{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{- |
    Module      :  Data.FixFile.Fixed
    Copyright   :  (C) 2016 Rev. Johnny Healey
    License     :  LGPL-3
    Maintainer  :  Rev. Johnny Healey <rev.null@gmail.com>
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  unknown

    This is a data type that can be used with a 'FixFile' to store a set of
    'Ordered' items as an unbalanced binary tree. This file is not recommended
    for use, but exists for educational purposes. It has a simple
    implementation that is easier to read than some of the more advanced
    balanced data types.
module Data.FixFile.Fixed (
                           ) where

    'Fixed' is a typeclass for representing the fixed point of a 'Functor'.
    A well-behaved instance of 'Fixed' should not change the shape of the
    underlying 'Functor'.

    In other words, the following should always be true:
'outf' ('inf' x) == x
class Fixed g where
    inf :: f (g f) -> g f
    outf :: g f -> f (g f)

    'Fix' is a type for creating an in-memory representation of the fixed
    point of a 'Functor'.

newtype Fix f = InF { outF :: f (Fix f) }

instance Fixed Fix where
    inf = InF
    {-# INLINE inf #-}
    outf = outF
    {-# INLINE outf #-}

    'AnaAlg' is an anamorpism F-Algebra.
type AnaAlg f a = a -> f a

    'ana' applies an AnaAlg over an argument to produce a fixed-point
    of a Functor.
ana :: (Functor f, Fixed g) => AnaAlg f a -> a -> g f
ana f = inf . fmap (ana f) . f

    'CataAlg' is a catamorphism F-Algebra.
type CataAlg f a = f a -> a

    'cata' applies a 'CataAlg' over a fixed point of a 'Functor'.
cata :: (Functor f, Fixed g) => CataAlg f a -> g f -> a
cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . outf

    'ParaAlg' is a paramorphism F-Algebra.
type ParaAlg g f a = f (g f, a) -> a

    'para' applies a 'ParaAlg' over a fixed point of a 'Functor'.
para :: (Functor f, Fixed g) => ParaAlg g f a -> g f -> a
para f = f . fmap para' . outf where
    para' x = (x, para f x)

    'iso' maps from a fixed point of a 'Functor' to a different fixed
    point of the same 'Functor'. For any two well-behaved instances of
    'Fixed', the shape of the 'Functor' should remain unchanged.
iso :: (Functor f, Fixed g, Fixed h) => g f -> h f
iso = cata inf

    'FixedAlg' is a typeclass for describing the relationship between a
    'Functor' that is used with a 'Fixed' combinator and an algebraic datatype
    in that 'Functor' other than the one used for fixed-point recursion.
class FixedAlg (f :: * -> *) where
    type Alg f :: *

    'FixedSub' is a typeclass for describing the relationship between a
    'FixedAlg' 'Functor' @f@ and that same 'Functor' with @Alg f@ switched
    from @v@ to @v'@.
class FixedAlg f => FixedSub f where
    type Sub f v v' :: * -> *

    'FixedFunctor' is a typeclass for describing mapping behavior for datatypes
    used with 'Fixed' combinators.
class FixedSub f => FixedFunctor f where
    -- | Map over a 'Fixed' recursive 'FixedSub' @f@.
    fmapF :: (Fixed g, Fixed g', a ~ Alg f) =>
        (a -> b) -> g f -> g' (Sub f a b)

-- | 'fmapF', but using a single instance of 'Fixed'.
fmapF' :: (FixedFunctor f, Fixed g, a ~ Alg f) =>
    (a -> b) -> g f -> g (Sub f a b)
fmapF' = fmapF

    'FixedFoldable' is a typeclass for describing folds over datatypes with
    'Fixed' combinators.
class FixedAlg f => FixedFoldable f where
    -- | Fold over a 'Fixed' recursive 'FixedAlg' @f@.
    foldMapF :: (Fixed g, Monoid m, a ~ Alg f) => (a -> m) -> g f -> m

    'FixedTraversable' is a typeclass for describing traversals over datatypes
    with 'Fixed' combinators.
class FixedSub f => FixedTraversable f where
    -- | Traverse over a 'Fixed' recursive 'FixedSub' @f@ in the 'Applicative'
    -- @h@.
    traverseF :: (Fixed g, Fixed g', Applicative h, a ~ Alg f) =>
        (a -> h b) -> g f -> h (g' (Sub f a b))

-- | 'traverseF', but using a single instance of 'Fixed'.
traverseF' :: (FixedTraversable f, Fixed g, Applicative h, a ~ Alg f) =>
    (a -> h b) -> g f -> h (g (Sub f a b))
traverseF' = traverseF