module Data.EventList.Relative.TimeTime
mapBody, mapTime,
zipWithBody, zipWithTime, unzip,
traverse, traverse_, traverseBody, traverseTime,
mapM, mapM_, mapBodyM, mapTimeM,
getTimes, getBodies, duration,
merge, mergeBy, insert, pad,
moveForward, moveForwardRestricted, moveBackward, arrange, arrangeBy,
moveForwardRestrictedByQueue, moveForwardRestrictedByStrict,
decreaseStart, delay,
filter, partition, partitionMaybe, partitionMaybeR, slice,
foldr, foldl,
pause, isPause, cons, snoc, viewL, viewR, switchL, switchR,
mapMaybe, catMaybes, catMaybesR,
append, concat, concatNaive, cycle, cycleNaive, reverse,
splitAtTime, takeTime, dropTime,
discretize, resample,
collectCoincident, flatten, mapCoincident,
normalize, isNormalized,
toAbsoluteEventList, fromAbsoluteEventList,
) where
import Data.EventList.Relative.TimeTimePrivate as TimeTimePriv
import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.BodyTimePrivate as BodyTimePriv
import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.TimeBody as TimeBodyList
import qualified Data.EventList.Absolute.TimeTimePrivate as AbsoluteEventPriv
import qualified Data.EventList.Absolute.TimeTime as AbsoluteEventList
import qualified Data.AlternatingList.List.Uniform as Uniform
import qualified Data.AlternatingList.List.Mixed as Mixed
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.EventList.Utility as Utility
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty, mconcat, )
import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Class as NonNeg
import Numeric.NonNegative.Class ((-|), zero, add, )
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapFst, mapSnd, mapPair, )
import Data.Maybe.HT (toMaybe, )
import Data.List.HT (isAscending, )
import Data.EventList.Utility (floorDiff, )
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (evalState, modify, get, gets, put, )
import Control.Monad (liftM2, )
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, WrappedMonad(WrapMonad, unwrapMonad), )
import Prelude hiding
(null, foldr, foldl, map, filter, concat, cycle, reverse,
sequence, sequence_, mapM, mapM_, unzip, )
pause :: time -> T time body
pause = Cons . Uniform.singleton
isPause :: T time body -> Bool
isPause = Uniform.isSingleton . decons
getBodies :: T time body -> [body]
getBodies = Uniform.getFirsts . decons
getTimes :: T time body -> [time]
getTimes = Uniform.getSeconds . decons
duration :: NonNeg.C time => T time body -> time
duration = NonNeg.sum . getTimes
cons :: time -> body -> T time body -> T time body
cons time body = lift (Uniform.cons time body)
snoc :: T time body -> body -> time -> T time body
snoc xs body time =
Cons $ (Uniform.snoc $~~ xs) body time
viewL :: T time body -> (time, Maybe (body, T time body))
viewL =
mapSnd (fmap (mapSnd Cons)) .
Mixed.viewL .
switchL :: (time -> a) -> ((time, body) -> T time body -> a) -> T time body -> a
switchL f g =
Mixed.switchL f (\t b -> g (t,b) . Cons) .
viewR :: T time body -> (Maybe (T time body, body), time)
viewR =
mapFst (fmap (mapFst Cons)) . Mixed.viewR . decons
switchR :: (time -> a) -> (T time body -> body -> time -> a) -> T time body -> a
switchR f g =
Mixed.switchR f (g . Cons) .
mapBody :: (body0 -> body1) -> T time body0 -> T time body1
mapBody = lift . Uniform.mapFirst
mapTime :: (time0 -> time1) -> T time0 body -> T time1 body
mapTime = lift . Uniform.mapSecond
zipWithBody ::
(body0 -> body1 -> body2) ->
[body0] -> T time body1 -> T time body2
zipWithBody f = lift . Uniform.zipWithFirst f
zipWithTime ::
(time0 -> time1 -> time2) ->
(time0, [time0]) -> T time1 body -> T time2 body
zipWithTime f = lift . Uniform.zipWithSecond f
unzip :: T time (body0, body1) -> (T time body0, T time body1)
unzip =
(\time ->
mapPair (consTime time, consTime time))
(\(body0, body1) ->
mapPair (consBody body0, consBody body1))
(mempty, mempty)
concatMapMonoid :: Monoid m =>
(time -> m) -> (body -> m) ->
T time body -> m
concatMapMonoid f g = Uniform.concatMapMonoid g f . decons
traverse :: Applicative m =>
(time0 -> m time1) -> (body0 -> m body1) ->
T time0 body0 -> m (T time1 body1)
traverse f g = liftA (Uniform.traverse g f)
traverse_ :: Applicative m =>
(time -> m ()) -> (body -> m ()) ->
T time body -> m ()
traverse_ f g = Uniform.traverse_ g f . decons
traverseBody :: Applicative m =>
(body0 -> m body1) -> T time body0 -> m (T time body1)
traverseBody f = liftA (Uniform.traverseFirst f)
traverseTime :: Applicative m =>
(time0 -> m time1) -> T time0 body -> m (T time1 body)
traverseTime f = liftA (Uniform.traverseSecond f)
mapM :: Monad m =>
(time0 -> m time1) -> (body0 -> m body1) ->
T time0 body0 -> m (T time1 body1)
mapM f g =
unwrapMonad . traverse (WrapMonad . f) (WrapMonad . g)
mapM_ :: Monad m =>
(time -> m ()) -> (body -> m ()) ->
T time body -> m ()
mapM_ f g =
unwrapMonad . traverse_ (WrapMonad . f) (WrapMonad . g)
mapBodyM :: Monad m =>
(body0 -> m body1) -> T time body0 -> m (T time body1)
mapBodyM f = unwrapMonad . traverseBody (WrapMonad . f)
mapTimeM :: Monad m =>
(time0 -> m time1) -> T time0 body -> m (T time1 body)
mapTimeM f = unwrapMonad . traverseTime (WrapMonad . f)
normalize :: (Ord body, NonNeg.C time) =>
T time body -> T time body
normalize = mapCoincident List.sort
isNormalized :: (NonNeg.C time, Ord body) =>
T time body -> Bool
isNormalized =
all isAscending . getBodies . collectCoincident
merge :: (NonNeg.C time, Ord body) =>
T time body -> T time body -> T time body
merge = mergeBy (<)
mergeBy :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
(body -> body -> Bool) ->
T time body -> T time body -> T time body
mergeBy before =
let recourse xs0 ys0 =
let (xt,xs) = viewTimeL xs0
(yt,ys) = viewTimeL ys0
(mt,~(bef,dt)) = NonNeg.split xt yt
in delay mt $
if dt == zero
case (viewBodyL xs, viewBodyL ys) of
(Nothing, _) -> consTime zero ys
(_, Nothing) -> consTime zero xs
(Just (b0,xs1), Just (b1,ys1)) ->
if before b0 b1
then cons zero b0 $
recourse xs1 (consTime zero ys)
else cons zero b1 $
recourse (consTime zero xs) ys1
if bef
let ys1 = consTime dt ys
in flip (switchBodyL ys1) xs $ \ b xs1 ->
cons zero b $ recourse xs1 ys1
let xs1 = consTime dt xs
in flip (switchBodyL xs1) ys $ \ b ys1 ->
cons zero b $ recourse xs1 ys1
in recourse
insert :: (NonNeg.C time, Ord body) =>
time -> body -> T time body -> T time body
insert = insertBy (<)
insertBy :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
(body -> body -> Bool) ->
time -> body -> T time body -> T time body
insertBy before t0 me0 =
let recurseTime t =
switchTimeL $ \ t1 xs0 ->
let (mt,~(b,dt)) = NonNeg.split t1 t
in delay mt $
if not b
then cons zero me0 $ consTime dt xs0
(cons dt me0 $ pause zero)
(\ me1 xs -> consTime zero $
if dt==zero && before me0 me1
then consBody me0 (cons zero me1 xs)
else consBody me1 (recurseTime dt xs))
in recurseTime t0
pad :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
time -> T time body -> T time body
pad time = mergeBy (\ _ _ -> False) (pause time)
moveForward :: (Ord time, Num time) =>
T time (time, body) -> T time body
moveForward =
fromAbsoluteEventList .
AbsoluteEventList.moveForward .
toAbsoluteEventList 0
moveBackward :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
T time (time, body) -> T time body
moveBackward =
catMaybes .
(\t -> cons t Nothing)
(\(t,b) -> insertBy (ltMaybe (\_ _ -> True)) t (Just b))
(pause zero)
moveForwardRestricted :: (Ord body, NonNeg.C time) =>
time -> T time (time, body) -> T time body
moveForwardRestricted maxTime =
decreaseStart maxTime .
moveBackward .
mapBody (mapFst (maxTime-|)) .
pad maxTime
ltMaybe :: (body -> body -> Bool) -> (Maybe body -> Maybe body -> Bool)
ltMaybe cmp mx my =
case (mx,my) of
(Nothing, _) -> True
(_, Nothing) -> False
(Just x, Just y) -> cmp x y
moveForwardRestrictedBy :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
(body -> body -> Bool) ->
time -> T time (time, body) -> T time body
moveForwardRestrictedBy cmp maxTime =
decreaseStart maxTime .
catMaybes .
(\t -> cons t Nothing)
(\(t,b) -> insertBy (ltMaybe cmp) (maxTime-|t) (Just b))
(pause maxTime)
moveForwardRestrictedByStrict :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
(body -> body -> Bool) ->
time -> T time (time, body) -> T time body
moveForwardRestrictedByStrict cmp maxTime =
decreaseStart maxTime .
(\(t,b) -> insertBy cmp (maxTime-|t) b)
(pause maxTime)
moveForwardRestrictedByQueue :: (NonNeg.C time, Num time) =>
(body -> body -> Bool) ->
time -> T time (time, body) -> T time body
moveForwardRestrictedByQueue cmp maxTime xs =
let (prefix,suffix) = splitAtTime maxTime xs
prefixDur = duration prefix
getChunk t =
do (toEmit,toKeep) <- gets (splitAtTime t)
put toKeep
return (pad t toEmit)
insertEvent (t,b) =
insertBy cmp (maxTime t) b
in evalState
(\t m -> liftM2 append (getChunk t) m)
(\b m -> modify (insertEvent b) >> m)
(gets (pad prefixDur)) suffix)
(moveForward (seq prefixDur prefix))
arrange :: (Ord body, NonNeg.C time) =>
T time (T time body) -> T time body
arrange = arrangeBy (\_ _ -> True)
arrangeBy :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
(body -> body -> Bool) ->
T time (T time body) -> T time body
arrangeBy cmp =
catMaybes .
(\t -> cons t Nothing)
(\xs -> mergeBy (ltMaybe cmp) (mapBody Just xs))
(pause zero)
concat :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
[T time body] -> T time body
concat = mconcat
concatNaive :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
[T time body] -> T time body
concatNaive = List.foldr append (pause zero)
cycle :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
T time body -> T time body
cycle =
(\t0 xs ->
consTime t0 $
BodyTimePriv.cycle $
BodyTimePriv.mapTimeLast (add t0) xs)
cycleNaive :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
T time body -> T time body
cycleNaive = concat . List.repeat
splitAtTime :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
time -> T time body -> (T time body, T time body)
splitAtTime t0 =
(\t1 xs ->
let (mt,~(bef,dt)) = NonNeg.split t0 t1
mapPair (consTime mt, forceTimeHead) $
if bef
then (mempty, consTime dt xs)
else switchBodyL
(mempty, pause zero)
(\ b -> mapFst (consBody b) . splitAtTime dt)
takeTime :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
time -> T time body -> T time body
takeTime t = fst . splitAtTime t
dropTime :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
time -> T time body -> T time body
dropTime t0 =
(\t1 xs ->
let (bef,dt) = snd $ NonNeg.split t0 t1
in forceTimeHead $
if bef
then consTime dt xs
else switchBodyL
(pause zero)
(\ _b -> dropTime dt)
decreaseStart :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
time -> T time body -> T time body
decreaseStart dif =
mapTimeHead (-| dif)
collectCoincident :: (NonNeg.C time) => T time body -> T time [body]
collectCoincident =
mapTimeInit TimeBodyList.collectCoincident
mapCoincident :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
([a] -> [b]) -> T time a -> T time b
mapCoincident f =
flatten . mapBody f . collectCoincident
filter :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
(body -> Bool) ->
T time body -> T time body
filter p = mapMaybe (\b -> toMaybe (p b) b)
mapMaybe :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
(body0 -> Maybe body1) ->
T time body0 -> T time body1
mapMaybe f = catMaybes . mapBody f
catMaybes :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
T time (Maybe body) -> T time body
catMaybes = mapTime NonNeg.sum . lift Uniform.catMaybesFirst
catMaybesR :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
T time (Maybe body) -> T time body
catMaybesR =
(mapTimeHead . add)
(maybe id (cons zero))
(pause zero)
partition :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
(body -> Bool) ->
T time body -> (T time body, T time body)
partition p =
mapPair (mapTime NonNeg.sum, mapTime NonNeg.sum) .
mapPair (Cons, Cons) .
Uniform.partitionFirst p .
partitionMaybe :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
(body0 -> Maybe body1) -> T time body0 ->
(T time body1, T time body0)
partitionMaybe f =
mapPair (mapTime NonNeg.sum . Cons, mapTime NonNeg.sum . Cons) .
Uniform.partitionMaybeFirst f .
partitionMaybeR :: (NonNeg.C time) =>
(body0 -> Maybe body1) -> T time body0 ->
(T time body1, T time body0)
partitionMaybeR f =
(mapTime (List.foldr add zero),
mapTime (List.foldr add zero)) .
mapPair (Cons, Cons) .
Uniform.partitionMaybeFirst f .
slice :: (Eq a, NonNeg.C time) =>
(body -> a) -> T time body -> [(a, T time body)]
slice = Utility.slice (fmap fst . viewBodyL . snd . viewTimeL) partition
foldl :: (a -> time -> b) -> (b -> body -> a) -> a -> T time body -> b
foldl f g x = Uniform.foldl g f x . decons
reverse :: T time body -> T time body
reverse = lift Uniform.reverse
discretize :: (NonNeg.C time, RealFrac time, NonNeg.C i, Integral i) =>
T time body -> T i body
discretize =
flip evalState 0.5 . mapTimeM floorDiff
resample :: (NonNeg.C time, RealFrac time, NonNeg.C i, Integral i) =>
time -> T time body -> T i body
resample rate =
discretize . mapTime (rate*)
toAbsoluteEventList :: (Num time) =>
time -> T time body -> AbsoluteEventList.T time body
toAbsoluteEventList start =
AbsoluteEventPriv.Cons . decons .
flip evalState start .
mapTimeM (\dur -> modify (dur+) >> get)
fromAbsoluteEventList :: (Num time) =>
AbsoluteEventList.T time body -> T time body
fromAbsoluteEventList =
flip evalState 0 .
(\time -> do lastTime <- get; put time; return (timelastTime)) .
Cons . AbsoluteEventPriv.decons