module Main where import Control.Exception (AsyncException(..), catch) import Control.Monad.Except import Data.Version import Data.List import Text.Regex.Posix import System.Environment import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory) import System.FilePath (()) import System.Console.Haskeline hiding (handle, catch, throwTo) import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitWith) import Language.Egison import qualified Language.Egison.CmdOptions as ET import Language.Egison.Completion (completeEgison) import qualified Language.Egison.Parser.NonS as Parser import qualified Paths_egison_tutorial as P main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let (actions, nonOpts, _) = getOpt Permute options args let opts = foldl (flip id) defaultOptions actions case opts of Options {optShowSections = True} -> putStrLn $ show tutorial Options {optSection = Just sn, optSubSection = Just ssn} -> do let sn' = (read sn) :: Int let ssn' = (read ssn) :: Int let ret = case tutorial of Tutorial ss -> if 0 < sn' && sn' <= length ss then case nth sn' ss of Section _ cs -> if 0 < ssn' && ssn' <= length cs then showContent $ nth ssn' cs else "error: content out of range" else "error: section out of range" putStrLn ret Options {optShowHelp = True} -> printHelp Options {optShowVersion = True} -> printVersionNumber Options {optPrompt = prompt} -> do env <- initialEnv ET.defaultOption case nonOpts of [] -> showBanner >> repl env prompt _ -> printHelp data Options = Options { optShowVersion :: Bool, optShowHelp :: Bool, optPrompt :: String, optShowSections :: Bool, optSection :: Maybe String, optSubSection :: Maybe String } defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options { optShowVersion = False, optShowHelp = False, optPrompt = "> ", optShowSections = False, optSection = Nothing, optSubSection = Nothing } options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)] options = [ Option ['v', 'V'] ["version"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts {optShowVersion = True})) "show version number", Option ['h', '?'] ["help"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts {optShowHelp = True})) "show usage information", Option ['p'] ["prompt"] (ReqArg (\prompt opts -> opts {optPrompt = prompt}) "String") "set prompt string", Option ['l'] ["list"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts {optShowSections = True})) "show section list", Option ['s'] ["section"] (ReqArg (\sn opts -> opts {optSection = Just sn}) "String") "set section number", Option ['c'] ["subsection"] (ReqArg (\ssn opts -> opts {optSubSection = Just ssn}) "String") "set subsection number" ] printHelp :: IO () printHelp = do putStrLn "Usage: egison-tutorial [options]" putStrLn "" putStrLn "Options:" putStrLn " --help Display this information" putStrLn " --version Display egison version information" putStrLn " --prompt string Set prompt of the interpreter" putStrLn "" exitWith ExitSuccess printVersionNumber :: IO () printVersionNumber = do putStrLn $ showVersion P.version exitWith ExitSuccess showBanner :: IO () showBanner = do putStrLn $ "Egison Tutorial Version " ++ showVersion P.version putStrLn $ "Welcome to Egison Tutorial!" putStrLn $ "** Information **" putStrLn $ "We can use a \"Tab\" key to complete keywords on the interpreter." putStrLn $ "If we type a \"Tab\" key after a closed parenthesis, the next closed parenthesis will be completed." putStrLn $ "*****************" showFinishMessage :: IO () showFinishMessage = do putStrLn $ "You have finished this section." putStrLn $ "Thank you!" showByebyeMessage :: IO () showByebyeMessage = do putStrLn $ "Leaving Egison Tutorial.\nByebye." yesOrNo :: String -> IO Bool yesOrNo question = do input <- liftIO $ runInputT nonReplSettings $ getInputLine $ question ++ " (Y/n): " case input of Nothing -> return True (Just "") -> return True (Just "y") -> return True (Just "Y") -> return True (Just "n") -> return False (Just "N") -> return False _ -> yesOrNo question nth :: Int -> [a] -> a nth n = head . drop (n - 1) selectSection :: Tutorial -> IO Section selectSection tutorial@(Tutorial sections) = do putStrLn $ take 30 $ repeat '=' putStrLn $ "List of sections in the tutorial." putStrLn $ show tutorial putStrLn $ take 30 $ repeat '=' putStrLn $ "Choose a section to learn." n <- getNumber (length sections) return $ nth n sections getNumber :: Int -> IO Int getNumber n = do input <- liftIO $ runInputT nonReplSettings $ getInputLine $ "(1-" ++ show n ++ "): " case input of (Just "1") -> return 1 (Just "2") -> return 2 (Just "3") -> return 3 (Just "4") -> return 4 (Just "5") -> return 5 (Just "6") -> return 6 (Just "7") -> return 7 _ -> do putStrLn "Invalid input!" getNumber n -- |Get Egison expression from the prompt. We can handle multiline input. getEgisonExprOrNewLine :: Options -> InputT IO (Either (Maybe String) (String, EgisonTopExpr)) getEgisonExprOrNewLine opts = getEgisonExprOrNewLine' opts "" getEgisonExprOrNewLine' :: Options -> String -> InputT IO (Either (Maybe String) (String, EgisonTopExpr)) getEgisonExprOrNewLine' opts prev = do mLine <- case prev of "" -> getInputLine $ optPrompt opts _ -> getInputLine $ replicate (length $ optPrompt opts) ' ' case mLine of Nothing -> return $ Left Nothing Just [] -> return $ Left $ Just "" Just line -> do let input = prev ++ line let parsedExpr = Parser.parseTopExpr input case parsedExpr of Left err | show err =~ "unexpected end of input" -> getEgisonExprOrNewLine' opts $ input ++ "\n" Left err -> do liftIO $ print err getEgisonExprOrNewLine opts Right topExpr -> return $ Right (input, topExpr) replSettings :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Settings m replSettings home = Settings { complete = completeEgison , historyFile = Just (home ".egison_history") , autoAddHistory = True } nonReplSettings :: MonadIO m => Settings m nonReplSettings = Settings { complete = noCompletion , historyFile = Nothing , autoAddHistory = False } repl :: Env -> String -> IO () repl env prompt = do section <- selectSection tutorial case section of Section _ cs -> loop env cs True where loop :: Env -> [Content] -> Bool -> IO () loop env [] _ = do -- liftIO $ showFinishMessage liftIO $ repl env prompt loop env (content:contents) b = (do if b then liftIO $ putStrLn $ show content else return () home <- getHomeDirectory input <- liftIO $ runInputT (replSettings home) $ getEgisonExprOrNewLine defaultOptions case input of Left Nothing -> do b <- yesOrNo "Do you want to quit?" if b then return () else do b <- yesOrNo "Do you want to proceed next?" if b then loop env contents True else loop env (content:contents) False Left (Just "") -> do b <- yesOrNo "Do you want to proceed next?" if b then loop env contents True else loop env (content:contents) False Right (topExpr, _) -> do result <- liftIO $ runEgisonTopExpr ET.defaultOption env topExpr case result of Left err -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ show err loop env (content:contents) False Right env' -> loop env' (content:contents) False) `catch` (\e -> case e of UserInterrupt -> putStrLn "" >> loop env (content:contents) False StackOverflow -> putStrLn "Stack over flow!" >> loop env (content:contents) False HeapOverflow -> putStrLn "Heap over flow!" >> loop env (content:contents) False _ -> putStrLn "error!" >> loop env (content:contents) False ) data Tutorial = Tutorial [Section] -- |title and contents data Section = Section String [Content] -- |explanation, examples, and exercises data Content = Content String [String] [String] instance Show Tutorial where show = showTutorial instance Show Section where show = showSection instance Show Content where show = showContent showTutorial :: Tutorial -> String showTutorial (Tutorial sections) = let n = length sections in intercalate "\n" $ map (\(n, section) -> show n ++ ": " ++ show section) $ zip [1..n] sections showSection :: Section -> String showSection (Section title _) = title showContent :: Content -> String showContent (Content msg examples exercises) = "====================\n" ++ msg ++ "\n" ++ (case examples of [] -> "" _ -> "\nExamples:\n" ++ (intercalate "\n" (map (\example -> " " ++ example) examples)) ++ "\n") ++ (case exercises of [] -> "" _ -> "\nExercises:\n" ++ (intercalate "\n" (map (\exercise -> " " ++ exercise) exercises)) ++ "\n") ++ "====================" tutorial :: Tutorial tutorial = Tutorial [Section "Arithmetic" [ Content "We can do arithmetic operations with \"+\", \"-\", \"*\", \"/\", \"^\" and \"modulo\"." ["1 + 2", "30 - 15", "10 * 20", "20 / 5", "2 ^ 10", "modulo 17 4"] [], Content "We can nest expressions." ["10 * 20 + 2", "10 * 20 / (10 + 20)"] ["Try calculating \"(100 - 1) * (100 + 1)\"."], Content "We support rational numbers." ["2 / 3 + 1 / 5", "42 / 84"] [], Content "We support floats, too." ["10.2 + 1.3", "10.2 + 1"] [], Content "We can convert a rational number to a float number with \"rtof\"." ["rtof (1 / 5)", "rtof (1 / 100)"] [], Content "We can handle collections of numbers.\nWe construct collections with \"[]\"." ["[]", "[10]", "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"] [], Content "We can decompose a collection using the \"head\" and \"tail\" function." ["head [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]", "tail [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]", "head (tail [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])"] ["Try to extract the third element of the collection \"[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\" with \"head\" and \"tail\"."], Content "With the \"take\" function, we can extract a head part of a collection." ["take 0 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]", "take 3 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"] [], Content "We can handle infinite lists.\nFor example, \"nats\" and \"primes\" are an infinite list that contains all natural numbers and prime numbers respectively.\nTry to extract a head part from them." ["take 10 nats", "take 30 nats", "take 10 primes", "take 30 primes"] ["What is the 100th prime number?"], Content "Functions are written as \"\\x -> ... \"." ["(\\x -> x + 1) 2", "(\\x y -> x + y) 2 3"] [], Content "We can use section notation of Haskell." ["(+) 2 3", "(* 2) 3", "(4 -) 3"] [], Content "With the \"map\" function, we can operate each element of the collection at once." ["take 100 (map (* 2) nats)", "take 100 (map (\\x -> modulo x 3) nats)"] [], Content "With the \"foldl\" function, we can gather together all elements of the collection using an operator you like." ["foldl (+) 0 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]", "foldl (*) 1 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"] ["Try to get the sum of from 1 to 100."], Content "Try to create a sequence of numbers \"[1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ..., 1/100]\"." [] [], Content "Try calculating \"1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... + 1/100\".\nRemember that we can convert a rational number to a float number with \"rtof\"." ["rtof (2 / 3)"] [], Content "Try calculating \"1 + (1/2)^2 + (1/3)^2 + (1/4)^2 + ... + (1/100)^2\".\nIn fact, \"1 + (1/2)^2 + (1/3)^2 + (1/4)^2 + ...\" converges to \"f./ (f.* f.pi f.pi) 6.0\"." [] [], Content "This is the end of this section.\nPlease play freely or proceed to the next section.\nThank you for enjoying our tutorial!" [] [] ], Section "Basics of functional programming" [ Content "We can bind a value to a variable with \":=\" (not \"=\").\nWe can easily get the value we bound to a variable." ["x := 10", "x", "y := 1 + x", "y"] [], Content "We support recursive definitions. It enables us to define a collection with infinite elements." ["ones := 1 :: ones", "take 100 ones", "nats := 1 :: map (\\n -> n + 1) nats", "take 100 nats", "odds := 1 :: map (\\n -> n + 2) odds", "take 100 odds"] ["Try to define the infinite list of even numbers like [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ...]."], Content "Let's define functions and test them." ["increment x := x + 1", "increment 10", "multiply x y := x * y", "multiply 10 20", "fact n := foldl (*) 1 (take n nats)", "fact 10"] [], Content "We can compare numbers using functions that return boolean values, \"True\" and \"False\".\nFunctions that return boolean values are called \"predicates\"." ["1 = 1", "1 < 1", "1 <= 1", "1 > 1", "1 >= 1"] [], Content "Using the \"takeWhile\" function, we can get the prefix of the second argument list whose elements satisfy the predicate of the first argument.\n\"primes\" is a infinite list that contains all prime numbers." ["takeWhile (\\n -> n < 100) primes", "takeWhile (\\n -> n < 1000) primes"] [], Content "With the \"filter\" function, we can extract all elements that satisfy the predicate." ["take 100 (filter isEven nats)", "take 100 (filter isPrime nats)", "take 100 (filter (\\p -> (modulo p 4) == 1) primes)"] ["Try to enumerate the first 100 primes that are congruent to 3 modulo 4."], Content "We combine objects by enclosing them by \"(\", and \")\".\nThese things are called \"tuples\".\nNote that a tuple that consists of only one element is equal to that element itself." ["(1, 2)", "(1, 2, 3)", "(1)", "((1))"] [], Content "Using the \"zip\" function, we can combine two lists as follows." ["take 100 (zip nats nats)", "take 100 (zip primes primes)"] ["Try to generate the prime table as \"[(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 5), (4, 7), (5, 11), ...]\"."], Content "Try to create a Fibonacci sequence \"[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ...]\".\n\nHint:\n Replace \"???\" in the following expression to a proper function.\n fibs := 1 :: 1 :: map ??? (zip fibs (tail fibs))" [] [], Content "This is the end of this section.\nPlease play freely or proceed to the next section.\nThank you for enjoying our tutorial!" [] [] ], Section "Basics of pattern matching" [ Content "Let's try pattern-matching for a collection.\nThe \"join\" pattern (++) divides a collection into two collections.\nNote that the matchAll expression enumerates all the decompositions." ["matchAll [1, 2, 3] as list integer with $hs ++ $ts -> (hs, ts)", "matchAll [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as list integer with $hs ++ $ts -> (hs, ts)"] [], Content "Try another pattern constructor \"cons\" (::).\nThe \"cons\" pattern (::) divides a collection into the head element and the rest collection.\n" ["matchAll [1, 2, 3] as list integer with $x :: $xs -> (x ,xs)", "matchAll [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as list integer with $x :: $xs -> (x, xs)"] [], Content "\"_\" is a wildcard and matches with any objects." ["matchAll [1, 2, 3] as list integer with $x :: _ -> x", "matchAll [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as list integer with $hs ++ _ -> hs"] [], Content "We can write non-linear patterns.\nA non-linear pattern is a pattern that allows multiple occurrences of the same variables in a pattern.\nA pattern that begins with \"#\" matches the target when it is equal with the expression after \"#\"." ["matchAll [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2] as list integer with _ ++ $x :: #x :: _ -> x", "matchAll [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2] as list integer with _ ++ $x :: #(x + 1) :: _ -> x"] [], Content "Egison can handle pattern matching with infinitely many results.\nFor example, we can enumerate twin primes using pattern matching as follows." ["take 10 (matchAll primes as list integer with _ ++ $p :: #(p + 2) :: _ -> (p, p + 2))"] ["What is the 100th twin prime?"], Content "Try to enumerate the first 10 prime pairs whose form is (p, p + 6) like \"[(5, 11), (7, 13), (11, 17), (13, 19), (17, 23), ...]\"." [] [], Content "A pattern that begins with \"!\" is called not-pattern.\nA not-pattern matches when the pattern does not match the target." ["matchAll [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2] as list integer with _ ++ $x :: #x :: _ -> x", "matchAll [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2] as list integer with _ ++ $x :: !#x :: _ -> x"] [], Content "A pattern whose form is \"p1 & p2\" is called and-pattern.\nAn and-pattern is a pattern that matches the target if and only if both p1 and p2 matches.\nThe and-pattern in the following sample is used like an as-pattern." ["take 10 (matchAll primes as list integer with _ ++ $p :: (!#(p + 2) & $q) :: _ -> (p, q))"] [], Content "A pattern whose form is \"p1 | p2\" is called or-pattern.\nAn or-pattern matches with the target, if p1 or p2 matches the target.\nIn the following sample, we enumerate prime triplets." ["take 10 (matchAll primes as list integer with _ ++ $p :: ($m & (#(p + 2) | #(p + 4))) :: #(p + 6) :: _ -> (p, m, (p + 6)))"] ["What is the 20th prime triplet?"], Content "Try to enumerate the first 4 prime quadruples whose form is (p, p + 2, p + 6, p + 8) like \"[(5, 7, 11, 13), (11, 13, 17, 19), ...]\"." [] [], Content "This is the end of this section.\nPlease play freely or proceed to the next section.\nThank you for enjoying our tutorial!" [] [] ], Section "Pattern matching for multisets and sets" [ Content "We can describe pattern matching for multisets and sets.\nWe can change the interpretation of patterns by changing the matcher, the second argument of the matchAll expression).\nThe meaning of the cons pattern (::) is generalized to divide a collection into \"an\" element and the rest." ["matchAll [1, 2, 3] as list integer with $x :: $xs -> (x, xs)", "matchAll [1, 2, 3] as multiset integer with $x :: $xs -> (x, xs)", "matchAll [1, 2, 3] as set integer with $x :: $xs -> (x, xs)"] [], Content "Try another pattern constructor \"join\" (++).\nThe \"join\" pattern (++) divides a collection into two collections." ["matchAll [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as list integer with $xs ++ $ys -> (xs, ys)", "matchAll [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as multiset integer with $xs ++ $ys -> (xs, ys)", "matchAll [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as set integer with $xs ++ $ys -> (xs, ys)"] [], Content "Try non-linear pattern matching against multiset." ["matchAll [1, 2, 1, 3, 2] as multiset integer with $x :: #x :: _ -> x", "matchAll [1, 2, 1, 3, 2] as multiset integer with $x :: #(x + 2) :: _ -> x", "matchAll [1, 2, 1, 3, 2] as multiset integer with $x :: !(#(x + 2) :: _) -> x"] [], Content "Pattern matching of Egison efficiently backtracks for non-linear patterns.\nFor example, all the following pattern-matching expressions are processed in O(n^2)." ["matchAll [1..30] as multiset integer with $x :: #x :: _ -> x", "matchAll [1..30] as multiset integer with $x :: #x :: #x :: _ -> x", "matchAll [1..30] as multiset integer with $x :: #x :: #x :: #x _ -> x"] [], Content "Egison is designed to enumerate all the infinitely many pattern-matching results.\nThe following samples enumerate pairs and triplets of natural numbers." ["matchAll nats as set integer with $x :: $y :: _ -> (x, y)", "matchAll nats as set integer with $x :: $y :: $z :: _ -> (x, y, z)"] [], Content "This is the end of this section.\nPlease play freely or proceed to the next section.\nThank you for enjoying our tutorial!" [] [] ], Section "Symbolic computation" [ Content "Egison treats unbound variables as a symbol." ["x + 1", "x + x", "2 * x + y"] [], Content "Egison automatically expands an expression to the canonical form." ["(x + y) * (x + y)", "(x + y)^2", "(x + y)^3"] [], Content "Egison can handle complex numbers.\n\"i\" represents the imaginary unit." ["i * i", "(1 + i)^2", "(1 + i)^4"] [], Content "Egison can handle algebraic numbers such as \"sqrt 2\" and \"sqrt 3\"." ["sqrt 12", "sqrt 2 * sqrt 2", "sqrt 2 * sqrt 3", "(rt 3 2)^3"] [], Content "Egison can handle the trigonometric functions such as \"cos θ\" and \"sin θ\"." ["(cos θ)^2 + (sin θ)^2"] [], Content "Here are several samples for symbolic computation in Egison.\nPlease visit the link!\n" [ ] [], Content "This is the end of this section.\nPlease play freely or proceed to the next section.\nThank you for enjoying our tutorial!" [] [] ], Section "Differential geometry: tensor analysis" [ Content "We can handle vectors.\nWe construct vectors with \"[| |]\"." ["[| 1, 2, 3 |]", "[| 1, 2, 3 |] + [| 1, 2, 3 |]" ] [], Content "We can append a symbolical index to vectors." ["[| 1, 2, 3 |]_i + [| 1, 2, 3 |]_i", "[| 1, 2, 3 |]_i + [| 1, 2, 3 |]_j" ] [], Content "The \".\" function is a function for multiplying tensors." ["[| 1, 2, 3 |]_i . [| 1, 2, 3 |]_i", "[| 1, 2, 3 |]_i . [| 1, 2, 3 |]_j" ] [], Content "We can handle both of superscripts (~) and subscripts(_).\nThe \".\" function supports Einstein summation notation." ["[| 1, 2, 3 |]~i . [| 1, 2, 3 |]_i" ] [], Content "Matrix is represented as a vector of vectors." ["[| [| 1, 2, 3 |], [| 10, 20, 30 |] |]" ] [], Content "Matrix multiplication is represented as follows using tensor index notation." ["[| [| a, b |], [| c, d |] |]~i_j . [| [| x, y |], [| z, w |] |]~j_k" ] [], Content "The function defined using scalar parameters (prepended by \"$\") are automatically mapped to each component of tensors." ["min $x $y := if x < y then x else y", "min [| 1, 2, 3 |]_i [| 10, 20, 30 |]_i", "min [| 1, 2, 3 |]_i [| 10, 20, 30 |]_j" ] [], Content "The function defined using tensor parameters (prepended by \"%\") treats a tensor as a whole.\nIf we prepend " ["det2 %X := X_1_1 * X_2_2 - X_1_2 * X_2_1", "det2 [| [| 2, 1 |], [| 1, 2 |] |]", "det2 [| [| a, b |], [| c, d |] |]" ] [], Content "Here are several samples of tensor analysis in programming.\nPlease visit the link!\n" [ ] [], Content "This is the end of this section.\nPlease play freely or proceed to the next section.\nThank you for enjoying our tutorial!" [] [] ], Section "Differential geometry: differential forms" [ Content "By default, the same indices are completed to each tensor of the arguments." ["[| 1, 2, 3 |] + [| 1, 2, 3 |] -- => [| 1, 2, 3 |]_t1 + [| 1, 2, 3 |]_t1" ] [], Content "When “!” is prepended to the function application, the different indices are completed to each tensor of the arguments." ["[| 1, 2, 3 |] !+ [| 1, 2, 3 |] -- => [| 1, 2, 3 |]_t1 + [| 1, 2, 3 |]_t2" ] [], Content "1-forms on Euclid space and Wedge product are represented as follows.\n\"!\" is effectively used in the definition of Wedge product." ["dx := [| 1, 0, 0 |]", "dy := [| 0, 1, 0 |]", "dz := [| 0, 0, 1 |]", "wedge %A %B := A !. B", "wedge dx dy" ] [], Content "The \"dfNormalize\" function converts a differential form to the antisymmetric tensor." ["wedge dx dy", "dfNormalize (wedge dx dy)" ] [], Content "Exterior derivative is defined as follows.\n\"!\" is effectively used in the definition of exterior derivative." ["params := [| x, y, z |]", "d %A := !((flip ∂/∂) params A)", "d (f x y z)", "d (d (f x y z))", "dfNormalize (d (d (f x y z)))" ] [], Content "Here are several samples for representing differential forms in programming.\nPlease visit the link!\n" [ ] [], Content "This is the end of our tutorial.\nThank you for enjoying our tutorial!\nPlease check our paper, manual and code for further reference!" [] [] ] ]