{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module OpcodeTest where import Prelude hiding (LT, EQ, GT) import Data.Char (isSpace) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.DoubleWord (Word256) import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.List (permutations) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Hedgehog import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import Test.Tasty.Hspec import Test.Hspec import EVM.Opcode as Opcode import EVM.Opcode.Positional as P import EVM.Opcode.Labelled as L import OpcodeGenerators -- Property: Jump-free non-PUSH opcodes have size 1. hprop_opcodeSize_1 :: Property hprop_opcodeSize_1 = property $ do opcode <- forAll genOpcode'1 opcodeSize opcode === 1 -- Property: When n is 0-31, PUSH opcodes have size n + 2. hprop_opcodeSize_PUSH :: Property hprop_opcodeSize_PUSH = property $ do (n, k) <- forAll genWord256' opcodeSize (PUSH k) === n + 1 + 1 hprop_opcodeText_for_PUSH_matches :: Property hprop_opcodeText_for_PUSH_matches = property $ do (n, k) <- forAll genWord256' let text = opcodeText (PUSH k) exp = "push" <> Text.pack (show (n + 1)) got = Text.takeWhile (not . isSpace) text got === exp hprop_opcodeName_unique :: Property hprop_opcodeName_unique = property $ do opcode1 <- forAll genOpcode opcode2 <- forAll genOpcode if opcode1 == opcode2 then opcodeName (opcodeSpec opcode1) === opcodeName (opcodeSpec opcode2) else opcodeName (opcodeSpec opcode1) /== opcodeName (opcodeSpec opcode2) hprop_pack_readOp_inverses :: Property hprop_pack_readOp_inverses = property $ do opcode1 <- forAll genOpcode let bytecode = pack [opcode1] -- Property: Opcodes are packed to /non-empty/ ByteStrings. (c, cs) <- evalMaybe (BS.uncons bytecode) -- Property: 'pack' and 'readOp' are inverses. opcode2 <- evalMaybe (readOp c cs) opcode1 === opcode2 hprop_translate_LabelledOpcode :: Property hprop_translate_LabelledOpcode = withTests 10000 $ property $ do labelledOpcodes <- forAll genLabelledOpcodes -- Property: Labelled opcodes, for which valid jumpdests occur, translate. positionalOpcodes <- evalEither (L.translate labelledOpcodes) -- Property: Translating labels to positions is structure-preserving. let pairs = zip labelledOpcodes positionalOpcodes fmap Opcode.concrete labelledOpcodes === fmap Opcode.concrete positionalOpcodes -- Property: For every positional jump the corresponding index in the translated -- bytecode is a JUMPDEST. FIXME: bytestring- has `indexMaybe` / `!?`. let positions = mapMaybe jumpAnnot positionalOpcodes let opcodes = P.translate positionalOpcodes let bytecode = Opcode.pack opcodes for_ (fromIntegral <$> positions) $ \pos -> [ bytecode `BS.index` pos ] === toBytes jumpdest -- Negative tests to assert that broken labels don't cause infinite recursion spec_EVM_Opcode_Labelled :: Spec spec_EVM_Opcode_Labelled = do describe "translate" $ do it "handles empty lists" $ L.translate [] `shouldBe` Right [] it "handles instructions without jumps" $ do L.translate [STOP] `shouldBe` Right [STOP] L.translate [PUSH 2, PUSH 2, ADD] `shouldBe` Right [PUSH 2, PUSH 2, ADD] it "handles empty labels" $ L.translate [JUMP "", JUMPDEST ""] `shouldBe` Right [JUMP 3, JUMPDEST 3] it "handles jumpdests with no pointers to it" $ L.translate [JUMPDEST "foo"] `shouldBe` Right [JUMPDEST 0] it "fails on jumps without destinations" $ do L.translate [JUMP "off"] `shouldMissErr` ["off"] L.translate [JUMPI "off"] `shouldMissErr` ["off"] L.translate [JUMP "a", JUMPI "b"] `shouldMissErr` ["a", "b"] for_ (permutations [JUMP "a", JUMPDEST "a", JUMP "b"]) $ \instructions -> L.translate instructions `shouldMissErr` ["b"] it "fails on single duplicate destination" $ L.translate [JUMPDEST "foo", JUMPDEST "foo"] `shouldDupErr` ["foo"] it "fails on duplicate destination in presence of non-duplicate destination" $ for_ (permutations [JUMPDEST "foo", JUMPDEST "foo", JUMPDEST "bar"]) $ \instructions -> L.translate instructions `shouldDupErr` ["foo"] it "fails on multiple duplicate destinations" $ let instructions = [JUMPDEST "foo", JUMPDEST "bar", JUMPDEST "foo", JUMPDEST "bar"] in L.translate instructions `shouldDupErr` ["bar", "foo"] it "fails and reports both jumps without destinations and duplicate destinations" $ let instructions = [JUMP "foo", JUMPDEST "bar", JUMPDEST "bar"] in L.translate instructions `shouldBe` Left (TranslateError ["foo"] ["bar"]) it "fails and reports multiple jumps without destination and multiple duplicate destinations" $ let instructions = [ JUMP "a" , JUMP "b" , JUMP "good" , JUMPI "c" , JUMPI "d" , JUMPI "good" , JUMPDEST "x" , JUMPDEST "x" , JUMPDEST "y" , JUMPDEST "y" , JUMPDEST "good" ] wildJumps = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] duplicateDests = [ "x", "y" ] in L.translate instructions `shouldBe` Left (TranslateError wildJumps duplicateDests) spec_Show_for_Opcode :: Spec spec_Show_for_Opcode = describe "show" $ do -- 0s: Stop and Arithmetic Operations it "shows STOP" $ show' STOP `shouldBe` "STOP" it "shows ADD" $ show' ADD `shouldBe` "ADD" it "shows MUL" $ show' MUL `shouldBe` "MUL" it "shows SUB" $ show' SUB `shouldBe` "SUB" it "shows DIV" $ show' DIV `shouldBe` "DIV" it "shows SDIV" $ show' SDIV `shouldBe` "SDIV" it "shows MOD" $ show' MOD `shouldBe` "MOD" it "shows SMOD" $ show' SMOD `shouldBe` "SMOD" it "shows ADDMOD" $ show' ADDMOD `shouldBe` "ADDMOD" it "shows MULMOD" $ show' MULMOD `shouldBe` "MULMOD" it "shows EXP" $ show' EXP `shouldBe` "EXP" it "shows SIGNEXTEND" $ show' SIGNEXTEND `shouldBe` "SIGNEXTEND" -- 10s: Comparison & Bitwise Logic Operations it "shows LT" $ show' LT `shouldBe` "LT" it "shows GT" $ show' GT `shouldBe` "GT" it "shows SLT" $ show' SLT `shouldBe` "SLT" it "shows SGT" $ show' SGT `shouldBe` "SGT" it "shows EQ" $ show' EQ `shouldBe` "EQ" it "shows ISZERO" $ show' ISZERO `shouldBe` "ISZERO" it "shows AND" $ show' AND `shouldBe` "AND" it "shows OR" $ show' OR `shouldBe` "OR" it "shows XOR" $ show' XOR `shouldBe` "XOR" it "shows NOT" $ show' NOT `shouldBe` "NOT" it "shows BYTE" $ show' BYTE `shouldBe` "BYTE" it "shows SHL" $ show' SHL `shouldBe` "SHL" it "shows SHR" $ show' SHR `shouldBe` "SHR" it "shows SAR" $ show' SAR `shouldBe` "SAR" -- 20s: SHA3 it "shows SHA3" $ show' SHA3 `shouldBe` "SHA3" -- 30s: Environmental Information it "shows ADDRESS" $ show' ADDRESS `shouldBe` "ADDRESS" it "shows BALANCE" $ show' BALANCE `shouldBe` "BALANCE" it "shows ORIGIN" $ show' ORIGIN `shouldBe` "ORIGIN" it "shows CALLER" $ show' CALLER `shouldBe` "CALLER" it "shows CALLVALUE" $ show' CALLVALUE `shouldBe` "CALLVALUE" it "shows CALLDATALOAD" $ show' CALLDATALOAD `shouldBe` "CALLDATALOAD" it "shows CALLDATASIZE" $ show' CALLDATASIZE `shouldBe` "CALLDATASIZE" it "shows CALLDATACOPY" $ show' CALLDATACOPY `shouldBe` "CALLDATACOPY" it "shows CODESIZE" $ show' CODESIZE `shouldBe` "CODESIZE" it "shows CODECOPY" $ show' CODECOPY `shouldBe` "CODECOPY" it "shows GASPRICE" $ show' GASPRICE `shouldBe` "GASPRICE" it "shows EXTCODESIZE" $ show' EXTCODESIZE `shouldBe` "EXTCODESIZE" it "shows EXTCODECOPY" $ show' EXTCODECOPY `shouldBe` "EXTCODECOPY" it "shows RETURNDATASIZE" $ show' RETURNDATASIZE `shouldBe` "RETURNDATASIZE" it "shows RETURNDATACOPY" $ show' RETURNDATACOPY `shouldBe` "RETURNDATACOPY" it "shows EXTCODEHASH" $ show' EXTCODEHASH `shouldBe` "EXTCODEHASH" -- 40s: Block Information it "shows BLOCKHASH" $ show' BLOCKHASH `shouldBe` "BLOCKHASH" it "shows COINBASE" $ show' COINBASE `shouldBe` "COINBASE" it "shows TIMESTAMP" $ show' TIMESTAMP `shouldBe` "TIMESTAMP" it "shows NUMBER" $ show' NUMBER `shouldBe` "NUMBER" it "shows DIFFICULTY" $ show' DIFFICULTY `shouldBe` "DIFFICULTY" it "shows GASLIMIT" $ show' GASLIMIT `shouldBe` "GASLIMIT" it "shows CHAINID" $ show' CHAINID `shouldBe` "CHAINID" it "shows SELFBALANCE" $ show' SELFBALANCE `shouldBe` "SELFBALANCE" -- 50s: Stack, Memory, Storage and Flow Operations it "shows POP" $ show' POP `shouldBe` "POP" it "shows MLOAD" $ show' MLOAD `shouldBe` "MLOAD" it "shows MSTORE" $ show' MSTORE `shouldBe` "MSTORE" it "shows MSTORE8" $ show' MSTORE8 `shouldBe` "MSTORE8" it "shows SLOAD" $ show' SLOAD `shouldBe` "SLOAD" it "shows SSTORE" $ show' SSTORE `shouldBe` "SSTORE" it "shows JUMP" $ show' (JUMP ()) `shouldBe` "JUMP ()" it "shows JUMPI" $ show' (JUMPI ()) `shouldBe` "JUMPI ()" it "shows PC" $ show' PC `shouldBe` "PC" it "shows MSIZE" $ show' MSIZE `shouldBe` "MSIZE" it "shows GAS" $ show' GAS `shouldBe` "GAS" it "shows JUMPDEST" $ show' (JUMPDEST ()) `shouldBe` "JUMPDEST ()" -- 60s & 70s: Push Operations for_ [0, 255, 256, 65535, 65536] $ \i -> it ("shows PUSH " <> show i) $ show' (PUSH i) `shouldBe` "PUSH " <> show i -- 80s: Duplication Operations (DUP) for_ [minBound..maxBound] $ \nth -> do let i = fromEnum nth + 1 it ("shows DUP" <> show i) $ show' (DUP nth) `shouldBe` ("DUP" <> show i) -- 90s: Exchange operations (SWAP) for_ [minBound..maxBound] $ \nth -> do let i = fromEnum nth + 1 it ("shows DUP" <> show i) $ show' (SWAP nth) `shouldBe` ("SWAP" <> show i) -- a0s: Logging Operations (LOG) for_ [minBound..maxBound] $ \nth -> do let i = fromEnum nth it ("shows DUP" <> show i) $ show' (LOG nth) `shouldBe` ("LOG" <> show i) -- f0s: System Operations it "shows CREATE" $ show' CREATE `shouldBe` "CREATE" it "shows CALL" $ show' CALL `shouldBe` "CALL" it "shows CALLCODE" $ show' CALLCODE `shouldBe` "CALLCODE" it "shows RETURN" $ show' RETURN `shouldBe` "RETURN" it "shows DELEGATECALL" $ show' DELEGATECALL `shouldBe` "DELEGATECALL" it "shows CREATE2" $ show' CREATE2 `shouldBe` "CREATE2" it "shows STATICCALL" $ show' STATICCALL `shouldBe` "STATICCALL" it "shows REVERT" $ show' REVERT `shouldBe` "REVERT" it "shows INVALID" $ show' INVALID `shouldBe` "INVALID" it "shows SELFDESTRUCT" $ show' SELFDESTRUCT `shouldBe` "SELFDESTRUCT" where show' :: Opcode -> String show' = show shouldMissErr :: (Show b, Eq b) => Either TranslateError b -> [Label] -> Expectation shouldMissErr x y = x `shouldBe` Left (TranslateError y []) shouldDupErr :: (Show b, Eq b) => Either TranslateError b -> [Label] -> Expectation shouldDupErr x y = x `shouldBe` Left (TranslateError [] y)