module Data.EnumMapMap.Base(
(:&)(..), N(..), Z(..),
d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10,
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup,
foldr, foldl,
null, init,
head, tail)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(pure,(<*>)),(<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))
import Data.Bits
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.Foldable as FOLD
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.SafeCopy
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Traversable (Traversable(traverse))
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Exts (Word(..), Int(..),
uncheckedShiftRL#, uncheckedShiftL#)
data EMM k v = Bin !Prefix !Mask
!(EMM k v) !(EMM k v)
| Tip !Int v
| Nil
deriving (Show)
type Nat = Word
type Key = Int
type Prefix = Int
type Mask = Int
infixr 3 :&
data k :& t = !k :& !t
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Z = Z
data N n = N !n
d1 :: Z
d1 = Z
d2 :: N Z
d2 = N d1
d3 :: N(N Z)
d3 = N d2
d4 :: N(N(N Z))
d4 = N d3
d5 :: N(N(N(N Z)))
d5 = N d4
d6 :: N(N(N(N(N Z))))
d6 = N d5
d7 :: N(N(N(N(N(N Z)))))
d7 = N d6
d8 :: N(N(N(N(N(N(N Z))))))
d8 = N d7
d9 :: N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N Z)))))))
d9 = N d8
d10 :: N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N(N Z))))))))
d10 = N d9
class IsSplit k z where
type Head k z :: *
type Tail k z :: *
splitKey :: z -> EnumMapMap k v
-> EnumMapMap (Head k z) (EnumMapMap (Tail k z) v)
instance (IsSplit t n, Enum k) => IsSplit (k :& t) (N n) where
type Head (k :& t) (N n) = k :& Head t n
type Tail (k :& t) (N n) = Tail t n
splitKey (N n) (KCC emm) = KCC $ mapWithKey_ (\_ -> splitKey n) emm
type family Plus k1 k2 :: *
type instance Plus (k1 :& t) k2 = k1 :& Plus t k2
class MkNestedPair k v where
type NestedPair k v :: *
nestedPair :: k -> v -> NestedPair k v
unNestedPair :: NestedPair k v -> (k ,v)
instance (MkNestedPair t v, Enum k) => MkNestedPair (k :& t) v where
type NestedPair (k :& t) v = (Int, NestedPair t v)
nestedPair (k :& t) v = (fromEnum k, nestedPair t v)
unNestedPair (k, x) = (toEnum k :& t, v)
(t, v) = unNestedPair x
class SubKey k1 k2 v where
type Result k1 k2 v :: *
member :: k1 -> EnumMapMap k2 v -> Bool
singleton :: k1 -> Result k1 k2 v -> EnumMapMap k2 v
lookup :: (IsKey k1, IsKey k2) =>
k1 -> EnumMapMap k2 v -> Maybe (Result k1 k2 v)
insert :: (IsKey k1, IsKey k2) =>
k1 -> Result k1 k2 v -> EnumMapMap k2 v -> EnumMapMap k2 v
insertWith :: (IsKey k1, IsKey k2) =>
(Result k1 k2 v -> Result k1 k2 v -> Result k1 k2 v)
-> k1 -> Result k1 k2 v -> EnumMapMap k2 v -> EnumMapMap k2 v
insertWith f = insertWithKey (const f)
insertWithKey :: (IsKey k1, IsKey k2) =>
(k1 -> Result k1 k2 v -> Result k1 k2 v -> Result k1 k2 v)
-> k1 -> Result k1 k2 v -> EnumMapMap k2 v -> EnumMapMap k2 v
delete :: (IsKey k1, IsKey k2) =>
k1 -> EnumMapMap k2 v -> EnumMapMap k2 v
class SubKeyS k s where
intersectSet :: (IsKey k, IsKey s) =>
EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap s () -> EnumMapMap k v
differenceSet :: (IsKey k, IsKey s) =>
EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap s () -> EnumMapMap k v
class HasSKey k where
type Skey k :: *
toS :: k -> Skey k
toK :: Skey k -> k
instance (HasSKey t) => HasSKey (k :& t) where
type Skey (k :& t) = k :& Skey t
toS (k :& t) = (:&) k $! toS t
toK (k :& t) = (:&) k $! toK t
class (Eq k) => IsKey k where
data EnumMapMap k :: * -> *
emptySubTrees :: EnumMapMap k v -> Bool
emptySubTrees_ :: EnumMapMap k v -> Bool
removeEmpties :: EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k v
joinKey :: (IsKey (Plus k k2)) =>
EnumMapMap k (EnumMapMap k2 v)
-> EnumMapMap (Plus k k2) v
joinKey = removeEmpties . unsafeJoinKey
unsafeJoinKey :: EnumMapMap k (EnumMapMap k2 v)
-> EnumMapMap (Plus k k2) v
empty :: EnumMapMap k v
null :: EnumMapMap k v -> Bool
size :: EnumMapMap k v -> Int
alter :: (Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> k -> EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k v
map :: (v -> t) -> EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k t
map f = mapWithKey (const f)
mapMaybe :: (v -> Maybe t) -> EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k t
mapMaybe f = mapMaybeWithKey (\_ x -> f x)
mapMaybeWithKey :: (k -> v -> Maybe t) -> EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k t
mapWithKey :: (k -> v -> t) -> EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k t
traverseWithKey :: (Applicative t) =>
(k -> a -> t b) -> EnumMapMap k a -> t (EnumMapMap k b)
foldr :: (v -> t -> t) -> t -> EnumMapMap k v -> t
foldrWithKey :: (k -> v -> t -> t) -> t -> EnumMapMap k v -> t
toList :: SubKey k k v =>
EnumMapMap k v -> [(k, v)]
toList = foldrWithKey (\k x xs -> (k, x):xs) []
toNestedPairList :: (SubKey k k v, MkNestedPair k v) =>
EnumMapMap k v -> [NestedPair k v]
toNestedPairList = foldrWithKey (\k x xs -> (nestedPair k x):xs) []
fromList :: (SubKey k k v, Result k k v ~ v) => [(k, v)] -> EnumMapMap k v
fromList = foldlStrict (\t (k, x) -> insert k x t) empty
fromNestedPairList :: (SubKey k k v, Result k k v ~ v, MkNestedPair k v) =>
[NestedPair k v] -> EnumMapMap k v
fromNestedPairList = foldlStrict f empty
f :: (IsKey k, SubKey k k v, Result k k v ~ v, MkNestedPair k v) =>
EnumMapMap k v -> NestedPair k v -> EnumMapMap k v
f emm = g emm . unNestedPair
g :: (IsKey k, SubKey k k v, Result k k v ~ v) =>
EnumMapMap k v -> (k, v) -> EnumMapMap k v
g emm (k, v) = insert k v emm
elems :: EnumMapMap k v -> [v]
elems = foldr (:) []
keys :: EnumMapMap k v -> [k]
keys = foldrWithKey (\k _ ks -> k:ks) []
keysSet :: (HasSKey k) => EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap (Skey k) ()
fromSet :: HasSKey k => (k -> v) -> EnumMapMap (Skey k) () -> EnumMapMap k v
findMin :: EnumMapMap k v -> (k, v)
minViewWithKey :: EnumMapMap k v -> Maybe ((k, v), EnumMapMap k v)
deleteFindMin :: EnumMapMap k v -> ((k, v), EnumMapMap k v)
deleteFindMin =
fromMaybe(error "deleteFindMin: empty EnumMapMap has no minimal\
\ element") . minViewWithKey
union :: EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k v
unions :: [EnumMapMap k v] -> EnumMapMap k v
unions = foldlStrict union empty
unionsWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> [EnumMapMap k v] -> EnumMapMap k v
unionsWith f = foldlStrict (unionWith f) empty
unionWith :: (v -> v -> v)
-> EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k v
unionWith f = unionWithKey (const f)
unionWithKey :: (k -> v -> v -> v)
-> EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k v
difference :: EnumMapMap k v1 -> EnumMapMap k v2 -> EnumMapMap k v1
differenceWith :: (v1 -> v2 -> Maybe v1)
-> EnumMapMap k v1
-> EnumMapMap k v2
-> EnumMapMap k v1
differenceWith f = differenceWithKey (const f)
differenceWithKey :: (k -> v1 -> v2 -> Maybe v1)
-> EnumMapMap k v1
-> EnumMapMap k v2
-> EnumMapMap k v1
intersection :: EnumMapMap k v1
-> EnumMapMap k v2
-> EnumMapMap k v1
intersectionWith :: (v1 -> v2 -> v3)
-> EnumMapMap k v1
-> EnumMapMap k v2
-> EnumMapMap k v3
intersectionWith f = intersectionWithKey (const f)
intersectionWithKey :: (k -> v1 -> v2 -> v3)
-> EnumMapMap k v1
-> EnumMapMap k v2
-> EnumMapMap k v3
equal :: Eq v => EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k v -> Bool
nequal :: Eq v => EnumMapMap k v -> EnumMapMap k v -> Bool
instance (Enum k, IsKey t1, IsKey t2, SubKey t1 t2 v) =>
SubKey (k :& t1) (k :& t2) v where
type Result (k :& t1) (k :& t2) v = Result t1 t2 v
member !(key' :& nxt) (KCC emm) = key `seq` go emm
go t = case t of
Bin _ m l r -> case zero key m of
True -> go l
False -> go r
Tip kx x -> case key == kx of
True -> member nxt x
False -> False
Nil -> False
key = fromEnum key'
singleton (key :& nxt) = KCC . Tip (fromEnum key) . singleton nxt
lookup !(key' :& nxt) (KCC emm) = key `seq` go emm
go (Bin _ m l r)
| zero key m = go l
| otherwise = go r
go (Tip kx x)
= case kx == key of
True -> lookup nxt x
False -> Nothing
go Nil = Nothing
key = fromEnum key'
insert (key :& nxt) val (KCC emm) =
KCC $ insertWith_ (insert nxt val) key (singleton nxt val) emm
insertWithKey f k@(key :& nxt) val (KCC emm) =
KCC $ insertWith_ go key (singleton nxt val) emm
go = insertWithKey (\_ -> f k) nxt val
delete !(key :& nxt) (KCC emm) =
KCC $ alter_ (delete nxt) (fromEnum key) emm
instance (Enum k, IsKey t1, IsKey t2, SubKeyS t1 t2) =>
SubKeyS (k :& t1) (k :& t2) where
intersectSet (KCC emm) (KCC ems) =
KCC $ mergeWithKey' binD go (const Nil) (const Nil) emm ems
go = \(Tip k1 x1) (Tip _ x2) ->
tip k1 $ intersectSet x1 x2
differenceSet (KCC emm) (KCC ems) =
KCC $ mergeWithKey' binD go id (const Nil) emm ems
go = \(Tip k1 x1) (Tip _ x2) ->
tip k1 $ differenceSet x1 x2
instance (Eq k, Enum k, IsKey t, HasSKey t) => IsKey (k :& t) where
newtype EnumMapMap (k :& t) v = KCC (EMM k (EnumMapMap t v))
emptySubTrees e@(KCC emm) =
case emm of
Nil -> False
_ -> emptySubTrees_ e
emptySubTrees_ (KCC emm) = go emm
go t = case t of
Bin _ _ l r -> go l || go r
Tip _ v -> emptySubTrees_ v
Nil -> True
removeEmpties (KCC emm) = KCC $ go emm
go t = case t of
Bin p m l r -> bin p m (go l) (go r)
Tip k v -> tip k (removeEmpties v)
Nil -> Nil
unsafeJoinKey (KCC emm) = KCC $ mapWithKey_ (const unsafeJoinKey) emm
empty = KCC Nil
null (KCC t) =
case t of
Nil -> True
_ -> False
size (KCC t) = go t
go (Bin _ _ l r) = go l + go r
go (Tip _ y) = size y
go Nil = 0
alter f !(key :& nxt) (KCC emm) =
KCC $ alter_ (alter f nxt) (fromEnum key) emm
mapWithKey f (KCC emm) = KCC $ mapWithKey_ go emm
go k = mapWithKey (\nxt -> f $! k :& nxt)
mapMaybeWithKey f (KCC emm) = KCC $ mapMaybeWithKey_ go emm
go k = mapMaybeWithKey (\nxt -> f $! k :& nxt)
traverseWithKey f (KCC emm) = KCC <$> traverseWithKey_ go emm
go k = traverseWithKey (\nxt -> f $! k :& nxt)
foldr f init (KCC emm) = foldrWithKey_ (\_ val z -> foldr f z val) init emm
foldrWithKey f init (KCC emm) = foldrWithKey_ go init emm
go k val z = foldrWithKey (\nxt -> f $! k :& nxt) z val
keysSet (KCC emm) = KCC $ mapWithKey_ (const keysSet) emm
fromSet f (KCC ems) = KCC $ mapWithKey_ go ems
go k = fromSet (\nxt -> f $! k :& nxt)
findMin (KCC emm) =
case emm of
Nil -> error "findMin: no minimal element"
Tip k v -> (toEnum k :& t, v')
where (t, v') = findMin v
Bin _ m l r
| m < 0 -> go r
| otherwise -> go l
where go (Tip k v) = (toEnum k :& t, v')
where (t, v') = findMin v
go (Bin _ _ l' _) = go l'
go Nil = error "findMin: Nil"
minViewWithKey (KCC emm) =
goat emm >>= \(r, emm') -> return (r, KCC emm')
goat t =
case t of
Nil -> Nothing
Bin p m l r | m < 0 ->
case go r of
(result, r') ->
Just (result, binD p m l r')
_ -> Just (go t)
go (Bin p m l r) = case go l of
(result, l') -> (result, binD p m l' r)
go (Tip k y) = case minViewWithKey y of
Just ((t, v), y') ->
((toEnum k :& t, v), tip k y')
Nothing -> error "minViewWithKey: Nothing"
go Nil = error "minViewWithKey Nil"
union (KCC emm1) (KCC emm2) = KCC $ mergeWithKey' binD go id id emm1 emm2
go = \(Tip k1 x1) (Tip _ x2) -> tip k1 $ union x1 x2
unionWithKey f (KCC emm1) (KCC emm2) =
KCC $ mergeWithKey' binD go id id emm1 emm2
go = \(Tip k1 x1) (Tip _ x2) ->
Tip k1 $ unionWithKey (g k1) x1 x2
g k1 nxt = f $! toEnum k1 :& nxt
difference (KCC emm1) (KCC emm2) =
KCC $ mergeWithKey' binD go id (const Nil) emm1 emm2
go = \(Tip k1 x1) (Tip _ x2) ->
tip k1 (difference x1 x2)
differenceWithKey f (KCC emm1) (KCC emm2) =
KCC $ mergeWithKey' binD go id (const Nil) emm1 emm2
go = \(Tip k1 x1) (Tip _ x2) ->
tip k1 $ differenceWithKey (\nxt ->
f $! toEnum k1 :& nxt) x1 x2
intersection (KCC emm1) (KCC emm2) =
KCC $ mergeWithKey' binD go (const Nil) (const Nil) emm1 emm2
go = \(Tip k1 x1) (Tip _ x2) ->
tip k1 $ intersection x1 x2
intersectionWithKey f (KCC emm1) (KCC emm2) =
KCC $ mergeWithKey' binD go (const Nil) (const Nil) emm1 emm2
go = \(Tip k1 x1) (Tip _ x2) ->
tip k1 $ intersectionWithKey (\nxt ->
f $! toEnum k1 :& nxt) x1 x2
equal (KCC emm1) (KCC emm2) = emm1 == emm2
nequal (KCC emm1) (KCC emm2) = emm1 /= emm2
insertWith_ :: Enum k => (v -> v) -> k -> v -> EMM k v -> EMM k v
insertWith_ f !key' val emm = key `seq` go emm
go t =
case t of
Bin p m l r
| nomatch key p m -> join key (Tip key val) p t
| zero key m -> Bin p m (go l) r
| otherwise -> Bin p m l (go r)
Tip ky y
| key == ky -> Tip key (f y)
| otherwise -> join key (Tip key val) ky t
Nil -> Tip key val
key = fromEnum key'
alter_ :: (IsKey b) =>
(EnumMapMap b v -> EnumMapMap b v)
-> Key
-> EMM a (EnumMapMap b v)
-> EMM a (EnumMapMap b v)
alter_ f k = go
go t =
case t of
Bin p m l r | nomatch k p m -> joinD k (tip k $ f empty) p t
| zero k m -> binD p m (go l) r
| otherwise -> binD p m l (go r)
Tip ky y | k == ky -> tip k $ f y
| otherwise -> joinD k (tip k $ f empty) ky t
Nil -> tip k $ f empty
mapWithKey_ :: Enum k => (k -> v -> t) -> EMM k v -> EMM k t
mapWithKey_ f = go
go (Bin p m l r) = Bin p m (go l) (go r)
go (Tip k x) = Tip k (f (toEnum k) x)
go Nil = Nil
mapMaybeWithKey_ :: (IsKey b, Enum key) =>
(key -> EnumMapMap b v -> EnumMapMap b t) ->
EMM a (EnumMapMap b v) ->
EMM a (EnumMapMap b t)
mapMaybeWithKey_ f = go
go (Bin p m l r) = binD p m (go l) (go r)
go (Tip k x) = tip k $ f (toEnum k) x
go Nil = Nil
traverseWithKey_ :: (Enum k, Applicative t) =>
(k -> a -> t b) -> EMM k a -> t (EMM k b)
traverseWithKey_ f = go
go Nil = pure Nil
go (Tip k v) = Tip k <$> f (toEnum k) v
go (Bin p m l r) = Bin p m <$> go l <*> go r
foldrWithKey_ :: (Enum k) => (k -> v -> t -> t) -> t -> EMM k v -> t
foldrWithKey_ f z = \emm ->
case emm of Bin _ m l r | m < 0 -> go (go z l) r
| otherwise -> go (go z r) l
_ -> go z emm
go z' Nil = z'
go z' (Tip kx tx) = f (toEnum kx) tx z'
go z' (Bin _ _ l r) = go (go z' r) l
mergeWithKey' :: (Prefix -> Mask -> EMM a v3 -> EMM a v3 -> EMM a v3)
-> (EMM a v1 -> EMM a v2 -> EMM a v3)
-> (EMM a v1 -> EMM a v3)
-> (EMM a v2 -> EMM a v3)
-> EMM a v1 -> EMM a v2 -> EMM a v3
mergeWithKey' bin' f g1 g2 = go
go t1@(Bin p1 m1 l1 r1) t2@(Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
| shorter m1 m2 = merge1
| shorter m2 m1 = merge2
| p1 == p2 = bin' p1 m1 (go l1 l2) (go r1 r2)
| otherwise = maybe_join p1 (g1 t1) p2 (g2 t2)
merge1 | nomatch p2 p1 m1 = maybe_join p1 (g1 t1) p2 (g2 t2)
| zero p2 m1 = bin' p1 m1 (go l1 t2) (g1 r1)
| otherwise = bin' p1 m1 (g1 l1) (go r1 t2)
merge2 | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = maybe_join p1 (g1 t1) p2 (g2 t2)
| zero p1 m2 = bin' p2 m2 (go t1 l2) (g2 r2)
| otherwise = bin' p2 m2 (g2 l2) (go t1 r2)
go t1'@(Bin {}) t2'@(Tip k2' _) = merge t2' k2' t1'
where merge t2 k2 t1@(Bin p1 m1 l1 r1)
| nomatch k2 p1 m1 = maybe_join p1 (g1 t1) k2 (g2 t2)
| zero k2 m1 = bin' p1 m1 (merge t2 k2 l1) (g1 r1)
| otherwise = bin' p1 m1 (g1 l1) (merge t2 k2 r1)
merge t2 k2 t1@(Tip k1 _)
| k1 == k2 = f t1 t2
| otherwise = maybe_join k1 (g1 t1) k2 (g2 t2)
merge t2 _ Nil = g2 t2
go t1@(Bin {}) Nil = g1 t1
go t1'@(Tip k1' _) t2' = merge t1' k1' t2'
where merge t1 k1 t2@(Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
| nomatch k1 p2 m2 = maybe_join k1 (g1 t1) p2 (g2 t2)
| zero k1 m2 = bin' p2 m2 (merge t1 k1 l2) (g2 r2)
| otherwise = bin' p2 m2 (g2 l2) (merge t1 k1 r2)
merge t1 k1 t2@(Tip k2 _)
| k1 == k2 = f t1 t2
| otherwise = maybe_join k1 (g1 t1) k2 (g2 t2)
merge t1 _ Nil = g1 t1
go Nil t2 = g2 t2
maybe_join _ Nil _ t2 = t2
maybe_join _ t1 _ Nil = t1
maybe_join p1 t1 p2 t2 = join p1 t1 p2 t2
instance (Eq v, IsKey k) => Eq (EnumMapMap k v) where
t1 == t2 = equal t1 t2
t1 /= t2 = nequal t1 t2
instance Eq v => Eq (EMM k v) where
t1 == t2 = equalE t1 t2
t1 /= t2 = nequalE t1 t2
equalE :: Eq v => EMM k v -> EMM k v -> Bool
equalE (Bin p1 m1 l1 r1) (Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
= (m1 == m2) && (p1 == p2) && equalE l1 l2 && equalE r1 r2
equalE (Tip kx x) (Tip ky y)
= (kx == ky) && (x==y)
equalE Nil Nil = True
equalE _ _ = False
nequalE :: Eq v => EMM k v -> EMM k v -> Bool
nequalE (Bin p1 m1 l1 r1) (Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
= (m1 /= m2) || (p1 /= p2) || nequalE l1 l2 || nequalE r1 r2
nequalE (Tip kx x) (Tip ky y)
= (kx /= ky) || (x/=y)
nequalE Nil Nil = False
nequalE _ _ = True
instance (IsKey k) => Functor (EnumMapMap k)
fmap = map
instance (IsKey k, Semigroup v) => Monoid (EnumMapMap k v) where
mempty = empty
mappend = unionWith (<>)
mconcat = unionsWith (<>)
instance (IsKey k, Semigroup v) =>
Semigroup (EnumMapMap k v) where
(<>) = unionWith (<>)
times1p _ a = a
instance (Show v, Show (EnumMapMap t v)) => Show (EnumMapMap (k :& t) v) where
show (KCC emm) = show emm
instance (NFData v, NFData (EnumMapMap t v)) => NFData (EnumMapMap (k :& t) v)
rnf (KCC emm) = go emm
go Nil = ()
go (Tip _ v) = rnf v
go (Bin _ _ l r) = go l `seq` go r
instance (NFData k, NFData t) => NFData (k :& t)
rnf (k :& t) = rnf k `seq` rnf t
instance (FOLD.Foldable (EnumMapMap t), Enum k, Eq k, IsKey t, HasSKey t) =>
FOLD.Foldable (EnumMapMap (k :& t)) where
fold (KCC emm) = go emm
go Nil = mempty
go (Tip _ v) = FOLD.fold v
go (Bin _ _ l r) = go l `mappend` go r
foldr = foldr
foldMap f (KCC emm) = go emm
go Nil = mempty
go (Tip _ v) = FOLD.foldMap f v
go (Bin _ _ l r) = go l `mappend` go r
instance (IsKey k, FOLD.Foldable (EnumMapMap k)) =>
Traversable (EnumMapMap k) where
traverse f = traverseWithKey (\_ -> f)
instance (IsKey k) => Default (EnumMapMap k v) where
def = empty
deriving instance Typeable2 (:&)
deriving instance Typeable2 EnumMapMap
instance (Enum a, SafeCopy b) => SafeCopy (a :& b) where
getCopy = contain $ do
a <- safeGet
b <- safeGet
return (toEnum a :& b)
putCopy (a :& b) = contain $ do
safePut $ fromEnum a
safePut b
errorTypeName _ = "(:&)"
instance (SafeCopy k, SafeCopy (NestedPair k v), IsKey k,
Result k k v ~ v, SubKey k k v,
MkNestedPair k v) =>
SafeCopy (EnumMapMap k v) where
getCopy = contain $ fmap fromNestedPairList safeGet
putCopy = contain . safePut . toNestedPairList
errorTypeName _ = "EnumMapMap"
natFromInt :: Int -> Nat
natFromInt = fromIntegral
intFromNat :: Nat -> Int
intFromNat = fromIntegral
shiftRL, shiftLL :: Nat -> Int -> Nat
shiftRL (W# x) (I# i) = W# (uncheckedShiftRL# x i)
shiftLL (W# x) (I# i) = W# (uncheckedShiftL# x i)
join :: Prefix -> EMM a v -> Prefix -> EMM a v -> EMM a v
join p1 t1 p2 t2
| zero p1 m = Bin p m t1 t2
| otherwise = Bin p m t2 t1
m = branchMask p1 p2
p = mask p1 m
joinD :: (IsKey b) =>
Prefix -> EMM a (EnumMapMap b v)
-> Prefix -> EMM a (EnumMapMap b v)
-> EMM a (EnumMapMap b v)
joinD p1 t1 p2 t2
| zero p1 m = binD p m t1 t2
| otherwise = binD p m t2 t1
m = branchMask p1 p2
p = mask p1 m
bin :: Prefix -> Mask -> EMM k v -> EMM k v -> EMM k v
bin _ _ l Nil = l
bin _ _ Nil r = r
bin p m l r = Bin p m l r
binD :: (IsKey b) =>
Prefix -> Mask
-> EMM a (EnumMapMap b v)
-> EMM a (EnumMapMap b v)
-> EMM a (EnumMapMap b v)
binD _ _ l Nil = l
binD _ _ Nil r = r
binD p m l r@(Tip _ y)
| null y = l
| otherwise = Bin p m l r
binD p m l@(Tip _ y) r
| null y = r
| otherwise = Bin p m l r
binD p m l r = Bin p m l r
tip :: (IsKey b) => Key -> EnumMapMap b v -> EMM a (EnumMapMap b v)
tip k val
| null val = Nil
| otherwise = Tip k val
zero :: Key -> Mask -> Bool
zero i m
= natFromInt i .&. natFromInt m == 0
nomatch,match :: Key -> Prefix -> Mask -> Bool
nomatch i p m
= mask i m /= p
match i p m
= mask i m == p
mask :: Key -> Mask -> Prefix
mask i m
= maskW (natFromInt i) (natFromInt m)
maskW :: Nat -> Nat -> Prefix
maskW i m
= intFromNat (i .&. (complement (m1) `xor` m))
shorter :: Mask -> Mask -> Bool
shorter m1 m2
= natFromInt m1 > natFromInt m2
branchMask :: Prefix -> Prefix -> Mask
branchMask p1 p2
= intFromNat (highestBitMask (natFromInt p1 `xor` natFromInt p2))
highestBitMask :: Nat -> Nat
highestBitMask x0
= case (x0 .|. shiftRL x0 1) of
x1 -> case (x1 .|. shiftRL x1 2) of
x2 -> case (x2 .|. shiftRL x2 4) of
x3 -> case (x3 .|. shiftRL x3 8) of
x4 -> case (x4 .|. shiftRL x4 16) of
x5 -> case (x5 .|. shiftRL x5 32) of
x6 -> (x6 `xor` shiftRL x6 1)
foldlStrict :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldlStrict f = go
go z [] = z
go z (x:xs) = let z' = f z x in z' `seq` go z' xs