{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Finite numbers.
-- This module is designed to be imported qualified.
module Data.Fin (
    Fin (..),
    -- * Showing
    -- * Conversions
    -- * Interesting
    -- * Aliases
    zeroth, first,
    ) where

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Data.Hashable   (Hashable (..))
import Data.Proxy      (Proxy (..))
import Data.Typeable   (Typeable)
import GHC.Exception   (ArithException (..), throw)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)

import qualified Data.Type.Nat as N

-- | Finite Numbers up to 'n'.
data Fin (n :: N.Nat) where
    Z :: Fin ('N.S n)
    S :: Fin n -> Fin ('N.S n)
  deriving (Typeable)

-- Instances

deriving instance Eq (Fin n)
deriving instance Ord (Fin n)

-- | 'Fin' is printed as 'Natural'.
-- To see explicit structure, use 'explicitShow' or 'explicitShowsPrec'
instance Show (Fin n) where
    showsPrec d  = showsPrec d . toNatural

-- | Operations module @n@.
-- >>> map fromInteger [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -5] :: [Fin N.Three]
-- [0,1,2,0,1,1]
-- >>> fromInteger 42 :: Fin N.Zero
-- *** Exception: divide by zero
-- ...
-- >>> signum (Z :: Fin N.One)
-- *** Exception: signum @(Fin n): not implemented
-- ...
-- >>> 2 + 3 :: Fin N.Four
-- 1
-- >>> 2 * 3 :: Fin N.Four
-- 2
instance N.SNatI n => Num (Fin n) where
    abs = id
    signum = error "signum @(Fin n): not implemented"

    fromInteger = unsafeFromNum . (`mod` (N.reflectToNum (Proxy :: Proxy n)))

    n + m = fromInteger (toInteger n + toInteger m)
    n * m = fromInteger (toInteger n * toInteger m)
    n - m = fromInteger (toInteger n - toInteger m)

    negate = fromInteger . negate . toInteger

instance N.SNatI n => Real (Fin n) where
    toRational = cata 0 succ

-- | 'quot' works only on @'Fin' n@ where @n@ is prime.
instance N.SNatI n => Integral (Fin n) where
    toInteger = cata 0 succ

    quotRem a b = (quot a b, 0)
    quot a b = a * inverse b

-- | Multiplicative inverse.
-- Works for @'Fin' n@ where @n@ is coprime with an argument, i.e. in general when @n@ is prime.
-- >>> map inverse universe :: [Fin N.Five]
-- [0,1,3,2,4]
-- >>> zipWith (*) universe (map inverse universe) :: [Fin N.Five]
-- [0,1,1,1,1]
-- Adaptation of [pseudo-code in Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Euclidean_algorithm#Modular_integers)
inverse :: forall n. N.SNatI n => Fin n -> Fin n
inverse = fromInteger . iter 0 n 1 . toInteger where
    n = N.reflectToNum (Proxy :: Proxy n)

    iter t _ _  0
        | t < 0     = t + n
        | otherwise = t
    iter t r t' r' =
        let q = r `div` r'
        in iter t' r' (t - q * t') (r - q * r')

instance N.SNatI n => Enum (Fin n) where
    fromEnum = go where
        go :: Fin m -> Int
        go Z     = 0
        go (S n) = succ (go n)

    toEnum = unsafeFromNum

instance (n ~ 'N.S m, N.SNatI m) => Bounded (Fin n) where
    minBound = Z
    maxBound = getMaxBound $ N.induction
        (MaxBound Z)
        (MaxBound . S . getMaxBound)

newtype MaxBound n = MaxBound { getMaxBound :: Fin ('N.S n) }

instance NFData (Fin n) where
    rnf Z     = ()
    rnf (S n) = rnf n

instance Hashable (Fin n) where
    hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . cata (0 :: Integer) succ

-- Showing

-- | 'show' displaying a structure of 'Fin'.
-- >>> explicitShow (0 :: Fin N.One)
-- "Z"
-- >>> explicitShow (2 :: Fin N.Three)
-- "S (S Z)"
explicitShow :: Fin n -> String
explicitShow n = explicitShowsPrec 0 n ""

-- | 'showsPrec' displaying a structure of 'Fin'.
explicitShowsPrec :: Int -> Fin n -> ShowS
explicitShowsPrec _ Z     = showString "Z"
explicitShowsPrec d (S n) = showParen (d > 10)
    $ showString "S "
    . explicitShowsPrec 11 n

-- Conversions

-- | Fold 'Fin'.
cata :: forall a n. a -> (a -> a) -> Fin n -> a
cata z f = go where
    go :: Fin m -> a
    go Z = z
    go (S n) = f (go n)

-- | Convert to 'Nat'.
toNat :: Fin n -> N.Nat
toNat = cata N.Z N.S

-- | Convert from 'Nat'.
-- >>> fromNat N.one :: Maybe (Fin N.Two)
-- Just 1
-- >>> fromNat N.one :: Maybe (Fin N.One)
-- Nothing
fromNat :: N.SNatI n => N.Nat -> Maybe (Fin n)
fromNat = appNatToFin (N.induction start step) where
    start :: NatToFin 'N.Z
    start = NatToFin $ const Nothing

    step :: NatToFin n -> NatToFin ('N.S n)
    step (NatToFin f) = NatToFin $ \n -> case n of
        N.Z   -> Just Z
        N.S m -> fmap S (f m)

newtype NatToFin n = NatToFin { appNatToFin :: N.Nat -> Maybe (Fin n) }

-- | Convert to 'Natural'.
toNatural :: Fin n -> Natural
toNatural = cata 0 succ

-- | Convert from any 'Ord' 'Num'.
unsafeFromNum :: forall n i. (Num i, Ord i, N.SNatI n) => i -> Fin n
unsafeFromNum = appUnsafeFromNum (N.induction start step) where
    start :: UnsafeFromNum i 'N.Z
    start = UnsafeFromNum $ \n -> case compare n 0 of
        LT -> throw Underflow
        EQ -> throw Overflow
        GT -> throw Overflow

    step :: UnsafeFromNum i m -> UnsafeFromNum i ('N.S m)
    step (UnsafeFromNum f) = UnsafeFromNum $ \n -> case compare n 0 of
        EQ -> Z
        GT -> S (f (n - 1))
        LT -> throw Underflow

newtype UnsafeFromNum i n = UnsafeFromNum { appUnsafeFromNum :: i -> Fin n }

-- "Interesting" stuff

-- | All values. @[minBound .. maxBound]@ won't work for @'Fin' 'N.Zero'@.
-- >>> universe :: [Fin N.Three]
-- [0,1,2]
universe :: N.SNatI n => [Fin n]
universe = getUniverse $ N.induction (Universe []) step where
    step :: Universe n -> Universe ('N.S n)
    step (Universe xs) = Universe (Z : map S xs)

-- |.SNatI  'universe' which will be fully inlined, if @n@ is known at compile time.
-- >>> inlineUniverse :: [Fin N.Three]
-- [0,1,2]
inlineUniverse :: N.InlineInduction n => [Fin n]
inlineUniverse = getUniverse $ N.inlineInduction (Universe []) step where
    step :: Universe n -> Universe ('N.S n)
    step (Universe xs) = Universe (Z : map S xs)

newtype Universe n = Universe { getUniverse :: [Fin n] }

-- | @'Fin' 'N.Zero'@ is inhabited.
absurd :: Fin N.Zero -> b
absurd n = case n of {}

-- | Counting to one is boring.
-- >>> boring
-- 0
boring :: Fin N.One
boring = Z

import Data.Boring (Boring (..), Absurd (..))

instance z ~ N.Zero => Absurd (Fin z) where
    absurd n = case n of {}

instance one ~ N.One => Boring (Fin z) where
    boring = Z

-- Aliases

zeroth :: Fin ('N.S n)
zeroth = Z

first :: Fin ('N.S ('N.S n))
first = S Z

