Name: eventlog2html Version: 0.2.0 Synopsis: Visualise an eventlog Description: eventlog2html is a library for visualising eventlogs. At the moment, the intended use is to visualise eventlogs which have heap profiling events, as a replacement to hp2ps and hp2pretty. eventlog2html creates a static webpage which contains a collection of different interactive charts for analysing heap usage. Trace events are displayed on the chart and the charts can be zoomed, scrolled and filtered to give a more exploratory feel to heap profile analysis. Homepage: Bug-reports: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Matthew Pickering, David Binder, Claude Heiland-Allen Maintainer: Copyright: (C) 2010,2011,2015,2017,2018 Claude Heiland-Allen 2019 Matthew Pickering Category: Development Build-type: Simple Extra-source-files: javascript/vega-lite@3.3.0 javascript/vega-embed@4.2.0 javascript/vega@5.4.0 javascript/stylesheet.css javascript/tablogic.js javascript/milligram.min.css javascript/normalize.min.css cabal-version: 1.18 extra-doc-files: CHANGELOG Tested-With: GHC ==8.6.4 Library Build-depends: aeson >= 1.4.3 && < 1.5, attoparsec >= 0.13.2 && < 0.14, array >= 0.5.3 && < 0.6, base >= 4 && < 5, blaze-html >= 0.9.1 && < 0.10, bytestring >= 0.10.8 && < 0.11, containers >= 0.6.0 && < 0.7, file-embed >= 0.0.11 && < 0.1, filepath >= 1.4.2 && < 1.5, ghc-events >= 0.8.0 && < 0.10, hashtables >= 1.2.3 && < 1.3, hvega >= 0.2.0 && < 0.3, mtl >= 2.2.2 && < 2.3, optparse-applicative >= 0.14.3 && < 0.15, semigroups >= 0.18 && < 0.20, text >= 1.2.3 && < 1.3, time >= 1.8.0 && < 2.0 GHC-options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 HS-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Eventlog.Args Eventlog.Data Eventlog.Javascript Eventlog.Types Eventlog.Total Eventlog.Prune Eventlog.Bands Eventlog.Events Eventlog.HeapProf Eventlog.Vega Eventlog.HtmlTemplate Eventlog.VegaTemplate Executable eventlog2html default-language: Haskell2010 HS-source-dirs: main Main-is: Main.hs build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, eventlog2html, aeson >= 1.4.3 && < 1.5, text >= 1.2.3 && < 1.3, filepath >= 1.4.2 && < 1.5 Source-repository head type: git location: