-- | Calculator based on http://trelford.com/PitCalculatorApp.htm
-- Compile with
-- $ fay -p --html-wrapper --html-js-lib jquery.min.js examples/calc.hs
-- You also need to download jquery.min.js.
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Calc (main) where
import FFI
import Prelude
main :: Fay ()
main = do
display <- select ""
operation <- newRef Nothing :: Fay (Ref (Maybe (Double -> Double)))
appendMore <- newRef False
let buttons =
[[enter 7, enter 8, enter 9, ("/",operator (/))]
,[enter 4, enter 5, enter 6, ("*",operator (*))]
,[enter 1, enter 2, enter 3, ("-",operator (-))]
,[("C",clear), enter 0, ("=",calculate), ("+",operator (+))]]
enter :: Double -> (String,Fay ())
enter n = (show n,do current <- getVal display
addit <- readRef appendMore
if addit
then do setVal (current ++ show n) display
return ()
else do setVal (show n) display
writeRef appendMore True)
getInput = getVal display >>= (return . parseDouble 10)
operator op = do
num <- getInput
writeRef operation (Just (op num))
clear = do
setVal "0" display
writeRef operation Nothing
calculate = do
op <- readRef operation
case op of
Nothing -> return ()
Just maths -> do
num <- getInput
setVal (show (maths num)) display
return ()
writeRef operation Nothing
writeRef appendMore False
ready $ do
body <- select "body"
table <- select "
" & appendTo body
dtr <- select "
" & appendTo table
select " | " & appendTo dtr & append display
forM_ buttons $ \row -> do
tr <- select "
" & appendTo table
forM_ row $ \(text,action) -> do
td <- select " | " & appendTo tr
select ""
& setVal text
& appendTo td
& onClick (do action; return False)
-- JQuery bindings
-- These are provided in the fay-jquery package.
data JQuery
instance Show JQuery
data Element
-- | Nicer/easier binding for >>=.
(&) :: Fay a -> (a -> Fay b) -> Fay b
x & y = x >>= y
infixl 1 &
getVal :: JQuery -> Fay String
getVal = ffi "%1['val']()"
setVal :: String -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setVal = ffi "%2['val'](%1)"
select :: String -> Fay JQuery
select = ffi "window['jQuery'](%1)"
ready :: Fay () -> Fay ()
ready = ffi "window['jQuery'](%1)"
append :: JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
append = ffi "%2['append'](%1)"
appendTo :: JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
appendTo = ffi "%2['appendTo'](%1)"
onClick :: Fay Bool -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
onClick = ffi "%2['click'](%1)"
-- Utilities
parseDouble :: Int -> String -> Double
parseDouble = ffi "parseFloat(%2,%1) || 0"
-- Refs
-- This will be provided in the fay package by default.
data Ref a
instance Show (Ref a)
newRef :: a -> Fay (Ref a)
newRef = ffi "new Fay$$Ref(%1)"
writeRef :: Ref a -> a -> Fay ()
writeRef = ffi "Fay$$writeRef(%1,%2)"
readRef :: Ref a -> Fay a
readRef = ffi "Fay$$readRef(%1)"