module Extra {-# DEPRECATED "This module is provided as documentation of all new functions, you should import the more specific modules directly." #-} (
withNumCapabilities, once, onceFork, Lock, newLock, withLock, withLockTry, Var, newVar, readVar, writeVar, writeVar', modifyVar, modifyVar', modifyVar_, modifyVar_', withVar, Barrier, newBarrier, signalBarrier, waitBarrier, waitBarrierMaybe,
Partial, retry, retryBool, errorWithoutStackTrace, showException, stringException, errorIO, assertIO, ignore, catch_, handle_, try_, catchJust_, handleJust_, tryJust_, catchBool, handleBool, tryBool,
whenJust, whenJustM, pureIf, whenMaybe, whenMaybeM, unit, maybeM, fromMaybeM, eitherM, guarded, guardedA, loop, loopM, whileM, whileJustM, untilJustM, partitionM, concatMapM, concatForM, mconcatMapM, mapMaybeM, findM, firstJustM, fold1M, fold1M_, whenM, unlessM, ifM, notM, (||^), (&&^), orM, andM, anyM, allM,
fromLeft, fromRight, fromEither, fromLeft', fromRight', eitherToMaybe, maybeToEither, mapLeft, mapRight,
writeIORef', atomicWriteIORef', atomicModifyIORef_, atomicModifyIORef'_,
lower, upper, trim, trimStart, trimEnd, word1, line1, escapeHTML, escapeJSON, unescapeHTML, unescapeJSON, dropEnd, takeEnd, splitAtEnd, breakEnd, spanEnd, dropWhileEnd', takeWhileEnd, stripSuffix, stripInfix, stripInfixEnd, dropPrefix, dropSuffix, wordsBy, linesBy, breakOn, breakOnEnd, splitOn, split, chunksOf, headDef, lastDef, (!?), notNull, list, unsnoc, cons, snoc, drop1, dropEnd1, mconcatMap, compareLength, comparingLength, enumerate, groupSort, groupSortOn, groupSortBy, nubOrd, nubOrdBy, nubOrdOn, nubOn, groupOn, groupOnKey, nubSort, nubSortBy, nubSortOn, maximumOn, minimumOn, sum', product', sumOn', productOn', disjoint, disjointOrd, disjointOrdBy, allSame, anySame, repeatedly, repeatedlyNE, firstJust, concatUnzip, concatUnzip3, zipFrom, zipWithFrom, zipWithLongest, replace, merge, mergeBy,
(|:), (|>), appendl, appendr, maximum1, minimum1, maximumBy1, minimumBy1, maximumOn1, minimumOn1,
first, second, (***), (&&&), dupe, both, firstM, secondM, fst3, snd3, thd3, first3, second3, third3, curry3, uncurry3,
showDP, intToDouble, intToFloat, floatToDouble, doubleToFloat,
withCurrentDirectory, createDirectoryPrivate, listContents, listDirectories, listFiles, listFilesInside, listFilesRecursive,
isWindows, isMac,
captureOutput, withBuffering, readFileEncoding, readFileUTF8, readFileBinary, readFile', readFileEncoding', readFileUTF8', readFileBinary', writeFileEncoding, writeFileUTF8, writeFileBinary, withTempFile, withTempDir, newTempFile, newTempDir, newTempFileWithin, newTempDirWithin, fileEq,
system_, systemOutput, systemOutput_,
Seconds, sleep, timeout, showDuration, offsetTime, offsetTimeIncrease, duration,
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Exception.Extra
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Data.Either.Extra
import Data.IORef.Extra
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra hiding (cons, snoc, sortOn, union, unionBy, nubOrd, nubOrdBy, nubOrdOn, (!?), foldl1', repeatedly, compareLength)
import Data.Monoid.Extra
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Version.Extra
import Numeric.Extra
import System.Directory.Extra
import System.Info.Extra
import System.IO.Extra
import System.Process.Extra
import System.Time.Extra