finite-fields: Arithmetic in finite fields

[ bsd3, library, math ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

Implementation of arithmetic in finite fields (prime fields and fields of prime power order). Finite fields are ubiquitous in algebraic geometry, number theory and cryptography. For now the focus is on relatively small fields, but algorithms for big fields (required in cryptography) may be added later.


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Versions [RSS] 0.1, 0.2,
Dependencies base (>=4 && <5), containers (>=0.5 && <1), random (>=1.1 && <2), vector (>=0.12 && <1) [details]
Tested with ghc ==8.6.5, ghc ==9.0.2
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Balazs Komuves
Author Balazs Komuves
Maintainer bkomuves (plus) hackage (at) gmail (dot) com
Category Math
Home page
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by BalazsKomuves at 2023-11-08T09:48:27Z
Downloads 466 total (13 in the last 30 days)
Rating 2.0 (votes: 1) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2023-11-08 [all 1 reports]