import Control.Lens (review, (^.), (^?)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT)) import Data.Functor.Classes (Eq1) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..), runIdentity) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Hedgehog (forAll, property, (===)) import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import Hedgehog.Internal.Gen (MonadGen) import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary) import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers (EqProp (..), Test, TestBatch, eq) import Test.QuickCheck.Classes (applicative, functor) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog (testProperty) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, (@?=)) import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as TQC import Control.Exitcode (Exitcode, ExitcodeT, exitCode, exitfailure0, exitsuccess, exitsuccess0, runExitcode, _ExitFailure, _ExitSuccess) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..)) newtype EW f a = EW { unEW :: ExitcodeT f a } deriving (Eq, Show) instance (Applicative f, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (EW f a) where arbitrary = fmap (EW . pure) TQC.arbitrary instance Functor f => Functor (EW f) where fmap f = EW . fmap f . unEW instance Applicative f => Applicative (EW f) where pure = EW . pure EW f <*> EW a = EW (f <*> a) instance (Eq1 f, Eq a) => EqProp (EW f a) where (=-=) = eq type CheckMe = EW [] (Integer, Integer, Integer) nonZero :: MonadGen m => m Int nonZero = let allOfTheInts = Range.linear (minBound :: Int) (maxBound :: Int) in Gen.filter (/= 0) ( allOfTheInts) main :: IO () main = defaultMain test_Exitcode test_Exitcode :: TestTree test_Exitcode = testGroup "Exitcode" [ tastyCheckersBatch $ functor (undefined :: CheckMe) , tastyCheckersBatch $ applicative (undefined :: CheckMe) , applicativeTest , exitFailurePrismTest , exitSuccessPrismTest , exitfailure0Test , exitCodePrismTest ] applicativeTest :: TestTree applicativeTest = testGroup "Applicative" [ testCase "Sticks to the Right" $ pure (<> "bar") <*> pure "foo" @?= (exitsuccess "foobar" :: Exitcode String) ] exitFailurePrismTest :: TestTree exitFailurePrismTest = testGroup "_ExitFailure Prism" [ testProperty "review non-zero input" . property $ forAll nonZero >>= (\n -> review _ExitFailure n === exitfailure0 n) , testCase "review 0" $ review _ExitFailure 0 @?= exitsuccess0 , testProperty "view non-zero input" . property $ forAll nonZero >>= (\n -> exitfailure0 n ^? _ExitFailure === Just n) , testCase "view 0" $ exitfailure0 0 ^? _ExitFailure @?= Nothing ] exitSuccessPrismTest :: TestTree exitSuccessPrismTest = testGroup "_ExitSuccess Prism" [ testCase "review" $ review _ExitSuccess () @?= exitsuccess0 , testCase "view exitsuccess0" $ exitsuccess0 ^? _ExitSuccess @?= Just () , testProperty "view exitfailure0 non-zero" . property $ forAll nonZero >>= (\n -> exitfailure0 n ^? _ExitSuccess === Nothing) , testCase "view exitfailure0 0" $ exitfailure0 0 ^? _ExitSuccess @?= Just () ] exitfailure0Test :: TestTree exitfailure0Test = testGroup "exitfailure0" [ testProperty "non-zero input" . property $ forAll nonZero >>= (\n -> (runIdentity . runExitcode) (exitfailure0 n) === Left n) , testCase "0" $ (runIdentity . runExitcode) (exitfailure0 0) @?= Right () ] exitCodePrismTest :: TestTree exitCodePrismTest = testGroup "exitCode Prism" [ testProperty "`exitfailure0 n`, where n is non-zero" . property $ forAll nonZero >>= \n -> (review exitCode (exitfailure0 n)) === Identity (ExitFailure n) , testCase "review `exitfailure 0`" $ runIdentity (review exitCode (exitfailure0 0)) @?= ExitSuccess , testCase "review `exitsuccess0`" $ runIdentity (review exitCode exitsuccess0) @?= ExitSuccess , testProperty "view ExitFailure n, where n is non-zero" . property $ forAll nonZero >>= (\n -> Identity (ExitFailure n) ^? exitCode === Just (exitfailure0 n)) , testCase "view ExitFailure 0" $ runExitcode (Identity (ExitFailure 0) ^. exitCode) @?= (MaybeT (Identity Nothing)) , testCase "view ExitSuccess" $ Identity ExitSuccess ^? exitCode @?= Just exitsuccess0 ] tastyCheckersBatch :: TestBatch -> TestTree tastyCheckersBatch (name, tests) = testGroup (name <> " laws") (tastyCheckersProperty <$> tests) tastyCheckersProperty :: Test -> TestTree tastyCheckersProperty = uncurry TQC.testProperty