{-# LINE 1 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
module Evdev.Codes where
data DeviceProperty = InputPropPointer
| InputPropDirect
| InputPropButtonpad
| InputPropSemiMt
| InputPropTopbuttonpad
| InputPropPointingStick
| InputPropAccelerometer
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum DeviceProperty where
succ InputPropPointer = InputPropDirect
succ InputPropDirect = InputPropButtonpad
succ InputPropButtonpad = InputPropSemiMt
succ InputPropSemiMt = InputPropTopbuttonpad
succ InputPropTopbuttonpad = InputPropPointingStick
succ InputPropPointingStick = InputPropAccelerometer
succ InputPropAccelerometer = error "DeviceProperty.succ: InputPropAccelerometer has no successor"
pred InputPropDirect = InputPropPointer
pred InputPropButtonpad = InputPropDirect
pred InputPropSemiMt = InputPropButtonpad
pred InputPropTopbuttonpad = InputPropSemiMt
pred InputPropPointingStick = InputPropTopbuttonpad
pred InputPropAccelerometer = InputPropPointingStick
pred InputPropPointer = error "DeviceProperty.pred: InputPropPointer has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from InputPropAccelerometer
fromEnum InputPropPointer = 0
fromEnum InputPropDirect = 1
fromEnum InputPropButtonpad = 2
fromEnum InputPropSemiMt = 3
fromEnum InputPropTopbuttonpad = 4
fromEnum InputPropPointingStick = 5
fromEnum InputPropAccelerometer = 6
toEnum 0 = InputPropPointer
toEnum 1 = InputPropDirect
toEnum 2 = InputPropButtonpad
toEnum 3 = InputPropSemiMt
toEnum 4 = InputPropTopbuttonpad
toEnum 5 = InputPropPointingStick
toEnum 6 = InputPropAccelerometer
toEnum unmatched = error ("DeviceProperty.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 13 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
data EventType = EvSyn
| EvKey
| EvRel
| EvAbs
| EvMsc
| EvSw
| EvLed
| EvSnd
| EvRep
| EvFf
| EvPwr
| EvFfStatus
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum EventType where
succ EvSyn = EvKey
succ EvKey = EvRel
succ EvRel = EvAbs
succ EvAbs = EvMsc
succ EvMsc = EvSw
succ EvSw = EvLed
succ EvLed = EvSnd
succ EvSnd = EvRep
succ EvRep = EvFf
succ EvFf = EvPwr
succ EvPwr = EvFfStatus
succ EvFfStatus = error "EventType.succ: EvFfStatus has no successor"
pred EvKey = EvSyn
pred EvRel = EvKey
pred EvAbs = EvRel
pred EvMsc = EvAbs
pred EvSw = EvMsc
pred EvLed = EvSw
pred EvSnd = EvLed
pred EvRep = EvSnd
pred EvFf = EvRep
pred EvPwr = EvFf
pred EvFfStatus = EvPwr
pred EvSyn = error "EventType.pred: EvSyn has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from EvFfStatus
fromEnum EvSyn = 0
fromEnum EvKey = 1
fromEnum EvRel = 2
fromEnum EvAbs = 3
fromEnum EvMsc = 4
fromEnum EvSw = 5
fromEnum EvLed = 17
fromEnum EvSnd = 18
fromEnum EvRep = 20
fromEnum EvFf = 21
fromEnum EvPwr = 22
fromEnum EvFfStatus = 23
toEnum 0 = EvSyn
toEnum 1 = EvKey
toEnum 2 = EvRel
toEnum 3 = EvAbs
toEnum 4 = EvMsc
toEnum 5 = EvSw
toEnum 17 = EvLed
toEnum 18 = EvSnd
toEnum 20 = EvRep
toEnum 21 = EvFf
toEnum 22 = EvPwr
toEnum 23 = EvFfStatus
toEnum unmatched = error ("EventType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 28 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
data SyncEventType = SynReport
| SynConfig
| SynMtReport
| SynDropped
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum SyncEventType where
succ SynReport = SynConfig
succ SynConfig = SynMtReport
succ SynMtReport = SynDropped
succ SynDropped = error "SyncEventType.succ: SynDropped has no successor"
pred SynConfig = SynReport
pred SynMtReport = SynConfig
pred SynDropped = SynMtReport
pred SynReport = error "SyncEventType.pred: SynReport has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from SynDropped
fromEnum SynReport = 0
fromEnum SynConfig = 1
fromEnum SynMtReport = 2
fromEnum SynDropped = 3
toEnum 0 = SynReport
toEnum 1 = SynConfig
toEnum 2 = SynMtReport
toEnum 3 = SynDropped
toEnum unmatched = error ("SyncEventType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 35 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
data Key = KeyReserved
| KeyEsc
| Key1
| Key2
| Key3
| Key4
| Key5
| Key6
| Key7
| Key8
| Key9
| Key0
| KeyMinus
| KeyEqual
| KeyBackspace
| KeyTab
| KeyQ
| KeyW
| KeyE
| KeyR
| KeyT
| KeyY
| KeyU
| KeyI
| KeyO
| KeyP
| KeyLeftbrace
| KeyRightbrace
| KeyEnter
| KeyLeftctrl
| KeyA
| KeyS
| KeyD
| KeyF
| KeyG
| KeyH
| KeyJ
| KeyK
| KeyL
| KeySemicolon
| KeyApostrophe
| KeyGrave
| KeyLeftshift
| KeyBackslash
| KeyZ
| KeyX
| KeyC
| KeyV
| KeyB
| KeyN
| KeyM
| KeyComma
| KeyDot
| KeySlash
| KeyRightshift
| KeyKpasterisk
| KeyLeftalt
| KeySpace
| KeyCapslock
| KeyF1
| KeyF2
| KeyF3
| KeyF4
| KeyF5
| KeyF6
| KeyF7
| KeyF8
| KeyF9
| KeyF10
| KeyNumlock
| KeyScrolllock
| KeyKp7
| KeyKp8
| KeyKp9
| KeyKpminus
| KeyKp4
| KeyKp5
| KeyKp6
| KeyKpplus
| KeyKp1
| KeyKp2
| KeyKp3
| KeyKp0
| KeyKpdot
| KeyZenkakuhankaku
| Key102nd
| KeyF11
| KeyF12
| KeyRo
| KeyKatakana
| KeyHiragana
| KeyHenkan
| KeyKatakanahiragana
| KeyMuhenkan
| KeyKpjpcomma
| KeyKpenter
| KeyRightctrl
| KeyKpslash
| KeySysrq
| KeyRightalt
| KeyLinefeed
| KeyHome
| KeyUp
| KeyPageup
| KeyLeft
| KeyRight
| KeyEnd
| KeyDown
| KeyPagedown
| KeyInsert
| KeyDelete
| KeyMacro
| KeyMute
| KeyVolumedown
| KeyVolumeup
| KeyPower
| KeyKpequal
| KeyKpplusminus
| KeyPause
| KeyScale
| KeyKpcomma
| KeyHangeul
| KeyHanguel
| KeyHanja
| KeyYen
| KeyLeftmeta
| KeyRightmeta
| KeyCompose
| KeyStop
| KeyAgain
| KeyProps
| KeyUndo
| KeyFront
| KeyCopy
| KeyOpen
| KeyPaste
| KeyFind
| KeyCut
| KeyHelp
| KeyMenu
| KeyCalc
| KeySetup
| KeySleep
| KeyWakeup
| KeyFile
| KeySendfile
| KeyDeletefile
| KeyXfer
| KeyProg1
| KeyProg2
| KeyWww
| KeyMsdos
| KeyCoffee
| KeyScreenlock
| KeyRotateDisplay
| KeyDirection
| KeyCyclewindows
| KeyMail
| KeyBookmarks
| KeyComputer
| KeyBack
| KeyForward
| KeyClosecd
| KeyEjectcd
| KeyEjectclosecd
| KeyNextsong
| KeyPlaypause
| KeyPrevioussong
| KeyStopcd
| KeyRecord
| KeyRewind
| KeyPhone
| KeyIso
| KeyConfig
| KeyHomepage
| KeyRefresh
| KeyExit
| KeyMove
| KeyEdit
| KeyScrollup
| KeyScrolldown
| KeyKpleftparen
| KeyKprightparen
| KeyNew
| KeyRedo
| KeyF13
| KeyF14
| KeyF15
| KeyF16
| KeyF17
| KeyF18
| KeyF19
| KeyF20
| KeyF21
| KeyF22
| KeyF23
| KeyF24
| KeyPlaycd
| KeyPausecd
| KeyProg3
| KeyProg4
| KeyDashboard
| KeySuspend
| KeyClose
| KeyPlay
| KeyFastforward
| KeyBassboost
| KeyPrint
| KeyHp
| KeyCamera
| KeySound
| KeyQuestion
| KeyEmail
| KeyChat
| KeySearch
| KeyConnect
| KeyFinance
| KeySport
| KeyShop
| KeyAlterase
| KeyCancel
| KeyBrightnessdown
| KeyBrightnessup
| KeyMedia
| KeySwitchvideomode
| KeyKbdillumtoggle
| KeyKbdillumdown
| KeyKbdillumup
| KeySend
| KeyReply
| KeyForwardmail
| KeySave
| KeyDocuments
| KeyBattery
| KeyBluetooth
| KeyWlan
| KeyUwb
| KeyUnknown
| KeyVideoNext
| KeyVideoPrev
| KeyBrightnessCycle
| KeyBrightnessAuto
| KeyBrightnessZero
| KeyDisplayOff
| KeyWwan
| KeyWimax
| KeyRfkill
| KeyMicmute
| BtnMisc
| Btn0
| Btn1
| Btn2
| Btn3
| Btn4
| Btn5
| Btn6
| Btn7
| Btn8
| Btn9
| BtnMouse
| BtnLeft
| BtnRight
| BtnMiddle
| BtnSide
| BtnExtra
| BtnForward
| BtnBack
| BtnTask
| BtnJoystick
| BtnTrigger
| BtnThumb
| BtnThumb2
| BtnTop
| BtnTop2
| BtnPinkie
| BtnBase
| BtnBase2
| BtnBase3
| BtnBase4
| BtnBase5
| BtnBase6
| BtnDead
| BtnGamepad
| BtnSouth
| BtnA
| BtnEast
| BtnB
| BtnC
| BtnNorth
| BtnX
| BtnWest
| BtnY
| BtnZ
| BtnTl
| BtnTr
| BtnTl2
| BtnTr2
| BtnSelect
| BtnStart
| BtnMode
| BtnThumbl
| BtnThumbr
| BtnDigi
| BtnToolPen
| BtnToolRubber
| BtnToolBrush
| BtnToolPencil
| BtnToolAirbrush
| BtnToolFinger
| BtnToolMouse
| BtnToolLens
| BtnToolQuinttap
| BtnTouch
| BtnStylus
| BtnStylus2
| BtnToolDoubletap
| BtnToolTripletap
| BtnToolQuadtap
| BtnWheel
| BtnGearDown
| BtnGearUp
| KeyOk
| KeySelect
| KeyGoto
| KeyClear
| KeyPower2
| KeyOption
| KeyInfo
| KeyTime
| KeyVendor
| KeyArchive
| KeyProgram
| KeyChannel
| KeyFavorites
| KeyEpg
| KeyPvr
| KeyMhp
| KeyLanguage
| KeyTitle
| KeySubtitle
| KeyAngle
| KeyZoom
| KeyMode
| KeyKeyboard
| KeyScreen
| KeyPc
| KeyTv
| KeyTv2
| KeyVcr
| KeyVcr2
| KeySat
| KeySat2
| KeyCd
| KeyTape
| KeyRadio
| KeyTuner
| KeyPlayer
| KeyText
| KeyDvd
| KeyAux
| KeyMp3
| KeyAudio
| KeyVideo
| KeyDirectory
| KeyList
| KeyMemo
| KeyCalendar
| KeyRed
| KeyGreen
| KeyYellow
| KeyBlue
| KeyChannelup
| KeyChanneldown
| KeyFirst
| KeyLast
| KeyAb
| KeyNext
| KeyRestart
| KeySlow
| KeyShuffle
| KeyBreak
| KeyPrevious
| KeyDigits
| KeyTeen
| KeyTwen
| KeyVideophone
| KeyGames
| KeyZoomin
| KeyZoomout
| KeyZoomreset
| KeyWordprocessor
| KeyEditor
| KeySpreadsheet
| KeyGraphicseditor
| KeyPresentation
| KeyDatabase
| KeyNews
| KeyVoicemail
| KeyAddressbook
| KeyMessenger
| KeyDisplaytoggle
| KeyBrightnessToggle
| KeySpellcheck
| KeyLogoff
| KeyDollar
| KeyEuro
| KeyFrameback
| KeyFrameforward
| KeyContextMenu
| KeyMediaRepeat
| Key10channelsup
| Key10channelsdown
| KeyImages
| KeyDelEol
| KeyDelEos
| KeyInsLine
| KeyDelLine
| KeyFn
| KeyFnEsc
| KeyFnF1
| KeyFnF2
| KeyFnF3
| KeyFnF4
| KeyFnF5
| KeyFnF6
| KeyFnF7
| KeyFnF8
| KeyFnF9
| KeyFnF10
| KeyFnF11
| KeyFnF12
| KeyFn1
| KeyFn2
| KeyFnD
| KeyFnE
| KeyFnF
| KeyFnS
| KeyFnB
| KeyBrlDot1
| KeyBrlDot2
| KeyBrlDot3
| KeyBrlDot4
| KeyBrlDot5
| KeyBrlDot6
| KeyBrlDot7
| KeyBrlDot8
| KeyBrlDot9
| KeyBrlDot10
| KeyNumeric0
| KeyNumeric1
| KeyNumeric2
| KeyNumeric3
| KeyNumeric4
| KeyNumeric5
| KeyNumeric6
| KeyNumeric7
| KeyNumeric8
| KeyNumeric9
| KeyNumericStar
| KeyNumericPound
| KeyNumericA
| KeyNumericB
| KeyNumericC
| KeyNumericD
| KeyCameraFocus
| KeyWpsButton
| KeyTouchpadToggle
| KeyTouchpadOn
| KeyTouchpadOff
| KeyCameraZoomin
| KeyCameraZoomout
| KeyCameraUp
| KeyCameraDown
| KeyCameraLeft
| KeyCameraRight
| KeyAttendantOn
| KeyAttendantOff
| KeyAttendantToggle
| KeyLightsToggle
| BtnDpadUp
| BtnDpadDown
| BtnDpadLeft
| BtnDpadRight
| KeyAlsToggle
| KeyButtonconfig
| KeyTaskmanager
| KeyJournal
| KeyControlpanel
| KeyAppselect
| KeyScreensaver
| KeyVoicecommand
| KeyBrightnessMin
| KeyBrightnessMax
| KeyKbdinputassistPrev
| KeyKbdinputassistNext
| KeyKbdinputassistPrevgroup
| KeyKbdinputassistNextgroup
| KeyKbdinputassistAccept
| KeyKbdinputassistCancel
| BtnTriggerHappy
| BtnTriggerHappy1
| BtnTriggerHappy2
| BtnTriggerHappy3
| BtnTriggerHappy4
| BtnTriggerHappy5
| BtnTriggerHappy6
| BtnTriggerHappy7
| BtnTriggerHappy8
| BtnTriggerHappy9
| BtnTriggerHappy10
| BtnTriggerHappy11
| BtnTriggerHappy12
| BtnTriggerHappy13
| BtnTriggerHappy14
| BtnTriggerHappy15
| BtnTriggerHappy16
| BtnTriggerHappy17
| BtnTriggerHappy18
| BtnTriggerHappy19
| BtnTriggerHappy20
| BtnTriggerHappy21
| BtnTriggerHappy22
| BtnTriggerHappy23
| BtnTriggerHappy24
| BtnTriggerHappy25
| BtnTriggerHappy26
| BtnTriggerHappy27
| BtnTriggerHappy28
| BtnTriggerHappy29
| BtnTriggerHappy30
| BtnTriggerHappy31
| BtnTriggerHappy32
| BtnTriggerHappy33
| BtnTriggerHappy34
| BtnTriggerHappy35
| BtnTriggerHappy36
| BtnTriggerHappy37
| BtnTriggerHappy38
| BtnTriggerHappy39
| BtnTriggerHappy40
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum Key where
succ KeyReserved = KeyEsc
succ KeyEsc = Key1
succ Key1 = Key2
succ Key2 = Key3
succ Key3 = Key4
succ Key4 = Key5
succ Key5 = Key6
succ Key6 = Key7
succ Key7 = Key8
succ Key8 = Key9
succ Key9 = Key0
succ Key0 = KeyMinus
succ KeyMinus = KeyEqual
succ KeyEqual = KeyBackspace
succ KeyBackspace = KeyTab
succ KeyTab = KeyQ
succ KeyQ = KeyW
succ KeyW = KeyE
succ KeyE = KeyR
succ KeyR = KeyT
succ KeyT = KeyY
succ KeyY = KeyU
succ KeyU = KeyI
succ KeyI = KeyO
succ KeyO = KeyP
succ KeyP = KeyLeftbrace
succ KeyLeftbrace = KeyRightbrace
succ KeyRightbrace = KeyEnter
succ KeyEnter = KeyLeftctrl
succ KeyLeftctrl = KeyA
succ KeyA = KeyS
succ KeyS = KeyD
succ KeyD = KeyF
succ KeyF = KeyG
succ KeyG = KeyH
succ KeyH = KeyJ
succ KeyJ = KeyK
succ KeyK = KeyL
succ KeyL = KeySemicolon
succ KeySemicolon = KeyApostrophe
succ KeyApostrophe = KeyGrave
succ KeyGrave = KeyLeftshift
succ KeyLeftshift = KeyBackslash
succ KeyBackslash = KeyZ
succ KeyZ = KeyX
succ KeyX = KeyC
succ KeyC = KeyV
succ KeyV = KeyB
succ KeyB = KeyN
succ KeyN = KeyM
succ KeyM = KeyComma
succ KeyComma = KeyDot
succ KeyDot = KeySlash
succ KeySlash = KeyRightshift
succ KeyRightshift = KeyKpasterisk
succ KeyKpasterisk = KeyLeftalt
succ KeyLeftalt = KeySpace
succ KeySpace = KeyCapslock
succ KeyCapslock = KeyF1
succ KeyF1 = KeyF2
succ KeyF2 = KeyF3
succ KeyF3 = KeyF4
succ KeyF4 = KeyF5
succ KeyF5 = KeyF6
succ KeyF6 = KeyF7
succ KeyF7 = KeyF8
succ KeyF8 = KeyF9
succ KeyF9 = KeyF10
succ KeyF10 = KeyNumlock
succ KeyNumlock = KeyScrolllock
succ KeyScrolllock = KeyKp7
succ KeyKp7 = KeyKp8
succ KeyKp8 = KeyKp9
succ KeyKp9 = KeyKpminus
succ KeyKpminus = KeyKp4
succ KeyKp4 = KeyKp5
succ KeyKp5 = KeyKp6
succ KeyKp6 = KeyKpplus
succ KeyKpplus = KeyKp1
succ KeyKp1 = KeyKp2
succ KeyKp2 = KeyKp3
succ KeyKp3 = KeyKp0
succ KeyKp0 = KeyKpdot
succ KeyKpdot = KeyZenkakuhankaku
succ KeyZenkakuhankaku = Key102nd
succ Key102nd = KeyF11
succ KeyF11 = KeyF12
succ KeyF12 = KeyRo
succ KeyRo = KeyKatakana
succ KeyKatakana = KeyHiragana
succ KeyHiragana = KeyHenkan
succ KeyHenkan = KeyKatakanahiragana
succ KeyKatakanahiragana = KeyMuhenkan
succ KeyMuhenkan = KeyKpjpcomma
succ KeyKpjpcomma = KeyKpenter
succ KeyKpenter = KeyRightctrl
succ KeyRightctrl = KeyKpslash
succ KeyKpslash = KeySysrq
succ KeySysrq = KeyRightalt
succ KeyRightalt = KeyLinefeed
succ KeyLinefeed = KeyHome
succ KeyHome = KeyUp
succ KeyUp = KeyPageup
succ KeyPageup = KeyLeft
succ KeyLeft = KeyRight
succ KeyRight = KeyEnd
succ KeyEnd = KeyDown
succ KeyDown = KeyPagedown
succ KeyPagedown = KeyInsert
succ KeyInsert = KeyDelete
succ KeyDelete = KeyMacro
succ KeyMacro = KeyMute
succ KeyMute = KeyVolumedown
succ KeyVolumedown = KeyVolumeup
succ KeyVolumeup = KeyPower
succ KeyPower = KeyKpequal
succ KeyKpequal = KeyKpplusminus
succ KeyKpplusminus = KeyPause
succ KeyPause = KeyScale
succ KeyScale = KeyKpcomma
succ KeyKpcomma = KeyHangeul
succ KeyHangeul = KeyHanja
succ KeyHanguel = KeyHanja
succ KeyHanja = KeyYen
succ KeyYen = KeyLeftmeta
succ KeyLeftmeta = KeyRightmeta
succ KeyRightmeta = KeyCompose
succ KeyCompose = KeyStop
succ KeyStop = KeyAgain
succ KeyAgain = KeyProps
succ KeyProps = KeyUndo
succ KeyUndo = KeyFront
succ KeyFront = KeyCopy
succ KeyCopy = KeyOpen
succ KeyOpen = KeyPaste
succ KeyPaste = KeyFind
succ KeyFind = KeyCut
succ KeyCut = KeyHelp
succ KeyHelp = KeyMenu
succ KeyMenu = KeyCalc
succ KeyCalc = KeySetup
succ KeySetup = KeySleep
succ KeySleep = KeyWakeup
succ KeyWakeup = KeyFile
succ KeyFile = KeySendfile
succ KeySendfile = KeyDeletefile
succ KeyDeletefile = KeyXfer
succ KeyXfer = KeyProg1
succ KeyProg1 = KeyProg2
succ KeyProg2 = KeyWww
succ KeyWww = KeyMsdos
succ KeyMsdos = KeyCoffee
succ KeyCoffee = KeyRotateDisplay
succ KeyScreenlock = KeyRotateDisplay
succ KeyRotateDisplay = KeyCyclewindows
succ KeyDirection = KeyCyclewindows
succ KeyCyclewindows = KeyMail
succ KeyMail = KeyBookmarks
succ KeyBookmarks = KeyComputer
succ KeyComputer = KeyBack
succ KeyBack = KeyForward
succ KeyForward = KeyClosecd
succ KeyClosecd = KeyEjectcd
succ KeyEjectcd = KeyEjectclosecd
succ KeyEjectclosecd = KeyNextsong
succ KeyNextsong = KeyPlaypause
succ KeyPlaypause = KeyPrevioussong
succ KeyPrevioussong = KeyStopcd
succ KeyStopcd = KeyRecord
succ KeyRecord = KeyRewind
succ KeyRewind = KeyPhone
succ KeyPhone = KeyIso
succ KeyIso = KeyConfig
succ KeyConfig = KeyHomepage
succ KeyHomepage = KeyRefresh
succ KeyRefresh = KeyExit
succ KeyExit = KeyMove
succ KeyMove = KeyEdit
succ KeyEdit = KeyScrollup
succ KeyScrollup = KeyScrolldown
succ KeyScrolldown = KeyKpleftparen
succ KeyKpleftparen = KeyKprightparen
succ KeyKprightparen = KeyNew
succ KeyNew = KeyRedo
succ KeyRedo = KeyF13
succ KeyF13 = KeyF14
succ KeyF14 = KeyF15
succ KeyF15 = KeyF16
succ KeyF16 = KeyF17
succ KeyF17 = KeyF18
succ KeyF18 = KeyF19
succ KeyF19 = KeyF20
succ KeyF20 = KeyF21
succ KeyF21 = KeyF22
succ KeyF22 = KeyF23
succ KeyF23 = KeyF24
succ KeyF24 = KeyPlaycd
succ KeyPlaycd = KeyPausecd
succ KeyPausecd = KeyProg3
succ KeyProg3 = KeyProg4
succ KeyProg4 = KeyDashboard
succ KeyDashboard = KeySuspend
succ KeySuspend = KeyClose
succ KeyClose = KeyPlay
succ KeyPlay = KeyFastforward
succ KeyFastforward = KeyBassboost
succ KeyBassboost = KeyPrint
succ KeyPrint = KeyHp
succ KeyHp = KeyCamera
succ KeyCamera = KeySound
succ KeySound = KeyQuestion
succ KeyQuestion = KeyEmail
succ KeyEmail = KeyChat
succ KeyChat = KeySearch
succ KeySearch = KeyConnect
succ KeyConnect = KeyFinance
succ KeyFinance = KeySport
succ KeySport = KeyShop
succ KeyShop = KeyAlterase
succ KeyAlterase = KeyCancel
succ KeyCancel = KeyBrightnessdown
succ KeyBrightnessdown = KeyBrightnessup
succ KeyBrightnessup = KeyMedia
succ KeyMedia = KeySwitchvideomode
succ KeySwitchvideomode = KeyKbdillumtoggle
succ KeyKbdillumtoggle = KeyKbdillumdown
succ KeyKbdillumdown = KeyKbdillumup
succ KeyKbdillumup = KeySend
succ KeySend = KeyReply
succ KeyReply = KeyForwardmail
succ KeyForwardmail = KeySave
succ KeySave = KeyDocuments
succ KeyDocuments = KeyBattery
succ KeyBattery = KeyBluetooth
succ KeyBluetooth = KeyWlan
succ KeyWlan = KeyUwb
succ KeyUwb = KeyUnknown
succ KeyUnknown = KeyVideoNext
succ KeyVideoNext = KeyVideoPrev
succ KeyVideoPrev = KeyBrightnessCycle
succ KeyBrightnessCycle = KeyBrightnessAuto
succ KeyBrightnessAuto = KeyDisplayOff
succ KeyBrightnessZero = KeyDisplayOff
succ KeyDisplayOff = KeyWwan
succ KeyWwan = KeyRfkill
succ KeyWimax = KeyRfkill
succ KeyRfkill = KeyMicmute
succ KeyMicmute = BtnMisc
succ BtnMisc = Btn1
succ Btn0 = Btn1
succ Btn1 = Btn2
succ Btn2 = Btn3
succ Btn3 = Btn4
succ Btn4 = Btn5
succ Btn5 = Btn6
succ Btn6 = Btn7
succ Btn7 = Btn8
succ Btn8 = Btn9
succ Btn9 = BtnMouse
succ BtnMouse = BtnRight
succ BtnLeft = BtnRight
succ BtnRight = BtnMiddle
succ BtnMiddle = BtnSide
succ BtnSide = BtnExtra
succ BtnExtra = BtnForward
succ BtnForward = BtnBack
succ BtnBack = BtnTask
succ BtnTask = BtnJoystick
succ BtnJoystick = BtnThumb
succ BtnTrigger = BtnThumb
succ BtnThumb = BtnThumb2
succ BtnThumb2 = BtnTop
succ BtnTop = BtnTop2
succ BtnTop2 = BtnPinkie
succ BtnPinkie = BtnBase
succ BtnBase = BtnBase2
succ BtnBase2 = BtnBase3
succ BtnBase3 = BtnBase4
succ BtnBase4 = BtnBase5
succ BtnBase5 = BtnBase6
succ BtnBase6 = BtnDead
succ BtnDead = BtnGamepad
succ BtnGamepad = BtnEast
succ BtnSouth = BtnEast
succ BtnA = BtnEast
succ BtnEast = BtnC
succ BtnB = BtnC
succ BtnC = BtnNorth
succ BtnNorth = BtnWest
succ BtnX = BtnWest
succ BtnWest = BtnZ
succ BtnY = BtnZ
succ BtnZ = BtnTl
succ BtnTl = BtnTr
succ BtnTr = BtnTl2
succ BtnTl2 = BtnTr2
succ BtnTr2 = BtnSelect
succ BtnSelect = BtnStart
succ BtnStart = BtnMode
succ BtnMode = BtnThumbl
succ BtnThumbl = BtnThumbr
succ BtnThumbr = BtnDigi
succ BtnDigi = BtnToolRubber
succ BtnToolPen = BtnToolRubber
succ BtnToolRubber = BtnToolBrush
succ BtnToolBrush = BtnToolPencil
succ BtnToolPencil = BtnToolAirbrush
succ BtnToolAirbrush = BtnToolFinger
succ BtnToolFinger = BtnToolMouse
succ BtnToolMouse = BtnToolLens
succ BtnToolLens = BtnToolQuinttap
succ BtnToolQuinttap = BtnTouch
succ BtnTouch = BtnStylus
succ BtnStylus = BtnStylus2
succ BtnStylus2 = BtnToolDoubletap
succ BtnToolDoubletap = BtnToolTripletap
succ BtnToolTripletap = BtnToolQuadtap
succ BtnToolQuadtap = BtnWheel
succ BtnWheel = BtnGearUp
succ BtnGearDown = BtnGearUp
succ BtnGearUp = KeyOk
succ KeyOk = KeySelect
succ KeySelect = KeyGoto
succ KeyGoto = KeyClear
succ KeyClear = KeyPower2
succ KeyPower2 = KeyOption
succ KeyOption = KeyInfo
succ KeyInfo = KeyTime
succ KeyTime = KeyVendor
succ KeyVendor = KeyArchive
succ KeyArchive = KeyProgram
succ KeyProgram = KeyChannel
succ KeyChannel = KeyFavorites
succ KeyFavorites = KeyEpg
succ KeyEpg = KeyPvr
succ KeyPvr = KeyMhp
succ KeyMhp = KeyLanguage
succ KeyLanguage = KeyTitle
succ KeyTitle = KeySubtitle
succ KeySubtitle = KeyAngle
succ KeyAngle = KeyZoom
succ KeyZoom = KeyMode
succ KeyMode = KeyKeyboard
succ KeyKeyboard = KeyScreen
succ KeyScreen = KeyPc
succ KeyPc = KeyTv
succ KeyTv = KeyTv2
succ KeyTv2 = KeyVcr
succ KeyVcr = KeyVcr2
succ KeyVcr2 = KeySat
succ KeySat = KeySat2
succ KeySat2 = KeyCd
succ KeyCd = KeyTape
succ KeyTape = KeyRadio
succ KeyRadio = KeyTuner
succ KeyTuner = KeyPlayer
succ KeyPlayer = KeyText
succ KeyText = KeyDvd
succ KeyDvd = KeyAux
succ KeyAux = KeyMp3
succ KeyMp3 = KeyAudio
succ KeyAudio = KeyVideo
succ KeyVideo = KeyDirectory
succ KeyDirectory = KeyList
succ KeyList = KeyMemo
succ KeyMemo = KeyCalendar
succ KeyCalendar = KeyRed
succ KeyRed = KeyGreen
succ KeyGreen = KeyYellow
succ KeyYellow = KeyBlue
succ KeyBlue = KeyChannelup
succ KeyChannelup = KeyChanneldown
succ KeyChanneldown = KeyFirst
succ KeyFirst = KeyLast
succ KeyLast = KeyAb
succ KeyAb = KeyNext
succ KeyNext = KeyRestart
succ KeyRestart = KeySlow
succ KeySlow = KeyShuffle
succ KeyShuffle = KeyBreak
succ KeyBreak = KeyPrevious
succ KeyPrevious = KeyDigits
succ KeyDigits = KeyTeen
succ KeyTeen = KeyTwen
succ KeyTwen = KeyVideophone
succ KeyVideophone = KeyGames
succ KeyGames = KeyZoomin
succ KeyZoomin = KeyZoomout
succ KeyZoomout = KeyZoomreset
succ KeyZoomreset = KeyWordprocessor
succ KeyWordprocessor = KeyEditor
succ KeyEditor = KeySpreadsheet
succ KeySpreadsheet = KeyGraphicseditor
succ KeyGraphicseditor = KeyPresentation
succ KeyPresentation = KeyDatabase
succ KeyDatabase = KeyNews
succ KeyNews = KeyVoicemail
succ KeyVoicemail = KeyAddressbook
succ KeyAddressbook = KeyMessenger
succ KeyMessenger = KeyDisplaytoggle
succ KeyDisplaytoggle = KeySpellcheck
succ KeyBrightnessToggle = KeySpellcheck
succ KeySpellcheck = KeyLogoff
succ KeyLogoff = KeyDollar
succ KeyDollar = KeyEuro
succ KeyEuro = KeyFrameback
succ KeyFrameback = KeyFrameforward
succ KeyFrameforward = KeyContextMenu
succ KeyContextMenu = KeyMediaRepeat
succ KeyMediaRepeat = Key10channelsup
succ Key10channelsup = Key10channelsdown
succ Key10channelsdown = KeyImages
succ KeyImages = KeyDelEol
succ KeyDelEol = KeyDelEos
succ KeyDelEos = KeyInsLine
succ KeyInsLine = KeyDelLine
succ KeyDelLine = KeyFn
succ KeyFn = KeyFnEsc
succ KeyFnEsc = KeyFnF1
succ KeyFnF1 = KeyFnF2
succ KeyFnF2 = KeyFnF3
succ KeyFnF3 = KeyFnF4
succ KeyFnF4 = KeyFnF5
succ KeyFnF5 = KeyFnF6
succ KeyFnF6 = KeyFnF7
succ KeyFnF7 = KeyFnF8
succ KeyFnF8 = KeyFnF9
succ KeyFnF9 = KeyFnF10
succ KeyFnF10 = KeyFnF11
succ KeyFnF11 = KeyFnF12
succ KeyFnF12 = KeyFn1
succ KeyFn1 = KeyFn2
succ KeyFn2 = KeyFnD
succ KeyFnD = KeyFnE
succ KeyFnE = KeyFnF
succ KeyFnF = KeyFnS
succ KeyFnS = KeyFnB
succ KeyFnB = KeyBrlDot1
succ KeyBrlDot1 = KeyBrlDot2
succ KeyBrlDot2 = KeyBrlDot3
succ KeyBrlDot3 = KeyBrlDot4
succ KeyBrlDot4 = KeyBrlDot5
succ KeyBrlDot5 = KeyBrlDot6
succ KeyBrlDot6 = KeyBrlDot7
succ KeyBrlDot7 = KeyBrlDot8
succ KeyBrlDot8 = KeyBrlDot9
succ KeyBrlDot9 = KeyBrlDot10
succ KeyBrlDot10 = KeyNumeric0
succ KeyNumeric0 = KeyNumeric1
succ KeyNumeric1 = KeyNumeric2
succ KeyNumeric2 = KeyNumeric3
succ KeyNumeric3 = KeyNumeric4
succ KeyNumeric4 = KeyNumeric5
succ KeyNumeric5 = KeyNumeric6
succ KeyNumeric6 = KeyNumeric7
succ KeyNumeric7 = KeyNumeric8
succ KeyNumeric8 = KeyNumeric9
succ KeyNumeric9 = KeyNumericStar
succ KeyNumericStar = KeyNumericPound
succ KeyNumericPound = KeyNumericA
succ KeyNumericA = KeyNumericB
succ KeyNumericB = KeyNumericC
succ KeyNumericC = KeyNumericD
succ KeyNumericD = KeyCameraFocus
succ KeyCameraFocus = KeyWpsButton
succ KeyWpsButton = KeyTouchpadToggle
succ KeyTouchpadToggle = KeyTouchpadOn
succ KeyTouchpadOn = KeyTouchpadOff
succ KeyTouchpadOff = KeyCameraZoomin
succ KeyCameraZoomin = KeyCameraZoomout
succ KeyCameraZoomout = KeyCameraUp
succ KeyCameraUp = KeyCameraDown
succ KeyCameraDown = KeyCameraLeft
succ KeyCameraLeft = KeyCameraRight
succ KeyCameraRight = KeyAttendantOn
succ KeyAttendantOn = KeyAttendantOff
succ KeyAttendantOff = KeyAttendantToggle
succ KeyAttendantToggle = KeyLightsToggle
succ KeyLightsToggle = BtnDpadUp
succ BtnDpadUp = BtnDpadDown
succ BtnDpadDown = BtnDpadLeft
succ BtnDpadLeft = BtnDpadRight
succ BtnDpadRight = KeyAlsToggle
succ KeyAlsToggle = KeyButtonconfig
succ KeyButtonconfig = KeyTaskmanager
succ KeyTaskmanager = KeyJournal
succ KeyJournal = KeyControlpanel
succ KeyControlpanel = KeyAppselect
succ KeyAppselect = KeyScreensaver
succ KeyScreensaver = KeyVoicecommand
succ KeyVoicecommand = KeyBrightnessMin
succ KeyBrightnessMin = KeyBrightnessMax
succ KeyBrightnessMax = KeyKbdinputassistPrev
succ KeyKbdinputassistPrev = KeyKbdinputassistNext
succ KeyKbdinputassistNext = KeyKbdinputassistPrevgroup
succ KeyKbdinputassistPrevgroup = KeyKbdinputassistNextgroup
succ KeyKbdinputassistNextgroup = KeyKbdinputassistAccept
succ KeyKbdinputassistAccept = KeyKbdinputassistCancel
succ KeyKbdinputassistCancel = BtnTriggerHappy
succ BtnTriggerHappy = BtnTriggerHappy2
succ BtnTriggerHappy1 = BtnTriggerHappy2
succ BtnTriggerHappy2 = BtnTriggerHappy3
succ BtnTriggerHappy3 = BtnTriggerHappy4
succ BtnTriggerHappy4 = BtnTriggerHappy5
succ BtnTriggerHappy5 = BtnTriggerHappy6
succ BtnTriggerHappy6 = BtnTriggerHappy7
succ BtnTriggerHappy7 = BtnTriggerHappy8
succ BtnTriggerHappy8 = BtnTriggerHappy9
succ BtnTriggerHappy9 = BtnTriggerHappy10
succ BtnTriggerHappy10 = BtnTriggerHappy11
succ BtnTriggerHappy11 = BtnTriggerHappy12
succ BtnTriggerHappy12 = BtnTriggerHappy13
succ BtnTriggerHappy13 = BtnTriggerHappy14
succ BtnTriggerHappy14 = BtnTriggerHappy15
succ BtnTriggerHappy15 = BtnTriggerHappy16
succ BtnTriggerHappy16 = BtnTriggerHappy17
succ BtnTriggerHappy17 = BtnTriggerHappy18
succ BtnTriggerHappy18 = BtnTriggerHappy19
succ BtnTriggerHappy19 = BtnTriggerHappy20
succ BtnTriggerHappy20 = BtnTriggerHappy21
succ BtnTriggerHappy21 = BtnTriggerHappy22
succ BtnTriggerHappy22 = BtnTriggerHappy23
succ BtnTriggerHappy23 = BtnTriggerHappy24
succ BtnTriggerHappy24 = BtnTriggerHappy25
succ BtnTriggerHappy25 = BtnTriggerHappy26
succ BtnTriggerHappy26 = BtnTriggerHappy27
succ BtnTriggerHappy27 = BtnTriggerHappy28
succ BtnTriggerHappy28 = BtnTriggerHappy29
succ BtnTriggerHappy29 = BtnTriggerHappy30
succ BtnTriggerHappy30 = BtnTriggerHappy31
succ BtnTriggerHappy31 = BtnTriggerHappy32
succ BtnTriggerHappy32 = BtnTriggerHappy33
succ BtnTriggerHappy33 = BtnTriggerHappy34
succ BtnTriggerHappy34 = BtnTriggerHappy35
succ BtnTriggerHappy35 = BtnTriggerHappy36
succ BtnTriggerHappy36 = BtnTriggerHappy37
succ BtnTriggerHappy37 = BtnTriggerHappy38
succ BtnTriggerHappy38 = BtnTriggerHappy39
succ BtnTriggerHappy39 = BtnTriggerHappy40
succ BtnTriggerHappy40 = error "Key.succ: BtnTriggerHappy40 has no successor"
pred KeyEsc = KeyReserved
pred Key1 = KeyEsc
pred Key2 = Key1
pred Key3 = Key2
pred Key4 = Key3
pred Key5 = Key4
pred Key6 = Key5
pred Key7 = Key6
pred Key8 = Key7
pred Key9 = Key8
pred Key0 = Key9
pred KeyMinus = Key0
pred KeyEqual = KeyMinus
pred KeyBackspace = KeyEqual
pred KeyTab = KeyBackspace
pred KeyQ = KeyTab
pred KeyW = KeyQ
pred KeyE = KeyW
pred KeyR = KeyE
pred KeyT = KeyR
pred KeyY = KeyT
pred KeyU = KeyY
pred KeyI = KeyU
pred KeyO = KeyI
pred KeyP = KeyO
pred KeyLeftbrace = KeyP
pred KeyRightbrace = KeyLeftbrace
pred KeyEnter = KeyRightbrace
pred KeyLeftctrl = KeyEnter
pred KeyA = KeyLeftctrl
pred KeyS = KeyA
pred KeyD = KeyS
pred KeyF = KeyD
pred KeyG = KeyF
pred KeyH = KeyG
pred KeyJ = KeyH
pred KeyK = KeyJ
pred KeyL = KeyK
pred KeySemicolon = KeyL
pred KeyApostrophe = KeySemicolon
pred KeyGrave = KeyApostrophe
pred KeyLeftshift = KeyGrave
pred KeyBackslash = KeyLeftshift
pred KeyZ = KeyBackslash
pred KeyX = KeyZ
pred KeyC = KeyX
pred KeyV = KeyC
pred KeyB = KeyV
pred KeyN = KeyB
pred KeyM = KeyN
pred KeyComma = KeyM
pred KeyDot = KeyComma
pred KeySlash = KeyDot
pred KeyRightshift = KeySlash
pred KeyKpasterisk = KeyRightshift
pred KeyLeftalt = KeyKpasterisk
pred KeySpace = KeyLeftalt
pred KeyCapslock = KeySpace
pred KeyF1 = KeyCapslock
pred KeyF2 = KeyF1
pred KeyF3 = KeyF2
pred KeyF4 = KeyF3
pred KeyF5 = KeyF4
pred KeyF6 = KeyF5
pred KeyF7 = KeyF6
pred KeyF8 = KeyF7
pred KeyF9 = KeyF8
pred KeyF10 = KeyF9
pred KeyNumlock = KeyF10
pred KeyScrolllock = KeyNumlock
pred KeyKp7 = KeyScrolllock
pred KeyKp8 = KeyKp7
pred KeyKp9 = KeyKp8
pred KeyKpminus = KeyKp9
pred KeyKp4 = KeyKpminus
pred KeyKp5 = KeyKp4
pred KeyKp6 = KeyKp5
pred KeyKpplus = KeyKp6
pred KeyKp1 = KeyKpplus
pred KeyKp2 = KeyKp1
pred KeyKp3 = KeyKp2
pred KeyKp0 = KeyKp3
pred KeyKpdot = KeyKp0
pred KeyZenkakuhankaku = KeyKpdot
pred Key102nd = KeyZenkakuhankaku
pred KeyF11 = Key102nd
pred KeyF12 = KeyF11
pred KeyRo = KeyF12
pred KeyKatakana = KeyRo
pred KeyHiragana = KeyKatakana
pred KeyHenkan = KeyHiragana
pred KeyKatakanahiragana = KeyHenkan
pred KeyMuhenkan = KeyKatakanahiragana
pred KeyKpjpcomma = KeyMuhenkan
pred KeyKpenter = KeyKpjpcomma
pred KeyRightctrl = KeyKpenter
pred KeyKpslash = KeyRightctrl
pred KeySysrq = KeyKpslash
pred KeyRightalt = KeySysrq
pred KeyLinefeed = KeyRightalt
pred KeyHome = KeyLinefeed
pred KeyUp = KeyHome
pred KeyPageup = KeyUp
pred KeyLeft = KeyPageup
pred KeyRight = KeyLeft
pred KeyEnd = KeyRight
pred KeyDown = KeyEnd
pred KeyPagedown = KeyDown
pred KeyInsert = KeyPagedown
pred KeyDelete = KeyInsert
pred KeyMacro = KeyDelete
pred KeyMute = KeyMacro
pred KeyVolumedown = KeyMute
pred KeyVolumeup = KeyVolumedown
pred KeyPower = KeyVolumeup
pred KeyKpequal = KeyPower
pred KeyKpplusminus = KeyKpequal
pred KeyPause = KeyKpplusminus
pred KeyScale = KeyPause
pred KeyKpcomma = KeyScale
pred KeyHangeul = KeyKpcomma
pred KeyHanguel = KeyKpcomma
pred KeyHanja = KeyHangeul
pred KeyYen = KeyHanja
pred KeyLeftmeta = KeyYen
pred KeyRightmeta = KeyLeftmeta
pred KeyCompose = KeyRightmeta
pred KeyStop = KeyCompose
pred KeyAgain = KeyStop
pred KeyProps = KeyAgain
pred KeyUndo = KeyProps
pred KeyFront = KeyUndo
pred KeyCopy = KeyFront
pred KeyOpen = KeyCopy
pred KeyPaste = KeyOpen
pred KeyFind = KeyPaste
pred KeyCut = KeyFind
pred KeyHelp = KeyCut
pred KeyMenu = KeyHelp
pred KeyCalc = KeyMenu
pred KeySetup = KeyCalc
pred KeySleep = KeySetup
pred KeyWakeup = KeySleep
pred KeyFile = KeyWakeup
pred KeySendfile = KeyFile
pred KeyDeletefile = KeySendfile
pred KeyXfer = KeyDeletefile
pred KeyProg1 = KeyXfer
pred KeyProg2 = KeyProg1
pred KeyWww = KeyProg2
pred KeyMsdos = KeyWww
pred KeyCoffee = KeyMsdos
pred KeyScreenlock = KeyMsdos
pred KeyRotateDisplay = KeyCoffee
pred KeyDirection = KeyCoffee
pred KeyCyclewindows = KeyRotateDisplay
pred KeyMail = KeyCyclewindows
pred KeyBookmarks = KeyMail
pred KeyComputer = KeyBookmarks
pred KeyBack = KeyComputer
pred KeyForward = KeyBack
pred KeyClosecd = KeyForward
pred KeyEjectcd = KeyClosecd
pred KeyEjectclosecd = KeyEjectcd
pred KeyNextsong = KeyEjectclosecd
pred KeyPlaypause = KeyNextsong
pred KeyPrevioussong = KeyPlaypause
pred KeyStopcd = KeyPrevioussong
pred KeyRecord = KeyStopcd
pred KeyRewind = KeyRecord
pred KeyPhone = KeyRewind
pred KeyIso = KeyPhone
pred KeyConfig = KeyIso
pred KeyHomepage = KeyConfig
pred KeyRefresh = KeyHomepage
pred KeyExit = KeyRefresh
pred KeyMove = KeyExit
pred KeyEdit = KeyMove
pred KeyScrollup = KeyEdit
pred KeyScrolldown = KeyScrollup
pred KeyKpleftparen = KeyScrolldown
pred KeyKprightparen = KeyKpleftparen
pred KeyNew = KeyKprightparen
pred KeyRedo = KeyNew
pred KeyF13 = KeyRedo
pred KeyF14 = KeyF13
pred KeyF15 = KeyF14
pred KeyF16 = KeyF15
pred KeyF17 = KeyF16
pred KeyF18 = KeyF17
pred KeyF19 = KeyF18
pred KeyF20 = KeyF19
pred KeyF21 = KeyF20
pred KeyF22 = KeyF21
pred KeyF23 = KeyF22
pred KeyF24 = KeyF23
pred KeyPlaycd = KeyF24
pred KeyPausecd = KeyPlaycd
pred KeyProg3 = KeyPausecd
pred KeyProg4 = KeyProg3
pred KeyDashboard = KeyProg4
pred KeySuspend = KeyDashboard
pred KeyClose = KeySuspend
pred KeyPlay = KeyClose
pred KeyFastforward = KeyPlay
pred KeyBassboost = KeyFastforward
pred KeyPrint = KeyBassboost
pred KeyHp = KeyPrint
pred KeyCamera = KeyHp
pred KeySound = KeyCamera
pred KeyQuestion = KeySound
pred KeyEmail = KeyQuestion
pred KeyChat = KeyEmail
pred KeySearch = KeyChat
pred KeyConnect = KeySearch
pred KeyFinance = KeyConnect
pred KeySport = KeyFinance
pred KeyShop = KeySport
pred KeyAlterase = KeyShop
pred KeyCancel = KeyAlterase
pred KeyBrightnessdown = KeyCancel
pred KeyBrightnessup = KeyBrightnessdown
pred KeyMedia = KeyBrightnessup
pred KeySwitchvideomode = KeyMedia
pred KeyKbdillumtoggle = KeySwitchvideomode
pred KeyKbdillumdown = KeyKbdillumtoggle
pred KeyKbdillumup = KeyKbdillumdown
pred KeySend = KeyKbdillumup
pred KeyReply = KeySend
pred KeyForwardmail = KeyReply
pred KeySave = KeyForwardmail
pred KeyDocuments = KeySave
pred KeyBattery = KeyDocuments
pred KeyBluetooth = KeyBattery
pred KeyWlan = KeyBluetooth
pred KeyUwb = KeyWlan
pred KeyUnknown = KeyUwb
pred KeyVideoNext = KeyUnknown
pred KeyVideoPrev = KeyVideoNext
pred KeyBrightnessCycle = KeyVideoPrev
pred KeyBrightnessAuto = KeyBrightnessCycle
pred KeyBrightnessZero = KeyBrightnessCycle
pred KeyDisplayOff = KeyBrightnessAuto
pred KeyWwan = KeyDisplayOff
pred KeyWimax = KeyDisplayOff
pred KeyRfkill = KeyWwan
pred KeyMicmute = KeyRfkill
pred BtnMisc = KeyMicmute
pred Btn0 = KeyMicmute
pred Btn1 = BtnMisc
pred Btn2 = Btn1
pred Btn3 = Btn2
pred Btn4 = Btn3
pred Btn5 = Btn4
pred Btn6 = Btn5
pred Btn7 = Btn6
pred Btn8 = Btn7
pred Btn9 = Btn8
pred BtnMouse = Btn9
pred BtnLeft = Btn9
pred BtnRight = BtnMouse
pred BtnMiddle = BtnRight
pred BtnSide = BtnMiddle
pred BtnExtra = BtnSide
pred BtnForward = BtnExtra
pred BtnBack = BtnForward
pred BtnTask = BtnBack
pred BtnJoystick = BtnTask
pred BtnTrigger = BtnTask
pred BtnThumb = BtnJoystick
pred BtnThumb2 = BtnThumb
pred BtnTop = BtnThumb2
pred BtnTop2 = BtnTop
pred BtnPinkie = BtnTop2
pred BtnBase = BtnPinkie
pred BtnBase2 = BtnBase
pred BtnBase3 = BtnBase2
pred BtnBase4 = BtnBase3
pred BtnBase5 = BtnBase4
pred BtnBase6 = BtnBase5
pred BtnDead = BtnBase6
pred BtnGamepad = BtnDead
pred BtnSouth = BtnDead
pred BtnA = BtnDead
pred BtnEast = BtnGamepad
pred BtnB = BtnGamepad
pred BtnC = BtnEast
pred BtnNorth = BtnC
pred BtnX = BtnC
pred BtnWest = BtnNorth
pred BtnY = BtnNorth
pred BtnZ = BtnWest
pred BtnTl = BtnZ
pred BtnTr = BtnTl
pred BtnTl2 = BtnTr
pred BtnTr2 = BtnTl2
pred BtnSelect = BtnTr2
pred BtnStart = BtnSelect
pred BtnMode = BtnStart
pred BtnThumbl = BtnMode
pred BtnThumbr = BtnThumbl
pred BtnDigi = BtnThumbr
pred BtnToolPen = BtnThumbr
pred BtnToolRubber = BtnDigi
pred BtnToolBrush = BtnToolRubber
pred BtnToolPencil = BtnToolBrush
pred BtnToolAirbrush = BtnToolPencil
pred BtnToolFinger = BtnToolAirbrush
pred BtnToolMouse = BtnToolFinger
pred BtnToolLens = BtnToolMouse
pred BtnToolQuinttap = BtnToolLens
pred BtnTouch = BtnToolQuinttap
pred BtnStylus = BtnTouch
pred BtnStylus2 = BtnStylus
pred BtnToolDoubletap = BtnStylus2
pred BtnToolTripletap = BtnToolDoubletap
pred BtnToolQuadtap = BtnToolTripletap
pred BtnWheel = BtnToolQuadtap
pred BtnGearDown = BtnToolQuadtap
pred BtnGearUp = BtnWheel
pred KeyOk = BtnGearUp
pred KeySelect = KeyOk
pred KeyGoto = KeySelect
pred KeyClear = KeyGoto
pred KeyPower2 = KeyClear
pred KeyOption = KeyPower2
pred KeyInfo = KeyOption
pred KeyTime = KeyInfo
pred KeyVendor = KeyTime
pred KeyArchive = KeyVendor
pred KeyProgram = KeyArchive
pred KeyChannel = KeyProgram
pred KeyFavorites = KeyChannel
pred KeyEpg = KeyFavorites
pred KeyPvr = KeyEpg
pred KeyMhp = KeyPvr
pred KeyLanguage = KeyMhp
pred KeyTitle = KeyLanguage
pred KeySubtitle = KeyTitle
pred KeyAngle = KeySubtitle
pred KeyZoom = KeyAngle
pred KeyMode = KeyZoom
pred KeyKeyboard = KeyMode
pred KeyScreen = KeyKeyboard
pred KeyPc = KeyScreen
pred KeyTv = KeyPc
pred KeyTv2 = KeyTv
pred KeyVcr = KeyTv2
pred KeyVcr2 = KeyVcr
pred KeySat = KeyVcr2
pred KeySat2 = KeySat
pred KeyCd = KeySat2
pred KeyTape = KeyCd
pred KeyRadio = KeyTape
pred KeyTuner = KeyRadio
pred KeyPlayer = KeyTuner
pred KeyText = KeyPlayer
pred KeyDvd = KeyText
pred KeyAux = KeyDvd
pred KeyMp3 = KeyAux
pred KeyAudio = KeyMp3
pred KeyVideo = KeyAudio
pred KeyDirectory = KeyVideo
pred KeyList = KeyDirectory
pred KeyMemo = KeyList
pred KeyCalendar = KeyMemo
pred KeyRed = KeyCalendar
pred KeyGreen = KeyRed
pred KeyYellow = KeyGreen
pred KeyBlue = KeyYellow
pred KeyChannelup = KeyBlue
pred KeyChanneldown = KeyChannelup
pred KeyFirst = KeyChanneldown
pred KeyLast = KeyFirst
pred KeyAb = KeyLast
pred KeyNext = KeyAb
pred KeyRestart = KeyNext
pred KeySlow = KeyRestart
pred KeyShuffle = KeySlow
pred KeyBreak = KeyShuffle
pred KeyPrevious = KeyBreak
pred KeyDigits = KeyPrevious
pred KeyTeen = KeyDigits
pred KeyTwen = KeyTeen
pred KeyVideophone = KeyTwen
pred KeyGames = KeyVideophone
pred KeyZoomin = KeyGames
pred KeyZoomout = KeyZoomin
pred KeyZoomreset = KeyZoomout
pred KeyWordprocessor = KeyZoomreset
pred KeyEditor = KeyWordprocessor
pred KeySpreadsheet = KeyEditor
pred KeyGraphicseditor = KeySpreadsheet
pred KeyPresentation = KeyGraphicseditor
pred KeyDatabase = KeyPresentation
pred KeyNews = KeyDatabase
pred KeyVoicemail = KeyNews
pred KeyAddressbook = KeyVoicemail
pred KeyMessenger = KeyAddressbook
pred KeyDisplaytoggle = KeyMessenger
pred KeyBrightnessToggle = KeyMessenger
pred KeySpellcheck = KeyDisplaytoggle
pred KeyLogoff = KeySpellcheck
pred KeyDollar = KeyLogoff
pred KeyEuro = KeyDollar
pred KeyFrameback = KeyEuro
pred KeyFrameforward = KeyFrameback
pred KeyContextMenu = KeyFrameforward
pred KeyMediaRepeat = KeyContextMenu
pred Key10channelsup = KeyMediaRepeat
pred Key10channelsdown = Key10channelsup
pred KeyImages = Key10channelsdown
pred KeyDelEol = KeyImages
pred KeyDelEos = KeyDelEol
pred KeyInsLine = KeyDelEos
pred KeyDelLine = KeyInsLine
pred KeyFn = KeyDelLine
pred KeyFnEsc = KeyFn
pred KeyFnF1 = KeyFnEsc
pred KeyFnF2 = KeyFnF1
pred KeyFnF3 = KeyFnF2
pred KeyFnF4 = KeyFnF3
pred KeyFnF5 = KeyFnF4
pred KeyFnF6 = KeyFnF5
pred KeyFnF7 = KeyFnF6
pred KeyFnF8 = KeyFnF7
pred KeyFnF9 = KeyFnF8
pred KeyFnF10 = KeyFnF9
pred KeyFnF11 = KeyFnF10
pred KeyFnF12 = KeyFnF11
pred KeyFn1 = KeyFnF12
pred KeyFn2 = KeyFn1
pred KeyFnD = KeyFn2
pred KeyFnE = KeyFnD
pred KeyFnF = KeyFnE
pred KeyFnS = KeyFnF
pred KeyFnB = KeyFnS
pred KeyBrlDot1 = KeyFnB
pred KeyBrlDot2 = KeyBrlDot1
pred KeyBrlDot3 = KeyBrlDot2
pred KeyBrlDot4 = KeyBrlDot3
pred KeyBrlDot5 = KeyBrlDot4
pred KeyBrlDot6 = KeyBrlDot5
pred KeyBrlDot7 = KeyBrlDot6
pred KeyBrlDot8 = KeyBrlDot7
pred KeyBrlDot9 = KeyBrlDot8
pred KeyBrlDot10 = KeyBrlDot9
pred KeyNumeric0 = KeyBrlDot10
pred KeyNumeric1 = KeyNumeric0
pred KeyNumeric2 = KeyNumeric1
pred KeyNumeric3 = KeyNumeric2
pred KeyNumeric4 = KeyNumeric3
pred KeyNumeric5 = KeyNumeric4
pred KeyNumeric6 = KeyNumeric5
pred KeyNumeric7 = KeyNumeric6
pred KeyNumeric8 = KeyNumeric7
pred KeyNumeric9 = KeyNumeric8
pred KeyNumericStar = KeyNumeric9
pred KeyNumericPound = KeyNumericStar
pred KeyNumericA = KeyNumericPound
pred KeyNumericB = KeyNumericA
pred KeyNumericC = KeyNumericB
pred KeyNumericD = KeyNumericC
pred KeyCameraFocus = KeyNumericD
pred KeyWpsButton = KeyCameraFocus
pred KeyTouchpadToggle = KeyWpsButton
pred KeyTouchpadOn = KeyTouchpadToggle
pred KeyTouchpadOff = KeyTouchpadOn
pred KeyCameraZoomin = KeyTouchpadOff
pred KeyCameraZoomout = KeyCameraZoomin
pred KeyCameraUp = KeyCameraZoomout
pred KeyCameraDown = KeyCameraUp
pred KeyCameraLeft = KeyCameraDown
pred KeyCameraRight = KeyCameraLeft
pred KeyAttendantOn = KeyCameraRight
pred KeyAttendantOff = KeyAttendantOn
pred KeyAttendantToggle = KeyAttendantOff
pred KeyLightsToggle = KeyAttendantToggle
pred BtnDpadUp = KeyLightsToggle
pred BtnDpadDown = BtnDpadUp
pred BtnDpadLeft = BtnDpadDown
pred BtnDpadRight = BtnDpadLeft
pred KeyAlsToggle = BtnDpadRight
pred KeyButtonconfig = KeyAlsToggle
pred KeyTaskmanager = KeyButtonconfig
pred KeyJournal = KeyTaskmanager
pred KeyControlpanel = KeyJournal
pred KeyAppselect = KeyControlpanel
pred KeyScreensaver = KeyAppselect
pred KeyVoicecommand = KeyScreensaver
pred KeyBrightnessMin = KeyVoicecommand
pred KeyBrightnessMax = KeyBrightnessMin
pred KeyKbdinputassistPrev = KeyBrightnessMax
pred KeyKbdinputassistNext = KeyKbdinputassistPrev
pred KeyKbdinputassistPrevgroup = KeyKbdinputassistNext
pred KeyKbdinputassistNextgroup = KeyKbdinputassistPrevgroup
pred KeyKbdinputassistAccept = KeyKbdinputassistNextgroup
pred KeyKbdinputassistCancel = KeyKbdinputassistAccept
pred BtnTriggerHappy = KeyKbdinputassistCancel
pred BtnTriggerHappy1 = KeyKbdinputassistCancel
pred BtnTriggerHappy2 = BtnTriggerHappy
pred BtnTriggerHappy3 = BtnTriggerHappy2
pred BtnTriggerHappy4 = BtnTriggerHappy3
pred BtnTriggerHappy5 = BtnTriggerHappy4
pred BtnTriggerHappy6 = BtnTriggerHappy5
pred BtnTriggerHappy7 = BtnTriggerHappy6
pred BtnTriggerHappy8 = BtnTriggerHappy7
pred BtnTriggerHappy9 = BtnTriggerHappy8
pred BtnTriggerHappy10 = BtnTriggerHappy9
pred BtnTriggerHappy11 = BtnTriggerHappy10
pred BtnTriggerHappy12 = BtnTriggerHappy11
pred BtnTriggerHappy13 = BtnTriggerHappy12
pred BtnTriggerHappy14 = BtnTriggerHappy13
pred BtnTriggerHappy15 = BtnTriggerHappy14
pred BtnTriggerHappy16 = BtnTriggerHappy15
pred BtnTriggerHappy17 = BtnTriggerHappy16
pred BtnTriggerHappy18 = BtnTriggerHappy17
pred BtnTriggerHappy19 = BtnTriggerHappy18
pred BtnTriggerHappy20 = BtnTriggerHappy19
pred BtnTriggerHappy21 = BtnTriggerHappy20
pred BtnTriggerHappy22 = BtnTriggerHappy21
pred BtnTriggerHappy23 = BtnTriggerHappy22
pred BtnTriggerHappy24 = BtnTriggerHappy23
pred BtnTriggerHappy25 = BtnTriggerHappy24
pred BtnTriggerHappy26 = BtnTriggerHappy25
pred BtnTriggerHappy27 = BtnTriggerHappy26
pred BtnTriggerHappy28 = BtnTriggerHappy27
pred BtnTriggerHappy29 = BtnTriggerHappy28
pred BtnTriggerHappy30 = BtnTriggerHappy29
pred BtnTriggerHappy31 = BtnTriggerHappy30
pred BtnTriggerHappy32 = BtnTriggerHappy31
pred BtnTriggerHappy33 = BtnTriggerHappy32
pred BtnTriggerHappy34 = BtnTriggerHappy33
pred BtnTriggerHappy35 = BtnTriggerHappy34
pred BtnTriggerHappy36 = BtnTriggerHappy35
pred BtnTriggerHappy37 = BtnTriggerHappy36
pred BtnTriggerHappy38 = BtnTriggerHappy37
pred BtnTriggerHappy39 = BtnTriggerHappy38
pred BtnTriggerHappy40 = BtnTriggerHappy39
pred KeyReserved = error "Key.pred: KeyReserved has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from BtnTriggerHappy40
fromEnum KeyReserved = 0
fromEnum KeyEsc = 1
fromEnum Key1 = 2
fromEnum Key2 = 3
fromEnum Key3 = 4
fromEnum Key4 = 5
fromEnum Key5 = 6
fromEnum Key6 = 7
fromEnum Key7 = 8
fromEnum Key8 = 9
fromEnum Key9 = 10
fromEnum Key0 = 11
fromEnum KeyMinus = 12
fromEnum KeyEqual = 13
fromEnum KeyBackspace = 14
fromEnum KeyTab = 15
fromEnum KeyQ = 16
fromEnum KeyW = 17
fromEnum KeyE = 18
fromEnum KeyR = 19
fromEnum KeyT = 20
fromEnum KeyY = 21
fromEnum KeyU = 22
fromEnum KeyI = 23
fromEnum KeyO = 24
fromEnum KeyP = 25
fromEnum KeyLeftbrace = 26
fromEnum KeyRightbrace = 27
fromEnum KeyEnter = 28
fromEnum KeyLeftctrl = 29
fromEnum KeyA = 30
fromEnum KeyS = 31
fromEnum KeyD = 32
fromEnum KeyF = 33
fromEnum KeyG = 34
fromEnum KeyH = 35
fromEnum KeyJ = 36
fromEnum KeyK = 37
fromEnum KeyL = 38
fromEnum KeySemicolon = 39
fromEnum KeyApostrophe = 40
fromEnum KeyGrave = 41
fromEnum KeyLeftshift = 42
fromEnum KeyBackslash = 43
fromEnum KeyZ = 44
fromEnum KeyX = 45
fromEnum KeyC = 46
fromEnum KeyV = 47
fromEnum KeyB = 48
fromEnum KeyN = 49
fromEnum KeyM = 50
fromEnum KeyComma = 51
fromEnum KeyDot = 52
fromEnum KeySlash = 53
fromEnum KeyRightshift = 54
fromEnum KeyKpasterisk = 55
fromEnum KeyLeftalt = 56
fromEnum KeySpace = 57
fromEnum KeyCapslock = 58
fromEnum KeyF1 = 59
fromEnum KeyF2 = 60
fromEnum KeyF3 = 61
fromEnum KeyF4 = 62
fromEnum KeyF5 = 63
fromEnum KeyF6 = 64
fromEnum KeyF7 = 65
fromEnum KeyF8 = 66
fromEnum KeyF9 = 67
fromEnum KeyF10 = 68
fromEnum KeyNumlock = 69
fromEnum KeyScrolllock = 70
fromEnum KeyKp7 = 71
fromEnum KeyKp8 = 72
fromEnum KeyKp9 = 73
fromEnum KeyKpminus = 74
fromEnum KeyKp4 = 75
fromEnum KeyKp5 = 76
fromEnum KeyKp6 = 77
fromEnum KeyKpplus = 78
fromEnum KeyKp1 = 79
fromEnum KeyKp2 = 80
fromEnum KeyKp3 = 81
fromEnum KeyKp0 = 82
fromEnum KeyKpdot = 83
fromEnum KeyZenkakuhankaku = 85
fromEnum Key102nd = 86
fromEnum KeyF11 = 87
fromEnum KeyF12 = 88
fromEnum KeyRo = 89
fromEnum KeyKatakana = 90
fromEnum KeyHiragana = 91
fromEnum KeyHenkan = 92
fromEnum KeyKatakanahiragana = 93
fromEnum KeyMuhenkan = 94
fromEnum KeyKpjpcomma = 95
fromEnum KeyKpenter = 96
fromEnum KeyRightctrl = 97
fromEnum KeyKpslash = 98
fromEnum KeySysrq = 99
fromEnum KeyRightalt = 100
fromEnum KeyLinefeed = 101
fromEnum KeyHome = 102
fromEnum KeyUp = 103
fromEnum KeyPageup = 104
fromEnum KeyLeft = 105
fromEnum KeyRight = 106
fromEnum KeyEnd = 107
fromEnum KeyDown = 108
fromEnum KeyPagedown = 109
fromEnum KeyInsert = 110
fromEnum KeyDelete = 111
fromEnum KeyMacro = 112
fromEnum KeyMute = 113
fromEnum KeyVolumedown = 114
fromEnum KeyVolumeup = 115
fromEnum KeyPower = 116
fromEnum KeyKpequal = 117
fromEnum KeyKpplusminus = 118
fromEnum KeyPause = 119
fromEnum KeyScale = 120
fromEnum KeyKpcomma = 121
fromEnum KeyHangeul = 122
fromEnum KeyHanguel = 122
fromEnum KeyHanja = 123
fromEnum KeyYen = 124
fromEnum KeyLeftmeta = 125
fromEnum KeyRightmeta = 126
fromEnum KeyCompose = 127
fromEnum KeyStop = 128
fromEnum KeyAgain = 129
fromEnum KeyProps = 130
fromEnum KeyUndo = 131
fromEnum KeyFront = 132
fromEnum KeyCopy = 133
fromEnum KeyOpen = 134
fromEnum KeyPaste = 135
fromEnum KeyFind = 136
fromEnum KeyCut = 137
fromEnum KeyHelp = 138
fromEnum KeyMenu = 139
fromEnum KeyCalc = 140
fromEnum KeySetup = 141
fromEnum KeySleep = 142
fromEnum KeyWakeup = 143
fromEnum KeyFile = 144
fromEnum KeySendfile = 145
fromEnum KeyDeletefile = 146
fromEnum KeyXfer = 147
fromEnum KeyProg1 = 148
fromEnum KeyProg2 = 149
fromEnum KeyWww = 150
fromEnum KeyMsdos = 151
fromEnum KeyCoffee = 152
fromEnum KeyScreenlock = 152
fromEnum KeyRotateDisplay = 153
fromEnum KeyDirection = 153
fromEnum KeyCyclewindows = 154
fromEnum KeyMail = 155
fromEnum KeyBookmarks = 156
fromEnum KeyComputer = 157
fromEnum KeyBack = 158
fromEnum KeyForward = 159
fromEnum KeyClosecd = 160
fromEnum KeyEjectcd = 161
fromEnum KeyEjectclosecd = 162
fromEnum KeyNextsong = 163
fromEnum KeyPlaypause = 164
fromEnum KeyPrevioussong = 165
fromEnum KeyStopcd = 166
fromEnum KeyRecord = 167
fromEnum KeyRewind = 168
fromEnum KeyPhone = 169
fromEnum KeyIso = 170
fromEnum KeyConfig = 171
fromEnum KeyHomepage = 172
fromEnum KeyRefresh = 173
fromEnum KeyExit = 174
fromEnum KeyMove = 175
fromEnum KeyEdit = 176
fromEnum KeyScrollup = 177
fromEnum KeyScrolldown = 178
fromEnum KeyKpleftparen = 179
fromEnum KeyKprightparen = 180
fromEnum KeyNew = 181
fromEnum KeyRedo = 182
fromEnum KeyF13 = 183
fromEnum KeyF14 = 184
fromEnum KeyF15 = 185
fromEnum KeyF16 = 186
fromEnum KeyF17 = 187
fromEnum KeyF18 = 188
fromEnum KeyF19 = 189
fromEnum KeyF20 = 190
fromEnum KeyF21 = 191
fromEnum KeyF22 = 192
fromEnum KeyF23 = 193
fromEnum KeyF24 = 194
fromEnum KeyPlaycd = 200
fromEnum KeyPausecd = 201
fromEnum KeyProg3 = 202
fromEnum KeyProg4 = 203
fromEnum KeyDashboard = 204
fromEnum KeySuspend = 205
fromEnum KeyClose = 206
fromEnum KeyPlay = 207
fromEnum KeyFastforward = 208
fromEnum KeyBassboost = 209
fromEnum KeyPrint = 210
fromEnum KeyHp = 211
fromEnum KeyCamera = 212
fromEnum KeySound = 213
fromEnum KeyQuestion = 214
fromEnum KeyEmail = 215
fromEnum KeyChat = 216
fromEnum KeySearch = 217
fromEnum KeyConnect = 218
fromEnum KeyFinance = 219
fromEnum KeySport = 220
fromEnum KeyShop = 221
fromEnum KeyAlterase = 222
fromEnum KeyCancel = 223
fromEnum KeyBrightnessdown = 224
fromEnum KeyBrightnessup = 225
fromEnum KeyMedia = 226
fromEnum KeySwitchvideomode = 227
fromEnum KeyKbdillumtoggle = 228
fromEnum KeyKbdillumdown = 229
fromEnum KeyKbdillumup = 230
fromEnum KeySend = 231
fromEnum KeyReply = 232
fromEnum KeyForwardmail = 233
fromEnum KeySave = 234
fromEnum KeyDocuments = 235
fromEnum KeyBattery = 236
fromEnum KeyBluetooth = 237
fromEnum KeyWlan = 238
fromEnum KeyUwb = 239
fromEnum KeyUnknown = 240
fromEnum KeyVideoNext = 241
fromEnum KeyVideoPrev = 242
fromEnum KeyBrightnessCycle = 243
fromEnum KeyBrightnessAuto = 244
fromEnum KeyBrightnessZero = 244
fromEnum KeyDisplayOff = 245
fromEnum KeyWwan = 246
fromEnum KeyWimax = 246
fromEnum KeyRfkill = 247
fromEnum KeyMicmute = 248
fromEnum BtnMisc = 256
fromEnum Btn0 = 256
fromEnum Btn1 = 257
fromEnum Btn2 = 258
fromEnum Btn3 = 259
fromEnum Btn4 = 260
fromEnum Btn5 = 261
fromEnum Btn6 = 262
fromEnum Btn7 = 263
fromEnum Btn8 = 264
fromEnum Btn9 = 265
fromEnum BtnMouse = 272
fromEnum BtnLeft = 272
fromEnum BtnRight = 273
fromEnum BtnMiddle = 274
fromEnum BtnSide = 275
fromEnum BtnExtra = 276
fromEnum BtnForward = 277
fromEnum BtnBack = 278
fromEnum BtnTask = 279
fromEnum BtnJoystick = 288
fromEnum BtnTrigger = 288
fromEnum BtnThumb = 289
fromEnum BtnThumb2 = 290
fromEnum BtnTop = 291
fromEnum BtnTop2 = 292
fromEnum BtnPinkie = 293
fromEnum BtnBase = 294
fromEnum BtnBase2 = 295
fromEnum BtnBase3 = 296
fromEnum BtnBase4 = 297
fromEnum BtnBase5 = 298
fromEnum BtnBase6 = 299
fromEnum BtnDead = 303
fromEnum BtnGamepad = 304
fromEnum BtnSouth = 304
fromEnum BtnA = 304
fromEnum BtnEast = 305
fromEnum BtnB = 305
fromEnum BtnC = 306
fromEnum BtnNorth = 307
fromEnum BtnX = 307
fromEnum BtnWest = 308
fromEnum BtnY = 308
fromEnum BtnZ = 309
fromEnum BtnTl = 310
fromEnum BtnTr = 311
fromEnum BtnTl2 = 312
fromEnum BtnTr2 = 313
fromEnum BtnSelect = 314
fromEnum BtnStart = 315
fromEnum BtnMode = 316
fromEnum BtnThumbl = 317
fromEnum BtnThumbr = 318
fromEnum BtnDigi = 320
fromEnum BtnToolPen = 320
fromEnum BtnToolRubber = 321
fromEnum BtnToolBrush = 322
fromEnum BtnToolPencil = 323
fromEnum BtnToolAirbrush = 324
fromEnum BtnToolFinger = 325
fromEnum BtnToolMouse = 326
fromEnum BtnToolLens = 327
fromEnum BtnToolQuinttap = 328
fromEnum BtnTouch = 330
fromEnum BtnStylus = 331
fromEnum BtnStylus2 = 332
fromEnum BtnToolDoubletap = 333
fromEnum BtnToolTripletap = 334
fromEnum BtnToolQuadtap = 335
fromEnum BtnWheel = 336
fromEnum BtnGearDown = 336
fromEnum BtnGearUp = 337
fromEnum KeyOk = 352
fromEnum KeySelect = 353
fromEnum KeyGoto = 354
fromEnum KeyClear = 355
fromEnum KeyPower2 = 356
fromEnum KeyOption = 357
fromEnum KeyInfo = 358
fromEnum KeyTime = 359
fromEnum KeyVendor = 360
fromEnum KeyArchive = 361
fromEnum KeyProgram = 362
fromEnum KeyChannel = 363
fromEnum KeyFavorites = 364
fromEnum KeyEpg = 365
fromEnum KeyPvr = 366
fromEnum KeyMhp = 367
fromEnum KeyLanguage = 368
fromEnum KeyTitle = 369
fromEnum KeySubtitle = 370
fromEnum KeyAngle = 371
fromEnum KeyZoom = 372
fromEnum KeyMode = 373
fromEnum KeyKeyboard = 374
fromEnum KeyScreen = 375
fromEnum KeyPc = 376
fromEnum KeyTv = 377
fromEnum KeyTv2 = 378
fromEnum KeyVcr = 379
fromEnum KeyVcr2 = 380
fromEnum KeySat = 381
fromEnum KeySat2 = 382
fromEnum KeyCd = 383
fromEnum KeyTape = 384
fromEnum KeyRadio = 385
fromEnum KeyTuner = 386
fromEnum KeyPlayer = 387
fromEnum KeyText = 388
fromEnum KeyDvd = 389
fromEnum KeyAux = 390
fromEnum KeyMp3 = 391
fromEnum KeyAudio = 392
fromEnum KeyVideo = 393
fromEnum KeyDirectory = 394
fromEnum KeyList = 395
fromEnum KeyMemo = 396
fromEnum KeyCalendar = 397
fromEnum KeyRed = 398
fromEnum KeyGreen = 399
fromEnum KeyYellow = 400
fromEnum KeyBlue = 401
fromEnum KeyChannelup = 402
fromEnum KeyChanneldown = 403
fromEnum KeyFirst = 404
fromEnum KeyLast = 405
fromEnum KeyAb = 406
fromEnum KeyNext = 407
fromEnum KeyRestart = 408
fromEnum KeySlow = 409
fromEnum KeyShuffle = 410
fromEnum KeyBreak = 411
fromEnum KeyPrevious = 412
fromEnum KeyDigits = 413
fromEnum KeyTeen = 414
fromEnum KeyTwen = 415
fromEnum KeyVideophone = 416
fromEnum KeyGames = 417
fromEnum KeyZoomin = 418
fromEnum KeyZoomout = 419
fromEnum KeyZoomreset = 420
fromEnum KeyWordprocessor = 421
fromEnum KeyEditor = 422
fromEnum KeySpreadsheet = 423
fromEnum KeyGraphicseditor = 424
fromEnum KeyPresentation = 425
fromEnum KeyDatabase = 426
fromEnum KeyNews = 427
fromEnum KeyVoicemail = 428
fromEnum KeyAddressbook = 429
fromEnum KeyMessenger = 430
fromEnum KeyDisplaytoggle = 431
fromEnum KeyBrightnessToggle = 431
fromEnum KeySpellcheck = 432
fromEnum KeyLogoff = 433
fromEnum KeyDollar = 434
fromEnum KeyEuro = 435
fromEnum KeyFrameback = 436
fromEnum KeyFrameforward = 437
fromEnum KeyContextMenu = 438
fromEnum KeyMediaRepeat = 439
fromEnum Key10channelsup = 440
fromEnum Key10channelsdown = 441
fromEnum KeyImages = 442
fromEnum KeyDelEol = 448
fromEnum KeyDelEos = 449
fromEnum KeyInsLine = 450
fromEnum KeyDelLine = 451
fromEnum KeyFn = 464
fromEnum KeyFnEsc = 465
fromEnum KeyFnF1 = 466
fromEnum KeyFnF2 = 467
fromEnum KeyFnF3 = 468
fromEnum KeyFnF4 = 469
fromEnum KeyFnF5 = 470
fromEnum KeyFnF6 = 471
fromEnum KeyFnF7 = 472
fromEnum KeyFnF8 = 473
fromEnum KeyFnF9 = 474
fromEnum KeyFnF10 = 475
fromEnum KeyFnF11 = 476
fromEnum KeyFnF12 = 477
fromEnum KeyFn1 = 478
fromEnum KeyFn2 = 479
fromEnum KeyFnD = 480
fromEnum KeyFnE = 481
fromEnum KeyFnF = 482
fromEnum KeyFnS = 483
fromEnum KeyFnB = 484
fromEnum KeyBrlDot1 = 497
fromEnum KeyBrlDot2 = 498
fromEnum KeyBrlDot3 = 499
fromEnum KeyBrlDot4 = 500
fromEnum KeyBrlDot5 = 501
fromEnum KeyBrlDot6 = 502
fromEnum KeyBrlDot7 = 503
fromEnum KeyBrlDot8 = 504
fromEnum KeyBrlDot9 = 505
fromEnum KeyBrlDot10 = 506
fromEnum KeyNumeric0 = 512
fromEnum KeyNumeric1 = 513
fromEnum KeyNumeric2 = 514
fromEnum KeyNumeric3 = 515
fromEnum KeyNumeric4 = 516
fromEnum KeyNumeric5 = 517
fromEnum KeyNumeric6 = 518
fromEnum KeyNumeric7 = 519
fromEnum KeyNumeric8 = 520
fromEnum KeyNumeric9 = 521
fromEnum KeyNumericStar = 522
fromEnum KeyNumericPound = 523
fromEnum KeyNumericA = 524
fromEnum KeyNumericB = 525
fromEnum KeyNumericC = 526
fromEnum KeyNumericD = 527
fromEnum KeyCameraFocus = 528
fromEnum KeyWpsButton = 529
fromEnum KeyTouchpadToggle = 530
fromEnum KeyTouchpadOn = 531
fromEnum KeyTouchpadOff = 532
fromEnum KeyCameraZoomin = 533
fromEnum KeyCameraZoomout = 534
fromEnum KeyCameraUp = 535
fromEnum KeyCameraDown = 536
fromEnum KeyCameraLeft = 537
fromEnum KeyCameraRight = 538
fromEnum KeyAttendantOn = 539
fromEnum KeyAttendantOff = 540
fromEnum KeyAttendantToggle = 541
fromEnum KeyLightsToggle = 542
fromEnum BtnDpadUp = 544
fromEnum BtnDpadDown = 545
fromEnum BtnDpadLeft = 546
fromEnum BtnDpadRight = 547
fromEnum KeyAlsToggle = 560
fromEnum KeyButtonconfig = 576
fromEnum KeyTaskmanager = 577
fromEnum KeyJournal = 578
fromEnum KeyControlpanel = 579
fromEnum KeyAppselect = 580
fromEnum KeyScreensaver = 581
fromEnum KeyVoicecommand = 582
fromEnum KeyBrightnessMin = 592
fromEnum KeyBrightnessMax = 593
fromEnum KeyKbdinputassistPrev = 608
fromEnum KeyKbdinputassistNext = 609
fromEnum KeyKbdinputassistPrevgroup = 610
fromEnum KeyKbdinputassistNextgroup = 611
fromEnum KeyKbdinputassistAccept = 612
fromEnum KeyKbdinputassistCancel = 613
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy = 704
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy1 = 704
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy2 = 705
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy3 = 706
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy4 = 707
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy5 = 708
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy6 = 709
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy7 = 710
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy8 = 711
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy9 = 712
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy10 = 713
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy11 = 714
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy12 = 715
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy13 = 716
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy14 = 717
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy15 = 718
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy16 = 719
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy17 = 720
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy18 = 721
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy19 = 722
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy20 = 723
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy21 = 724
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy22 = 725
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy23 = 726
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy24 = 727
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy25 = 728
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy26 = 729
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy27 = 730
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy28 = 731
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy29 = 732
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy30 = 733
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy31 = 734
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy32 = 735
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy33 = 736
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy34 = 737
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy35 = 738
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy36 = 739
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy37 = 740
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy38 = 741
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy39 = 742
fromEnum BtnTriggerHappy40 = 743
toEnum 0 = KeyReserved
toEnum 1 = KeyEsc
toEnum 2 = Key1
toEnum 3 = Key2
toEnum 4 = Key3
toEnum 5 = Key4
toEnum 6 = Key5
toEnum 7 = Key6
toEnum 8 = Key7
toEnum 9 = Key8
toEnum 10 = Key9
toEnum 11 = Key0
toEnum 12 = KeyMinus
toEnum 13 = KeyEqual
toEnum 14 = KeyBackspace
toEnum 15 = KeyTab
toEnum 16 = KeyQ
toEnum 17 = KeyW
toEnum 18 = KeyE
toEnum 19 = KeyR
toEnum 20 = KeyT
toEnum 21 = KeyY
toEnum 22 = KeyU
toEnum 23 = KeyI
toEnum 24 = KeyO
toEnum 25 = KeyP
toEnum 26 = KeyLeftbrace
toEnum 27 = KeyRightbrace
toEnum 28 = KeyEnter
toEnum 29 = KeyLeftctrl
toEnum 30 = KeyA
toEnum 31 = KeyS
toEnum 32 = KeyD
toEnum 33 = KeyF
toEnum 34 = KeyG
toEnum 35 = KeyH
toEnum 36 = KeyJ
toEnum 37 = KeyK
toEnum 38 = KeyL
toEnum 39 = KeySemicolon
toEnum 40 = KeyApostrophe
toEnum 41 = KeyGrave
toEnum 42 = KeyLeftshift
toEnum 43 = KeyBackslash
toEnum 44 = KeyZ
toEnum 45 = KeyX
toEnum 46 = KeyC
toEnum 47 = KeyV
toEnum 48 = KeyB
toEnum 49 = KeyN
toEnum 50 = KeyM
toEnum 51 = KeyComma
toEnum 52 = KeyDot
toEnum 53 = KeySlash
toEnum 54 = KeyRightshift
toEnum 55 = KeyKpasterisk
toEnum 56 = KeyLeftalt
toEnum 57 = KeySpace
toEnum 58 = KeyCapslock
toEnum 59 = KeyF1
toEnum 60 = KeyF2
toEnum 61 = KeyF3
toEnum 62 = KeyF4
toEnum 63 = KeyF5
toEnum 64 = KeyF6
toEnum 65 = KeyF7
toEnum 66 = KeyF8
toEnum 67 = KeyF9
toEnum 68 = KeyF10
toEnum 69 = KeyNumlock
toEnum 70 = KeyScrolllock
toEnum 71 = KeyKp7
toEnum 72 = KeyKp8
toEnum 73 = KeyKp9
toEnum 74 = KeyKpminus
toEnum 75 = KeyKp4
toEnum 76 = KeyKp5
toEnum 77 = KeyKp6
toEnum 78 = KeyKpplus
toEnum 79 = KeyKp1
toEnum 80 = KeyKp2
toEnum 81 = KeyKp3
toEnum 82 = KeyKp0
toEnum 83 = KeyKpdot
toEnum 85 = KeyZenkakuhankaku
toEnum 86 = Key102nd
toEnum 87 = KeyF11
toEnum 88 = KeyF12
toEnum 89 = KeyRo
toEnum 90 = KeyKatakana
toEnum 91 = KeyHiragana
toEnum 92 = KeyHenkan
toEnum 93 = KeyKatakanahiragana
toEnum 94 = KeyMuhenkan
toEnum 95 = KeyKpjpcomma
toEnum 96 = KeyKpenter
toEnum 97 = KeyRightctrl
toEnum 98 = KeyKpslash
toEnum 99 = KeySysrq
toEnum 100 = KeyRightalt
toEnum 101 = KeyLinefeed
toEnum 102 = KeyHome
toEnum 103 = KeyUp
toEnum 104 = KeyPageup
toEnum 105 = KeyLeft
toEnum 106 = KeyRight
toEnum 107 = KeyEnd
toEnum 108 = KeyDown
toEnum 109 = KeyPagedown
toEnum 110 = KeyInsert
toEnum 111 = KeyDelete
toEnum 112 = KeyMacro
toEnum 113 = KeyMute
toEnum 114 = KeyVolumedown
toEnum 115 = KeyVolumeup
toEnum 116 = KeyPower
toEnum 117 = KeyKpequal
toEnum 118 = KeyKpplusminus
toEnum 119 = KeyPause
toEnum 120 = KeyScale
toEnum 121 = KeyKpcomma
toEnum 122 = KeyHangeul
toEnum 123 = KeyHanja
toEnum 124 = KeyYen
toEnum 125 = KeyLeftmeta
toEnum 126 = KeyRightmeta
toEnum 127 = KeyCompose
toEnum 128 = KeyStop
toEnum 129 = KeyAgain
toEnum 130 = KeyProps
toEnum 131 = KeyUndo
toEnum 132 = KeyFront
toEnum 133 = KeyCopy
toEnum 134 = KeyOpen
toEnum 135 = KeyPaste
toEnum 136 = KeyFind
toEnum 137 = KeyCut
toEnum 138 = KeyHelp
toEnum 139 = KeyMenu
toEnum 140 = KeyCalc
toEnum 141 = KeySetup
toEnum 142 = KeySleep
toEnum 143 = KeyWakeup
toEnum 144 = KeyFile
toEnum 145 = KeySendfile
toEnum 146 = KeyDeletefile
toEnum 147 = KeyXfer
toEnum 148 = KeyProg1
toEnum 149 = KeyProg2
toEnum 150 = KeyWww
toEnum 151 = KeyMsdos
toEnum 152 = KeyCoffee
toEnum 153 = KeyRotateDisplay
toEnum 154 = KeyCyclewindows
toEnum 155 = KeyMail
toEnum 156 = KeyBookmarks
toEnum 157 = KeyComputer
toEnum 158 = KeyBack
toEnum 159 = KeyForward
toEnum 160 = KeyClosecd
toEnum 161 = KeyEjectcd
toEnum 162 = KeyEjectclosecd
toEnum 163 = KeyNextsong
toEnum 164 = KeyPlaypause
toEnum 165 = KeyPrevioussong
toEnum 166 = KeyStopcd
toEnum 167 = KeyRecord
toEnum 168 = KeyRewind
toEnum 169 = KeyPhone
toEnum 170 = KeyIso
toEnum 171 = KeyConfig
toEnum 172 = KeyHomepage
toEnum 173 = KeyRefresh
toEnum 174 = KeyExit
toEnum 175 = KeyMove
toEnum 176 = KeyEdit
toEnum 177 = KeyScrollup
toEnum 178 = KeyScrolldown
toEnum 179 = KeyKpleftparen
toEnum 180 = KeyKprightparen
toEnum 181 = KeyNew
toEnum 182 = KeyRedo
toEnum 183 = KeyF13
toEnum 184 = KeyF14
toEnum 185 = KeyF15
toEnum 186 = KeyF16
toEnum 187 = KeyF17
toEnum 188 = KeyF18
toEnum 189 = KeyF19
toEnum 190 = KeyF20
toEnum 191 = KeyF21
toEnum 192 = KeyF22
toEnum 193 = KeyF23
toEnum 194 = KeyF24
toEnum 200 = KeyPlaycd
toEnum 201 = KeyPausecd
toEnum 202 = KeyProg3
toEnum 203 = KeyProg4
toEnum 204 = KeyDashboard
toEnum 205 = KeySuspend
toEnum 206 = KeyClose
toEnum 207 = KeyPlay
toEnum 208 = KeyFastforward
toEnum 209 = KeyBassboost
toEnum 210 = KeyPrint
toEnum 211 = KeyHp
toEnum 212 = KeyCamera
toEnum 213 = KeySound
toEnum 214 = KeyQuestion
toEnum 215 = KeyEmail
toEnum 216 = KeyChat
toEnum 217 = KeySearch
toEnum 218 = KeyConnect
toEnum 219 = KeyFinance
toEnum 220 = KeySport
toEnum 221 = KeyShop
toEnum 222 = KeyAlterase
toEnum 223 = KeyCancel
toEnum 224 = KeyBrightnessdown
toEnum 225 = KeyBrightnessup
toEnum 226 = KeyMedia
toEnum 227 = KeySwitchvideomode
toEnum 228 = KeyKbdillumtoggle
toEnum 229 = KeyKbdillumdown
toEnum 230 = KeyKbdillumup
toEnum 231 = KeySend
toEnum 232 = KeyReply
toEnum 233 = KeyForwardmail
toEnum 234 = KeySave
toEnum 235 = KeyDocuments
toEnum 236 = KeyBattery
toEnum 237 = KeyBluetooth
toEnum 238 = KeyWlan
toEnum 239 = KeyUwb
toEnum 240 = KeyUnknown
toEnum 241 = KeyVideoNext
toEnum 242 = KeyVideoPrev
toEnum 243 = KeyBrightnessCycle
toEnum 244 = KeyBrightnessAuto
toEnum 245 = KeyDisplayOff
toEnum 246 = KeyWwan
toEnum 247 = KeyRfkill
toEnum 248 = KeyMicmute
toEnum 256 = BtnMisc
toEnum 257 = Btn1
toEnum 258 = Btn2
toEnum 259 = Btn3
toEnum 260 = Btn4
toEnum 261 = Btn5
toEnum 262 = Btn6
toEnum 263 = Btn7
toEnum 264 = Btn8
toEnum 265 = Btn9
toEnum 272 = BtnMouse
toEnum 273 = BtnRight
toEnum 274 = BtnMiddle
toEnum 275 = BtnSide
toEnum 276 = BtnExtra
toEnum 277 = BtnForward
toEnum 278 = BtnBack
toEnum 279 = BtnTask
toEnum 288 = BtnJoystick
toEnum 289 = BtnThumb
toEnum 290 = BtnThumb2
toEnum 291 = BtnTop
toEnum 292 = BtnTop2
toEnum 293 = BtnPinkie
toEnum 294 = BtnBase
toEnum 295 = BtnBase2
toEnum 296 = BtnBase3
toEnum 297 = BtnBase4
toEnum 298 = BtnBase5
toEnum 299 = BtnBase6
toEnum 303 = BtnDead
toEnum 304 = BtnGamepad
toEnum 305 = BtnEast
toEnum 306 = BtnC
toEnum 307 = BtnNorth
toEnum 308 = BtnWest
toEnum 309 = BtnZ
toEnum 310 = BtnTl
toEnum 311 = BtnTr
toEnum 312 = BtnTl2
toEnum 313 = BtnTr2
toEnum 314 = BtnSelect
toEnum 315 = BtnStart
toEnum 316 = BtnMode
toEnum 317 = BtnThumbl
toEnum 318 = BtnThumbr
toEnum 320 = BtnDigi
toEnum 321 = BtnToolRubber
toEnum 322 = BtnToolBrush
toEnum 323 = BtnToolPencil
toEnum 324 = BtnToolAirbrush
toEnum 325 = BtnToolFinger
toEnum 326 = BtnToolMouse
toEnum 327 = BtnToolLens
toEnum 328 = BtnToolQuinttap
toEnum 330 = BtnTouch
toEnum 331 = BtnStylus
toEnum 332 = BtnStylus2
toEnum 333 = BtnToolDoubletap
toEnum 334 = BtnToolTripletap
toEnum 335 = BtnToolQuadtap
toEnum 336 = BtnWheel
toEnum 337 = BtnGearUp
toEnum 352 = KeyOk
toEnum 353 = KeySelect
toEnum 354 = KeyGoto
toEnum 355 = KeyClear
toEnum 356 = KeyPower2
toEnum 357 = KeyOption
toEnum 358 = KeyInfo
toEnum 359 = KeyTime
toEnum 360 = KeyVendor
toEnum 361 = KeyArchive
toEnum 362 = KeyProgram
toEnum 363 = KeyChannel
toEnum 364 = KeyFavorites
toEnum 365 = KeyEpg
toEnum 366 = KeyPvr
toEnum 367 = KeyMhp
toEnum 368 = KeyLanguage
toEnum 369 = KeyTitle
toEnum 370 = KeySubtitle
toEnum 371 = KeyAngle
toEnum 372 = KeyZoom
toEnum 373 = KeyMode
toEnum 374 = KeyKeyboard
toEnum 375 = KeyScreen
toEnum 376 = KeyPc
toEnum 377 = KeyTv
toEnum 378 = KeyTv2
toEnum 379 = KeyVcr
toEnum 380 = KeyVcr2
toEnum 381 = KeySat
toEnum 382 = KeySat2
toEnum 383 = KeyCd
toEnum 384 = KeyTape
toEnum 385 = KeyRadio
toEnum 386 = KeyTuner
toEnum 387 = KeyPlayer
toEnum 388 = KeyText
toEnum 389 = KeyDvd
toEnum 390 = KeyAux
toEnum 391 = KeyMp3
toEnum 392 = KeyAudio
toEnum 393 = KeyVideo
toEnum 394 = KeyDirectory
toEnum 395 = KeyList
toEnum 396 = KeyMemo
toEnum 397 = KeyCalendar
toEnum 398 = KeyRed
toEnum 399 = KeyGreen
toEnum 400 = KeyYellow
toEnum 401 = KeyBlue
toEnum 402 = KeyChannelup
toEnum 403 = KeyChanneldown
toEnum 404 = KeyFirst
toEnum 405 = KeyLast
toEnum 406 = KeyAb
toEnum 407 = KeyNext
toEnum 408 = KeyRestart
toEnum 409 = KeySlow
toEnum 410 = KeyShuffle
toEnum 411 = KeyBreak
toEnum 412 = KeyPrevious
toEnum 413 = KeyDigits
toEnum 414 = KeyTeen
toEnum 415 = KeyTwen
toEnum 416 = KeyVideophone
toEnum 417 = KeyGames
toEnum 418 = KeyZoomin
toEnum 419 = KeyZoomout
toEnum 420 = KeyZoomreset
toEnum 421 = KeyWordprocessor
toEnum 422 = KeyEditor
toEnum 423 = KeySpreadsheet
toEnum 424 = KeyGraphicseditor
toEnum 425 = KeyPresentation
toEnum 426 = KeyDatabase
toEnum 427 = KeyNews
toEnum 428 = KeyVoicemail
toEnum 429 = KeyAddressbook
toEnum 430 = KeyMessenger
toEnum 431 = KeyDisplaytoggle
toEnum 432 = KeySpellcheck
toEnum 433 = KeyLogoff
toEnum 434 = KeyDollar
toEnum 435 = KeyEuro
toEnum 436 = KeyFrameback
toEnum 437 = KeyFrameforward
toEnum 438 = KeyContextMenu
toEnum 439 = KeyMediaRepeat
toEnum 440 = Key10channelsup
toEnum 441 = Key10channelsdown
toEnum 442 = KeyImages
toEnum 448 = KeyDelEol
toEnum 449 = KeyDelEos
toEnum 450 = KeyInsLine
toEnum 451 = KeyDelLine
toEnum 464 = KeyFn
toEnum 465 = KeyFnEsc
toEnum 466 = KeyFnF1
toEnum 467 = KeyFnF2
toEnum 468 = KeyFnF3
toEnum 469 = KeyFnF4
toEnum 470 = KeyFnF5
toEnum 471 = KeyFnF6
toEnum 472 = KeyFnF7
toEnum 473 = KeyFnF8
toEnum 474 = KeyFnF9
toEnum 475 = KeyFnF10
toEnum 476 = KeyFnF11
toEnum 477 = KeyFnF12
toEnum 478 = KeyFn1
toEnum 479 = KeyFn2
toEnum 480 = KeyFnD
toEnum 481 = KeyFnE
toEnum 482 = KeyFnF
toEnum 483 = KeyFnS
toEnum 484 = KeyFnB
toEnum 497 = KeyBrlDot1
toEnum 498 = KeyBrlDot2
toEnum 499 = KeyBrlDot3
toEnum 500 = KeyBrlDot4
toEnum 501 = KeyBrlDot5
toEnum 502 = KeyBrlDot6
toEnum 503 = KeyBrlDot7
toEnum 504 = KeyBrlDot8
toEnum 505 = KeyBrlDot9
toEnum 506 = KeyBrlDot10
toEnum 512 = KeyNumeric0
toEnum 513 = KeyNumeric1
toEnum 514 = KeyNumeric2
toEnum 515 = KeyNumeric3
toEnum 516 = KeyNumeric4
toEnum 517 = KeyNumeric5
toEnum 518 = KeyNumeric6
toEnum 519 = KeyNumeric7
toEnum 520 = KeyNumeric8
toEnum 521 = KeyNumeric9
toEnum 522 = KeyNumericStar
toEnum 523 = KeyNumericPound
toEnum 524 = KeyNumericA
toEnum 525 = KeyNumericB
toEnum 526 = KeyNumericC
toEnum 527 = KeyNumericD
toEnum 528 = KeyCameraFocus
toEnum 529 = KeyWpsButton
toEnum 530 = KeyTouchpadToggle
toEnum 531 = KeyTouchpadOn
toEnum 532 = KeyTouchpadOff
toEnum 533 = KeyCameraZoomin
toEnum 534 = KeyCameraZoomout
toEnum 535 = KeyCameraUp
toEnum 536 = KeyCameraDown
toEnum 537 = KeyCameraLeft
toEnum 538 = KeyCameraRight
toEnum 539 = KeyAttendantOn
toEnum 540 = KeyAttendantOff
toEnum 541 = KeyAttendantToggle
toEnum 542 = KeyLightsToggle
toEnum 544 = BtnDpadUp
toEnum 545 = BtnDpadDown
toEnum 546 = BtnDpadLeft
toEnum 547 = BtnDpadRight
toEnum 560 = KeyAlsToggle
toEnum 576 = KeyButtonconfig
toEnum 577 = KeyTaskmanager
toEnum 578 = KeyJournal
toEnum 579 = KeyControlpanel
toEnum 580 = KeyAppselect
toEnum 581 = KeyScreensaver
toEnum 582 = KeyVoicecommand
toEnum 592 = KeyBrightnessMin
toEnum 593 = KeyBrightnessMax
toEnum 608 = KeyKbdinputassistPrev
toEnum 609 = KeyKbdinputassistNext
toEnum 610 = KeyKbdinputassistPrevgroup
toEnum 611 = KeyKbdinputassistNextgroup
toEnum 612 = KeyKbdinputassistAccept
toEnum 613 = KeyKbdinputassistCancel
toEnum 704 = BtnTriggerHappy
toEnum 705 = BtnTriggerHappy2
toEnum 706 = BtnTriggerHappy3
toEnum 707 = BtnTriggerHappy4
toEnum 708 = BtnTriggerHappy5
toEnum 709 = BtnTriggerHappy6
toEnum 710 = BtnTriggerHappy7
toEnum 711 = BtnTriggerHappy8
toEnum 712 = BtnTriggerHappy9
toEnum 713 = BtnTriggerHappy10
toEnum 714 = BtnTriggerHappy11
toEnum 715 = BtnTriggerHappy12
toEnum 716 = BtnTriggerHappy13
toEnum 717 = BtnTriggerHappy14
toEnum 718 = BtnTriggerHappy15
toEnum 719 = BtnTriggerHappy16
toEnum 720 = BtnTriggerHappy17
toEnum 721 = BtnTriggerHappy18
toEnum 722 = BtnTriggerHappy19
toEnum 723 = BtnTriggerHappy20
toEnum 724 = BtnTriggerHappy21
toEnum 725 = BtnTriggerHappy22
toEnum 726 = BtnTriggerHappy23
toEnum 727 = BtnTriggerHappy24
toEnum 728 = BtnTriggerHappy25
toEnum 729 = BtnTriggerHappy26
toEnum 730 = BtnTriggerHappy27
toEnum 731 = BtnTriggerHappy28
toEnum 732 = BtnTriggerHappy29
toEnum 733 = BtnTriggerHappy30
toEnum 734 = BtnTriggerHappy31
toEnum 735 = BtnTriggerHappy32
toEnum 736 = BtnTriggerHappy33
toEnum 737 = BtnTriggerHappy34
toEnum 738 = BtnTriggerHappy35
toEnum 739 = BtnTriggerHappy36
toEnum 740 = BtnTriggerHappy37
toEnum 741 = BtnTriggerHappy38
toEnum 742 = BtnTriggerHappy39
toEnum 743 = BtnTriggerHappy40
toEnum unmatched = error ("Key.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 578 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
data RelativeAxis = RelX
| RelY
| RelZ
| RelRx
| RelRy
| RelRz
| RelHwheel
| RelDial
| RelWheel
| RelMisc
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum RelativeAxis where
succ RelX = RelY
succ RelY = RelZ
succ RelZ = RelRx
succ RelRx = RelRy
succ RelRy = RelRz
succ RelRz = RelHwheel
succ RelHwheel = RelDial
succ RelDial = RelWheel
succ RelWheel = RelMisc
succ RelMisc = error "RelativeAxis.succ: RelMisc has no successor"
pred RelY = RelX
pred RelZ = RelY
pred RelRx = RelZ
pred RelRy = RelRx
pred RelRz = RelRy
pred RelHwheel = RelRz
pred RelDial = RelHwheel
pred RelWheel = RelDial
pred RelMisc = RelWheel
pred RelX = error "RelativeAxis.pred: RelX has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from RelMisc
fromEnum RelX = 0
fromEnum RelY = 1
fromEnum RelZ = 2
fromEnum RelRx = 3
fromEnum RelRy = 4
fromEnum RelRz = 5
fromEnum RelHwheel = 6
fromEnum RelDial = 7
fromEnum RelWheel = 8
fromEnum RelMisc = 9
toEnum 0 = RelX
toEnum 1 = RelY
toEnum 2 = RelZ
toEnum 3 = RelRx
toEnum 4 = RelRy
toEnum 5 = RelRz
toEnum 6 = RelHwheel
toEnum 7 = RelDial
toEnum 8 = RelWheel
toEnum 9 = RelMisc
toEnum unmatched = error ("RelativeAxis.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 591 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
data AbsoluteAxis = AbsX
| AbsY
| AbsZ
| AbsRx
| AbsRy
| AbsRz
| AbsThrottle
| AbsRudder
| AbsWheel
| AbsGas
| AbsBrake
| AbsHat0x
| AbsHat0y
| AbsHat1x
| AbsHat1y
| AbsHat2x
| AbsHat2y
| AbsHat3x
| AbsHat3y
| AbsPressure
| AbsDistance
| AbsTiltX
| AbsTiltY
| AbsToolWidth
| AbsVolume
| AbsMisc
| AbsReserved
| AbsMtSlot
| AbsMtTouchMajor
| AbsMtTouchMinor
| AbsMtWidthMajor
| AbsMtWidthMinor
| AbsMtOrientation
| AbsMtPositionX
| AbsMtPositionY
| AbsMtToolType
| AbsMtBlobId
| AbsMtTrackingId
| AbsMtPressure
| AbsMtDistance
| AbsMtToolX
| AbsMtToolY
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum AbsoluteAxis where
succ AbsX = AbsY
succ AbsY = AbsZ
succ AbsZ = AbsRx
succ AbsRx = AbsRy
succ AbsRy = AbsRz
succ AbsRz = AbsThrottle
succ AbsThrottle = AbsRudder
succ AbsRudder = AbsWheel
succ AbsWheel = AbsGas
succ AbsGas = AbsBrake
succ AbsBrake = AbsHat0x
succ AbsHat0x = AbsHat0y
succ AbsHat0y = AbsHat1x
succ AbsHat1x = AbsHat1y
succ AbsHat1y = AbsHat2x
succ AbsHat2x = AbsHat2y
succ AbsHat2y = AbsHat3x
succ AbsHat3x = AbsHat3y
succ AbsHat3y = AbsPressure
succ AbsPressure = AbsDistance
succ AbsDistance = AbsTiltX
succ AbsTiltX = AbsTiltY
succ AbsTiltY = AbsToolWidth
succ AbsToolWidth = AbsVolume
succ AbsVolume = AbsMisc
succ AbsMisc = AbsReserved
succ AbsReserved = AbsMtSlot
succ AbsMtSlot = AbsMtTouchMajor
succ AbsMtTouchMajor = AbsMtTouchMinor
succ AbsMtTouchMinor = AbsMtWidthMajor
succ AbsMtWidthMajor = AbsMtWidthMinor
succ AbsMtWidthMinor = AbsMtOrientation
succ AbsMtOrientation = AbsMtPositionX
succ AbsMtPositionX = AbsMtPositionY
succ AbsMtPositionY = AbsMtToolType
succ AbsMtToolType = AbsMtBlobId
succ AbsMtBlobId = AbsMtTrackingId
succ AbsMtTrackingId = AbsMtPressure
succ AbsMtPressure = AbsMtDistance
succ AbsMtDistance = AbsMtToolX
succ AbsMtToolX = AbsMtToolY
succ AbsMtToolY = error "AbsoluteAxis.succ: AbsMtToolY has no successor"
pred AbsY = AbsX
pred AbsZ = AbsY
pred AbsRx = AbsZ
pred AbsRy = AbsRx
pred AbsRz = AbsRy
pred AbsThrottle = AbsRz
pred AbsRudder = AbsThrottle
pred AbsWheel = AbsRudder
pred AbsGas = AbsWheel
pred AbsBrake = AbsGas
pred AbsHat0x = AbsBrake
pred AbsHat0y = AbsHat0x
pred AbsHat1x = AbsHat0y
pred AbsHat1y = AbsHat1x
pred AbsHat2x = AbsHat1y
pred AbsHat2y = AbsHat2x
pred AbsHat3x = AbsHat2y
pred AbsHat3y = AbsHat3x
pred AbsPressure = AbsHat3y
pred AbsDistance = AbsPressure
pred AbsTiltX = AbsDistance
pred AbsTiltY = AbsTiltX
pred AbsToolWidth = AbsTiltY
pred AbsVolume = AbsToolWidth
pred AbsMisc = AbsVolume
pred AbsReserved = AbsMisc
pred AbsMtSlot = AbsReserved
pred AbsMtTouchMajor = AbsMtSlot
pred AbsMtTouchMinor = AbsMtTouchMajor
pred AbsMtWidthMajor = AbsMtTouchMinor
pred AbsMtWidthMinor = AbsMtWidthMajor
pred AbsMtOrientation = AbsMtWidthMinor
pred AbsMtPositionX = AbsMtOrientation
pred AbsMtPositionY = AbsMtPositionX
pred AbsMtToolType = AbsMtPositionY
pred AbsMtBlobId = AbsMtToolType
pred AbsMtTrackingId = AbsMtBlobId
pred AbsMtPressure = AbsMtTrackingId
pred AbsMtDistance = AbsMtPressure
pred AbsMtToolX = AbsMtDistance
pred AbsMtToolY = AbsMtToolX
pred AbsX = error "AbsoluteAxis.pred: AbsX has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from AbsMtToolY
fromEnum AbsX = 0
fromEnum AbsY = 1
fromEnum AbsZ = 2
fromEnum AbsRx = 3
fromEnum AbsRy = 4
fromEnum AbsRz = 5
fromEnum AbsThrottle = 6
fromEnum AbsRudder = 7
fromEnum AbsWheel = 8
fromEnum AbsGas = 9
fromEnum AbsBrake = 10
fromEnum AbsHat0x = 16
fromEnum AbsHat0y = 17
fromEnum AbsHat1x = 18
fromEnum AbsHat1y = 19
fromEnum AbsHat2x = 20
fromEnum AbsHat2y = 21
fromEnum AbsHat3x = 22
fromEnum AbsHat3y = 23
fromEnum AbsPressure = 24
fromEnum AbsDistance = 25
fromEnum AbsTiltX = 26
fromEnum AbsTiltY = 27
fromEnum AbsToolWidth = 28
fromEnum AbsVolume = 32
fromEnum AbsMisc = 40
fromEnum AbsReserved = 46
fromEnum AbsMtSlot = 47
fromEnum AbsMtTouchMajor = 48
fromEnum AbsMtTouchMinor = 49
fromEnum AbsMtWidthMajor = 50
fromEnum AbsMtWidthMinor = 51
fromEnum AbsMtOrientation = 52
fromEnum AbsMtPositionX = 53
fromEnum AbsMtPositionY = 54
fromEnum AbsMtToolType = 55
fromEnum AbsMtBlobId = 56
fromEnum AbsMtTrackingId = 57
fromEnum AbsMtPressure = 58
fromEnum AbsMtDistance = 59
fromEnum AbsMtToolX = 60
fromEnum AbsMtToolY = 61
toEnum 0 = AbsX
toEnum 1 = AbsY
toEnum 2 = AbsZ
toEnum 3 = AbsRx
toEnum 4 = AbsRy
toEnum 5 = AbsRz
toEnum 6 = AbsThrottle
toEnum 7 = AbsRudder
toEnum 8 = AbsWheel
toEnum 9 = AbsGas
toEnum 10 = AbsBrake
toEnum 16 = AbsHat0x
toEnum 17 = AbsHat0y
toEnum 18 = AbsHat1x
toEnum 19 = AbsHat1y
toEnum 20 = AbsHat2x
toEnum 21 = AbsHat2y
toEnum 22 = AbsHat3x
toEnum 23 = AbsHat3y
toEnum 24 = AbsPressure
toEnum 25 = AbsDistance
toEnum 26 = AbsTiltX
toEnum 27 = AbsTiltY
toEnum 28 = AbsToolWidth
toEnum 32 = AbsVolume
toEnum 40 = AbsMisc
toEnum 46 = AbsReserved
toEnum 47 = AbsMtSlot
toEnum 48 = AbsMtTouchMajor
toEnum 49 = AbsMtTouchMinor
toEnum 50 = AbsMtWidthMajor
toEnum 51 = AbsMtWidthMinor
toEnum 52 = AbsMtOrientation
toEnum 53 = AbsMtPositionX
toEnum 54 = AbsMtPositionY
toEnum 55 = AbsMtToolType
toEnum 56 = AbsMtBlobId
toEnum 57 = AbsMtTrackingId
toEnum 58 = AbsMtPressure
toEnum 59 = AbsMtDistance
toEnum 60 = AbsMtToolX
toEnum 61 = AbsMtToolY
toEnum unmatched = error ("AbsoluteAxis.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 636 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
data SwitchEventType = SwLid
| SwTabletMode
| SwHeadphoneInsert
| SwRfkillAll
| SwRadio
| SwMicrophoneInsert
| SwDock
| SwLineoutInsert
| SwJackPhysicalInsert
| SwVideooutInsert
| SwCameraLensCover
| SwKeypadSlide
| SwFrontProximity
| SwRotateLock
| SwLineinInsert
| SwMuteDevice
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum SwitchEventType where
succ SwLid = SwTabletMode
succ SwTabletMode = SwHeadphoneInsert
succ SwHeadphoneInsert = SwRfkillAll
succ SwRfkillAll = SwMicrophoneInsert
succ SwRadio = SwMicrophoneInsert
succ SwMicrophoneInsert = SwDock
succ SwDock = SwLineoutInsert
succ SwLineoutInsert = SwJackPhysicalInsert
succ SwJackPhysicalInsert = SwVideooutInsert
succ SwVideooutInsert = SwCameraLensCover
succ SwCameraLensCover = SwKeypadSlide
succ SwKeypadSlide = SwFrontProximity
succ SwFrontProximity = SwRotateLock
succ SwRotateLock = SwLineinInsert
succ SwLineinInsert = SwMuteDevice
succ SwMuteDevice = error "SwitchEventType.succ: SwMuteDevice has no successor"
pred SwTabletMode = SwLid
pred SwHeadphoneInsert = SwTabletMode
pred SwRfkillAll = SwHeadphoneInsert
pred SwRadio = SwHeadphoneInsert
pred SwMicrophoneInsert = SwRfkillAll
pred SwDock = SwMicrophoneInsert
pred SwLineoutInsert = SwDock
pred SwJackPhysicalInsert = SwLineoutInsert
pred SwVideooutInsert = SwJackPhysicalInsert
pred SwCameraLensCover = SwVideooutInsert
pred SwKeypadSlide = SwCameraLensCover
pred SwFrontProximity = SwKeypadSlide
pred SwRotateLock = SwFrontProximity
pred SwLineinInsert = SwRotateLock
pred SwMuteDevice = SwLineinInsert
pred SwLid = error "SwitchEventType.pred: SwLid has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from SwMuteDevice
fromEnum SwLid = 0
fromEnum SwTabletMode = 1
fromEnum SwHeadphoneInsert = 2
fromEnum SwRfkillAll = 3
fromEnum SwRadio = 3
fromEnum SwMicrophoneInsert = 4
fromEnum SwDock = 5
fromEnum SwLineoutInsert = 6
fromEnum SwJackPhysicalInsert = 7
fromEnum SwVideooutInsert = 8
fromEnum SwCameraLensCover = 9
fromEnum SwKeypadSlide = 10
fromEnum SwFrontProximity = 11
fromEnum SwRotateLock = 12
fromEnum SwLineinInsert = 13
fromEnum SwMuteDevice = 14
toEnum 0 = SwLid
toEnum 1 = SwTabletMode
toEnum 2 = SwHeadphoneInsert
toEnum 3 = SwRfkillAll
toEnum 4 = SwMicrophoneInsert
toEnum 5 = SwDock
toEnum 6 = SwLineoutInsert
toEnum 7 = SwJackPhysicalInsert
toEnum 8 = SwVideooutInsert
toEnum 9 = SwCameraLensCover
toEnum 10 = SwKeypadSlide
toEnum 11 = SwFrontProximity
toEnum 12 = SwRotateLock
toEnum 13 = SwLineinInsert
toEnum 14 = SwMuteDevice
toEnum unmatched = error ("SwitchEventType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 655 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
data MiscEventType = MscSerial
| MscPulseled
| MscGesture
| MscRaw
| MscScan
| MscTimestamp
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum MiscEventType where
succ MscSerial = MscPulseled
succ MscPulseled = MscGesture
succ MscGesture = MscRaw
succ MscRaw = MscScan
succ MscScan = MscTimestamp
succ MscTimestamp = error "MiscEventType.succ: MscTimestamp has no successor"
pred MscPulseled = MscSerial
pred MscGesture = MscPulseled
pred MscRaw = MscGesture
pred MscScan = MscRaw
pred MscTimestamp = MscScan
pred MscSerial = error "MiscEventType.pred: MscSerial has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from MscTimestamp
fromEnum MscSerial = 0
fromEnum MscPulseled = 1
fromEnum MscGesture = 2
fromEnum MscRaw = 3
fromEnum MscScan = 4
fromEnum MscTimestamp = 5
toEnum 0 = MscSerial
toEnum 1 = MscPulseled
toEnum 2 = MscGesture
toEnum 3 = MscRaw
toEnum 4 = MscScan
toEnum 5 = MscTimestamp
toEnum unmatched = error ("MiscEventType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 664 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
data LEDEventType = LedNuml
| LedCapsl
| LedScrolll
| LedCompose
| LedKana
| LedSleep
| LedSuspend
| LedMute
| LedMisc
| LedMail
| LedCharging
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum LEDEventType where
succ LedNuml = LedCapsl
succ LedCapsl = LedScrolll
succ LedScrolll = LedCompose
succ LedCompose = LedKana
succ LedKana = LedSleep
succ LedSleep = LedSuspend
succ LedSuspend = LedMute
succ LedMute = LedMisc
succ LedMisc = LedMail
succ LedMail = LedCharging
succ LedCharging = error "LEDEventType.succ: LedCharging has no successor"
pred LedCapsl = LedNuml
pred LedScrolll = LedCapsl
pred LedCompose = LedScrolll
pred LedKana = LedCompose
pred LedSleep = LedKana
pred LedSuspend = LedSleep
pred LedMute = LedSuspend
pred LedMisc = LedMute
pred LedMail = LedMisc
pred LedCharging = LedMail
pred LedNuml = error "LEDEventType.pred: LedNuml has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from LedCharging
fromEnum LedNuml = 0
fromEnum LedCapsl = 1
fromEnum LedScrolll = 2
fromEnum LedCompose = 3
fromEnum LedKana = 4
fromEnum LedSleep = 5
fromEnum LedSuspend = 6
fromEnum LedMute = 7
fromEnum LedMisc = 8
fromEnum LedMail = 9
fromEnum LedCharging = 10
toEnum 0 = LedNuml
toEnum 1 = LedCapsl
toEnum 2 = LedScrolll
toEnum 3 = LedCompose
toEnum 4 = LedKana
toEnum 5 = LedSleep
toEnum 6 = LedSuspend
toEnum 7 = LedMute
toEnum 8 = LedMisc
toEnum 9 = LedMail
toEnum 10 = LedCharging
toEnum unmatched = error ("LEDEventType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 678 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
data RepeatEventType = RepDelay
| RepPeriod
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum RepeatEventType where
succ RepDelay = RepPeriod
succ RepPeriod = error "RepeatEventType.succ: RepPeriod has no successor"
pred RepPeriod = RepDelay
pred RepDelay = error "RepeatEventType.pred: RepDelay has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from RepPeriod
fromEnum RepDelay = 0
fromEnum RepPeriod = 1
toEnum 0 = RepDelay
toEnum 1 = RepPeriod
toEnum unmatched = error ("RepeatEventType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 683 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}
data SoundEventType = SndClick
| SndBell
| SndTone
deriving (Bounded,Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
instance Enum SoundEventType where
succ SndClick = SndBell
succ SndBell = SndTone
succ SndTone = error "SoundEventType.succ: SndTone has no successor"
pred SndBell = SndClick
pred SndTone = SndBell
pred SndClick = error "SoundEventType.pred: SndClick has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from SndTone
fromEnum SndClick = 0
fromEnum SndBell = 1
fromEnum SndTone = 2
toEnum 0 = SndClick
toEnum 1 = SndBell
toEnum 2 = SndTone
toEnum unmatched = error ("SoundEventType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 689 "src/Evdev/Codes.chs" #-}