Express ======= [![Express's Build Status][build-status]][build-log] [![Express on Hackage][hackage-version]][express-on-hackage] [![Express on Stackage LTS][stackage-lts-badge]][express-on-stackage-lts] [![Express on Stackage Nightly][stackage-nightly-badge]][express-on-stackage-nightly] ![Express logo][express-logo] Express is a library for manipulating dynamically typed Haskell expressions. It's like [`Data.Dynamic`] but with support for encoding applications and variables. It provides the [`Expr`] type and over a hundred functions for building, evaluating, comparing, folding, canonicalizing and matching [`Expr`]s. See [Express's Haddock documentation] for more details. This library has been used in the implementation of [Speculate] and [Extrapolate]. Installing ---------- To install the latest Express version from Hackage, just run: $ cabal update $ cabal install express Starting from Cabal v3.0, you need to pass `--lib` as an argument to cabal install: $ cabal install express --lib Basics ------ To import `Express` just: > import Data.Express For types that are [`Show`] instances, we can use [`val`] to encode values as [`Expr`]s. > let false = val False > :t false false :: Expr > print false False :: Bool > let one = val (1 :: Int) > :t one one :: Expr > print one 1 :: Int As seen above, the [`Show`] instance for [`Expr`] produces a string with the encoded value and it's type. For types that aren't [`Show`] instances, like functions, we can use [`value`] to encode values as [`Expr`]s. > let notE = value "not" not > :t notE notE :: Expr > print notE not :: Bool -> Bool Using [`:$`] we can apply function valued [`Expr`]s, to other Exprs. > let notFalse = notE :$ false > :t notFalse notFalse :: Expr > notFalse not False :: Bool Using [`evaluate`] and [`eval`] we can evaluate [`Expr`]s back into a regular Haskell value. > evaluate notFalse :: Maybe Bool Just True > evaluate notFalse :: Maybe Int Nothing > eval False notFalse True > eval (0::Int) notFalse 0 Example 1: heterogeneous lists ------------------------------ Like with [`Data.Dynamic`], we can use Express to create heterogeneous lists. Here, we use applications of [`val`] to create a heterogeneous list: > let xs = [val False, val True, val (1::Int), val (2::Int), val (3::Integer), val "123"] > :t xs xs :: [Expr] > xs [ False :: Bool , True :: Bool , 1 :: Int , 2 :: Int , 3 :: Integer , "123" :: [Char] ] We can then apply [`evaluate`] to select values of different types: > import Data.Maybe > mapMaybe evaluate xs :: [Bool] [False,True] > mapMaybe evaluate xs :: [Int] [1,2] > mapMaybe evaluate xs :: [Integer] [3] > mapMaybe evaluate xs :: [String] ["123"] Example 2: listing applications ------------------------------- Carrying on from Example 1, we define an heterogeneous list of functions encoded as [`Expr`]s: > let fs = [value "not" not, value "&&" (&&), value "abs" (abs :: Int -> Int)] > :t fs fs :: [Expr] Using [`$$`] we list the type correct applications of functions in `fs` to values in `xs`. > catMaybes [f $$ x | f <- fs, x <- xs] [ not False :: Bool , not True :: Bool , (False &&) :: Bool -> Bool , (True &&) :: Bool -> Bool , abs 1 :: Int , abs 2 :: Int ] Example 3: u-Extrapolate ------------------------ [u-Extrapolate] is a property-based testing library capable of generalizing counter-examples. It's implementation has under 40 lines of code. Besides, using Express to encode expressions, it uses [LeanCheck] for generating test values. import Data.Express import Test.LeanCheck hiding (counterExample, check) Given a maximum number of tests and a property, the following `counterExample` function returns either `Nothing` when tests pass or `Just` a counterexample encoded as an [`Expr`]. counterExample :: (Listable a, Express a) => Int -> (a -> Bool) -> Maybe Expr counterExample maxTests prop = listToMaybe [expr x | x <- take maxTests list, not (prop x)] Examples (REPL): > counterExample 100 (\(x,y) -> x + y == y + x) Nothing > counterExample 100 (\x -> x == x + x) Just (1 :: Integer) > counterExample 100 (\xs -> nub xs == (xs :: [Int])) Just ([0,0] :: [Int]) Before moving on to generalize counterexamples, we need a way to compute ground expressions from an expression with variables. For that, we will use `grounds` and `tiersFor`: grounds :: Expr -> [Expr] grounds e = map (e //-) . concat $ products [mapT ((,) v) (tiersFor v) | v <- nubVars e] tiersFor :: Expr -> [[Expr]] tiersFor e = case show (typ e) of "Int" -> mapT val (tiers :: [[Int]]) "Bool" -> mapT val (tiers :: [[Bool]]) "[Int]" -> mapT val (tiers :: [[ [Int] ]]) "[Bool]" -> mapT val (tiers :: [[ [Bool] ]]) _ -> [] Above, we restrict ourselves to `Int`, `Bool`, `[Int]` and `[Bool]` as test types. So we can now compute the grounds of an expression with variables: > grounds (value "not" not :$ var "p" (undefined :: Bool)) [ not False :: Bool , not True :: Bool ] > grounds (value "&&" (&&) :$ var "p" (undefined :: Bool) :$ var "q" (undefined :: Bool)) [ False && False :: Bool , False && True :: Bool , True && False :: Bool , True && True :: Bool ] To compute candidate generalizations from a given counter-example, we use the following function: candidateGeneralizations :: Expr -> [Expr] candidateGeneralizations = map canonicalize . concatMap canonicalVariations . gen where gen e@(e1 :$ e2) = [holeAsTypeOf e | isListable e] ++ [g1 :$ g2 | g1 <- gen e1, g2 <- gen e2] ++ map (:$ e2) (gen e1) ++ map (e1 :$) (gen e2) gen e | isVar e = [] | otherwise = [holeAsTypeOf e | isListable e] isListable = not . null . tiersFor The need for `isListable` above makes sure we only replace by variables what we can enumerate. Our candidate generalizations are listed in non-increasing order of generality: > candidateGeneralizations (value "not" not :$ val False) [ p :: Bool , not p :: Bool ] Prelude> candidateGeneralizations (value "||" (||) :$ val False :$ val True) [ p :: Bool , p || q :: Bool , p || p :: Bool , p || True :: Bool , False || p :: Bool ] For a given maximum number of tests, property and counter-example, the following function returns a counter-example generalization if one is found. It goes through the list of candidate generalizations and returns the first for which all tests _fail_. counterExampleGeneralization :: Express a => Int -> (a -> Bool) -> Expr -> Maybe Expr counterExampleGeneralization maxTests prop e = listToMaybe [g | g <- candidateGeneralizations e , all (not . prop . evl) (take maxTests $ grounds g)] We can finally define our `check` function, that will test a property and report a counterexample and a generalization when either are found. check :: (Listable a, Express a) => (a -> Bool) -> IO () check prop = putStrLn $ case counterExample 500 prop of Nothing -> "+++ Tests passed.\n" Just ce -> "*** Falsified, counterexample: " ++ show ce ++ case counterExampleGeneralization 500 prop ce of Nothing -> "" Just g -> "\n generalization: " ++ show g ++ "\n" Now we can find counterexamples and their generalizations: > check $ \xs -> sort (sort xs :: [Int]) == sort xs +++ Tests passed. > check $ \xs -> length (nub xs :: [Int]) == length xs *** Falsified, counterexample: [0,0] :: [Int] generalization: x:x:xs :: [Int] > check $ \x -> x == x + (1 :: Int) *** Falsified, counterexample: 0 :: Int generalization: x :: Int > check $ \(x,y) -> x /= (y :: Int) *** Falsified, counterexample: (0,0) :: (Int,Int) generalization: (x,x) :: (Int,Int) [u-Extrapolate] has some limitations: * it only supports properties with one argument (uncurried); * it only supports generalization of `Int`, `Bool`, `[Int]` and `[Bool]` values; * there is no way to configure the number of test arguments. Please see [Extrapolate] for a full-featured version without the above limitations and with support for conditional generalizations. Example 4: u-Speculate ---------------------- Using Express, it takes less than 70 lines of code to define a function `speculateAbout` that conjectures equations about a set of functions based on the results of testing: > speculateAbout [hole (undefined :: Bool), val False, val True, value "not" not] [ not False == True :: Bool , not True == False :: Bool , not (not p) == p :: Bool ] > speculateAbout > [ hole (undefined :: Int) > , hole (undefined :: [Int]) > , val ([] :: [Int]) > , value ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) > , value "++" ((++) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) > , value "sort" (sort :: [Int] -> [Int]) > ] [ sort [] == [] :: Bool , xs ++ [] == xs :: Bool , [] ++ xs == xs :: Bool , sort (sort xs) == sort xs :: Bool , sort [x] == [x] :: Bool , [x] ++ xs == x:xs :: Bool , sort (xs ++ ys) == sort (ys ++ xs) :: Bool , sort (x:sort xs) == sort (x:xs) :: Bool , sort (xs ++ sort ys) == sort (xs ++ ys) :: Bool , sort (sort xs ++ ys) == sort (xs ++ ys) :: Bool , (x:xs) ++ ys == x:(xs ++ ys) :: Bool , (xs ++ ys) ++ zs == xs ++ (ys ++ zs) :: Bool ] Please see the [u-Speculate] example in the [eg](eg) folder for the full code of `speculateAbout`. [u-Speculate] has some limitations: * it sometimes prints redundant equations; * although it usually runs quickly with less than 6 symbols, runtime is exponential with the number of symbols given, providing it with more than a dozen symbols can make it run for several minutes or hours; * there is no way to configure the size limit of reported equations; * it only supports variables of `Int`, `Bool`, `[Int]`, and `[Bool]` types. Please see [Speculate] for a full-featured version without the above limitations. Example 5: u-Conjure -------------------- Using Express, it takes less than 70 lines of code to define a function `conjure` that generates a function from a partial function definition and a list of primitives. __Example 5.1.__ Given: factorial :: Int -> Int factorial 0 = 1 factorial 1 = 1 factorial 2 = 2 factorial 3 = 6 factorial 4 = 24 Running: conjure "factorial" factorial [ val (0 :: Int) , val (1 :: Int) , value "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , value "*" ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int) , value "foldr" (foldr :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> [Int] -> Int) , value "enumFromTo" (enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]) ] Prints: factorial :: Int -> Int factorial x = foldr (*) 1 (enumFromTo 1 x) __Example 5.2.__ Given: (+++) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] [x] +++ [y] = [x,y] [x,y] +++ [z,w] = [x,y,z,w] Running: conjure "++" (+++) [ val (0 :: Int) , val (1 :: Int) , val ([] :: [Int]) , value "head" (head :: [Int] -> Int) , value "tail" (tail :: [Int] -> [Int]) , value ":" ((:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) , value "foldr" (foldr :: (Int -> [Int] -> [Int]) -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) ] Prints: (++) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] xs ++ ys = foldr (:) ys xs Please see the [u-Conjure] example in the [eg](eg) folder for the full code. [u-Conjure] has some limitations: * the maximum function size (7) or number of tests (60) are not configurable; * the maximum function size has to be kept small (<=7) for a reasonable runtime. Due to this, several simple functions are simply out-of-reach; * the number of primitive functions given has to be kept small (<12) for a reasonable runtime; * there is no support for explicitly recursive functions thought it is possible to pass `foldr` and similar functions as primitives. Please see [Conjure] library for an experimental version that addresses some the above limitations. Further reading --------------- For a detailed documentation, please see [Express's Haddock documentation]. For more examples, see the [eg](eg) and [bench](bench) folders. Express is subject to a paper in the Haskell Symposium 2021 titled "[Express: Applications of Dynamically Typed Haskell Expressions](". [Express's Haddock documentation]: [`Expr`]: [`val`]: [`value`]: [`eval`]: [`evaluate`]: [`:$`]: [`$$`]: [`Show`]: [`Data.Dynamic`]: [LeanCheck]: [Extrapolate]: [Speculate]: [Conjure]: [u-Speculate]: eg/u-speculate.hs [u-Extrapolate]: eg/u-extrapolate.hs [u-Conjure]: eg/u-conjure.hs [express-logo]: [build-log]: [build-status]: [hackage-version]: [express-on-hackage]: [stackage-lts-badge]: [stackage-nightly-badge]: [express-on-stackage]: [express-on-stackage-lts]: [express-on-stackage-nightly]: