module Data.Encoding.UTF16
) where
import Data.Encoding.Base
import Data.Encoding.ByteSink
import Data.Encoding.ByteSource
import Data.Encoding.Exception
import Control.Throws
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
data UTF16
= UTF16
deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable)
readBOM :: ByteSource m => m (Either Char UTF16)
readBOM = do
ch <- decodeChar UTF16
case ch of
'\xFEFF' -> return (Right UTF16BE)
'\xFFFE' -> return (Right UTF16LE)
_ -> return (Left ch)
decodeUTF16 :: ByteSource m => (m Word16) -> m Char
decodeUTF16 fetch = do
w1 <- fetch
if w1 < 0xD800 || w1 > 0xDFFF
then return (chr $ fromIntegral w1)
else (if w1 > 0xDBFF
then throwException (IllegalCharacter (fromIntegral (w1 `shiftR` 8)))
else (do
w2 <- fetch
if w2 < 0xDC00 || w2 > 0xDFFF
then throwException (IllegalCharacter (fromIntegral (w2 `shiftR` 8)))
else let v = ((fromIntegral (w1 .&. 0x3FF)) `shiftL` 10)
.|. (fromIntegral (w2 .&. 0x3FF))
in return $ chr (v+0x10000)
encodeUTF16 :: ByteSink m => (Word16 -> m ()) -> Char -> m ()
encodeUTF16 push ch
| val<=0xDFFF && val>=0xD800 = throwException (HasNoRepresentation ch)
| val<=0x0000FFFF = push $ fromIntegral val
| val<=0x0010FFFF = let v = val 0x10000
w1 = (fromIntegral (v `shiftR` 10)) .|. 0xD800
w2 = ((fromIntegral v) .&. 0x3FF) .|. 0xDC00
in push w1 >> push w2
| otherwise = throwException (HasNoRepresentation ch)
val = ord ch
instance Encoding UTF16 where
encodeChar UTF16LE = encodeUTF16 pushWord16le
encodeChar _ = encodeUTF16 pushWord16be
decodeChar UTF16LE = decodeUTF16 fetchWord16le
decodeChar _ = decodeUTF16 fetchWord16be
encode UTF16 str = do
encodeChar UTF16 '\xFEFF'
mapM_ (encodeChar UTF16) str
encode enc str = mapM_ (encodeChar enc) str
decode UTF16 = do
res <- readBOM
case res of
Left c -> do
cs <- untilM sourceEmpty (decodeChar UTF16BE)
return (c:cs)
Right bom -> decode bom
decode enc = untilM sourceEmpty (decodeChar enc)
encodeable _ c = (c > '\xDFFF' && c <= '\x10FFFF') || c < '\xD800'