module String where {-| A built-in representation for efficient string manipulation. String literals are enclosed in `"double quotes"`. Strings are *not* lists of characters. # Basics @docs isEmpty, length, reverse, repeat # Building and Splitting @docs cons, uncons, fromChar, append, concat, split, join, words, lines # Get Substrings @docs slice, left, right, dropLeft, dropRight # Check for Substrings @docs contains, startsWith, endsWith, indexes, indices # Conversions @docs toInt, toFloat, toList, fromList # Formatting Cosmetic operations such as padding with extra characters or trimming whitespace. @docs toUpper, toLower, pad, padLeft, padRight, trim, trimLeft, trimRight # Higher-Order Functions @docs map, filter, foldl, foldr, any, all -} import Native.String import Char import Maybe (Maybe) import Result (Result) {-| Determine if a string is empty. isEmpty "" == True isEmpty "the world" == False -} isEmpty : String -> Bool isEmpty = Native.String.isEmpty {-| Add a character to the beginning of a string. -} cons : Char -> String -> String cons = Native.String.cons {-| Create a string from a given character. fromChar 'a' == "a" -} fromChar : Char -> String fromChar char = cons char "" {-| Split a non-empty string into its head and tail. This lets you pattern match on strings exactly as you would with lists. uncons "abc" == Just ('a',"bc") uncons "" == Nothing -} uncons : String -> Maybe (Char, String) uncons = Native.String.uncons {-| Append two strings. You can also use [the `(++)` operator](/library/List.elm#++) to do this. append "butter" "fly" == "butterfly" -} append : String -> String -> String append = Native.String.append {-| Concatenate many strings into one. concat ["never","the","less"] == "nevertheless" -} concat : List String -> String concat = Native.String.concat {-| Get the length of a string. length "innumerable" == 11 length "" == 0 -} length : String -> Int length = Native.String.length {-| Transform every character in a string map (\c -> if c == '/' then '.' else c) "a/b/c" == "a.b.c" -} map : (Char -> Char) -> String -> String map = {-| Keep only the characters that satisfy the predicate. filter isDigit "R2-D2" == "22" -} filter : (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String filter = Native.String.filter {-| Reverse a string. reverse "stressed" == "desserts" -} reverse : String -> String reverse = Native.String.reverse {-| Reduce a string from the left. foldl cons "" "time" == "emit" -} foldl : (Char -> b -> b) -> b -> String -> b foldl = Native.String.foldl {-| Reduce a string from the right. foldr cons "" "time" == "time" -} foldr : (Char -> b -> b) -> b -> String -> b foldr = Native.String.foldr {-| Split a string using a given separator. split "," "cat,dog,cow" == ["cat","dog","cow"] split "/" "home/evan/Desktop/" == ["home","evan","Desktop", ""] Use `Regex.split` if you need something more flexible. -} split : String -> String -> List String split = Native.String.split {-| Put many strings together with a given separator. join "a" ["H","w","ii","n"] == "Hawaiian" join " " ["cat","dog","cow"] == "cat dog cow" join "/" ["home","evan","Desktop"] == "home/evan/Desktop" -} join : String -> List String -> String join = Native.String.join {-| Repeat a string *n* times. repeat 3 "ha" == "hahaha" -} repeat : Int -> String -> String repeat = Native.String.repeat {-| Take a substring given a start and end index. Negative indexes are taken starting from the *end* of the list. slice 7 9 "snakes on a plane!" == "on" slice 0 6 "snakes on a plane!" == "snakes" slice 0 -7 "snakes on a plane!" == "snakes on a" slice -6 -1 "snakes on a plane!" == "plane" -} slice : Int -> Int -> String -> String slice = Native.String.slice {-| Take *n* characters from the left side of a string. -} left : Int -> String -> String left = Native.String.left {-| Take *n* characters from the right side of a string. -} right : Int -> String -> String right = Native.String.right {-| Drop *n* characters from the left side of a string. -} dropLeft : Int -> String -> String dropLeft = Native.String.dropLeft {-| Drop *n* characters from the right side of a string. -} dropRight : Int -> String -> String dropRight = Native.String.dropRight {-| Pad a string on both sides until it has a given length. pad 5 ' ' "1" == " 1 " pad 5 ' ' "11" == " 11 " pad 5 ' ' "121" == " 121 " -} pad : Int -> Char -> String -> String pad = Native.String.pad {-| Pad a string on the left until it has a given length. padLeft 5 '.' "1" == "....1" padLeft 5 '.' "11" == "...11" padLeft 5 '.' "121" == "..121" -} padLeft : Int -> Char -> String -> String padLeft = Native.String.padLeft {-| Pad a string on the right until it has a given length. padRight 5 '.' "1" == "1...." padRight 5 '.' "11" == "11..." padRight 5 '.' "121" == "121.." -} padRight : Int -> Char -> String -> String padRight = Native.String.padRight {-| Get rid of whitespace on both sides of a string. trim " hats \n" == "hats" -} trim : String -> String trim = Native.String.trim {-| Get rid of whitespace on the left of a string. trimLeft " hats \n" == "hats \n" -} trimLeft : String -> String trimLeft = Native.String.trimLeft {-| Get rid of whitespace on the right of a string. trimRight " hats \n" == " hats" -} trimRight : String -> String trimRight = Native.String.trimRight {-| Break a string into words, splitting on chunks of whitespace. words "How are \t you? \n Good?" == ["How","are","you?","Good?"] -} words : String -> List String words = Native.String.words {-| Break a string into lines, splitting on newlines. lines "How are you?\nGood?" == ["How are you?", "Good?"] -} lines : String -> List String lines = Native.String.lines {-| Convert a string to all upper case. Useful for case insensitive comparisons and VIRTUAL YELLING. -} toUpper : String -> String toUpper = Native.String.toUpper {-| Convert a string to all lower case. Useful for case insensitive comparisons. -} toLower : String -> String toLower = Native.String.toLower {-| Determine whether *any* characters satisfy a predicate. any isDigit "90210" == True any isDigit "R2-D2" == True any isDigit "heart" == False -} any : (Char -> Bool) -> String -> Bool any = Native.String.any {-| Determine whether *all* characters satisfy a predicate. all isDigit "90210" == True all isDigit "R2-D2" == False all isDigit "heart" == False -} all : (Char -> Bool) -> String -> Bool all = Native.String.all {-| See if the second string contains the first one. contains "the" "theory" == True contains "hat" "theory" == False contains "THE" "theory" == False Use `Regex.contains` if you need something more flexible. -} contains : String -> String -> Bool contains = Native.String.contains {-| See if the second string starts with the first one. startsWith "the" "theory" == True startsWith "ory" "theory" == False -} startsWith : String -> String -> Bool startsWith = Native.String.startsWith {-| See if the second string ends with the first one. endsWith "the" "theory" == False endsWith "ory" "theory" == True -} endsWith : String -> String -> Bool endsWith = Native.String.endsWith {-| Get all of the indexes for a substring in another string. indexes "i" "Mississippi" == [1,4,7,10] indexes "ss" "Mississippi" == [2,5] indexes "needle" "haystack" == [] -} indexes : String -> String -> List Int indexes = Native.String.indexes {-| Alias for `indexes` -} indices : String -> String -> List Int indices = Native.String.indexes {-| Try to convert a string into an int, failing on improperly formatted strings. toInt "123" == Ok 123 toInt "-42" == Ok -42 toInt "3.1" == Err "could not convert string '3.1' to an Int" toInt "31a" == Err "could not convert string '31a' to an Int" -} toInt : String -> Result String Int toInt = Native.String.toInt {-| Try to convert a string into a float, failing on improperly formatted strings. toFloat "123" == Ok 123.0 toFloat "-42" == Ok -42.0 toFloat "3.1" == Ok 3.1 toFloat "31a" == Err "could not convert string '31a' to a Float" -} toFloat : String -> Result String Float toFloat = Native.String.toFloat {-| Convert a string to a list of characters. toList "abc" == ['a','b','c'] -} toList : String -> List Char toList = Native.String.toList {-| Convert a list of characters into a String. Can be useful if you want to create a string primarly by consing, perhaps for decoding something. fromList ['a','b','c'] == "abc" -} fromList : List Char -> String fromList = Native.String.fromList