module Control.Exceptional where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Foldable
import Prelude hiding (foldl)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import System.IO.Error
data Exceptional x
= Failure String
| Success x
deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
instance Functor Exceptional where
fmap f (Success a) = Success (f a)
fmap _ (Failure s) = Failure s
instance Applicative Exceptional where
pure = Success
Success f <*> Success x = Success (f x)
Failure s <*> _ = Failure s
_ <*> Failure s = Failure s
instance Alternative Exceptional where
empty = Failure mempty
Success a <|> _ = Success a
_ <|> Failure s = Failure s
instance Monad Exceptional where
(>>=) (Success x) f = f x
(>>=) (Failure s) _ = Failure s
fail = Failure
return = pure
runExceptional :: Monad m => Exceptional x -> m x
runExceptional (Failure s) = fail s
runExceptional (Success s) = return s
fromMaybe :: String -> Maybe a -> Exceptional a
fromMaybe s Nothing = fail s
fromMaybe s (Just x) = pure x
toMaybe :: Exceptional a -> Maybe a
toMaybe (Success x) = Just x
toMaybe (Failure _) = Nothing
fromEither :: Either String a -> Exceptional a
fromEither (Left s) = fail s
fromEither (Right x) = pure x
toEither :: Exceptional a -> Either String a
toEither (Failure s) = Left s
toEither (Success x) = Right x
exceptIO :: IO a -> IO (Exceptional a)
exceptIO x = do x_ <- tryIOError x
case x_ of
Left err -> return $ Failure (show err)
Right val -> return $ Success val
exceptional :: MonadCatch m
=> m a -> m (Exceptional a)
exceptional x =
do (x' :: Either SomeException a) <- try x
case x' of
Left err -> return $ Failure (show err)
Right val -> return $ Success val
failures :: Foldable t
=> t (Exceptional x) -> [String]
failures =
foldl (\accum current ->
case current of
Failure s -> accum ++ [s]
Success _ -> accum)
successes :: Foldable t
=> t (Exceptional x) -> [x]
successes =
foldl (\accum current ->
case current of
Failure _ -> accum
Success x -> accum ++ [x])
foldExceptional :: (Foldable t)
=> t (Exceptional x) -> Either [String] [x]
foldExceptional =
foldl (\soFar foo ->
case (foo, soFar) of
(Failure s, Left x) -> Left (x ++ [s])
(Failure s, Right _) -> Left [s]
(Success _, Left x) -> Left x
(Success s, Right x) -> Right (x ++ [s]))
(Right [])