module Feldspar.Compiler.Imperative.FromCore.Interpretation where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Language.Syntactic.Syntax hiding (result)
import Language.Syntactic.Traversal
import Language.Syntactic.Constraint
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Binding (VarId)
import Feldspar.Range (upperBound, isSingleton)
import Feldspar.Core.Types hiding (Type, ArrayType, BoolType, FloatType, DoubleType,
ComplexType, IVarType, Signedness, Size)
import Feldspar.Core.Interpretation
import qualified Feldspar.Core.Types as Core
import qualified Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Binding as Core
import qualified Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Literal as Core
import Feldspar.Compiler.Imperative.Frontend
import Feldspar.Compiler.Imperative.Representation (typeof, Block(..),
Type(..), Signedness(..),
Size(..), Variable(..),
Program(..), Pattern(..),
Entity(..), StructMember(..))
import Feldspar.Compiler.Backend.C.Options (Options(..), Platform(..))
type CodeWriter = RWS Readers Writers States
data Readers = Readers { alias :: [(VarId, Expression ())]
, sourceInfo :: SourceInfo
, backendOpts :: Options
initReader :: Options -> Readers
initReader = Readers [] ""
data Writers = Writers { block :: Block ()
, def :: [Entity ()]
, decl :: [Declaration ()]
, params :: [Variable ()]
, epilogue :: [Program ()]
instance Monoid Writers
mempty = Writers { block = mempty
, def = mempty
, decl = mempty
, params = mempty
, epilogue = mempty
mappend a b = Writers { block = mappend (block a) (block b)
, def = mappend (def a) (def b)
, decl = mappend (decl a) (decl b)
, params = mappend (params a) (params b)
, epilogue = mappend (epilogue a) (epilogue b)
data States = States { fresh :: VarId
initState :: States
initState = States 0
type Location = Maybe (Expression ())
class Compile sub dom
:: sub a
-> Info (DenResult a)
-> Location
-> Args (AST (Decor Info dom)) a
-> CodeWriter ()
compileProgSym = compileExprLoc
:: sub a
-> Info (DenResult a)
-> Args (AST (Decor Info dom)) a
-> CodeWriter (Expression ())
compileExprSym = compileProgFresh
instance (Compile sub1 dom, Compile sub2 dom) =>
Compile (sub1 :+: sub2) dom
compileProgSym (InjL a) = compileProgSym a
compileProgSym (InjR a) = compileProgSym a
compileExprSym (InjL a) = compileExprSym a
compileExprSym (InjR a) = compileExprSym a
compileExprLoc :: Compile sub dom
=> sub a
-> Info (DenResult a)
-> Location
-> Args (AST (Decor Info dom)) a
-> CodeWriter ()
compileExprLoc a info loc args = do
expr <- compileExprSym a info args
assign loc expr
compileProgFresh :: Compile sub dom
=> sub a
-> Info (DenResult a)
-> Args (AST (Decor Info dom)) a
-> CodeWriter (Expression ())
compileProgFresh a info args = do
loc <- freshVar "e" (infoType info) (infoSize info)
compileProgSym a info (Just loc) args
return loc
compileDecor :: Info a -> CodeWriter b -> CodeWriter b
compileDecor info action = do
let src = infoSource info
aboveSrc <- asks sourceInfo
unless (null src || src==aboveSrc) $ tellProg [Comment True src]
local (\env -> env{sourceInfo=src}) action
compileProgDecor :: Compile dom dom
=> Location
-> Decor Info dom a
-> Args (AST (Decor Info dom)) a
-> CodeWriter ()
compileProgDecor result (Decor info a) args =
compileDecor info $ compileProgSym a info result args
compileExprDecor :: Compile dom dom
=> Decor Info dom a
-> Args (AST (Decor Info dom)) a
-> CodeWriter (Expression ())
compileExprDecor (Decor info a) args =
compileDecor info $ compileExprSym a info args
compileProg :: Compile dom dom =>
Location -> ASTF (Decor Info dom) a -> CodeWriter ()
compileProg result = simpleMatch (compileProgDecor result)
compileExpr :: Compile dom dom => ASTF (Decor Info dom) a -> CodeWriter (Expression ())
compileExpr = simpleMatch compileExprDecor
compileExprVar :: Compile dom dom => ASTF (Decor Info dom) a -> CodeWriter (Expression ())
compileExprVar e = do
e' <- compileExpr e
case e' of
VarExpr{} -> return e'
_ -> do
varId <- freshId
let loc = varToExpr $ mkNamedVar "e" (typeof e') varId
declare loc
assign (Just loc) e'
return loc
compileNumType :: Core.Signedness a -> BitWidth n -> Type
compileNumType U N8 = NumType Unsigned S8
compileNumType S N8 = NumType Signed S8
compileNumType U N16 = NumType Unsigned S16
compileNumType S N16 = NumType Signed S16
compileNumType U N32 = NumType Unsigned S32
compileNumType S N32 = NumType Signed S32
compileNumType U N64 = NumType Unsigned S64
compileNumType S N64 = NumType Signed S64
compileNumType U NNative = NumType Unsigned S32
compileNumType S NNative = NumType Signed S32
mkStructType :: [(String, Type)] -> Type
mkStructType trs = StructType n trs
n = intercalate "_" $ "s" : map (encodeType . snd) trs
compileTypeRep :: TypeRep a -> Core.Size a -> Type
compileTypeRep UnitType _ = VoidType
compileTypeRep Core.BoolType _ = BoolType
compileTypeRep (IntType s n) _ = compileNumType s n
compileTypeRep Core.FloatType _ = FloatType
compileTypeRep Core.DoubleType _ = DoubleType
compileTypeRep (Core.ComplexType t) _ = ComplexType (compileTypeRep t (defaultSize t))
compileTypeRep (Tup2Type a b) (sa,sb) = mkStructType
[ ("member1", compileTypeRep a sa)
, ("member2", compileTypeRep b sb)
compileTypeRep (Tup3Type a b c) (sa,sb,sc) = mkStructType
[ ("member1", compileTypeRep a sa)
, ("member2", compileTypeRep b sb)
, ("member3", compileTypeRep c sc)
compileTypeRep (Tup4Type a b c d) (sa,sb,sc,sd) = mkStructType
[ ("member1", compileTypeRep a sa)
, ("member2", compileTypeRep b sb)
, ("member3", compileTypeRep c sc)
, ("member4", compileTypeRep d sd)
compileTypeRep (Tup5Type a b c d e) (sa,sb,sc,sd,se) = mkStructType
[ ("member1", compileTypeRep a sa)
, ("member2", compileTypeRep b sb)
, ("member3", compileTypeRep c sc)
, ("member4", compileTypeRep d sd)
, ("member5", compileTypeRep e se)
compileTypeRep (Tup6Type a b c d e f) (sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf) = mkStructType
[ ("member1", compileTypeRep a sa)
, ("member2", compileTypeRep b sb)
, ("member3", compileTypeRep c sc)
, ("member4", compileTypeRep d sd)
, ("member5", compileTypeRep e se)
, ("member6", compileTypeRep f sf)
compileTypeRep (Tup7Type a b c d e f g) (sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg) = mkStructType
[ ("member1", compileTypeRep a sa)
, ("member2", compileTypeRep b sb)
, ("member3", compileTypeRep c sc)
, ("member4", compileTypeRep d sd)
, ("member5", compileTypeRep e se)
, ("member6", compileTypeRep f sf)
, ("member7", compileTypeRep g sg)
compileTypeRep (MutType a) _ = compileTypeRep a (defaultSize a)
compileTypeRep (RefType a) _ = compileTypeRep a (defaultSize a)
compileTypeRep (Core.ArrayType a) (rs :> es) = ArrayType rs $ compileTypeRep a es
compileTypeRep (MArrType a) (rs :> es) = ArrayType rs $ compileTypeRep a es
compileTypeRep (ParType a) _ = compileTypeRep a (defaultSize a)
compileTypeRep (Core.IVarType a) _ = IVarType $ compileTypeRep a $ defaultSize a
compileTypeRep (FunType _ b) (_, sz) = compileTypeRep b sz
compileTypeRep (FValType a) sz = IVarType $ compileTypeRep a sz
compileTypeRep typ _ = error $ "compileTypeRep: missing " ++ show typ
mkVar :: Type -> VarId -> Expression ()
mkVar t i = varToExpr $ mkNamedVar "v" t i
mkNamedVar :: String -> Type -> VarId -> Variable ()
mkNamedVar base t i = Variable t $ base ++ if i < 0 then "" else show i
mkNamedRef :: String -> Type -> VarId -> Variable ()
mkNamedRef base t i = Variable (Pointer t) $ base ++ if i < 0 then "" else show i
mkRef :: Type -> VarId -> Expression ()
mkRef t i = varToExpr $ mkNamedRef "v" t i
mkVariable :: Type -> VarId -> Variable ()
mkVariable = mkNamedVar "v"
mkPointer :: Type -> VarId -> Variable ()
mkPointer = mkNamedRef "v"
freshId :: CodeWriter VarId
freshId = do
s <- get
let v = fresh s
put (s {fresh = v + 1})
return v
freshVar :: String -> TypeRep a -> Core.Size a -> CodeWriter (Expression ())
freshVar base t sz = do
v <- varToExpr . mkNamedVar base (compileTypeRep t sz) <$> freshId
declare v
return v
freshAlias :: Expression () -> CodeWriter (Expression ())
freshAlias e = do i <- freshId
let vexp = varToExpr $ mkNamedVar "e" (typeof e) i
declareAlias vexp
return vexp
declare :: Expression () -> CodeWriter ()
declare (VarExpr v@(Variable{})) = tellDeclWith True [Declaration v Nothing]
declare expr = error $ "declare: cannot declare expression: " ++ show expr
declareAlias :: Expression () -> CodeWriter ()
declareAlias (VarExpr v@(Variable{})) = tellDeclWith False [Declaration v Nothing]
declareAlias expr = error $ "declareAlias: cannot declare expression: " ++ show expr
initialize :: Expression () -> Expression () -> CodeWriter ()
initialize (VarExpr v@(Variable{})) e = tellDeclWith True [Declaration v (Just e)]
initialize expr _ = error $ "initialize: cannot declare expression: " ++ show expr
tellDef :: [Entity ()] -> CodeWriter ()
tellDef es = tell $ mempty {def = es}
tellProg :: [Program ()] -> CodeWriter ()
tellProg [BlockProgram b@(Block [] _)] = tell $ mempty {block = b}
tellProg ps = tell $ mempty {block = toBlock $ Sequence ps}
tellDeclWith :: Bool -> [Declaration ()] -> CodeWriter ()
tellDeclWith free ds = do
rs <- ask
let frees | free = freeArrays ds ++ freeIVars ds
| otherwise = []
opts = backendOpts rs
defs = getTypes opts ds
code | varFloating $ platform opts = mempty {decl=ds, epilogue = frees, def = defs}
| otherwise = mempty {block = Block ds Empty,
epilogue = frees, def = defs}
tell code
encodeType :: Type -> String
encodeType = go
go VoidType = "void"
go BoolType = "bool"
go BitType = "bit"
go FloatType = "float"
go DoubleType = "double"
go (NumType s w) = map toLower (show s) ++ show w
go (ComplexType t) = "complex" ++ go t
go (Pointer t) = "ptr_" ++ go t
go (UserType t) = t
go (Alias _ s) = s
go (IVarType t) = go t
go (NativeArray _ t) = go t
go (StructType n _) = n
go (ArrayType l t) = intercalate "_" ["arr", go t, if isSingleton l
then show (upperBound l)
else "UD"
getTypes :: Options -> [Declaration ()] -> [Entity ()]
getTypes _ defs = concatMap mkDef comps
comps = filter isComposite' $ map (typeof . dVar) defs
isComposite' :: Type -> Bool
isComposite' (StructType {}) = True
isComposite' (Pointer t) = isComposite' t
isComposite' e = isArray e
mkDef (StructType n members)
= concatMap (mkDef . snd) members
++ [StructDef n (map (uncurry StructMember) members)]
mkDef (ArrayType _ typ) = mkDef typ
mkDef (Pointer typ) = mkDef typ
mkDef _ = []
assign :: Location -> Expression () -> CodeWriter ()
assign (Just tgt) src = tellProg [if tgt == src then Empty else copyProg (Just tgt) [src]]
assign _ _ = return ()
shallowAssign :: Location -> Expression () -> CodeWriter ()
shallowAssign (Just dst) src | dst /= src = tellProg [Assign dst src]
shallowAssign loc src = return ()
freshAliasInit :: Expression () -> CodeWriter (Expression ())
freshAliasInit e = do vexp <- freshAlias e
tellProg [Assign vexp e]
return vexp
shallowCopyWithRefSwap :: Expression () -> Expression () -> CodeWriter ()
shallowCopyWithRefSwap dst src
| dst /= src
= case filter (hasReference . snd) $ flattenStructs $ typeof dst of
[] -> tellProg [Assign dst src]
arrs -> do temps <- sequence [freshAliasInit $ accF dst | (accF,t) <- arrs]
tellProg [Assign dst src]
tellProg [Assign (accF src) tmp | (tmp, (accF,t)) <- zip temps arrs]
| otherwise = return ()
shallowCopyReferences :: Expression () -> Expression () -> CodeWriter ()
shallowCopyReferences dst src = tellProg [Assign (accF dst) (accF src) | (accF, t) <- flattenStructs $ typeof dst, hasReference t]
mkDoubleBufferState :: Expression () -> VarId -> CodeWriter (Expression (), Expression ())
mkDoubleBufferState loc stvar
= do stvar1 <- if isVarExpr loc || containsNativeArray (typeof loc)
then return loc
else do vexp <- freshAlias loc
shallowCopyReferences vexp loc
return vexp
stvar2 <- if isComposite $ typeof loc
then do let vexp2 = mkVar (typeof loc) stvar
declare vexp2
return vexp2
else return stvar1
return (stvar1,stvar2)
confiscateBlock :: CodeWriter a -> CodeWriter (a, Block ())
confiscateBlock m
= liftM (second block)
$ censor (\rec -> rec {block = mempty})
$ listen m
confiscateBigBlock :: CodeWriter a -> CodeWriter ((a, Writers), Block ())
confiscateBigBlock m
= liftM (\c -> (c, block $ snd c))
$ censor (\rec -> rec {block = mempty, decl = mempty, epilogue = mempty})
$ listen m
withAlias :: VarId -> Expression () -> CodeWriter a -> CodeWriter a
withAlias v0 expr =
local (\e -> e {alias = (v0,expr) : alias e})
isVariableOrLiteral :: ( Project (Core.Variable :|| Core.Type) dom
, Project (Core.Literal :|| Core.Type) dom)
=> AST (Decor info dom) a -> Bool
isVariableOrLiteral (prjF -> Just (C' (Core.Literal _))) = True
isVariableOrLiteral (prjF -> Just (C' (Core.Variable _))) = True
isVariableOrLiteral _ = False
mkLength :: ( Project (Core.Literal :|| Core.Type) dom
, Project (Core.Variable :|| Core.Type) dom
, Compile dom dom
=> ASTF (Decor Info dom) a -> TypeRep a -> Core.Size a -> CodeWriter (Expression ())
mkLength a t sz
| isVariableOrLiteral a = compileExpr a
| otherwise = do
lenvar <- freshVar "len" t sz
compileProg (Just lenvar) a
return lenvar
mkBranch :: (Compile dom dom)
=> Location -> ASTF (Decor Info dom) Bool -> ASTF (Decor Info dom) a -> Maybe (ASTF (Decor Info dom) a) -> CodeWriter ()
mkBranch loc c th el = do
ce <- compileExpr c
(_, tb) <- confiscateBlock $ compileProg loc th
(_, eb) <- if isJust el then confiscateBlock $ compileProg loc (fromJust el) else return (undefined, toBlock Empty)
tellProg [Switch ce [(Pat (litB True), tb), (Pat (litB False), eb)]]
isComposite :: Type -> Bool
isComposite ArrayType{} = True
isComposite NativeArray{} = True
isComposite StructType{} = True
isComposite _ = False