens as Lens import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, unless, void) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState, StateT) import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as State import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import Data.Aeson.Types (Value (..)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.Char as Char import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.Scientific (Scientific) import qualified Data.Scientific as Scientific import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text.Encoding import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import Text.EDE.Internal.AST import Text.EDE.Internal.Compat import Text.EDE.Internal.Syntax import Text.EDE.Internal.Types import qualified Text.Parser.Expression as Expression import Text.Parser.LookAhead (lookAhead) import qualified Text.Parser.LookAhead as LookAhead import Text.Parser.Token.Style (buildSomeSpaceParser) import Text.Trifecta (DeltaParsing, TokenParsing) import qualified Text.Trifecta as Trifecta import Text.Trifecta.Delta (Delta) import qualified Text.Trifecta.Delta as Trifecta.Delta data Env = Env { _settings :: !Syntax, _includes :: HashMap Text (NonEmpty Delta), _extends :: HashMap Text (NonEmpty Delta), _blocks :: HashMap Text (Exp Delta) } $(Lens.makeLenses ''Env) instance HasSyntax Env where syntax = settings type Parser m = ( Monad m, MonadFail m, MonadState Env m, Trifecta.TokenParsing m, Trifecta.DeltaParsing m, LookAhead.LookAheadParsing m, Trifecta.Errable m ) newtype EDE a = EDE {runEDE :: Trifecta.Parser a} deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadFail, MonadPlus, Trifecta.Parsing, Trifecta.CharParsing, Trifecta.DeltaParsing, LookAhead.LookAheadParsing, Trifecta.Errable ) instance TokenParsing EDE where nesting (EDE m) = EDE $ Trifecta.nesting m {-# INLINE nesting #-} someSpace = EDE $ Trifecta.skipMany (Trifecta.satisfy $ \c -> c /= '\n' && Char.isSpace c) {-# INLINE someSpace #-} semi = EDE Trifecta.semi {-# INLINE semi #-} highlight h (EDE m) = EDE (Trifecta.highlight h m) {-# INLINE highlight #-} instance Trifecta.Errable (StateT Env EDE) where raiseErr = lift . Trifecta.raiseErr runParser :: Syntax -> Text -> ByteString -> Result (Exp Delta, HashMap Text (NonEmpty Delta), HashMap Text (NonEmpty Delta), HashMap Text (Exp Delta)) runParser o n = res . Trifecta.parseByteString (runEDE run) pos where run = State.runStateT (pragma *> document <* Trifecta.eof) (Env o mempty mempty mempty) pos = Trifecta.Delta.Directed (Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 n) 0 0 0 0 res = \case Trifecta.Success (x, env) -> if null (_extends env) then Success (x, _includes env, _extends env, _blocks env) else -- In case the template extends another template we arrange the contained -- blocks in a way that make it easy to evaluate the "inheritance" mechanism. let x' = HashMap.foldrWithKey eOverrideBlock x (_blocks env) in Success (x', _includes env, _extends env, _blocks env) Trifecta.Failure e -> Failure (Trifecta._errDoc e) pragma :: Parser m => m () pragma = void . Trifecta.many $ do !xs <- pragmal *> Trifecta.symbol "EDE_SYNTAX" *> Trifecta.sepBy field spaces <* trimr pragmar mapM_ (uncurry Lens.assign) xs where field = (,) <$> setter <* Trifecta.symbol "=" <*> Trifecta.parens delim delim = (,) <$> Trifecta.stringLiteral <* Trifecta.symbol "," <*> Trifecta.stringLiteral setter = pragmak "pragma" *> pure delimPragma <|> pragmak "inline" *> pure delimInline <|> pragmak "comment" *> pure delimComment <|> pragmak "block" *> pure delimBlock document :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) document = eapp <$> Trifecta.position <*> Trifecta.many (blankLine <|> statement <|> inline <|> fragment) inline :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) inline = Trifecta.between inlinel inliner term fragment :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) fragment = ann (ELit <$> pack (Trifecta.notFollowedBy end0 >> Trifecta.try line0 <|> line1)) where line0 = manyTill1 (Trifecta.noneOf "\n") (Trifecta.try (lookAhead end0) <|> Trifecta.eof) line1 = manyEndBy1 Trifecta.anyChar Trifecta.newline end0 = void (inlinel <|> blockl <|> Trifecta.try end1) end1 = multiLine (pure ()) (manyTill1 Trifecta.anyChar (lookAhead blockr)) statement :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) statement = Trifecta.choice [ ifelif, cases, loop, include, set, block', extends', binding, raw, comment ] block :: Parser m => String -> m a -> m a block k p = Trifecta.try (multiLine (keyword k) p) <|> singleLine (keyword k) p multiLine :: Parser m => m b -> m a -> m a multiLine s = Trifecta.between (Trifecta.try (triml blockl *> s)) (trimr blockr) singleLine :: Parser m => m b -> m a -> m a singleLine s = Trifecta.between (Trifecta.try (blockl *> s)) blockr blankLine :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) blankLine = do c <- Trifecta.Delta.column <$> Trifecta.position unless (c == 0) $ fail "expected blank line" ann (ELit . String . Text.singleton <$> Trifecta.newline) ifelif :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) ifelif = eif <$> branch "if" <*> Trifecta.many (branch "elif") <*> else' <* exit "endif" where branch k = (,) <$> block k term <*> document cases :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) cases = ecase <$> block "case" term <*> Trifecta.many ( (,) <$> block "when" pattern <*> document ) <*> else' <* exit "endcase" loop :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) loop = do (i, v) <- block "for" ( (,) <$> identifier <*> (keyword "in" *> collection) ) d <- document eempty v (Comonad.extract v :< ELoop i v d) <$> else' <* exit "endfor" include :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) include = block "include" $ do d <- Trifecta.position k <- Trifecta.stringLiteral includes %= HashMap.insertWith (<>) k (d :| []) elet <$> scope <*> pure (d :< EIncl k) where scope = Trifecta.optional $ (,) <$> (keyword "with" *> identifier) <*> (Trifecta.symbol "=" *> term) extends' :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) extends' = block "extends" $ do d <- Trifecta.position k <- Trifecta.stringLiteral extends %= HashMap.insertWith (<>) k (d :| []) pure (d :< EExt k) binding :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) binding = elet . Just <$> block "let" ( (,) <$> identifier <*> (Trifecta.symbol "=" *> term) ) <*> document <* exit "endlet" set :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) set = eset <$> block "set" identifier <*> document <* exit "endset" <*> document block' :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) block' = do k <- block "block" identifier e <- document _ <- exit "endblock" blocks %= HashMap.insert k e pure (eblock k e) raw :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) raw = ann (ELit <$> body) where body = start *> pack (Trifecta.manyTill Trifecta.anyChar (lookAhead end)) <* end start = block "raw" (pure ()) end = exit "endraw" -- FIXME: this is due to the whitespace sensitive nature of the parser making -- it difficult to do what most applicative parsers do by skipping comments -- as part of the whitespace. comment :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) comment = ann (ELit <$> pure (String mempty) <* (Trifecta.try (triml (trimr go)) <|> go)) where go = (commentStyle <$> commentl <*> commentr) >>= buildSomeSpaceParser (fail "whitespace significant") else' :: Parser m => m (Maybe (Exp Delta)) else' = Trifecta.optional (block "else" (pure ()) *> document) exit :: Parser m => String -> m () exit k = block k (pure ()) pattern :: Parser m => m Pat pattern = PWild <$ Trifecta.char '_' <|> PVar <$> variable <|> PLit <$> literal term :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) term = chainl1' term0 (Trifecta.try filter') (Trifecta.symbol "|" *> pure efilter) <|> term0 term0 :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) term0 = Expression.buildExpressionParser table expr where table = [ [prefix "!"], [infix' "*", infix' "/"], [infix' "-", infix' "+"], [infix' "==", infix' "!=", infix' ">", infix' ">=", infix' "<", infix' "<="], [infix' "&&"], [infix' "||"] ] prefix n = Expression.Prefix (efun <$ operator n <*> pure n) infix' n = Expression.Infix ( do d <- operator n pure $ \l r -> d :< EApp (efun n l) r ) Expression.AssocLeft expr = Trifecta.parens term <|> ann (EVar <$> variable) <|> ann (ELit <$> literal) filter' :: Parser m => m (Id, [Exp Delta]) filter' = (,) <$> identifier <*> (Trifecta.parens (Trifecta.commaSep1 term) <|> pure []) collection :: Parser m => m (Exp Delta) collection = ann (EVar <$> variable <|> ELit <$> col) where col = (Object . fromHashMapText) <$> object <|> Array <$> array <|> String <$> Trifecta.stringLiteral literal :: Parser m => m Value literal = Bool <$> bool <|> Number <$> number <|> String <$> Trifecta.stringLiteral <|> (Object . fromHashMapText) <$> object <|> Array <$> array number :: Parser m => m Scientific number = either fromIntegral Scientific.fromFloatDigits <$> Trifecta.integerOrDouble bool :: Parser m => m Bool bool = Trifecta.symbol "true" *> pure True <|> Trifecta.symbol "false" *> pure False object :: Parser m => m (HashMap Text Value) object = HashMap.fromList <$> Trifecta.braces (Trifecta.commaSep pair) where pair = (,) <$> (Trifecta.stringLiteral <* Trifecta.spaces) <*> (Trifecta.char ':' *> Trifecta.spaces *> literal) array :: Parser m => m (Vector Value) array = Vector.fromList <$> Trifecta.brackets (Trifecta.commaSep literal) operator :: Parser m => Text -> m Delta operator n = Trifecta.position <* Trifecta.reserveText operatorStyle n keyword :: Parser m => String -> m Delta keyword k = Trifecta.position <* Trifecta.try (Trifecta.reserve keywordStyle k) variable :: (Monad m, TokenParsing m) => m Var variable = Var <$> (NonEmpty.fromList <$> Trifecta.sepBy1 identifier (Trifecta.char '.')) identifier :: (Monad m, TokenParsing m) => m Id identifier = Trifecta.ident variableStyle spaces :: (Monad m, TokenParsing m) => m () spaces = Trifecta.skipMany (Trifecta.oneOf "\t ") manyTill1 :: Alternative m => m a -> m b -> m [a] manyTill1 p end = (:) <$> p <*> Trifecta.manyTill p end manyEndBy1 :: Alternative m => m a -> m a -> m [a] manyEndBy1 p end = go where go = (: []) <$> end <|> (:) <$> p <*> go chainl1' :: Alternative m => m a -> m b -> m (a -> b -> a) -> m a chainl1' l r op = scan where scan = flip id <$> l <*> rst rst = (\f y g x -> g (f x y)) <$> op <*> r <*> rst <|> pure id ann :: (DeltaParsing m, Functor f) => m (f (Fix f)) -> m (Cofree f Delta) ann p = cofreeFix <$> Trifecta.position <*> (Fix <$> p) pack :: Functor f => f String -> f Value pack = fmap (String . Text.pack) triml :: Parser m => m a -> m a triml p = do c <- Trifecta.Delta.column <$> Trifecta.position if c == 0 then Trifecta.spaces *> p else fail "left whitespace removal failed" trimr :: Parser m => m a -> m a trimr p = p <* Trifecta.newline -- <* Trifecta.newline pragmak :: Parser m => String -> m () pragmak = Trifecta.reserve pragmaStyle pragmal, pragmar :: Parser m => m String pragmal = left delimPragma >>= Trifecta.symbol pragmar = right delimPragma >>= Trifecta.string commentl, commentr :: MonadState Env m => m String commentl = left delimComment commentr = right delimComment inlinel, inliner :: Parser m => m String inlinel = left delimInline >>= Trifecta.symbol inliner = right delimInline >>= Trifecta.string blockl, blockr :: Parser m => m String blockl = left delimBlock >>= Trifecta.symbol blockr = right delimBlock >>= Trifecta.string left, right :: MonadState s m => Lens.Getter s Delim -> m String left d = State.gets (fst . Lens.view d) right d = State.gets (snd . Lens.view d)