{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module MySQL.Test where import Common.Test.Import hiding (from, on) import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO)) import Control.Monad.Logger (runNoLoggingT, runStderrLoggingT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, mapReaderT) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Resource as R import Database.Esqueleto import Database.Esqueleto.Experimental hiding (from, on) import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Experimental as Experimental import Database.Persist.MySQL ( connectDatabase , connectHost , connectPassword , connectPort , connectUser , createMySQLPool , defaultConnectInfo , withMySQLConn ) import Test.Hspec import Common.Test import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) testMysqlSum :: SpecDb testMysqlSum = do itDb "works with sum_" $ do _ <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 _ <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p-> return $ joinV $ sum_ (p ^. PersonAge) liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value $ Just (36 + 17 + 17 :: Double ) ] testMysqlTwoAscFields :: SpecDb testMysqlTwoAscFields = do itDb "works with two ASC fields (one call)" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 p4e <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonAge), asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p2e, p4e, p3e, p1e ] testMysqlOneAscOneDesc :: SpecDb testMysqlOneAscOneDesc = do itDb "works with one ASC and one DESC field (two calls)" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 p4e <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [desc (p ^. PersonAge)] orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e, p4e, p3e, p2e ] testMysqlCoalesce :: SpecDb testMysqlCoalesce = do itDb "works on PostgreSQL and MySQL with <2 arguments" $ do _ :: [Value (Maybe Int)] <- select $ from $ \p -> do return (coalesce [p ^. PersonAge]) return () testMysqlUpdate :: SpecDb testMysqlUpdate = do itDb "works on a simple example" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 let anon = "Anonymous" () <- update $ \p -> do set p [ PersonName =. val anon , PersonAge *=. just (val 2) ] where_ (p ^. PersonName !=. val "Mike") n <- updateCount $ \p -> do set p [ PersonAge +=. just (val 1) ] where_ (p ^. PersonName !=. val "Mike") ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName), asc (p ^. PersonAge) ] return p -- MySQL: nulls appear first, and update returns actual number -- of changed rows liftIO $ n `shouldBe` 1 liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ Entity p2k (Person anon Nothing (Just 37) 2) , Entity p1k (Person anon (Just 73) Nothing 1) , Entity p3k p3 ] nameContains :: (SqlString s) => (SqlExpr (Value [Char]) -> SqlExpr (Value s) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)) -> s -> [Entity Person] -> SqlPersistT IO () nameContains f t expected = do ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (f (p ^. PersonName) (concat_ [(%), val t, (%)])) orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` expected testMysqlTextFunctions :: SpecDb testMysqlTextFunctions = do describe "text functions" $ do itDb "like, (%) and (++.) work on a simple example" $ do [p1e, p2e, p3e, p4e] <- mapM insert' [p1, p2, p3, p4] nameContains like "h" [p1e, p2e] nameContains like "i" [p4e, p3e] nameContains like "iv" [p4e] testMysqlUnionWithLimits :: SpecDb testMysqlUnionWithLimits = do describe "MySQL Union" $ do itDb "supports limit/orderBy by parenthesizing" $ do mapM_ (insert . Foo) [1..6] let q1 = do foo <- Experimental.from $ Table @Foo where_ $ foo ^. FooName <=. val 3 orderBy [asc $ foo ^. FooName] limit 2 pure $ foo ^. FooName let q2 = do foo <- Experimental.from $ Table @Foo where_ $ foo ^. FooName >. val 3 orderBy [asc $ foo ^. FooName] limit 2 pure $ foo ^. FooName ret <- select $ Experimental.from $ q1 `union_` q2 liftIO $ ret `shouldMatchList` [Value 1, Value 2, Value 4, Value 5] spec :: Spec spec = beforeAll mkConnectionPool $ do tests describe "MySQL specific tests" $ do -- definitely doesn't work at the moment -- testMysqlRandom testMysqlSum testMysqlTwoAscFields testMysqlOneAscOneDesc testMysqlCoalesce testMysqlUpdate testMysqlTextFunctions testMysqlUnionWithLimits verbose :: Bool verbose = False migrateIt :: R.MonadUnliftIO m => SqlPersistT m () migrateIt = do mapReaderT R.runResourceT $ void $ runMigrationSilent migrateAll cleanDB mkConnectionPool :: IO ConnectionPool mkConnectionPool = do ci <- isCI mysqlHost <- (fromMaybe "localhost" <$> lookupEnv "MYSQL_HOST") let connInfo | ci = defaultConnectInfo { connectHost = "" , connectUser = "travis" , connectPassword = "esqutest" , connectDatabase = "esqutest" , connectPort = 33306 } | otherwise = defaultConnectInfo { connectHost = mysqlHost , connectUser = "travis" , connectPassword = "esqutest" , connectDatabase = "esqutest" , connectPort = 3306 } pool <- if verbose then runStderrLoggingT $ createMySQLPool connInfo 4 else runNoLoggingT $ createMySQLPool connInfo 4 flip runSqlPool pool $ do migrateIt cleanDB pure pool