{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module SQLite.Test where import Common.Test.Import hiding (from, on) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.Logger (runNoLoggingT, runStderrLoggingT) import Database.Esqueleto.Legacy hiding (random_) import Database.Esqueleto.SQLite (random_) import Database.Persist.Sqlite (createSqlitePool) import Database.Sqlite (SqliteException) import Common.Test testSqliteRandom :: SpecDb testSqliteRandom = do itDb "works with random_" $ do _ <- select $ return (random_ :: SqlExpr (Value Int)) asserting noExceptions testSqliteSum :: SpecDb testSqliteSum = do itDb "works with sum_" $ do _ <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 _ <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p-> return $ joinV $ sum_ (p ^. PersonAge) asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value $ Just (36 + 17 + 17 :: Int) ] testSqliteTwoAscFields :: SpecDb testSqliteTwoAscFields = do itDb "works with two ASC fields (one call)" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 p4e <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonAge), asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p -- in SQLite and MySQL, its the reverse asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p2e, p4e, p3e, p1e ] testSqliteOneAscOneDesc :: SpecDb testSqliteOneAscOneDesc = do itDb "works with one ASC and one DESC field (two calls)" $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 p4e <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [desc (p ^. PersonAge)] orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p asserting $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e, p4e, p3e, p2e ] testSqliteCoalesce :: SpecDb testSqliteCoalesce = do itDb "throws an exception on SQLite with <2 arguments" $ do eres <- try $ select $ from $ \p -> do return (coalesce [p ^. PersonAge]) :: SqlQuery (SqlExpr (Value (Maybe Int))) asserting $ case eres of Left (_ :: SqliteException) -> pure () Right _ -> expectationFailure "Expected SqliteException with <2 args to coalesce" testSqliteUpdate :: SpecDb testSqliteUpdate = do itDb "works on a simple example" $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 let anon = "Anonymous" :: String () <- update $ \p -> do set p [ PersonName =. val anon , PersonAge *=. just (val 2) ] where_ (p ^. PersonName !=. val "Mike") n <- updateCount $ \p -> do set p [ PersonAge +=. just (val 1) ] where_ (p ^. PersonName !=. val "Mike") ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName), asc (p ^. PersonAge) ] return p -- SQLite: nulls appear first, update returns matched rows. asserting $ do n `shouldBe` 2 ret `shouldMatchList` [ Entity p2k (Person anon Nothing (Just 37) 2) , Entity p1k (Person anon (Just 73) Nothing 1) , Entity p3k p3 ] testSqliteTextFunctions :: SpecDb testSqliteTextFunctions = do describe "text functions" $ do itDb "like, (%) and (++.) work on a simple example" $ do let query :: String -> SqlPersistT IO [Entity Person] query t = select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (like (p ^. PersonName) ((%) ++. val t ++. (%))) orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p [p1e, p2e, p3e, p4e] <- mapM insert' [p1, p2, p3, p4] r0 <- query "h" r1 <- query "i" r2 <- query "iv" asserting $ do r0 `shouldBe` [p1e, p2e] r1 `shouldBe` [p4e, p3e] r2 `shouldBe` [p4e] spec :: HasCallStack => Spec spec = beforeAll mkConnectionPool $ do tests describe "SQLite specific tests" $ do testAscRandom random_ testSqliteRandom testSqliteSum testSqliteTwoAscFields testSqliteOneAscOneDesc testSqliteCoalesce testSqliteUpdate testSqliteTextFunctions mkConnectionPool :: IO ConnectionPool mkConnectionPool = do conn <- if verbose then runStderrLoggingT $ createSqlitePool ".esqueleto-test.sqlite" 4 else runNoLoggingT $ createSqlitePool ".esqueleto-test.sqlite" 4 flip runSqlPool conn $ do migrateIt pure conn verbose :: Bool verbose = False migrateIt :: MonadUnliftIO m => SqlPersistT m () migrateIt = do void $ runMigrationSilent migrateAll cleanDB