{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} -- | -- Module: $HEADER$ -- Description: Utilities for Endo data type. -- Copyright: (c) 2013-2015 Peter Trsko -- License: BSD3 -- -- Maintainer: peter.trsko@gmail.com -- Stability: experimental -- Portability: NoImplicitPrelude -- -- Utilities for 'Endo' data type from "Data.Monoid" module. module Data.Monoid.Endo ( -- * Endo E , Endo(..) , runEndo , mapEndo , mapEndo2 , liftEndo -- ** Lens , endo ) where import Data.Functor (Functor(fmap)) import Data.Monoid (Endo(..)) import Data.Function.Between ((~@~), (<~@~)) -- | Type synonym for endomorphsm; it can be used simplify type signatures. type E a = a -> a -- | Transform function wrapped in 'Endo'. mapEndo :: (E a -> E b) -> Endo a -> Endo b mapEndo = Endo ~@~ appEndo {-# INLINE mapEndo #-} -- | Variation of 'mapEndo' for functions with arity two. mapEndo2 :: (E a -> E b -> E c) -> Endo a -> Endo b -> Endo c mapEndo2 = mapEndo ~@~ appEndo {-# INLINE mapEndo2 #-} -- | Apply 'fmap' to function wrapped in 'Endo'. It's a short hand for -- @'mapEndo' 'fmap'@. liftEndo :: Functor f => Endo a -> Endo (f a) liftEndo (Endo f) = Endo (fmap f) {-# INLINE liftEndo #-} -- | Flipped version of 'appEndo'. runEndo :: a -> Endo a -> a runEndo x (Endo f) = f x {-# INLINE runEndo #-} -- | Lens for 'Endo'. In terms of /lens/ package it would have type: -- -- > endo :: Lens (Endo a) (Endo b) (E a) (E b) -- -- For details see <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens lens package>. endo :: Functor f => (E a -> f (E b)) -> Endo a -> f (Endo b) endo = Endo <~@~ appEndo {-# INLINE endo #-}