{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module System.AbstractFilePath.Types ( module System.AbstractFilePath.Types , unWFP , unPFP , unWW , unPW , WindowsString(WS) , PosixString(PS) , WindowsChar(WW) , PosixChar(PW) ) where import System.OsString.Internal.Types -- | Filepaths are UTF16 data on windows as passed to syscalls. type WindowsFilePath = WindowsString -- | Filepaths are @char[]@ data on unix as passed to syscalls. type PosixFilePath = PosixString #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__) type PlatformFilePath = WindowsFilePath #else type PlatformFilePath = PosixFilePath #endif -- | Type representing filenames\/pathnames. -- -- This type doesn't add any guarantees over 'OsString'. type AbstractFilePath = OsString