
This Haskell library provides opcode types for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
The library has two purposes:
- Provide interface between EVM-related libraries: Lower cost of interoperability.
- Provide easy access to labelled jumps. Labelled jumps are most useful when
generating EVM code, but actual EVM
instructions pop the destination
address from the stack.
The library has one parameterised type, Opcode' j
where j
is the annotation
for the jump-related instructions JUMP
, and it has
three concrete variants:
type Opcode = Opcode' ()
type PositionalOpcode = Opcode' Word
type LabelledOpcode = Opcode' Text
The library has a fixpoint algorithm that translates labelled jumps into
positional jumps, and it has another function that translates those positional
jumps into plain EVM opcodes where a constant is pushed before a jump is made.
Library conventions
When the documentation refers to a lowercase opcode (e.g. push1
), then that
means the EVM opcode. When the documentation instead refers to an uppercase
opcode (e.g. PUSH
), then that refers to the Haskell data constructor.
While dup1
, swap1
and log1
were implemented using
the data constructors DUP
and LOG
that are not ergonomic to use but
convenient for the library maintainer, pattern synonyms were made:
, DUP2
, ..., DUP16
, ..., SWAP16
, LOG2
, LOG3
, LOG4
When pushing a constant to the stack, EVM uses push1
, push2
, ..., push32
where the number 1-32 refers to how many bytes the constant occupies. Instead
of having 32 unique push commands, this library has a single PUSH !Word256
constructor that serializes to the right push1
, push2
, etc.
Imagine translating the following C program to EVM opcodes:
int x = 1;
while (x != 0) { x *= 2 };
Since EVM is stack-based, let's put x
on the stack.
λ> import EVM.Opcode
λ> import EVM.Opcode.Labelled as L
λ> import EVM.Opcode.Positional as P
λ> let opcodes = [PUSH 1,JUMPDEST "loop",DUP1,ISZERO,JUMPI "end",PUSH 2,MUL,JUMP "loop",JUMPDEST "end"]
λ> L.translate opcodes
λ> P.translate <$> L.translate opcodes
λ> fmap opcodeText . P.translate <$> L.translate opcodes
Right ["push1 1","jumpdest","dup1","iszero","push1 14","jumpi","push1 2","mul","push1 2","jump","jumpdest"]
Accounts for size of PUSH
es when doing absolute jumps
EVM's jump
and jumpi
instructions are parameterless. Instead they pop and
jump to the address on the top of the stack. In order to perform absolute jumps
in the code, it is necessary to PUSH
an address on the stack first. This is
inconvenient, and so PositionalOpcode
and LabelledOpcode
are easier to use.
But what's more inconvenient is what happens to the offset of an absolute jump
when the address being jumped to crosses a boundary where its byte index can no
longer be represented by the same amount of bytes.
Take for example this EVM code:
0x00: push1 255
0x02: jump
0x03: stop
0x04: stop
0x05: stop
0xfe: stop
0xff: jumpdest
which can be represented with the following LabelledOpcode
λ> import EVM.Opcode
λ> import EVM.Opcode.Labelled as L
λ> import EVM.Opcode.Positional as P
λ> let opcodes = [JUMP "skip"] <> replicate 252 STOP <> [JUMPDEST "skip"]
λ> fmap (fmap opcodeText . P.translate) (L.translate opcodes)
Right ["push1 255","jump","stop","stop","stop",...,"jumpdest"]
Note especially the byte size of a PUSH 255
vs. a PUSH 256
λ> opcodeSize (PUSH 255)
λ> opcodeSize (PUSH 256)
Then add another one-byte opcode between the jump
and the jumpdest
λ> let opcodes = [JUMP "skip"] <> replicate 253 STOP <> [JUMPDEST "skip"]
λ> fmap (fmap opcodeText . P.translate) (L.translate opcodes)
Right ["push2 257","jump","stop","stop","stop",...,"jumpdest"]
Even though one byte was added, because the address of jumpdest
is now
greater than 255, all references to it now take more than 2 bytes. Concretely,
one reference went from 2 bytes to 3 bytes, or rather, one JUMP "skip"
a push2 257
instead of a push1 255
. And if there were many such jump
this amounts to a bit of book-keeping.
This happens at subsequent boundaries as well. While this library handles each
boundary the same way, it is unlikely to have EVM bytecode of more than a few
kilobytes at present time.
λ> let opcodes = [JUMP "skip"] <> replicate 65532 STOP <> [JUMPDEST "skip"]
λ> fmap (fmap opcodeText . P.translate) (L.translate opcodes)
Right ["push3 65537","jump","stop","stop","stop",...,"jumpdest"]