module Elm.Compiler.Type
( Type(..)
, toString
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Json
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Text.PrettyPrint as P
import qualified AST.Helpers as Help
data Type
= Lambda Type Type
| Var String
| Type String
| App Type [Type]
| Record [(String, Type)] (Maybe Type)
data Context = None | ADT | Function
toString :: Type -> String
toString tipe =
P.render (toDoc None tipe)
toDoc :: Context -> Type -> P.Doc
toDoc context tipe =
case tipe of
Lambda _ _ ->
let t:ts =
map (toDoc Function) (collectLambdas tipe)
lambda =
P.sep [ t, P.sep (map (P.text "->" <+>) ts) ]
case context of
None -> lambda
_ -> P.parens lambda
Var name ->
P.text name
Type name ->
P.text (if name == "_Tuple0" then "()" else name)
App (Type name) args
| Help.isTuple name ->
[ (zipWith (<+>) (P.lparen : repeat P.comma) (map (toDoc None) args))
, P.rparen
| otherwise ->
let adt = P.hang (P.text name) 2 (P.sep $ map (toDoc ADT) args)
case (context, args) of
(ADT, _ : _) -> P.parens adt
_ -> adt
Record _ _ ->
case flattenRecord tipe of
([], Nothing) ->
P.text "{}"
(fields, Nothing) ->
[ (zipWith (<+>) (P.lbrace : repeat P.comma) (map prettyField fields))
, P.rbrace
(fields, Just x) ->
(P.lbrace <+> P.text x <+> P.text "|")
[ (zipWith (<+>) ( : repeat P.comma) (map prettyField fields))
, P.rbrace
prettyField (field, tipe) =
P.text field <+> P.text ":" <+> toDoc None tipe
collectLambdas :: Type -> [Type]
collectLambdas tipe =
case tipe of
Lambda arg body -> arg : collectLambdas body
_ -> [tipe]
flattenRecord :: Type -> ( [(String, Type)], Maybe String )
flattenRecord tipe =
case tipe of
Var x -> ([], Just x)
Record fields Nothing -> (fields, Nothing)
Record fields (Just ext) ->
let (fields',ext') = flattenRecord ext
(fields' ++ fields, ext')
_ -> error "Trying to flatten ill-formed record."
instance Json.ToJSON Type where
toJSON tipe =
Json.object (getFields tipe)
getFields tipe =
case tipe of
Lambda t1 t2 ->
[ "tag" .= ("lambda" :: Text.Text)
, "in" .= Json.toJSON t1
, "out" .= Json.toJSON t2
Var x ->
[ "tag" .= ("var" :: Text.Text)
, "name" .= Json.toJSON x
Type name ->
[ "tag" .= ("type" :: Text.Text)
, "name" .= Json.toJSON name
App t ts ->
[ "tag" .= ("app" :: Text.Text)
, "func" .= Json.toJSON t
, "args" .= Json.toJSON ts
Record fields ext ->
[ "tag" .= ("record" :: Text.Text)
, "fields" .= Json.toJSON (map (Json.toJSON . second Json.toJSON) fields)
, "extension" .= Json.toJSON ext
instance Json.FromJSON Type where
parseJSON (Json.Object obj) =
do tag <- obj .: "tag"
case (tag :: String) of
"lambda" ->
Lambda <$> obj .: "in" <*> obj .: "out"
"var" ->
Var <$> obj .: "name"
"type" ->
Type <$> obj .: "name"
"app" ->
App <$> obj .: "func" <*> obj .: "args"
"record" ->
Record <$> obj .: "fields" <*> obj .: "extension"
_ ->
fail $ "Error when decoding type with tag: " ++ tag
parseJSON value =
fail $ "Cannot decode Value from: " ++ BS.unpack (Json.encode value)