executor: Shell helpers

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Haskell module to execute single or multiple shell commands

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Versions [RSS] 0.0.1, 0.0.2, 0.0.3, 0.0.4
Change log ChangeLog.md
Dependencies async (>=2.1 && <2.2), base (>=4.9 && <4.10), process (>=1.4 && <1.5) [details]
License MIT
Author Gianluca Guarini
Maintainer gianluca.guarini@gmail.com
Category Distribution
Home page https://github.com/GianlucaGuarini/executor
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/GianlucaGuarini/executor
Uploaded by gianlucaguarini at 2017-08-27T18:10:19Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 2919 total (6 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2017-08-27 [all 1 reports]

Readme for executor-0.0.4

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Haskell module to execute single or multiple shell commands

Build Status MIT License



Execute a single shell command returning its output

import Executor (exec)

main = do
  -- execute a simple `ls` in the current folder
  res <- exec "echo hi"
  -- hi\n


Execute a list of shell commands in sequence synchronously returning their results in a list

import Executor (execSequenceSync)

main = do
  -- execute synchronously the following commands
  res <- execSequenceSync [
      "echo hi",
      "sleep 1",
      "echo goodbye"
  -- ["hi\n", "", "goodbye\n"]