{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 902 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-} #endif {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-} module Common.Test ( tests , testLocking , testAscRandom , migrateAll , migrateUnique , cleanDB , cleanUniques , updateRethrowingQuery , selectRethrowingQuery , p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 , l1, l2, l3 , u1, u2, u3, u4 , insert' , EntityField (..) , Foo (..) , Bar (..) , Person (..) , BlogPost (..) , Lord (..) , Deed (..) , Follow (..) , CcList (..) , Frontcover (..) , Article (..) , Tag (..) , ArticleTag (..) , Article2 (..) , Point (..) , Circle (..) , Numbers (..) , OneUnique(..) , Unique(..) , DateTruncTest(..) , DateTruncTestId , Key(..) , assertJust ) where import Common.Test.Import hiding (from, on) import Control.Monad (forM_, replicateM, replicateM_, void) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AP import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper) import Data.Either import Database.Esqueleto import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Experimental as Experimental import Data.Conduit (ConduitT, runConduit, (.|)) import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Internal.ExprParser as P import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Internal as EI import Database.Esqueleto.PostgreSQL as EP import Database.Persist.Class.PersistEntity import qualified UnliftIO.Resource as R import Common.Record (testDeriveEsqueletoRecord) import Common.Test.Select import qualified Common.Test.CTE as CTESpec -- Test schema -- | this could be achieved with S.fromList, but not all lists -- have Ord instances sameElementsAs :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool sameElementsAs l1' l2' = null (l1' L.\\ l2') -- | Helper for rounding to a specific digit -- Prelude> map (flip roundTo 12.3456) [0..5] -- [12.0, 12.3, 12.35, 12.346, 12.3456, 12.3456] roundTo :: (Fractional a, RealFrac a1, Integral b) => b -> a1 -> a roundTo n f = (fromInteger $ round $ f * (10^n)) / (10.0^^n) p1 :: Person p1 = Person "John" (Just 36) Nothing 1 p2 :: Person p2 = Person "Rachel" Nothing (Just 37) 2 p3 :: Person p3 = Person "Mike" (Just 17) Nothing 3 p4 :: Person p4 = Person "Livia" (Just 17) (Just 18) 4 p5 :: Person p5 = Person "Mitch" Nothing Nothing 5 l1 :: Lord l1 = Lord "Cornwall" (Just 36) l2 :: Lord l2 = Lord "Dorset" Nothing l3 :: Lord l3 = Lord "Chester" (Just 17) u1 :: OneUnique u1 = OneUnique "First" 0 u2 :: OneUnique u2 = OneUnique "Second" 1 u3 :: OneUnique u3 = OneUnique "Third" 0 u4 :: OneUnique u4 = OneUnique "First" 2 testSubSelect :: SpecDb testSubSelect = do let setup :: MonadIO m => SqlPersistT m () setup = do _ <- insert $ Numbers 1 2 _ <- insert $ Numbers 2 4 _ <- insert $ Numbers 3 5 _ <- insert $ Numbers 6 7 pure () describe "subSelect" $ do itDb "is safe for queries that may return multiple results" $ do let query = from $ \n -> do orderBy [asc (n ^. NumbersInt)] pure (n ^. NumbersInt) setup res <- select $ pure $ subSelect query asserting $ do res `shouldBe` [Value (Just 1)] itDb "is safe for queries that may not return anything" $ do let query = from $ \n -> do orderBy [asc (n ^. NumbersInt)] limit 1 pure (n ^. NumbersInt) setup res <- select $ pure $ subSelect query transactionUndo asserting $ do res `shouldBe` [Value $ Just 1] describe "subSelectList" $ do itDb "is safe on empty databases as well as good databases" $ do let query = from $ \n -> do where_ $ n ^. NumbersInt `in_` do subSelectList $ from $ \n' -> do where_ $ n' ^. NumbersInt >=. val 3 pure (n' ^. NumbersInt) pure n empty <- select query full <- do setup select query asserting $ do empty `shouldBe` [] full `shouldSatisfy` (not . null) describe "subSelectMaybe" $ do itDb "is equivalent to joinV . subSelect" $ do let query :: (SqlQuery (SqlExpr (Value (Maybe Int))) -> SqlExpr (Value (Maybe Int))) -> SqlQuery (SqlExpr (Value (Maybe Int))) query selector = from $ \n -> do pure $ selector $ from $ \n' -> do where_ $ n' ^. NumbersDouble >=. n ^. NumbersDouble pure (max_ (n' ^. NumbersInt)) setup a <- select (query subSelectMaybe) b <- select (query (joinV . subSelect)) asserting $ a `shouldBe` b describe "subSelectCount" $ do itDb "is a safe way to do a countRows" $ do setup xs0 <- select $ from $ \n -> do pure $ (,) n $ subSelectCount @Int $ from $ \n' -> do where_ $ n' ^. NumbersInt >=. n ^. NumbersInt xs1 <- select $ from $ \n -> do pure $ (,) n $ subSelectUnsafe $ from $ \n' -> do where_ $ n' ^. NumbersInt >=. n ^. NumbersInt pure (countRows :: SqlExpr (Value Int)) let getter (Entity _ a, b) = (a, b) asserting $ map getter xs0 `shouldBe` map getter xs1 describe "subSelectUnsafe" $ do itDb "throws exceptions on multiple results" $ do setup eres <- try $ do bad <- select $ from $ \n -> do pure $ (,) (n ^. NumbersInt) $ subSelectUnsafe $ from $ \n' -> do pure (just (n' ^. NumbersDouble)) good <- select $ from $ \n -> do pure $ (,) (n ^. NumbersInt) $ subSelect $ from $ \n' -> do pure (n' ^. NumbersDouble) pure (bad, good) asserting $ case eres of Left (SomeException _) -> -- Must use SomeException because the database libraries throw their -- own errors. pure () Right (bad, good) -> do -- SQLite just takes the first element of the sub-select. lol. bad `shouldBe` good itDb "throws exceptions on null results" $ do setup eres <- try $ do select $ from $ \n -> do pure $ (,) (n ^. NumbersInt) $ subSelectUnsafe $ from $ \n' -> do where_ $ val False pure (n' ^. NumbersDouble) asserting $ case eres of Left (_ :: PersistException) -> pure () Right xs -> xs `shouldBe` [] testSelectOne :: SpecDb testSelectOne = describe "selectOne" $ do let personQuery = selectOne $ do person <- Experimental.from $ Experimental.table @Person where_ $ person ^. PersonFavNum >=. val 1 orderBy [asc (person ^. PersonId)] return $ person ^. PersonId itDb "returns Just" $ do person <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 res <- personQuery asserting $ res `shouldBe` Just (Value $ entityKey person) itDb "returns Nothing" $ do res <- personQuery asserting $ res `shouldBe` (Nothing :: Maybe (Value PersonId)) testSelectSource :: SpecDb testSelectSource = do describe "selectSource" $ do itDb "works for a simple example" $ do let query :: ConduitT () (Entity Person) (SqlPersistT (R.ResourceT IO)) () query = selectSource $ from $ \person -> return person p1e <- insert' p1 ret <- mapReaderT R.runResourceT $ runConduit $ query .| CL.consume asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e ] itDb "can run a query many times" $ do let query :: ConduitT () (Entity Person) (SqlPersistT (R.ResourceT IO)) () query = selectSource $ from $ \person -> return person p1e <- insert' p1 ret0 <- mapReaderT R.runResourceT $ runConduit $ query .| CL.consume ret1 <- mapReaderT R.runResourceT $ runConduit $ query .| CL.consume asserting $ do ret0 `shouldBe` [ p1e ] ret1 `shouldBe` [ p1e ] itDb "works on repro" $ do let selectPerson :: R.MonadResource m => String -> ConduitT () (Key Person) (SqlPersistT m) () selectPerson name = do let source = selectSource $ from $ \person -> do where_ $ person ^. PersonName ==. val name return $ person ^. PersonId source .| CL.map unValue p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 r1 <- mapReaderT R.runResourceT $ runConduit $ selectPerson (personName p1) .| CL.consume r2 <- mapReaderT R.runResourceT $ runConduit $ selectPerson (personName p2) .| CL.consume asserting $ do r1 `shouldBe` [ entityKey p1e ] r2 `shouldBe` [ entityKey p2e ] testSelectFrom :: SpecDb testSelectFrom = do describe "select/from" $ do itDb "works for a simple example" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 ret <- select $ from $ \person -> return person asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e ] itDb "works for a simple self-join (one entity)" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 ret <- select $ from $ \(person1, person2) -> return (person1, person2) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, p1e) ] itDb "works for a simple self-join (two entities)" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 ret <- select $ from $ \(person1, person2) -> return (person1, person2) asserting $ ret `shouldSatisfy` sameElementsAs [ (p1e, p1e) , (p1e, p2e) , (p2e, p1e) , (p2e, p2e) ] itDb "works for a self-join via subSelect" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 _f1k <- insert (Follow p1k p2k) _f2k <- insert (Follow p2k p1k) ret <- select $ from $ \followA -> do let subquery = from $ \followB -> do where_ $ followA ^. FollowFollower ==. followB ^. FollowFollowed return $ followB ^. FollowFollower where_ $ just (followA ^. FollowFollowed) ==. subSelect subquery return followA asserting $ length ret `shouldBe` 2 itDb "works for a self-join via exists" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 _f1k <- insert (Follow p1k p2k) _f2k <- insert (Follow p2k p1k) ret <- select $ from $ \followA -> do where_ $ exists $ from $ \followB -> where_ $ followA ^. FollowFollower ==. followB ^. FollowFollowed return followA asserting $ length ret `shouldBe` 2 itDb "works for a simple projection" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> return (p ^. PersonId, p ^. PersonName) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ (Value p1k, Value (personName p1)) , (Value p2k, Value (personName p2)) ] itDb "works for a simple projection with a simple implicit self-join" $ do _ <- insert p1 _ <- insert p2 ret <- select $ from $ \(pa, pb) -> return (pa ^. PersonName, pb ^. PersonName) asserting $ ret `shouldSatisfy` sameElementsAs [ (Value (personName p1), Value (personName p1)) , (Value (personName p1), Value (personName p2)) , (Value (personName p2), Value (personName p1)) , (Value (personName p2), Value (personName p2)) ] itDb "works with many kinds of LIMITs and OFFSETs" $ do [p1e, p2e, p3e, p4e] <- mapM insert' [p1, p2, p3, p4] let people = from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p ret1 <- select $ do p <- people limit 2 limit 1 return p asserting $ ret1 `shouldBe` [ p1e ] ret2 <- select $ do p <- people limit 1 limit 2 return p asserting $ ret2 `shouldBe` [ p1e, p4e ] ret3 <- select $ do p <- people offset 3 offset 2 return p asserting $ ret3 `shouldBe` [ p3e, p2e ] ret4 <- select $ do p <- people offset 3 limit 5 offset 2 limit 3 offset 1 limit 2 return p asserting $ ret4 `shouldBe` [ p4e, p3e ] ret5 <- select $ do p <- people offset 1000 limit 1 limit 1000 offset 0 return p asserting $ ret5 `shouldBe` [ p1e, p4e, p3e, p2e ] itDb "works with non-id primary key" $ do let fc = Frontcover number "" number = 101 :: Int Right thePk = keyFromValues [toPersistValue number] fcPk <- insert fc [Entity _ ret] <- select $ from return asserting $ do ret `shouldBe` fc fcPk `shouldBe` thePk itDb "works when returning a custom non-composite primary key from a query" $ do let name = "foo" t = Tag name Right thePk = keyFromValues [toPersistValue name] tagPk <- insert t [Value ret] <- select $ from $ \t' -> return (t'^.TagId) asserting $ do ret `shouldBe` thePk thePk `shouldBe` tagPk itDb "works when returning a composite primary key from a query" $ do let p = Point 10 20 "" thePk <- insert p [Value ppk] <- select $ from $ \p' -> return (p'^.PointId) asserting $ ppk `shouldBe` thePk testSelectJoin :: SpecDb testSelectJoin = do describe "select:JOIN" $ do itDb "works with a LEFT OUTER JOIN" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 p4e <- insert' p4 b12e <- insert' $ BlogPost "b" (entityKey p1e) b11e <- insert' $ BlogPost "a" (entityKey p1e) b31e <- insert' $ BlogPost "c" (entityKey p3e) ret <- select $ from $ \(p `LeftOuterJoin` mb) -> do on (just (p ^. PersonId) ==. mb ?. BlogPostAuthorId) orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName), asc (mb ?. BlogPostTitle) ] return (p, mb) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, Just b11e) , (p1e, Just b12e) , (p4e, Nothing) , (p3e, Just b31e) , (p2e, Nothing) ] itDb "typechecks (A LEFT OUTER JOIN (B LEFT OUTER JOIN C))" $ let _x :: SqlPersistT IO _ _x = select $ from $ \(a `LeftOuterJoin` (b `LeftOuterJoin` c)) -> let _ = [a, b, c] :: [ SqlExpr (Entity Person) ] in return a in asserting noExceptions itDb "typechecks ((A LEFT OUTER JOIN B) LEFT OUTER JOIN C)" $ let _x :: SqlPersistT IO _ _x = select $ from $ \((a `LeftOuterJoin` b) `LeftOuterJoin` c) -> let _ = [a, b, c] :: [ SqlExpr (Entity Person) ] in return a in asserting noExceptions itDb "throws an error for using on without joins" $ do eres <- try $ select $ from $ \(p, mb) -> do on (just (p ^. PersonId) ==. mb ?. BlogPostAuthorId) orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName), asc (mb ?. BlogPostTitle) ] return (p, mb) asserting $ shouldBeOnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException eres itDb "throws an error for using too many ons" $ do eres <- try $ select $ from $ \(p `FullOuterJoin` mb) -> do on (just (p ^. PersonId) ==. mb ?. BlogPostAuthorId) on (just (p ^. PersonId) ==. mb ?. BlogPostAuthorId) orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName), asc (mb ?. BlogPostTitle) ] return (p, mb) asserting $ shouldBeOnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException eres itDb "works with ForeignKey to a non-id primary key returning one entity" $ do let fc = Frontcover number "" article = Article "Esqueleto supports composite pks!" number number = 101 Right thePk = keyFromValues [toPersistValue number] fcPk <- insert fc insert_ article [Entity _ retFc] <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` f) -> do on (f^.FrontcoverNumber ==. a^.ArticleFrontcoverNumber) return f asserting $ do retFc `shouldBe` fc fcPk `shouldBe` thePk itDb "allows using a primary key that is itself a key of another table" $ do let number = 101 insert_ $ Frontcover number "" articleId <- insert $ Article "title" number articleMetaE <- insert' (ArticleMetadata articleId) result <- select $ from $ \articleMetadata -> do where_ $ (articleMetadata ^. ArticleMetadataId) ==. (val ((ArticleMetadataKey articleId))) pure articleMetadata asserting $ [articleMetaE] `shouldBe` result itDb "allows joining between a primary key that is itself a key of another table, using ToBaseId" $ do do let number = 101 insert_ $ Frontcover number "" articleE@(Entity articleId _) <- insert' $ Article "title" number articleMetaE <- insert' (ArticleMetadata articleId) articlesAndMetadata <- select $ from $ \(article `InnerJoin` articleMetadata) -> do on (toBaseId (articleMetadata ^. ArticleMetadataId) ==. article ^. ArticleId) return (article, articleMetadata) asserting $ [(articleE, articleMetaE)] `shouldBe` articlesAndMetadata itDb "works with a ForeignKey to a non-id primary key returning both entities" $ do let fc = Frontcover number "" article = Article "Esqueleto supports composite pks!" number number = 101 Right thePk = keyFromValues [toPersistValue number] fcPk <- insert fc insert_ article [(Entity _ retFc, Entity _ retArt)] <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` f) -> do on (f^.FrontcoverNumber ==. a^.ArticleFrontcoverNumber) return (f, a) asserting $ do retFc `shouldBe` fc retArt `shouldBe` article fcPk `shouldBe` thePk articleFkfrontcover retArt `shouldBe` thePk itDb "works with a non-id primary key returning one entity" $ do let fc = Frontcover number "" article = Article2 "Esqueleto supports composite pks!" thePk number = 101 Right thePk = keyFromValues [toPersistValue number] fcPk <- insert fc insert_ article [Entity _ retFc] <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` f) -> do on (f^.FrontcoverId ==. a^.Article2FrontcoverId) return f asserting $ do retFc `shouldBe` fc fcPk `shouldBe` thePk it "works with a composite primary key" $ \_ -> pendingWith "Persistent does not create the CircleFkPoint constructor. See: https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/341" {- do let p = Point x y "" c = Circle x y "" x = 10 y = 15 Right thePk = keyFromValues [toPersistValue x, toPersistValue y] pPk <- insert p insert_ c [Entity _ ret] <- select $ from $ \(c' `InnerJoin` p') -> do on (p'^.PointId ==. c'^.CircleFkpoint) return p' asserting $ do ret `shouldBe` p pPk `shouldBe` thePk -} itDb "works when joining via a non-id primary key" $ do let fc = Frontcover number "" article = Article "Esqueleto supports composite pks!" number tag = Tag "foo" otherTag = Tag "ignored" number = 101 insert_ fc insert_ otherTag artId <- insert article tagId <- insert tag insert_ $ ArticleTag artId tagId [(Entity _ retArt, Entity _ retTag)] <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` at `InnerJoin` t) -> do on (t^.TagId ==. at^.ArticleTagTagId) on (a^.ArticleId ==. at^.ArticleTagArticleId) return (a, t) asserting $ do retArt `shouldBe` article retTag `shouldBe` tag itDb "respects the associativity of joins" $ do void $ insert p1 ps <- select $ from $ \((p :: SqlExpr (Entity Person)) `LeftOuterJoin` ((_q :: SqlExpr (Entity Person)) `InnerJoin` (_r :: SqlExpr (Entity Person)))) -> do on (val False) -- Inner join is empty on (val True) return p asserting $ (entityVal <$> ps) `shouldBe` [p1] testSelectSubQuery :: SpecDb testSelectSubQuery = describe "select subquery" $ do itDb "works" $ do _ <- insert' p1 let q = do p <- Experimental.from $ Table @Person return ( p ^. PersonName, p ^. PersonAge) ret <- select $ Experimental.from q asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ (Value $ personName p1, Value $ personAge p1) ] itDb "supports sub-selecting Maybe entities" $ do l1e <- insert' l1 l3e <- insert' l3 l1Deeds <- mapM (\k -> insert' $ Deed k (entityKey l1e)) (map show [1..3 :: Int]) let l1WithDeeds = do d <- l1Deeds pure (l1e, Just d) let q = Experimental.from $ do (lords :& deeds) <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord `LeftOuterJoin` Table @Deed `Experimental.on` (\(l :& d) -> just (l ^. LordId) ==. d ?. DeedOwnerId) pure (lords, deeds) ret <- select q asserting $ ret `shouldMatchList` ((l3e, Nothing) : l1WithDeeds) itDb "lets you order by alias" $ do _ <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p3 let q = do (name, age) <- Experimental.from $ do p <- Experimental.from $ Table @Person return ( p ^. PersonName, p ^. PersonAge) orderBy [ asc age ] pure name ret <- select q asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value $ personName p3, Value $ personName p1 ] itDb "supports groupBy" $ do l1k <- insert l1 l3k <- insert l3 mapM_ (\k -> insert $ Deed k l1k) (map show [1..3 :: Int]) mapM_ (\k -> insert $ Deed k l3k) (map show [4..10 :: Int]) let q = do (lord :& deed) <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord `InnerJoin` Table @Deed `Experimental.on` (\(lord :& deed) -> lord ^. LordId ==. deed ^. DeedOwnerId) return (lord ^. LordId, deed ^. DeedId) q' = do (lordId, deedId) <- Experimental.from q groupBy (lordId) return (lordId, count deedId) (ret :: [(Value (Key Lord), Value Int)]) <- select q' asserting $ ret `shouldMatchList` [ (Value l3k, Value 7) , (Value l1k, Value 3) ] itDb "Can count results of aggregate query" $ do l1k <- insert l1 l3k <- insert l3 mapM_ (\k -> insert $ Deed k l1k) (map show [1..3 :: Int]) mapM_ (\k -> insert $ Deed k l3k) (map show [4..10 :: Int]) let q = do (lord :& deed) <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord `InnerJoin` Table @Deed `Experimental.on` (\(lord :& deed) -> lord ^. LordId ==. deed ^. DeedOwnerId) groupBy (lord ^. LordId) return (lord ^. LordId, count (deed ^. DeedId)) (ret :: [(Value Int)]) <- select $ do (lordId, deedCount) <- Experimental.from q where_ $ deedCount >. val (3 :: Int) return (count lordId) asserting $ ret `shouldMatchList` [ (Value 1) ] itDb "joins on subqueries" $ do l1k <- insert l1 l3k <- insert l3 mapM_ (\k -> insert $ Deed k l1k) (map show [1..3 :: Int]) mapM_ (\k -> insert $ Deed k l3k) (map show [4..10 :: Int]) let q = do (lord :& deed) <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord `InnerJoin` (Experimental.from $ Table @Deed) `Experimental.on` (\(lord :& deed) -> lord ^. LordId ==. deed ^. DeedOwnerId) groupBy (lord ^. LordId) return (lord ^. LordId, count (deed ^. DeedId)) (ret :: [(Value (Key Lord), Value Int)]) <- select q asserting $ ret `shouldMatchList` [ (Value l3k, Value 7) , (Value l1k, Value 3) ] itDb "flattens maybe values" $ do l1k <- insert l1 l3k <- insert l3 let q = do (lord :& (_, dogCounts)) <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord `LeftOuterJoin` do lord <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord pure (lord ^. LordId, lord ^. LordDogs) `Experimental.on` (\(lord :& (lordId, _)) -> just (lord ^. LordId) ==. lordId) groupBy (lord ^. LordId, dogCounts) return (lord ^. LordId, dogCounts) (ret :: [(Value (Key Lord), Value (Maybe Int))]) <- select q asserting $ ret `shouldMatchList` [ (Value l3k, Value (lordDogs l3)) , (Value l1k, Value (lordDogs l1)) ] itDb "unions" $ do _ <- insert p1 _ <- insert p2 let q = Experimental.from $ (do p <- Experimental.from $ Table @Person where_ $ not_ $ isNothing $ p ^. PersonAge return (p ^. PersonName)) `union_` (do p <- Experimental.from $ Table @Person where_ $ isNothing $ p ^. PersonAge return (p ^. PersonName)) `union_` (do p <- Experimental.from $ Table @Person where_ $ isNothing $ p ^. PersonAge return (p ^. PersonName)) names <- select q asserting $ names `shouldMatchList` [ (Value $ personName p1) , (Value $ personName p2) ] testSelectWhere :: SpecDb testSelectWhere = describe "select where_" $ do itDb "works for a simple example with (==.)" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonName ==. val "John") return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e ] itDb "works for a simple example with (==.) and (||.)" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonName ==. val "John" ||. p ^. PersonName ==. val "Rachel") return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e, p2e ] itDb "works for a simple example with (>.) [uses val . Just]" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonAge >. val (Just 17)) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e ] describe "when using between" $ do itDb "works for a simple example with [uses just . val]" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ ((p ^. PersonAge) `between` (just $ val 20, just $ val 40)) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e ] itDb "works for a proyected fields value" $ do _ <- insert' p1 >> insert' p2 >> insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ $ just (p ^. PersonFavNum) `between` (p ^. PersonAge, p ^. PersonWeight) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [] describe "when projecting composite keys" $ do itDb "works when using composite keys with val" $ do insert_ $ Point 1 2 "" ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ $ p ^. PointId `between` ( val $ PointKey 1 2 , val $ PointKey 5 6 ) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [()] describe "when using not_" $ do itDb "works for a single expression" $ do ret <- select $ pure $ not_ $ val True asserting $ do ret `shouldBe` [Value False] itDb "works for a simple example with (>.) [uses just . val]" $ do _ <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (not_ $ p ^. PersonAge >. just (val 17)) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p3e ] itDb "works with (==.) and (||.)" $ do _ <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (not_ $ p ^. PersonName ==. val "John" ||. p ^. PersonName ==. val "Rachel") return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p3e ] itDb "works with (>.), (<.) and (&&.) [uses just . val]" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (not_ $ (p ^. PersonAge >. just (val 10)) &&. (p ^. PersonAge <. just (val 30))) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e ] itDb "works with between [uses just . val]" $ do _ <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (not_ $ (p ^. PersonAge) `between` (just $ val 20, just $ val 40)) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p3e ] itDb "works with avg_" $ do _ <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 _ <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p-> return $ joinV $ avg_ (p ^. PersonAge) let testV :: Double testV = roundTo (4 :: Integer) $ (36 + 17 + 17) / (3 :: Double) retV :: [Value (Maybe Double)] retV = map (Value . fmap (roundTo (4 :: Integer)) . unValue) (ret :: [Value (Maybe Double)]) asserting $ retV `shouldBe` [ Value $ Just testV ] itDb "works with min_" $ do _ <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 _ <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p-> return $ joinV $ min_ (p ^. PersonAge) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value $ Just (17 :: Int) ] itDb "works with max_" $ do _ <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 _ <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p-> return $ joinV $ max_ (p ^. PersonAge) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value $ Just (36 :: Int) ] itDb "works with lower_" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e@(Entity _ bob) <- insert' $ Person "bob" (Just 36) Nothing 1 -- lower(name) == 'john' ret1 <- select $ from $ \p-> do where_ (lower_ (p ^. PersonName) ==. val (map toLower $ personName p1)) return p asserting $ ret1 `shouldBe` [ p1e ] -- name == lower('BOB') ret2 <- select $ from $ \p-> do where_ (p ^. PersonName ==. lower_ (val $ map toUpper $ personName bob)) return p asserting $ ret2 `shouldBe` [ p2e ] itDb "works with round_" $ do ret <- select $ return $ round_ (val (16.2 :: Double)) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value (16 :: Double) ] itDb "works with isNothing" $ do _ <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ $ isNothing (p ^. PersonAge) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p2e ] itDb "works with not_ . isNothing" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ $ not_ (isNothing (p ^. PersonAge)) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e ] itDb "works for a many-to-many implicit join" $ do p1e@(Entity p1k _) <- insert' p1 p2e@(Entity p2k _) <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 p4e@(Entity p4k _) <- insert' p4 f12 <- insert' (Follow p1k p2k) f21 <- insert' (Follow p2k p1k) f42 <- insert' (Follow p4k p2k) f11 <- insert' (Follow p1k p1k) ret <- select $ from $ \(follower, follows, followed) -> do where_ $ follower ^. PersonId ==. follows ^. FollowFollower &&. followed ^. PersonId ==. follows ^. FollowFollowed orderBy [ asc (follower ^. PersonName) , asc (followed ^. PersonName) ] return (follower, follows, followed) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, f11, p1e) , (p1e, f12, p2e) , (p4e, f42, p2e) , (p2e, f21, p1e) ] itDb "works for a many-to-many explicit join" $ do p1e@(Entity p1k _) <- insert' p1 p2e@(Entity p2k _) <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 p4e@(Entity p4k _) <- insert' p4 f12 <- insert' (Follow p1k p2k) f21 <- insert' (Follow p2k p1k) f42 <- insert' (Follow p4k p2k) f11 <- insert' (Follow p1k p1k) ret <- select $ from $ \(follower `InnerJoin` follows `InnerJoin` followed) -> do on $ followed ^. PersonId ==. follows ^. FollowFollowed on $ follower ^. PersonId ==. follows ^. FollowFollower orderBy [ asc (follower ^. PersonName) , asc (followed ^. PersonName) ] return (follower, follows, followed) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, f11, p1e) , (p1e, f12, p2e) , (p4e, f42, p2e) , (p2e, f21, p1e) ] itDb "works for a many-to-many explicit join and on order doesn't matter" $ do void $ selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(person `InnerJoin` blog `InnerJoin` comment) -> do on $ person ^. PersonId ==. blog ^. BlogPostAuthorId on $ blog ^. BlogPostId ==. comment ^. CommentBlog pure (person, comment) -- we only care that we don't have a SQL error asserting noExceptions itDb "works for a many-to-many explicit join with LEFT OUTER JOINs" $ do p1e@(Entity p1k _) <- insert' p1 p2e@(Entity p2k _) <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 p4e@(Entity p4k _) <- insert' p4 f12 <- insert' (Follow p1k p2k) f21 <- insert' (Follow p2k p1k) f42 <- insert' (Follow p4k p2k) f11 <- insert' (Follow p1k p1k) ret <- select $ from $ \(follower `LeftOuterJoin` mfollows `LeftOuterJoin` mfollowed) -> do on $ mfollowed ?. PersonId ==. mfollows ?. FollowFollowed on $ just (follower ^. PersonId) ==. mfollows ?. FollowFollower orderBy [ asc ( follower ^. PersonName) , asc (mfollowed ?. PersonName) ] return (follower, mfollows, mfollowed) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, Just f11, Just p1e) , (p1e, Just f12, Just p2e) , (p4e, Just f42, Just p2e) , (p3e, Nothing, Nothing) , (p2e, Just f21, Just p1e) ] itDb "works with a composite primary key" $ do let p = Point x y "" x = 10 y = 15 Right thePk = keyFromValues [toPersistValue x, toPersistValue y] pPk <- insert p [Entity _ ret] <- select $ from $ \p' -> do where_ (p'^.PointId ==. val pPk) return p' asserting $ do ret `shouldBe` p pPk `shouldBe` thePk testSelectOrderBy :: SpecDb testSelectOrderBy = describe "select/orderBy" $ do itDb "works with a single ASC field" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc $ p ^. PersonName] return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e, p3e, p2e ] itDb "works with a subSelect" $ do [p1k, p2k, p3k, p4k] <- mapM insert [p1, p2, p3, p4] [b1k, b2k, b3k, b4k] <- mapM (insert . BlogPost "") [p1k, p2k, p3k, p4k] ret <- select $ from $ \b -> do orderBy [desc $ subSelect $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId) return (p ^. PersonName) ] return (b ^. BlogPostId) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` (Value <$> [b2k, b3k, b4k, b1k]) itDb "works on a composite primary key" $ do let ps = [Point 2 1 "", Point 1 2 ""] mapM_ insert ps eps <- select $ from $ \p' -> do orderBy [asc (p'^.PointId)] return p' asserting $ map entityVal eps `shouldBe` reverse ps testAscRandom :: SqlExpr (Value Double) -> SpecDb testAscRandom rand' = describe "random_" $ itDb "asc random_ works" $ do _p1e <- insert' p1 _p2e <- insert' p2 _p3e <- insert' p3 _p4e <- insert' p4 rets <- fmap S.fromList $ replicateM 11 $ select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (rand' :: SqlExpr (Value Double))] return (p ^. PersonId :: SqlExpr (Value PersonId)) -- There are 2^4 = 16 possible orderings. The chance -- of 11 random samplings returning the same ordering -- is 1/2^40, so this test should pass almost everytime. asserting $ S.size rets `shouldSatisfy` (>2) testSelectDistinct :: SpecDb testSelectDistinct = do describe "SELECT DISTINCT" $ do let selDistTest :: ( SqlQuery (SqlExpr (Value String)) -> SqlPersistT IO [Value String] ) -> SqlPersistT IO () selDistTest q = do p1k <- insert p1 let (t1, t2, t3) = ("a", "b", "c") mapM_ (insert . flip BlogPost p1k) [t1, t3, t2, t2, t1] ret <- q $ from $ \b -> do let title = b ^. BlogPostTitle orderBy [asc title] return title asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value t1, Value t2, Value t3 ] itDb "works on a simple example (select . distinct)" $ selDistTest (\a -> select $ distinct a) itDb "works on a simple example (distinct (return ()))" $ selDistTest (\act -> select $ distinct (return ()) >> act) testCoasleceDefault :: SpecDb testCoasleceDefault = describe "coalesce/coalesceDefault" $ do itDb "works on a simple example" $ do mapM_ insert' [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5] ret1 <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonId)] return (coalesce [p ^. PersonAge, p ^. PersonWeight]) asserting $ ret1 `shouldBe` [ Value (Just (36 :: Int)) , Value (Just 37) , Value (Just 17) , Value (Just 17) , Value Nothing ] ret2 <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonId)] return (coalesceDefault [p ^. PersonAge, p ^. PersonWeight] (p ^. PersonFavNum)) asserting $ ret2 `shouldBe` [ Value (36 :: Int) , Value 37 , Value 17 , Value 17 , Value 5 ] itDb "works with sub-queries" $ do p1id <- insert p1 p2id <- insert p2 p3id <- insert p3 _ <- insert p4 _ <- insert p5 _ <- insert $ BlogPost "a" p1id _ <- insert $ BlogPost "b" p2id _ <- insert $ BlogPost "c" p3id ret <- select $ from $ \b -> do let sub = from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId) pure $ p ^. PersonAge return $ coalesceDefault [joinV $ subSelect sub] (val (42 :: Int)) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value (36 :: Int) , Value 42 , Value 17 ] testDelete :: SpecDb testDelete = describe "delete" $ do itDb "works on a simple example" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 let getAll = select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p ret1 <- getAll asserting $ ret1 `shouldBe` [ p1e, p3e, p2e ] () <- delete $ from $ \p -> where_ (p ^. PersonName ==. val (personName p1)) ret2 <- getAll asserting $ ret2 `shouldBe` [ p3e, p2e ] n <- deleteCount $ from $ \p -> return ((p :: SqlExpr (Entity Person)) `seq` ()) ret3 <- getAll asserting $ (n, ret3) `shouldBe` (2, []) testUpdate :: SpecDb testUpdate = describe "update" $ do itDb "works with a subexpression having COUNT(*)" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 replicateM_ 3 (insert $ BlogPost "" p1k) replicateM_ 7 (insert $ BlogPost "" p3k) let blogPostsBy p = from $ \b -> do where_ (b ^. BlogPostAuthorId ==. p ^. PersonId) return countRows () <- update $ \p -> do set p [ PersonAge =. subSelect (blogPostsBy p) ] ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName) ] return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Entity p1k p1 { personAge = Just 3 } , Entity p3k p3 { personAge = Just 7 } , Entity p2k p2 { personAge = Just 0 } ] it "works with a composite primary key" $ \_ -> pendingWith "Need refactor to support composite pks on ESet" {- do let p = Point x y "" x = 10 y = 15 newX = 20 newY = 25 Right newPk = keyFromValues [toPersistValue newX, toPersistValue newY] insert_ p () <- update $ \p' -> do set p' [PointId =. val newPk] [Entity _ ret] <- select $ from $ return asserting $ do ret `shouldBe` Point newX newY [] -} itDb "GROUP BY works with COUNT" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 replicateM_ 3 (insert $ BlogPost "" p1k) replicateM_ 7 (insert $ BlogPost "" p3k) ret <- select $ from $ \(p `LeftOuterJoin` b) -> do on (p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId) groupBy (p ^. PersonId) let cnt = count (b ^. BlogPostId) orderBy [ asc cnt ] return (p, cnt) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ (Entity p2k p2, Value (0 :: Int)) , (Entity p1k p1, Value 3) , (Entity p3k p3, Value 7) ] itDb "GROUP BY works with composite primary key" $ do p1k <- insert $ Point 1 2 "asdf" p2k <- insert $ Point 2 3 "asdf" ret <- selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \point -> do where_ $ point ^. PointName ==. val "asdf" groupBy (point ^. PointId) pure (point ^. PointId) asserting $ do ret `shouldMatchList` map Value [p1k, p2k] itDb "GROUP BY works with COUNT and InnerJoin" $ do l1k <- insert l1 l3k <- insert l3 mapM_ (\k -> insert $ Deed k l1k) (map show [1..3 :: Int]) mapM_ (\k -> insert $ Deed k l3k) (map show [4..10 :: Int]) (ret :: [(Value (Key Lord), Value Int)]) <- select $ from $ \ ( lord `InnerJoin` deed ) -> do on $ lord ^. LordId ==. deed ^. DeedOwnerId groupBy (lord ^. LordId) return (lord ^. LordId, count $ deed ^. DeedId) asserting $ ret `shouldMatchList` [ (Value l3k, Value 7) , (Value l1k, Value 3) ] itDb "GROUP BY works with nested tuples" $ do l1k <- insert l1 l3k <- insert l3 mapM_ (\k -> insert $ Deed k l1k) (map show [1..3 :: Int]) mapM_ (\k -> insert $ Deed k l3k) (map show [4..10 :: Int]) (ret :: [(Value (Key Lord), Value Int)]) <- select $ from $ \ ( lord `InnerJoin` deed ) -> do on $ lord ^. LordId ==. deed ^. DeedOwnerId groupBy ((lord ^. LordId, lord ^. LordDogs), deed ^. DeedContract) return (lord ^. LordId, count $ deed ^. DeedId) asserting $ length ret `shouldBe` 10 itDb "GROUP BY works with HAVING" $ do p1k <- insert p1 _p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 replicateM_ 3 (insert $ BlogPost "" p1k) replicateM_ 7 (insert $ BlogPost "" p3k) ret <- select $ from $ \(p `LeftOuterJoin` b) -> do on (p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId) let cnt = count (b ^. BlogPostId) groupBy (p ^. PersonId) having (cnt >. (val 0)) orderBy [ asc cnt ] return (p, cnt) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ (Entity p1k p1, Value (3 :: Int)) , (Entity p3k p3, Value 7) ] -- we only care that this compiles. check that SqlWriteT doesn't fail on -- updates. testSqlWriteT :: MonadIO m => SqlWriteT m () testSqlWriteT = update $ \p -> do set p [ PersonAge =. just (val 6) ] -- we only care that this compiles. checks that the SqlWriteT monad can run -- select queries. testSqlWriteTRead :: MonadIO m => SqlWriteT m [(Value (Key Lord), Value Int)] testSqlWriteTRead = select $ from $ \ ( lord `InnerJoin` deed ) -> do on $ lord ^. LordId ==. deed ^. DeedOwnerId groupBy (lord ^. LordId) return (lord ^. LordId, count $ deed ^. DeedId) -- we only care that this compiles checks that SqlReadT allows testSqlReadT :: MonadIO m => SqlReadT m [(Value (Key Lord), Value Int)] testSqlReadT = select $ from $ \ ( lord `InnerJoin` deed ) -> do on $ lord ^. LordId ==. deed ^. DeedOwnerId groupBy (lord ^. LordId) return (lord ^. LordId, count $ deed ^. DeedId) testListOfValues :: SpecDb testListOfValues = describe "lists of values" $ do itDb "IN works for valList" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 _p3k <- insert p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonName `in_` valList (personName <$> [p1, p2])) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Entity p1k p1 , Entity p2k p2 ] itDb "IN works for valList (null list)" $ do _p1k <- insert p1 _p2k <- insert p2 _p3k <- insert p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonName `in_` valList []) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [] itDb "IN works for subList_select" $ do p1k <- insert p1 _p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 _ <- insert (BlogPost "" p1k) _ <- insert (BlogPost "" p3k) ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do let subquery = from $ \bp -> do orderBy [ asc (bp ^. BlogPostAuthorId) ] return (bp ^. BlogPostAuthorId) where_ (p ^. PersonId `in_` subList_select subquery) return p asserting $ L.sort ret `shouldBe` L.sort [Entity p1k p1, Entity p3k p3] itDb "NOT IN works for subList_select" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 _ <- insert (BlogPost "" p1k) _ <- insert (BlogPost "" p3k) ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do let subquery = from $ \bp -> return (bp ^. BlogPostAuthorId) where_ (p ^. PersonId `notIn` subList_select subquery) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Entity p2k p2 ] itDb "NOT IN works for valList (null list)" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonName `notIn` valList []) return p asserting $ ret `shouldMatchList` [ Entity p1k p1 , Entity p2k p2 , Entity p3k p3 ] itDb "EXISTS works for subList_select" $ do p1k <- insert p1 _p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 _ <- insert (BlogPost "" p1k) _ <- insert (BlogPost "" p3k) ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ $ exists $ from $ \bp -> do where_ (bp ^. BlogPostAuthorId ==. p ^. PersonId) orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Entity p1k p1 , Entity p3k p3 ] itDb "EXISTS works for subList_select" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 _ <- insert (BlogPost "" p1k) _ <- insert (BlogPost "" p3k) ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ $ notExists $ from $ \bp -> do where_ (bp ^. BlogPostAuthorId ==. p ^. PersonId) return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Entity p2k p2 ] testListFields :: SpecDb testListFields = describe "list fields" $ do -- itDb "can update list fields" $ do cclist <- insert $ CcList [] update $ \p -> do set p [ CcListNames =. val ["fred"]] where_ (p ^. CcListId ==. val cclist) asserting noExceptions testInsertsBySelect :: SpecDb testInsertsBySelect = do describe "inserts by select" $ do itDb "IN works for insertSelect" $ do _ <- insert p1 _ <- insert p2 _ <- insert p3 insertSelect $ from $ \p -> do return $ BlogPost <# val "FakePost" <&> (p ^. PersonId) ret <- select $ from (\(_::(SqlExpr (Entity BlogPost))) -> return countRows) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [Value (3::Int)] testInsertsBySelectReturnsCount :: SpecDb testInsertsBySelectReturnsCount = do describe "inserts by select, returns count" $ do itDb "IN works for insertSelectCount" $ do _ <- insert p1 _ <- insert p2 _ <- insert p3 cnt <- insertSelectCount $ from $ \p -> do return $ BlogPost <# val "FakePost" <&> (p ^. PersonId) ret <- select $ from (\(_::(SqlExpr (Entity BlogPost))) -> return countRows) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [Value (3::Int)] asserting $ cnt `shouldBe` 3 testMathFunctions :: SpecDb testMathFunctions = do describe "Math-related functions" $ do itDb "castNum works for multiplying Int and Double" $ do mapM_ insert [Numbers 2 3.4, Numbers 7 1.1] ret <- select $ from $ \n -> do let r = castNum (n ^. NumbersInt) *. n ^. NumbersDouble orderBy [asc r] return r asserting $ length ret `shouldBe` 2 let [Value a, Value b] = ret asserting $ max (abs (a - 6.8)) (abs (b - 7.7)) `shouldSatisfy` (< 0.01) testCase :: SpecDb testCase = do describe "case" $ do itDb "Works for a simple value based when - False" $ do ret <- select $ return $ case_ [ when_ (val False) then_ (val (1 :: Int)) ] (else_ (val 2)) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value 2 ] itDb "Works for a simple value based when - True" $ do ret <- select $ return $ case_ [ when_ (val True) then_ (val (1 :: Int)) ] (else_ (val 2)) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value 1 ] itDb "works for a semi-complicated query" $ do _ <- insert p1 _ <- insert p2 _ <- insert p3 _ <- insert p4 _ <- insert p5 ret <- select $ return $ case_ [ when_ (exists $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonName ==. val "Mike")) then_ (subSelect $ from $ \v -> do let sub = from $ \c -> do where_ (c ^. PersonName ==. val "Mike") return (c ^. PersonFavNum) where_ (just (v ^. PersonFavNum) >. subSelect sub) return $ count (v ^. PersonName) +. val (1 :: Int)) ] (else_ $ just $ val (-1)) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value (Just 3) ] testLocking :: SpecDb testLocking = do let toText conn q = let (tlb, _) = EI.toRawSql EI.SELECT (conn, EI.initialIdentState) q in TLB.toLazyText tlb complexQuery = from $ \(p1' `InnerJoin` p2') -> do on (p1' ^. PersonName ==. p2' ^. PersonName) where_ (p1' ^. PersonFavNum >. val 2) orderBy [desc (p2' ^. PersonAge)] limit 3 offset 9 groupBy (p1' ^. PersonId) having (countRows <. val (0 :: Int)) return (p1', p2') describe "locking" $ do -- The locking clause is the last one, so try to use many -- others to test if it's at the right position. We don't -- care about the text of the rest, nor with the RDBMS' -- reaction to the clause. let sanityCheck kind syntax = do let queryWithClause1 = do r <- complexQuery locking kind return r queryWithClause2 = do locking ForUpdate r <- complexQuery locking ForShare locking kind return r queryWithClause3 = do locking kind complexQuery conn <- ask [complex, with1, with2, with3] <- return $ map (toText conn) [complexQuery, queryWithClause1, queryWithClause2, queryWithClause3] let expected = complex <> syntax <> "\n" asserting $ do with1 `shouldBe` expected with2 `shouldBe` expected with3 `shouldBe` expected itDb "looks sane for ForUpdate" $ sanityCheck ForUpdate "FOR UPDATE" itDb "looks sane for ForUpdateSkipLocked" $ sanityCheck ForUpdateSkipLocked "FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED" itDb "looks sane for ForShare" $ sanityCheck ForShare "FOR SHARE" itDb "looks sane for LockInShareMode" $ sanityCheck LockInShareMode "LOCK IN SHARE MODE" describe "Monoid instance" $ do let multiplePostgresLockingClauses p = do EP.forUpdateOf p EP.skipLocked EP.forUpdateOf p EP.skipLocked EP.forShareOf p EP.skipLocked multipleLegacyLockingClauses = do locking ForShare locking ForUpdate multipleLockingQueryPostgresLast = do p <- Experimental.from $ table @Person multipleLegacyLockingClauses multiplePostgresLockingClauses p multipleLockingQueryLegacyLast = do p <- Experimental.from $ table @Person multiplePostgresLockingClauses p multipleLegacyLockingClauses expectedPostgresQuery = do p <- Experimental.from $ table @Person EP.forUpdateOf p EP.skipLocked EP.forUpdateOf p EP.skipLocked EP.forShareOf p EP.skipLocked expectedLegacyQuery = do p <- Experimental.from $ table @Person locking ForUpdate itDb "prioritizes last grouping of locks when mixing legacy and postgres specific locks" $ do conn <- ask let resPostgresLast = toText conn multipleLockingQueryPostgresLast resLegacyLast = toText conn multipleLockingQueryLegacyLast resExpectedPostgres = toText conn expectedPostgresQuery resExpectedLegacy = toText conn expectedLegacyQuery asserting $ resPostgresLast `shouldBe` resExpectedPostgres asserting $ resLegacyLast `shouldBe` resExpectedLegacy testCountingRows :: SpecDb testCountingRows = do describe "counting rows" $ do forM_ [ ("count (test A)", count . (^. PersonAge), 4) , ("count (test B)", count . (^. PersonWeight), 5) , ("countRows", const countRows, 5) , ("countDistinct", countDistinct . (^. PersonAge), 2) ] $ \(title, countKind, expected) -> itDb (title ++ " works as expected") $ do mapM_ insert [ Person "" (Just 1) (Just 1) 1 , Person "" (Just 2) (Just 1) 1 , Person "" (Just 2) (Just 1) 1 , Person "" (Just 2) (Just 2) 1 , Person "" Nothing (Just 3) 1] [Value n] <- select $ from $ return . countKind asserting $ (n :: Int) `shouldBe` expected testRenderSql :: SpecDb testRenderSql = do describe "testRenderSql" $ do itDb "works" $ do (queryText, queryVals) <- renderQuerySelect $ from $ \p -> do where_ $ p ^. PersonName ==. val "Johhny Depp" pure (p ^. PersonName, p ^. PersonAge) -- the different backends use different quote marks, so I filter them out -- here instead of making a duplicate test asserting $ do Text.filter (\c -> c `notElem` ['`', '"']) queryText `shouldBe` Text.unlines [ "SELECT Person.name, Person.age" , "FROM Person" , "WHERE Person.name = ?" ] queryVals `shouldBe` [toPersistValue ("Johhny Depp" :: TL.Text)] describe "renderExpr" $ do itDb "renders a value" $ do (c, expr) <- do conn <- ask let Right c = P.mkEscapeChar conn let user = EI.unsafeSqlEntity (EI.I "user") blogPost = EI.unsafeSqlEntity (EI.I "blog_post") pure $ (,) c $ EI.renderExpr conn $ user ^. PersonId ==. blogPost ^. BlogPostAuthorId asserting $ do expr `shouldBe` Text.intercalate (Text.singleton c) ["", "user", ".", "id", ""] <> " = " <> Text.intercalate (Text.singleton c) ["", "blog_post", ".", "authorId", ""] itDb "renders ? for a val" $ do expr <- ask >>= \c -> pure $ EI.renderExpr c (val (PersonKey 0) ==. val (PersonKey 1)) asserting $ expr `shouldBe` "? = ?" beforeWith (\_ -> pure ()) $ describe "ExprParser" $ do let parse parser = AP.parseOnly (parser '#') describe "parseEscapedChars" $ do let subject = parse P.parseEscapedChars it "parses words" $ do subject "hello world" `shouldBe` Right "hello world" it "only returns a single escape-char if present" $ do subject "i_am##identifier##" `shouldBe` Right "i_am#identifier#" describe "parseEscapedIdentifier" $ do let subject = parse P.parseEscapedIdentifier it "parses the quotes out" $ do subject "#it's a me, mario#" `shouldBe` Right "it's a me, mario" it "requires a beginning and end quote" $ do subject "#alas, i have no end" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft describe "parseTableAccess" $ do let subject = parse P.parseTableAccess it "parses a table access" $ do subject "#foo#.#bar#" `shouldBe` Right P.TableAccess { P.tableAccessTable = "foo" , P.tableAccessColumn = "bar" } describe "onExpr" $ do let subject = parse P.onExpr it "works" $ do subject "#foo#.#bar# = #bar#.#baz#" `shouldBe` do Right $ S.fromList [ P.TableAccess { P.tableAccessTable = "foo" , P.tableAccessColumn = "bar" } , P.TableAccess { P.tableAccessTable = "bar" , P.tableAccessColumn = "baz" } ] it "also works with other nonsense" $ do subject "#foo#.#bar# = 3" `shouldBe` do Right $ S.fromList [ P.TableAccess { P.tableAccessTable = "foo" , P.tableAccessColumn = "bar" } ] it "handles a conjunction" $ do subject "#foo#.#bar# = #bar#.#baz# AND #bar#.#baz# > 10" `shouldBe` do Right $ S.fromList [ P.TableAccess { P.tableAccessTable = "foo" , P.tableAccessColumn = "bar" } , P.TableAccess { P.tableAccessTable = "bar" , P.tableAccessColumn = "baz" } ] it "handles ? okay" $ do subject "#foo#.#bar# = ?" `shouldBe` do Right $ S.fromList [ P.TableAccess { P.tableAccessTable = "foo" , P.tableAccessColumn = "bar" } ] it "handles degenerate cases" $ do subject "false" `shouldBe` pure mempty subject "true" `shouldBe` pure mempty subject "1 = 1" `shouldBe` pure mempty it "works even if an identifier isn't first" $ do subject "true and #foo#.#bar# = 2" `shouldBe` do Right $ S.fromList [ P.TableAccess { P.tableAccessTable = "foo" , P.tableAccessColumn = "bar" } ] testOnClauseOrder :: SpecDb testOnClauseOrder = describe "On Clause Ordering" $ do let setup :: MonadIO m => SqlPersistT m () setup = do ja1 <- insert (JoinOne "j1 hello") ja2 <- insert (JoinOne "j1 world") jb1 <- insert (JoinTwo ja1 "j2 hello") jb2 <- insert (JoinTwo ja1 "j2 world") jb3 <- insert (JoinTwo ja2 "j2 foo") _ <- insert (JoinTwo ja2 "j2 bar") jc1 <- insert (JoinThree jb1 "j3 hello") jc2 <- insert (JoinThree jb1 "j3 world") _ <- insert (JoinThree jb2 "j3 foo") _ <- insert (JoinThree jb3 "j3 bar") _ <- insert (JoinThree jb3 "j3 baz") _ <- insert (JoinFour "j4 foo" jc1) _ <- insert (JoinFour "j4 bar" jc2) jd1 <- insert (JoinOther "foo") jd2 <- insert (JoinOther "bar") _ <- insert (JoinMany "jm foo hello" jd1 ja1) _ <- insert (JoinMany "jm foo world" jd1 ja2) _ <- insert (JoinMany "jm bar hello" jd2 ja1) _ <- insert (JoinMany "jm bar world" jd2 ja2) pure () describe "identical results for" $ do itDb "three tables" $ do setup abcs <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` c) -> do on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) pure (a, b, c) acbs <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` c) -> do on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) pure (a, b, c) asserting $ do listsEqualOn abcs acbs $ \(Entity _ j1, Entity _ j2, Entity _ j3) -> (joinOneName j1, joinTwoName j2, joinThreeName j3) itDb "four tables" $ do setup xs0 <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` c `InnerJoin` d) -> do on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) on (c ^. JoinThreeId ==. d ^. JoinFourJoinThree) pure (a, b, c, d) xs1 <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` c `InnerJoin` d) -> do on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) on (c ^. JoinThreeId ==. d ^. JoinFourJoinThree) on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) pure (a, b, c, d) xs2 <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` c `InnerJoin` d) -> do on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) on (c ^. JoinThreeId ==. d ^. JoinFourJoinThree) on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) pure (a, b, c, d) xs3 <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` c `InnerJoin` d) -> do on (c ^. JoinThreeId ==. d ^. JoinFourJoinThree) on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) pure (a, b, c, d) xs4 <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` c `InnerJoin` d) -> do on (c ^. JoinThreeId ==. d ^. JoinFourJoinThree) on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) pure (a, b, c, d) let getNames (j1, j2, j3, j4) = ( joinOneName (entityVal j1) , joinTwoName (entityVal j2) , joinThreeName (entityVal j3) , joinFourName (entityVal j4) ) asserting $ do listsEqualOn xs0 xs1 getNames listsEqualOn xs0 xs2 getNames listsEqualOn xs0 xs3 getNames listsEqualOn xs0 xs4 getNames itDb "associativity of innerjoin" $ do setup xs0 <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` c `InnerJoin` d) -> do on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) on (c ^. JoinThreeId ==. d ^. JoinFourJoinThree) pure (a, b, c, d) xs1 <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` (c `InnerJoin` d)) -> do on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) on (c ^. JoinThreeId ==. d ^. JoinFourJoinThree) pure (a, b, c, d) xs2 <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` (b `InnerJoin` c) `InnerJoin` d) -> do on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) on (c ^. JoinThreeId ==. d ^. JoinFourJoinThree) pure (a, b, c, d) xs3 <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` (b `InnerJoin` c `InnerJoin` d)) -> do on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne) on (b ^. JoinTwoId ==. c ^. JoinThreeJoinTwo) on (c ^. JoinThreeId ==. d ^. JoinFourJoinThree) pure (a, b, c, d) let getNames (j1, j2, j3, j4) = ( joinOneName (entityVal j1) , joinTwoName (entityVal j2) , joinThreeName (entityVal j3) , joinFourName (entityVal j4) ) asserting $ do listsEqualOn xs0 xs1 getNames listsEqualOn xs0 xs2 getNames listsEqualOn xs0 xs3 getNames itDb "inner join on two entities" $ do (xs0, xs1) <- do pid <- insert $ Person "hello" Nothing Nothing 3 _ <- insert $ BlogPost "good poast" pid _ <- insert $ Profile "cool" pid xs0 <- selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` pr) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId on $ p ^. PersonId ==. pr ^. ProfilePerson pure (p, b, pr) xs1 <- selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` pr) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. pr ^. ProfilePerson on $ p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId pure (p, b, pr) pure (xs0, xs1) asserting $ listsEqualOn xs0 xs1 $ \(Entity _ p, Entity _ b, Entity _ pr) -> (personName p, blogPostTitle b, profileName pr) itDb "inner join on three entities" $ do res <- do pid <- insert $ Person "hello" Nothing Nothing 3 _ <- insert $ BlogPost "good poast" pid _ <- insert $ BlogPost "good poast #2" pid _ <- insert $ Profile "cool" pid _ <- insert $ Reply pid "u wot m8" _ <- insert $ Reply pid "how dare you" bprr <- selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` pr `InnerJoin` r) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId on $ p ^. PersonId ==. pr ^. ProfilePerson on $ p ^. PersonId ==. r ^. ReplyGuy pure (p, b, pr, r) brpr <- selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` pr `InnerJoin` r) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId on $ p ^. PersonId ==. r ^. ReplyGuy on $ p ^. PersonId ==. pr ^. ProfilePerson pure (p, b, pr, r) prbr <- selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` pr `InnerJoin` r) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. pr ^. ProfilePerson on $ p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId on $ p ^. PersonId ==. r ^. ReplyGuy pure (p, b, pr, r) prrb <- selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` pr `InnerJoin` r) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. pr ^. ProfilePerson on $ p ^. PersonId ==. r ^. ReplyGuy on $ p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId pure (p, b, pr, r) rprb <- selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` pr `InnerJoin` r) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. r ^. ReplyGuy on $ p ^. PersonId ==. pr ^. ProfilePerson on $ p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId pure (p, b, pr, r) rbpr <- selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` pr `InnerJoin` r) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. r ^. ReplyGuy on $ p ^. PersonId ==. b ^. BlogPostAuthorId on $ p ^. PersonId ==. pr ^. ProfilePerson pure (p, b, pr, r) pure [bprr, brpr, prbr, prrb, rprb, rbpr] asserting $ forM_ (zip res (drop 1 (cycle res))) $ \(a, b) -> a `shouldBe` b itDb "many-to-many" $ do setup ac <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` c) -> do on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinManyJoinOne) on (c ^. JoinOtherId ==. b ^. JoinManyJoinOther) pure (a, c) ca <- select $ from $ \(a `InnerJoin` b `InnerJoin` c) -> do on (c ^. JoinOtherId ==. b ^. JoinManyJoinOther) on (a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinManyJoinOne) pure (a, c) asserting $ listsEqualOn ac ca $ \(Entity _ a, Entity _ b) -> (joinOneName a, joinOtherName b) itDb "left joins on order" $ do setup ca <- select $ from $ \(a `LeftOuterJoin` b `InnerJoin` c) -> do on (c ?. JoinOtherId ==. b ?. JoinManyJoinOther) on (just (a ^. JoinOneId) ==. b ?. JoinManyJoinOne) orderBy [asc $ a ^. JoinOneId, asc $ c ?. JoinOtherId] pure (a, c) ac <- select $ from $ \(a `LeftOuterJoin` b `InnerJoin` c) -> do on (just (a ^. JoinOneId) ==. b ?. JoinManyJoinOne) on (c ?. JoinOtherId ==. b ?. JoinManyJoinOther) orderBy [asc $ a ^. JoinOneId, asc $ c ?. JoinOtherId] pure (a, c) asserting $ listsEqualOn ac ca $ \(Entity _ a, b) -> (joinOneName a, maybe "NULL" (joinOtherName . entityVal) b) itDb "doesn't require an on for a crossjoin" $ do void $ select $ from $ \(a `CrossJoin` b) -> do pure (a :: SqlExpr (Entity JoinOne), b :: SqlExpr (Entity JoinTwo)) asserting noExceptions itDb "errors with an on for a crossjoin" $ do eres <- try $ select $ from $ \(a `CrossJoin` b) -> do on $ a ^. JoinOneId ==. b ^. JoinTwoJoinOne pure (a, b) asserting $ case eres of Left (OnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException _) -> pure () Right _ -> expectationFailure "Expected OnClause exception" itDb "left joins associativity" $ do setup ca <- select $ from $ \(a `LeftOuterJoin` (b `InnerJoin` c)) -> do on (c ?. JoinOtherId ==. b ?. JoinManyJoinOther) on (just (a ^. JoinOneId) ==. b ?. JoinManyJoinOne) orderBy [asc $ a ^. JoinOneId, asc $ c ?. JoinOtherId] pure (a, c) ca' <- select $ from $ \(a `LeftOuterJoin` b `InnerJoin` c) -> do on (c ?. JoinOtherId ==. b ?. JoinManyJoinOther) on (just (a ^. JoinOneId) ==. b ?. JoinManyJoinOne) orderBy [asc $ a ^. JoinOneId, asc $ c ?. JoinOtherId] pure (a, c) asserting $ listsEqualOn ca ca' $ \(Entity _ a, b) -> (joinOneName a, maybe "NULL" (joinOtherName . entityVal) b) itDb "composes queries still" $ do let query1 = from $ \(foo `InnerJoin` bar) -> do on (foo ^. FooId ==. bar ^. BarQuux) pure (foo, bar) query2 = from $ \(p `LeftOuterJoin` bp) -> do on (p ^. PersonId ==. bp ^. BlogPostAuthorId) pure (p, bp) fid <- insert $ Foo 5 _ <- insert $ Bar fid pid <- insert $ Person "hey" Nothing Nothing 30 _ <- insert $ BlogPost "WHY" pid a <- select ((,) <$> query1 <*> query2) b <- select (flip (,) <$> query1 <*> query2) asserting $ listsEqualOn a (map (\(x, y) -> (y, x)) b) id itDb "works with joins in subselect" $ do select $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` r) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. r ^. ReplyGuy pure . (,) (p ^. PersonName) $ subSelect $ from $ \(c `InnerJoin` bp) -> do on $ bp ^. BlogPostId ==. c ^. CommentBlog pure (c ^. CommentBody) asserting noExceptions describe "works with nested joins" $ do itDb "unnested" $ do selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(f `InnerJoin` b `LeftOuterJoin` baz `InnerJoin` shoop) -> do on $ f ^. FooId ==. b ^. BarQuux on $ f ^. FooId ==. baz ^. BazBlargh on $ baz ^. BazId ==. shoop ^. ShoopBaz pure ( f ^. FooName) asserting noExceptions itDb "leftmost nesting" $ do selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \((f `InnerJoin` b) `LeftOuterJoin` baz `InnerJoin` shoop) -> do on $ f ^. FooId ==. b ^. BarQuux on $ f ^. FooId ==. baz ^. BazBlargh on $ baz ^. BazId ==. shoop ^. ShoopBaz pure ( f ^. FooName) asserting noExceptions describe "middle nesting" $ do itDb "direct association" $ do selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` (bp `LeftOuterJoin` c) `LeftOuterJoin` cr) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. bp ^. BlogPostAuthorId on $ just (bp ^. BlogPostId) ==. c ?. CommentBlog on $ c ?. CommentId ==. cr ?. CommentReplyComment pure (p,bp,c,cr) asserting noExceptions itDb "indirect association" $ do selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(f `InnerJoin` b `LeftOuterJoin` (baz `InnerJoin` shoop) `InnerJoin` asdf) -> do on $ f ^. FooId ==. b ^. BarQuux on $ f ^. FooId ==. baz ^. BazBlargh on $ baz ^. BazId ==. shoop ^. ShoopBaz on $ asdf ^. AsdfShoop ==. shoop ^. ShoopId pure (f ^. FooName) asserting noExceptions itDb "indirect association across" $ do selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(f `InnerJoin` b `LeftOuterJoin` (baz `InnerJoin` shoop) `InnerJoin` asdf `InnerJoin` another `InnerJoin` yetAnother) -> do on $ f ^. FooId ==. b ^. BarQuux on $ f ^. FooId ==. baz ^. BazBlargh on $ baz ^. BazId ==. shoop ^. ShoopBaz on $ asdf ^. AsdfShoop ==. shoop ^. ShoopId on $ another ^. AnotherWhy ==. baz ^. BazId on $ yetAnother ^. YetAnotherArgh ==. shoop ^. ShoopId pure (f ^. FooName) asserting noExceptions describe "rightmost nesting" $ do itDb "direct associations" $ do selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(p `InnerJoin` bp `LeftOuterJoin` (c `LeftOuterJoin` cr)) -> do on $ p ^. PersonId ==. bp ^. BlogPostAuthorId on $ just (bp ^. BlogPostId) ==. c ?. CommentBlog on $ c ?. CommentId ==. cr ?. CommentReplyComment pure (p,bp,c,cr) asserting noExceptions itDb "indirect association" $ do selectRethrowingQuery $ from $ \(f `InnerJoin` b `LeftOuterJoin` (baz `InnerJoin` shoop)) -> do on $ f ^. FooId ==. b ^. BarQuux on $ f ^. FooId ==. baz ^. BazBlargh on $ baz ^. BazId ==. shoop ^. ShoopBaz pure (f ^. FooName) asserting noExceptions testExperimentalFrom :: SpecDb testExperimentalFrom = do describe "Experimental From" $ do itDb "supports basic table queries" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 peopleWithAges <- select $ do people <- Experimental.from $ Table @Person where_ $ not_ $ isNothing $ people ^. PersonAge return people asserting $ peopleWithAges `shouldMatchList` [p1e, p3e] itDb "supports inner joins" $ do l1e <- insert' l1 _ <- insert l2 d1e <- insert' $ Deed "1" (entityKey l1e) d2e <- insert' $ Deed "2" (entityKey l1e) lordDeeds <- select $ do (lords :& deeds) <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord `InnerJoin` Table @Deed `Experimental.on` (\(l :& d) -> l ^. LordId ==. d ^. DeedOwnerId) pure (lords, deeds) asserting $ lordDeeds `shouldMatchList` [ (l1e, d1e) , (l1e, d2e) ] itDb "supports outer joins" $ do l1e <- insert' l1 l2e <- insert' l2 d1e <- insert' $ Deed "1" (entityKey l1e) d2e <- insert' $ Deed "2" (entityKey l1e) lordDeeds <- select $ do (lords :& deeds) <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord `LeftOuterJoin` Table @Deed `Experimental.on` (\(l :& d) -> just (l ^. LordId) ==. d ?. DeedOwnerId) pure (lords, deeds) asserting $ lordDeeds `shouldMatchList` [ (l1e, Just d1e) , (l1e, Just d2e) , (l2e, Nothing) ] itDb "supports delete" $ do insert_ l1 insert_ l2 insert_ l3 delete $ void $ Experimental.from $ Table @Lord lords <- select $ Experimental.from $ Table @Lord asserting $ lords `shouldMatchList` [] itDb "supports implicit cross joins" $ do l1e <- insert' l1 l2e <- insert' l2 ret <- select $ do lords1 <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord lords2 <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord pure (lords1, lords2) ret2 <- select $ do (lords1 :& lords2) <- Experimental.from $ Table @Lord `CrossJoin` Table @Lord pure (lords1,lords2) asserting $ ret `shouldMatchList` ret2 asserting $ ret `shouldMatchList` [ (l1e, l1e) , (l1e, l2e) , (l2e, l1e) , (l2e, l2e) ] itDb "compiles" $ do let q = do (persons :& profiles :& posts) <- Experimental.from $ Table @Person `InnerJoin` Table @Profile `Experimental.on` (\(people :& profiles) -> people ^. PersonId ==. profiles ^. ProfilePerson) `LeftOuterJoin` Table @BlogPost `Experimental.on` (\(people :& _ :& posts) -> just (people ^. PersonId) ==. posts ?. BlogPostAuthorId) pure (persons, posts, profiles) asserting noExceptions itDb "can call functions on aliased values" $ do insert_ p1 insert_ p3 -- Pretend this isnt all posts upperNames <- select $ do author <- Experimental.from $ Experimental.from $ Table @Person pure $ upper_ $ author ^. PersonName asserting $ upperNames `shouldMatchList` [ Value "JOHN" , Value "MIKE" ] itDb "allows re-using (:&) joined tables" $ do let q = do result@(persons :& profiles :& posts) <- Experimental.from $ Table @Person `InnerJoin` Table @Profile `Experimental.on` (\(people :& profiles) -> people ^. PersonId ==. profiles ^. ProfilePerson) `InnerJoin` Table @BlogPost `Experimental.on` (\(people :& _ :& posts) -> people ^. PersonId ==. posts ^. BlogPostAuthorId) pure result rows <- select $ do (persons :& profiles :& posts) <- Experimental.from $ q pure (persons ^. PersonId, profiles ^. ProfileId, posts ^. BlogPostId) let result = rows :: [(Value PersonId, Value ProfileId, Value BlogPostId)] -- We don't care about the result of the query, only that it -- rendered & executed. asserting noExceptions listsEqualOn :: (HasCallStack, Show a1, Eq a1) => [a2] -> [a2] -> (a2 -> a1) -> Expectation listsEqualOn a b f = map f a `shouldBe` map f b tests :: SpecDb tests = describe "Esqueleto" $ do testSelect testGetTable testSubSelect testSelectOne testSelectSource testSelectFrom testSelectJoin testSelectSubQuery testSelectWhere testSelectOrderBy testSelectDistinct testCoasleceDefault testDelete testUpdate testListOfValues testListFields testInsertsBySelect testMathFunctions testCase testCountingRows testRenderSql testOnClauseOrder testExperimentalFrom testLocking testOverloadedRecordDot testDeriveEsqueletoRecord CTESpec.testCTE insert' :: ( Functor m , BaseBackend backend ~ PersistEntityBackend val , PersistStore backend , MonadIO m #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,14,0) , SafeToInsert val #endif , PersistEntity val ) => val -> ReaderT backend m (Entity val) insert' v = flip Entity v <$> insert v -- With SQLite and in-memory databases, a separate connection implies a -- separate database. With 'actual databases', the data is persistent and -- thus must be cleaned after each test. -- TODO: there is certainly a better way... cleanDB :: forall m. _ => SqlPersistT m () cleanDB = do delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Bar)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Foo)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Reply)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Comment)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Profile)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity BlogPost)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Follow)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Person)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Deed)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Lord)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity CcList)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity ArticleTag)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity ArticleMetadata)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Article)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Article2)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Tag)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Frontcover)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Circle)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Point)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity Numbers)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity JoinMany)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity JoinFour)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity JoinThree)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity JoinTwo)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity JoinOne)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity JoinOther)) -> return () delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity DateTruncTest)) -> pure () cleanUniques :: forall m. MonadIO m => SqlPersistT m () cleanUniques = delete $ from $ \(_ :: SqlExpr (Entity OneUnique)) -> return () selectRethrowingQuery :: (MonadIO m, EI.SqlSelect a r, MonadUnliftIO m) => SqlQuery a -> SqlPersistT m [r] selectRethrowingQuery query = select query `catch` \(SomeException e) -> do (text, _) <- renderQuerySelect query liftIO . throwIO . userError $ Text.unpack text <> "\n\n" <> show e updateRethrowingQuery :: ( MonadUnliftIO m , PersistEntity val , BackendCompatible SqlBackend (PersistEntityBackend val) ) => (SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlQuery ()) -> SqlWriteT m () updateRethrowingQuery k = update k `catch` \(SomeException e) -> do (text, _) <- renderQueryUpdate (from k) liftIO . throwIO . userError $ Text.unpack text <> "\n\n" <> show e shouldBeOnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException :: (HasCallStack, Show a) => Either SomeException a -> Expectation shouldBeOnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException ea = case ea of Left (fromException -> Just OnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException {}) -> pure () _ -> expectationFailure $ "Expected OnClauseWithMatchingJoinException, got: " <> show ea testOverloadedRecordDot :: SpecDb testOverloadedRecordDot = describe "OverloadedRecordDot" $ do #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 902 describe "with SqlExpr (Entity rec)" $ do itDb "lets you project from a record" $ do select $ do bp <- Experimental.from $ table @BlogPost pure bp.title describe "with SqlExpr (Maybe (Entity rec))" $ do itDb "lets you project from a Maybe record" $ do void $ select $ do p :& mbp <- Experimental.from $ table @Person `leftJoin` table @BlogPost `Experimental.on` do \(p :& mbp) -> just p.id ==. mbp.authorId pure (p.id, mbp.title) itDb "joins Maybe together" $ do void $ select $ do deed :& lord <- Experimental.from $ table @Deed `leftJoin` table @Lord `Experimental.on` do \(deed :& lord) -> lord.id ==. just deed.ownerId where_ $ lord.dogs >=. just (val 10) where_ $ joinV lord.dogs >=. just (just (val 10)) where_ $ lord.dogs >=. just (val (Just 10)) itDb "i didn't bork ?." $ do weights <- select $ do (pro :& per) <- Experimental.from $ table @Profile `leftJoin` table @Person `Experimental.on` do \(pro :& per) -> just (pro ^. #person) ==. per ?. #id &&. just pro.person ==. per ?. PersonId pure $ per ?. #weight asserting $ do weights `shouldBe` ([] :: [Value (Maybe Int)]) #else it "is only supported in GHC 9.2 or above" $ \_ -> do pending #endif testGetTable :: SpecDb testGetTable = describe "GetFirstTable" $ do itDb "works to make long join chains easier" $ do select $ do (person :& blogPost :& profile :& reply) <- Experimental.from $ table @Person `leftJoin` table @BlogPost `Experimental.on` do \(p :& bp) -> just (p ^. PersonId) ==. bp ?. BlogPostAuthorId `leftJoin` table @Profile `Experimental.on` do \((getTable @Person -> p) :& profile) -> just (p ^. PersonId) ==. profile ?. ProfilePerson `leftJoin` table @Reply `Experimental.on` do \((getTable @Person -> p) :& reply) -> just (p ^. PersonId) ==. reply ?. ReplyGuy pure (person, blogPost, profile, reply) asserting noExceptions assertJust :: HasCallStack => Maybe a -> IO a assertJust = maybe (expectationFailure "Expected Just, got Nothing" >> error "asdf") pure