{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- | This is an internal module; its interface is unstable. module Data.ByteString.FastBuilder.Internal ( -- * Builder and related types Builder(..) , BuilderState , DataSink(..) , DynamicSink(..) , Queue(..) , Request(..) , Response(..) -- * Internally used exceptions , SuspendBuilderException(..) , ChunkOverflowException(..) -- * Builder building blocks , BuildM(..) , mkBuilder , useBuilder , getSink , getCur , getEnd , setCur , setEnd -- * Running builders , runBuilder , toLazyByteString , toLazyByteStringWith , toStrictByteString , hPutBuilder , hPutBuilderLen , hPutBuilderWith -- * Basic builders , primBounded , primFixed , primMapListBounded , primMapListFixed , byteString , byteStringThreshold , byteStringCopy , byteStringCopyNoCheck , byteStringInsert , unsafeCString , unsafeCStringLen , ensureBytes , getBytes -- * Performance tuning , rebuild ) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIOWithUnmask, myThreadId) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.IORef import Data.Semigroup as Sem import Data.String import Data.Word import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe import Foreign.Marshal.Utils import Foreign.Ptr import qualified System.IO as IO import System.IO.Unsafe import GHC.Exts (Addr#, State#, RealWorld, Ptr(..), Int(..), Int#) import GHC.Magic (oneShot) import GHC.IO (IO(..), unIO) import GHC.CString (unpackCString#) import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim.Internal as PI import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as X -- | 'Builder' is an auxiliary type for efficiently generating a long -- 'L.ByteString'. It is isomorphic to lazy 'L.ByteString', but offers -- constant-time concatanation via '<>'. -- -- Use 'toLazyByteString' to turn a 'Builder' into a 'L.ByteString' newtype Builder = Builder { unBuilder :: DataSink -> BuilderState -> BuilderState } -- It takes and returns two pointers, "cur" and "end". "cur" points to -- the next location to put bytes to, and "end" points to the end of the -- buffer. -- | The state of a builder. The components are: -- -- * The "cur" pointer -- * The "end" pointer -- * The state token type BuilderState = (# Addr#, Addr#, State# RealWorld #) instance Sem.Semigroup Builder where (<>) = appendBuilder {-# INLINE (<>) #-} appendBuilder :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder appendBuilder (Builder a) (Builder b) = rebuild $ Builder $ \dex bs -> b dex (a dex bs) {-# INLINE[1] appendBuilder #-} {-# RULES "appendBuilder/assoc" forall x y z. appendBuilder (appendBuilder x y) z = appendBuilder x (appendBuilder y z) #-} instance Monoid Builder where mempty = Builder $ \_ bs -> bs {-# INLINE mempty #-} mappend = (<>) {-# INLINE mappend #-} mconcat = foldr mappend mempty {-# INLINE mconcat #-} -- | 'fromString' = 'stringUtf8' instance IsString Builder where fromString = builderFromString {-# INLINE fromString #-} -- | Specifies where bytes generated by a builder go. data DataSink = DynamicSink !(IORef DynamicSink) -- ^ The destination of data changes while the builder is running. | GrowingBuffer !(IORef (ForeignPtr Word8)) -- ^ Bytes are accumulated in a contiguous buffer. | HandleSink !IO.Handle !Int{-next buffer size-} !(IORef Queue) -- ^ Bytes are first accumulated in the 'Queue', then flushed to the -- 'IO.Handle'. -- | Variable-destination cases. data DynamicSink = ThreadedSink !(MVar Request) !(MVar Response) -- ^ Bytes are sent to another thread. | BoundedGrowingBuffer {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr Word8) !Int{-bound-} -- ^ Bytes are accumulated in a contiguous buffer until the -- size limit is reached. After that, the destination switches -- to a 'ThreadedSink'. -- | A mutable buffer. data Queue = Queue { queueBuffer :: !(ForeignPtr Word8) , queueStart :: !Int -- ^ Starting position. , queueTotal :: !Int -- ^ Bytes written to the handle so far. } -- TODO: this is not really needed -- | A request from the driver thread to the builder thread. data Request = Request {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8) {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8) -- | A response from the builder thread to the driver thread. data Response = Error E.SomeException -- ^ A synchronous exception was thrown by the builder | Done !(Ptr Word8) -- ^ The builder thread has completed. | MoreBuffer !(Ptr Word8) !Int -- ^ The builder thread has finished generating one chunk, -- and waits for another request with the specified minimum size. | InsertByteString !(Ptr Word8) !S.ByteString -- ^ The builder thread has partially filled the current chunk, -- and wants to emit the bytestring to be included in the final -- output. deriving (Show) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internally used exceptions -- | Used in the implementation of 'toLazyByteString'. This is an exception -- thrown by the consumer thread to itself when it has finished filling the -- first chunk of the output. After this, a thread will be forked, and the -- execution of the builder will be resumed in the new thread, using -- 'ThreadedSink'. data ChunkOverflowException = ChunkOverflowException !S.ByteString !(MVar Request) !(MVar Response) !Int instance Show ChunkOverflowException where show (ChunkOverflowException buf _ _ req) = "ChunkOverflowException " ++ show buf ++ " _ _ " ++ show req instance E.Exception ChunkOverflowException -- | Used in the implementation of 'toLazyByteString'. This is a message sent -- from the consumer thread to the builder thread, requesting the builder -- thread to temporarily pause execution. Later, the consumer thread may -- request resumption by filling the 'MVar'. data SuspendBuilderException = SuspendBuilderException !(MVar ()) instance Show SuspendBuilderException where show _ = "SuspendBuilderException" instance E.Exception SuspendBuilderException ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Builder building blocks -- | An internal type for making it easier to define builders. A value of -- @'BuildM' a@ can do everything a 'Builder' can do, and in addition, -- returns a value of type @a@ upon completion. newtype BuildM a = BuildM { runBuildM :: (a -> Builder) -> Builder } deriving (Functor) instance Applicative BuildM where pure x = BuildM $ \k -> k x {-# INLINE pure #-} (<*>) = ap instance Monad BuildM where BuildM b >>= f = BuildM $ \k -> b $ \r -> runBuildM (f r) k {-# INLINE (>>=) #-} -- | Create a builder from a BuildM. mkBuilder :: BuildM () -> Builder mkBuilder (BuildM bb) = bb $ \_ -> mempty {-# INLINE mkBuilder #-} -- | Embed a builder in the BuildM context. useBuilder :: Builder -> BuildM () useBuilder b = BuildM $ \k -> b <> k () {-# INLINE useBuilder #-} -- | Get the 'DataSink'. getSink :: BuildM DataSink getSink = BuildM $ \k -> Builder $ \dex (# cur, end, s #) -> unBuilder (k dex) dex (# cur, end, s #) -- | Get the current pointer. getCur :: BuildM (Ptr Word8) getCur = BuildM $ \k -> Builder $ \dex (# cur, end, s #) -> unBuilder (k (Ptr cur)) dex (# cur, end, s #) -- | Get the end-of-buffer pointer. getEnd :: BuildM (Ptr Word8) getEnd = BuildM $ \k -> Builder $ \dex (# cur, end, s #) -> unBuilder (k (Ptr end)) dex (# cur, end, s #) -- | Set the current pointer. setCur :: Ptr Word8 -> BuildM () setCur (Ptr p) = BuildM $ \k -> Builder $ \dex (# _, end, s #) -> unBuilder (k ()) dex (# p, end, s #) -- | Set the end-of-buffer pointer. setEnd :: Ptr Word8 -> BuildM () setEnd (Ptr p) = BuildM $ \k -> Builder $ \dex (# cur, _, s #) -> unBuilder (k ()) dex (# cur, p, s #) -- | Perform IO. io :: IO a -> BuildM a io (IO x) = BuildM $ \k -> Builder $ \dex (# cur, end, s #) -> case x s of (# s', val #) -> unBuilder (k val) dex (# cur, end, s' #) -- | Embed a 'BuilderState' transformer into `BuildM`. updateState :: (BuilderState -> BuilderState) -> BuildM () updateState f = BuildM $ \k -> Builder $ \sink bs -> unBuilder (k ()) sink (f bs) -- | A 'Write' is like a 'Builder', but an upper bound of its size is known -- before it actually starts filling buffers. It means just one overflow check -- is sufficient for each 'Write'. data Write = Write !Int (BuilderState -> BuilderState) instance Sem.Semigroup Write where Write s0 w0 <> Write s1 w1 = Write (s0 + s1) (\s -> w1 (w0 s)) instance Monoid Write where mempty = Write 0 (\s -> s) mappend = (<>) {-# INLINE mappend #-} -- | Turn a 'PI.BoundedPrim' into a 'Write'. writeBoundedPrim :: PI.BoundedPrim a -> a -> Write writeBoundedPrim prim x = Write (PI.sizeBound prim) $ \(# cur, end, s #) -> case unIO (PI.runB prim x (Ptr cur)) s of (# s', Ptr cur' #) -> (# cur', end, s' #) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Running builders. -- | Run a builder. runBuilder :: Builder -> DataSink -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO (Ptr Word8) runBuilder (Builder f) sink (Ptr cur) (Ptr end) = IO $ \s -> case f sink (# cur, end, s #) of (# cur', _, s' #) -> (# s', Ptr cur' #) -- | Turn a 'Builder' into a lazy 'L.ByteString'. -- -- __Performance hint__: when the resulting 'L.ByteString' does not fit -- in one chunk, this function forks a thread. Due to this, the performance -- degrades sharply if you use this function from a bound thread. Note in -- particular that the main thread is a bound thread when you use @ghc -- -threaded@. -- -- To avoid this problem, do one of these: -- -- * Make sure the resulting 'L.ByteString' is consumed in an unbound -- thread. Consider using 'runInUnboundThread' for this. -- * Use other function to run the 'Builder' instead. Functions that don't -- return a lazy 'L.ByteString' do not have this issue. -- * Link your program without @-threaded@. toLazyByteString :: Builder -> L.ByteString toLazyByteString = toLazyByteStringWith 100 32768 -- | Like 'toLazyByteString', but allows the user to specify the initial -- and the subsequent desired buffer sizes. toLazyByteStringWith :: Int -> Int -> Builder -> L.ByteString -- The implementation employs a two-phase strategy to minimize the overhead: -- -- 0. Fill the first chunk in a single-threaded way. Start from 'initialSize'- -- sized buffer and double the size whenever the buffer is full. This uses a -- 'BoundedGrowingBuffer' sink. -- -- 1. If the first chunk is big enough and the builder still hasn't finished, -- suspend the execution of the builder, fork a new thread and resume -- execution of the builder in the new thread, using a 'ThreadedSink'. toLazyByteStringWith !initialSize !maxSize builder = unsafePerformIO $ do fptr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes initialSize sink <- newIORef $ BoundedGrowingBuffer fptr maxSize let !base = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr let finalPtr = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ -- The use of unsafeDupablePerformIO is safe here, because at any given -- time, at most one thread can be attempting to evaluate this finalPtr -- thunk. runBuilder builder (DynamicSink sink) base (base `plusPtr` initialSize) {-# NOINLINE finalPtr #-} loop thunk = do -- Pass around `thunk` as an argument, otherwise GHC 7.10.1 inlines it -- despite the NOINLINE pragma. r <- E.try $ E.evaluate thunk case r of Right p -> do BoundedGrowingBuffer finalFptr _ <- readIORef sink let !finalBase = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr finalFptr return $! L.fromStrict $ S.fromForeignPtr finalFptr 0 (p `minusPtr` finalBase) Left ex | Just (ChunkOverflowException chunk reqV respV minSize) <- E.fromException ex -> do let rest = continueBuilderThreaded reqV respV minSize maxSize thunk return $ L.fromChunks $ if S.null chunk then rest else chunk : rest | otherwise -> do -- Here, there is no way to tell whether 'ex' is an asynchronous -- exception or not. We re-throw is as if it were async. This is -- a safe assumption, because if it is actually a synchronous -- exception, it will be re-thrown when we try to resume -- the evaluation of 'thunk'. myTid <- myThreadId E.throwTo myTid ex loop thunk loop finalPtr -- | Continue a suspended builder using threads. continueBuilderThreaded :: MVar Request -> MVar Response -> Int -> Int -> Ptr Word8 -> [S.ByteString] continueBuilderThreaded !reqV !respV !initialSize !maxSize thunk = makeChunks (max maxSize initialSize) maxSize $ toBufferWriter reqV respV thunk -- | Run the given suspended builder using a new thread. toBufferWriter :: MVar Request -> MVar Response -> Ptr Word8 -> X.BufferWriter toBufferWriter !reqV !respV thunk buf0 sz0 = E.mask_ $ writer Nothing buf0 sz0 where writer !maybeBuilderTid !buf !sz = do putMVar reqV $ Request buf (buf `plusPtr` sz) -- Fork after putMVar, in order to minimize the chance that -- the new thread is scheduled on a different CPU. builderTid <- case maybeBuilderTid of Just t -> return t Nothing -> forkIOWithUnmask $ \u -> builderThreadWithUnmask u respV thunk resp <- wait builderTid let go cur next = return(written, next) where !written = cur `minusPtr` buf case resp of Error ex -> E.throwIO ex Done cur -> go cur X.Done MoreBuffer cur k -> go cur $ X.More k $ writer (Just builderTid) InsertByteString cur str -> go cur $ X.Chunk str $ writer (Just builderTid) wait !builderTid = do r <- E.try $ takeMVar respV case r of Right resp -> return resp Left exn -> do -- exn must be an async exception, because takeMVar throws no -- synchronous exceptions. resumeVar <- newEmptyMVar E.throwTo builderTid $ SuspendBuilderException resumeVar thisTid <- myThreadId E.throwTo thisTid (exn :: E.SomeException) -- A thunk containing this computation has been resumed. -- Resume the builder thread, and retry. putMVar resumeVar () wait builderTid -- | The body of the builder thread. builderThreadWithUnmask :: (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> MVar Response -> Ptr Word8 -> IO () builderThreadWithUnmask unmask !respV thunk = loop where loop = do r <- E.try $ unmask $ E.evaluate thunk case r of Right p -> putMVar respV $ Done p Left ex | Just (SuspendBuilderException lock) <- E.fromException ex -> do takeMVar lock; loop | otherwise -> putMVar respV $ Error ex -- | Run a 'X.BufferWriter'. makeChunks :: Int -> Int -> X.BufferWriter -> [S.ByteString] makeChunks !initialBufSize maxBufSize = go initialBufSize where go !bufSize w = unsafePerformIO $ do fptr <- S.mallocByteString bufSize (written, next) <- withForeignPtr fptr $ \buf -> w buf bufSize let rest = case next of X.Done -> [] X.More reqSize w' -> go (max reqSize maxBufSize) w' X.Chunk chunk w' -> chunk : go maxBufSize w' -- TODO: don't throw away the remaining part of the buffer return $ if written == 0 then rest else S.fromForeignPtr fptr 0 written : rest -- | Turn a 'Builder' into a strict 'S.ByteString'. toStrictByteString :: Builder -> S.ByteString toStrictByteString builder = unsafePerformIO $ do let cap = 100 fptr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes cap bufferRef <- newIORef fptr let !base = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr cur <- runBuilder builder (GrowingBuffer bufferRef) base (base `plusPtr` cap) endFptr <- readIORef bufferRef let !written = cur `minusPtr` unsafeForeignPtrToPtr endFptr return $ S.fromForeignPtr endFptr 0 written -- | Output a 'Builder' to a 'IO.Handle'. hPutBuilder :: IO.Handle -> Builder -> IO () hPutBuilder !h builder = void $ hPutBuilderLen h builder {-# INLINE hPutBuilder #-} -- | Output a 'Builder' to a 'IO.Handle'. Returns the number of bytes written. hPutBuilderLen :: IO.Handle -> Builder -> IO Int hPutBuilderLen !h builder = hPutBuilderWith h 100 4096 builder -- | Like 'hPutBuffer', but allows the user to specify the initial -- and the subsequent desired buffer sizes. This function may be useful for -- setting large buffer when high throughput I/O is needed. hPutBuilderWith :: IO.Handle -> Int -> Int -> Builder -> IO Int hPutBuilderWith !h !initialCap !nextCap builder = do fptr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes initialCap qRef <- newIORef $ Queue { queueBuffer = fptr , queueStart = 0 , queueTotal = 0 } let !base = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr cur <- runBuilder builder (HandleSink h nextCap qRef) base (base `plusPtr` initialCap) flushQueue h qRef cur Queue{ queueTotal = len } <- readIORef qRef return len ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- builders -- | Turn a 'String' into a 'Builder', using UTF-8, builderFromString :: String -> Builder builderFromString = primMapListBounded P.charUtf8 {-# NOINLINE[0] builderFromString #-} {-# RULES "FastBuilder: builderFromString/unpackCString#" forall addr. builderFromString (unpackCString# addr) = unsafeCString (Ptr addr) #-} -- | Turn a value of type @a@ into a 'Builder', using the given 'PI.BoundedPrim'. primBounded :: PI.BoundedPrim a -> a -> Builder primBounded prim = write . writeBoundedPrim prim {-# INLINE primBounded #-} -- | Turn a 'Write' into a 'Builder'. write :: Write -> Builder write (Write size w) = rebuild $ mkBuilder $ do useBuilder $ ensureBytes size updateState w {-# INLINE[1] write #-} {-# RULES "fast-builder: write/write" forall w0 w1. appendBuilder (write w0) (write w1) = write (w0 <> w1) #-} {-# RULES "fast-builder: write/write/x" forall w0 w1 x. appendBuilder (write w0) (appendBuilder (write w1) x) = appendBuilder (write (w0 <> w1)) x #-} -- | Turn a value of type @a@ into a 'Builder', using the given 'PI.FixedPrim'. primFixed :: PI.FixedPrim a -> a -> Builder primFixed prim = primBounded (PI.toB prim) {-# INLINE primFixed #-} -- | Turn a list of values of type @a@ into a 'Builder', using the given -- 'PI.BoundedPrim'. primMapListBounded :: PI.BoundedPrim a -> [a] -> Builder primMapListBounded prim = mconcat . map (primBounded prim) {-# INLINE primMapListBounded #-} -- | Turn a list of values of type @a@ into a 'Builder', using the given -- 'PI.FixedPrim'. primMapListFixed :: PI.FixedPrim a -> [a] -> Builder primMapListFixed prim = primMapListBounded (PI.toB prim) {-# INLINE primMapListFixed #-} -- | Turn a 'S.ByteString' to a 'Builder'. byteString :: S.ByteString -> Builder byteString = byteStringThreshold maximalCopySize {-# INLINE byteString #-} maximalCopySize :: Int maximalCopySize = 2 * X.smallChunkSize -- | Turn a 'S.ByteString' to a 'Builder'. If the size of the 'S.ByteString' -- is larger than the given threshold, avoid copying it as much -- as possible. byteStringThreshold :: Int -> S.ByteString -> Builder byteStringThreshold th bstr = rebuild $ if S.length bstr >= th then byteStringInsert bstr else byteStringCopy bstr -- | Turn a 'S.ByteString' to a 'Builder'. The 'S.ByteString' will be copied -- to the buffer, regardless of the size. byteStringCopy :: S.ByteString -> Builder byteStringCopy !bstr = -- TODO: this is suboptimal; should keep using the same buffer size. ensureBytes (S.length bstr) <> byteStringCopyNoCheck bstr -- | Like 'byteStringCopy', but assumes that the current buffer is large enough. byteStringCopyNoCheck :: S.ByteString -> Builder byteStringCopyNoCheck !bstr = mkBuilder $ do cur <- getCur io $ S.unsafeUseAsCString bstr $ \ptr -> copyBytes cur (castPtr ptr) len setCur $ cur `plusPtr` len where !len = S.length bstr -- | Turn a 'S.ByteString' to a 'Builder'. When possible, the given -- 'S.ByteString' will not be copied, and inserted directly into the output -- instead. byteStringInsert :: S.ByteString -> Builder byteStringInsert !bstr = byteStringInsert_ bstr -- | The body of the 'byteStringInsert', worker-wrappered manually. byteStringInsert_ :: S.ByteString -> Builder byteStringInsert_ bstr = mkBuilder $ do sink <- getSink case sink of DynamicSink dRef -> do dyn <- io $ readIORef dRef case dyn of ThreadedSink reqV respV -> do cur <- getCur io $ putMVar respV $ InsertByteString cur bstr handleRequest reqV BoundedGrowingBuffer fptr bound -> do r <- remainingBytes when (r < S.length bstr) $ growBufferBounded dRef fptr bound (S.length bstr) -- TODO: insert rather than copy if the first chunk -- is full. useBuilder $ byteStringCopyNoCheck bstr GrowingBuffer bufRef -> do r <- remainingBytes when (r < S.length bstr) $ growBuffer bufRef (S.length bstr) useBuilder $ byteStringCopyNoCheck bstr HandleSink h _nextCap queueRef -> do cur <- getCur io $ flushQueue h queueRef cur io $ S.hPut h bstr io $ modifyIORef' queueRef $ \q -> q { queueTotal = queueTotal q + S.length bstr } {-# NOINLINE byteStringInsert_ #-} -- | Turn a C String into a 'Builder'. The behavior is undefined if the given -- 'CString' does not point to a constant null-terminated string. unsafeCString :: CString -> Builder unsafeCString cstr = rebuild $ let !len = fromIntegral $ c_pure_strlen cstr in unsafeCStringLen (cstr, len) foreign import ccall unsafe "strlen" c_pure_strlen :: CString -> CSize -- | Turn a 'CStringLen' into a 'Builder'. The behavior is undefined if the -- given 'CStringLen' does not point to a constant memory block. unsafeCStringLen :: CStringLen -> Builder unsafeCStringLen (ptr, len) = mappend (ensureBytes len) $ mkBuilder $ do cur <- getCur io $ copyBytes cur (castPtr ptr) len setCur $ cur `plusPtr` len -- | @'ensureBytes' n@ ensures that at least @n@ bytes of free space is -- available in the current buffer, by allocating a new buffer when -- necessary. ensureBytes :: Int -> Builder ensureBytes !n = mkBuilder $ do r <- remainingBytes when (r < n) $ useBuilder $ getBytes n {-# INLINE ensureBytes #-} -- | @'getBytes' n@ allocates a new buffer, containing at least @n@ bytes. getBytes :: Int -> Builder getBytes (I# n) = getBytes_ n -- | The body of the 'getBytes' function, worker-wrappered manually. getBytes_ :: Int# -> Builder getBytes_ n = mkBuilder $ do sink <- getSink case sink of DynamicSink dRef -> do dyn <- io $ readIORef dRef case dyn of ThreadedSink reqV respV -> do cur <- getCur io $ putMVar respV $ MoreBuffer cur $ I# n handleRequest reqV BoundedGrowingBuffer fptr bound -> growBufferBounded dRef fptr bound (I# n) GrowingBuffer bufRef -> growBuffer bufRef (I# n) HandleSink h nextCap queueRef -> do cur <- getCur io $ flushQueue h queueRef cur switchQueue queueRef (max nextCap (I# n)) {-# NOINLINE getBytes_ #-} -- | Return the remaining size of the current buffer, in bytes. remainingBytes :: BuildM Int remainingBytes = minusPtr <$> getEnd <*> getCur {-# INLINE remainingBytes #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Performance tuning -- | @'rebuild' b@ is equivalent to @b@, but it allows GHC to assume -- that @b@ will be run at most once. This can enable various -- optimizations that greately improve performance. -- -- There are two types of typical situations where a use of 'rebuild' -- is often a win: -- -- * When constructing a builder using a recursive function. e.g. -- @rebuild $ foldr ...@. -- * When constructing a builder using a conditional expression. e.g. -- @rebuild $ case x of ... @ rebuild :: Builder -> Builder rebuild (Builder f) = Builder $ oneShot $ \dex -> oneShot $ \(# cur, end, s #) -> f dex (# cur, end, s #) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- ThreadedSink -- | Wait for a request, and switch to a new buffer. handleRequest :: MVar Request -> BuildM () handleRequest reqV = do Request newCur newEnd <- io $ takeMVar reqV setCur newCur setEnd newEnd ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- GrowingBuffer -- | @growBuffer bufRef req@ reallocates the buffer, growing it -- by at least @req@. growBuffer :: IORef (ForeignPtr Word8) -> Int -> BuildM () growBuffer !bufRef !req = do cur <- getCur end <- getEnd fptr <- io $ readIORef bufRef let !base = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr let !size = cur `minusPtr` base let !cap = end `minusPtr` base let !newCap = cap + max cap req newFptr <- io $ mallocForeignPtrBytes newCap let !newBase = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr newFptr setCur $ newBase `plusPtr` size setEnd $ newBase `plusPtr` newCap io $ do copyBytes newBase base size touchForeignPtr fptr touchForeignPtr newFptr writeIORef bufRef newFptr {-# INLINE growBuffer #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- HandleSink -- | Put the content of the 'Queue' to the 'IO.Handle', and empty -- the 'Queue'. flushQueue :: IO.Handle -> IORef Queue -> Ptr Word8 -> IO () flushQueue !h !qRef !cur = do Queue{ queueBuffer = fptr, queueStart = start, queueTotal = total } <- readIORef qRef let !end = cur `minusPtr` unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr when (end > start) $ do S.hPut h $ S.fromForeignPtr fptr start (end - start) writeIORef qRef Queue { queueBuffer = fptr , queueStart = end , queueTotal = total + end - start } -- | @switchQueue qRef minSize adv@ discards the old 'Queue' and sets up -- a new empty 'Queue' of at least @minSize@ large. If the old 'Queue' -- is large enough, it is re-used. switchQueue :: IORef Queue -> Int -> BuildM () switchQueue !qRef !minSize = do end <- getCur Queue{ queueBuffer = fptr, queueTotal = total } <- io $ readIORef qRef let !base = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr let !cap = end `minusPtr` base newFptr <- if minSize <= cap then return fptr else io $ mallocForeignPtrBytes minSize let !newBase = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr newFptr io $ writeIORef qRef Queue { queueBuffer = newFptr , queueStart = 0 , queueTotal = total } setCur newBase setEnd $ newBase `plusPtr` max minSize cap ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- BoundedGrowingBuffer -- | @growBufferBounded dRef fptr bound req@ reallocates the buffer, growing it -- by at least @req@. If the buffer size would exceed @bound@, it instead -- interrupts execution by throwing a 'ChunkOverflowException', and switches -- to a 'ThreadedSink'. growBufferBounded :: IORef DynamicSink -> ForeignPtr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> BuildM () growBufferBounded !dRef !fptr !bound !req = do cur <- getCur end <- getCur let !base = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr let !size = cur `minusPtr` base let !cap = end `minusPtr` base let !newCap = cap + max cap req if bound < newCap then chunkOverflow dRef req $ S.fromForeignPtr fptr 0 size else do newFptr <- io $ mallocForeignPtrBytes newCap let !newBase = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr newFptr setCur $ newBase `plusPtr` size setEnd $ newBase `plusPtr` newCap io $ do copyBytes newBase base size touchForeignPtr fptr touchForeignPtr newFptr writeIORef dRef $ BoundedGrowingBuffer newFptr bound {-# INLINE growBufferBounded #-} -- | Throw a 'ChunkOverflowException' and switches to a 'ThreadedSink'. chunkOverflow :: IORef DynamicSink -> Int -> S.ByteString -> BuildM () chunkOverflow !dRef !minSize !chunk = do myTid <- io myThreadId reqV <- io newEmptyMVar respV <- io newEmptyMVar io $ E.throwTo myTid $ ChunkOverflowException chunk reqV respV minSize io $ writeIORef dRef $ ThreadedSink reqV respV handleRequest reqV