-- |
-- Module    : Text.Atom.Feed
-- Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc. 2008,
--             (c) Sigbjorn Finne 2009-
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer: Sigbjorn Finne <sof@forkIO.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability: portable
module Text.Atom.Feed
  ( URI
  , NCName
  , Date
  , MediaType
  , Attr
  , Feed(..)
  , Entry(..)
  , EntryContent(..)
  , Category(..)
  , Generator(..)
  , Link(..)
  , TextContent(..)
  , txtToString
  , Source(..)
  , Person(..)
  , InReplyTo(..)
  , InReplyTotal(..)
  , newCategory
  , nullFeed
  , nullEntry
  , nullGenerator
  , nullLink
  , nullSource
  , nullPerson
  ) where

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.XML.Compat
import Data.XML.Types as XML

-- *Core types
-- NOTE: In the future we may want to have more structured
-- types for these.
type URI = Text

type NCName = Text

type Date = Text

type MediaType = Text

data Feed = Feed
  { feedId :: URI
  , feedTitle :: TextContent
  , feedUpdated :: Date
  , feedAuthors :: [Person]
  , feedCategories :: [Category]
  , feedContributors :: [Person]
  , feedGenerator :: Maybe Generator
  , feedIcon :: Maybe URI
  , feedLinks :: [Link]
  , feedLogo :: Maybe URI
  , feedRights :: Maybe TextContent
  , feedSubtitle :: Maybe TextContent
  , feedEntries :: [Entry]
  , feedAttrs :: [Attr]
  , feedOther :: [XML.Element]
  } deriving (Show)

data Entry = Entry
  { entryId :: URI
  , entryTitle :: TextContent
  , entryUpdated :: Date
  , entryAuthors :: [Person]
  , entryCategories :: [Category]
  , entryContent :: Maybe EntryContent
  , entryContributor :: [Person]
  , entryLinks :: [Link]
  , entryPublished :: Maybe Date
  , entryRights :: Maybe TextContent
  , entrySource :: Maybe Source
  , entrySummary :: Maybe TextContent
  , entryInReplyTo :: Maybe InReplyTo
  , entryInReplyTotal :: Maybe InReplyTotal
  , entryAttrs :: [Attr]
  , entryOther :: [XML.Element]
  } deriving (Show)

data EntryContent
  = TextContent Text
  | HTMLContent Text
  | XHTMLContent XML.Element
  | MixedContent (Maybe Text)
  | ExternalContent (Maybe MediaType)
  deriving (Show)

data Category = Category
  { catTerm :: Text -- ^ the tag\/term of the category.
  , catScheme :: Maybe URI -- ^ optional URL for identifying the categorization scheme.
  , catLabel :: Maybe Text -- ^ human-readable label of the category
  , catOther :: [XML.Element] -- ^ unknown elements, for extensibility.
  } deriving (Show)

data Generator = Generator
  { genURI :: Maybe URI
  , genVersion :: Maybe Text
  , genText :: Text
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

data Link = Link
  { linkHref :: URI
         -- ToDo: make the switch over to using the Atom.Feed.Link relation type.
  , linkRel :: Maybe (Either NCName URI)
  , linkType :: Maybe MediaType
  , linkHrefLang :: Maybe Text
  , linkTitle :: Maybe Text
  , linkLength :: Maybe Text
  , linkAttrs :: [Attr]
  , linkOther :: [XML.Element]
  } deriving (Show)

data TextContent
  = TextString Text
  | HTMLString Text
  | XHTMLString XML.Element
  deriving (Show)

txtToString :: TextContent -> String
txtToString (TextString s) = unpack s
txtToString (HTMLString s) = unpack s
txtToString (XHTMLString x) = show x

data Source = Source
  { sourceAuthors :: [Person]
  , sourceCategories :: [Category]
  , sourceGenerator :: Maybe Generator
  , sourceIcon :: Maybe URI
  , sourceId :: Maybe URI
  , sourceLinks :: [Link]
  , sourceLogo :: Maybe URI
  , sourceRights :: Maybe TextContent
  , sourceSubtitle :: Maybe TextContent
  , sourceTitle :: Maybe TextContent
  , sourceUpdated :: Maybe Date
  , sourceOther :: [XML.Element]
  } deriving (Show)

data Person = Person
  { personName :: Text
  , personURI :: Maybe URI
  , personEmail :: Maybe Text
  , personOther :: [XML.Element]
  } deriving (Show)

data InReplyTo = InReplyTo
  { replyToRef :: URI
  , replyToHRef :: Maybe URI
  , replyToType :: Maybe MediaType
  , replyToSource :: Maybe URI
  , replyToOther :: [Attr]
  , replyToContent :: [Node]
  } deriving (Show)

data InReplyTotal = InReplyTotal
  { replyToTotal :: Integer -- non-negative :)
  , replyToTotalOther :: [Attr]
  } deriving (Show)

-- *Smart Constructors
newCategory ::
     Text -- ^catTerm
  -> Category
newCategory t = Category {catTerm = t, catScheme = Nothing, catLabel = Just t, catOther = []}

nullFeed ::
     URI -- ^feedId
  -> TextContent -- ^feedTitle
  -> Date -- ^feedUpdated
  -> Feed
nullFeed i t u =
  { feedId = i
  , feedTitle = t
  , feedUpdated = u
  , feedAuthors = []
  , feedCategories = []
  , feedContributors = []
  , feedGenerator = Nothing
  , feedIcon = Nothing
  , feedLinks = []
  , feedLogo = Nothing
  , feedRights = Nothing
  , feedSubtitle = Nothing
  , feedEntries = []
  , feedAttrs = []
  , feedOther = []

nullEntry ::
     URI -- ^entryId
  -> TextContent -- ^entryTitle
  -> Date -- ^entryUpdated
  -> Entry
nullEntry i t u =
  { entryId = i
  , entryTitle = t
  , entryUpdated = u
  , entryAuthors = []
  , entryCategories = []
  , entryContent = Nothing
  , entryContributor = []
  , entryLinks = []
  , entryPublished = Nothing
  , entryRights = Nothing
  , entrySource = Nothing
  , entrySummary = Nothing
  , entryInReplyTo = Nothing
  , entryInReplyTotal = Nothing
  , entryAttrs = []
  , entryOther = []

nullGenerator ::
     Text -- ^genText
  -> Generator
nullGenerator t = Generator {genURI = Nothing, genVersion = Nothing, genText = t}

nullLink ::
     URI -- ^linkHref
  -> Link
nullLink uri =
  { linkHref = uri
  , linkRel = Nothing
  , linkType = Nothing
  , linkHrefLang = Nothing
  , linkTitle = Nothing
  , linkLength = Nothing
  , linkAttrs = []
  , linkOther = []

nullSource :: Source
nullSource =
  { sourceAuthors = []
  , sourceCategories = []
  , sourceGenerator = Nothing
  , sourceIcon = Nothing
  , sourceId = Nothing
  , sourceLinks = []
  , sourceLogo = Nothing
  , sourceRights = Nothing
  , sourceSubtitle = Nothing
  , sourceTitle = Nothing
  , sourceUpdated = Nothing
  , sourceOther = []

nullPerson :: Person
nullPerson = Person {personName = "", personURI = Nothing, personEmail = Nothing, personOther = []}