module Data.FixFile (
) where
import Prelude hiding (sequence, mapM, lookup)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens hiding (iso, para)
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS as RWS
import Data.Binary
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Hashable
import Data.HashTable.IO
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import GHC.Generics
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.FixFile.Fixed
type HashTable k v = CuckooHashTable k v
data Cache f = Cache Int (HashTable (Ptr f) (f (Ptr f)))
(HashTable (Ptr f) (f (Ptr f)))
deriving (Typeable)
type Caches = M.Map TypeRep Dynamic
createCache :: IO (Cache f)
createCache = Cache 0 <$> new <*> new
cacheInsert :: Ptr f -> f (Ptr f) -> Cache f -> IO (Cache f)
cacheInsert p f (Cache i oc nc) =
if i >= 50
then new >>= cacheInsert p f . Cache 0 nc
else do
insert nc p f
return (Cache (i + 1) oc nc)
cacheLookup :: Ptr f -> Cache f -> IO (Cache f, Maybe (f (Ptr f)))
cacheLookup p c@(Cache _ oc nc) = do
nval <- lookup nc p
val <- maybe (lookup oc p) (return . Just) nval
case (nval, val) of
(Nothing, Just v) -> do
c' <- cacheInsert p v c
return (c', val)
_ -> return (c, val)
getCachedOrStored :: Typeable f => Ptr f -> IO (f (Ptr f)) -> MVar Caches ->
IO (f (Ptr f))
getCachedOrStored p m cs = do
mval <- withCache cs (cacheLookup p)
case mval of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> do
v <- m
withCache_ cs (cacheInsert p v)
return v
withCache :: Typeable c => MVar Caches -> (Cache c -> IO (Cache c, a)) -> IO a
withCache cs f = modifyMVar cs $ \cmap -> do
let mc = M.lookup mt cmap >>= fromDynamic
mt = typeOf $ fromJust mc
c <- maybe createCache return mc
(c', a) <- f c
return (M.insert mt (toDyn c') cmap, a)
withCache_ :: Typeable c => MVar Caches -> (Cache c -> IO (Cache c)) -> IO ()
withCache_ cs f = withCache cs $ \c -> f c >>= \c' -> return (c', ())
type Pos = Word64
data FFH = FFH (MVar Handle) (MVar Caches)
getRawBlock :: Binary a => Handle -> Pos -> IO a
getRawBlock h p = do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (fromIntegral p)
(sb :: Word32) <- decode <$> (BSL.hGet h 4)
decode <$> BSL.hGet h (fromIntegral sb)
getBlock :: (Typeable f, Binary (f (Ptr f))) => Ptr f -> FFH -> IO (f (Ptr f))
getBlock p@(Ptr pos) (FFH mh mc) = getCachedOrStored p readFromFile mc where
readFromFile = withMVar mh $ flip getRawBlock pos
putRawBlock' :: Binary a => a -> Handle -> IO Pos
putRawBlock' a h = do
hSeek h SeekFromEnd 0
p <- fromIntegral <$> hTell h
let enc = encode a
len = fromIntegral $ BSL.length enc
len' = encode (len :: Word32)
enc' = mappend len' enc
BSL.hPut h enc'
return p
putRawBlock :: Binary a => a -> FFH -> IO Pos
putRawBlock a (FFH mh _) = withMVar mh $ putRawBlock' a
putBlock :: (Typeable f, Binary (f (Ptr f))) => (f (Ptr f)) -> FFH ->
IO (Ptr f)
putBlock a h@(FFH _ mc) = putRawBlock a h >>= cacheBlock . Ptr where
cacheBlock p = do
withCache_ mc (cacheInsert p a)
return p
data Stored s f =
Memory (f (Stored s f))
| Cached !(Ptr f) (f (Stored s f))
instance Fixed (Stored s) where
inf = Memory
outf (Memory a) = a
outf (Cached _ a) = a
sync :: (Traversable f, Binary (f (Ptr f)), Typeable f) =>
FFH -> Stored s f -> IO (Ptr f)
sync h = commit where
commit (Memory r) = do
r' <- mapM commit r
putBlock r' h
commit (Cached p _) = return p
newtype Ptr (f :: * -> *) = Ptr Pos
deriving (Generic, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
instance Binary (Ptr f)
instance Hashable (Ptr f) where
hashWithSalt x (Ptr y) = hashWithSalt x y
type Fixable f = (Traversable f, Binary (f (Ptr f)), Typeable f)
class FixTraverse (t :: ((* -> *) -> *) -> *) where
sequenceAFix :: Applicative f =>
(forall g. Fixable g => a g -> f (b g)) -> t a -> f (t b)
type Root r = (FixTraverse r, Binary (r Ptr))
readRoot :: Root r => r Ptr -> Transaction r' s (r (Stored s))
readRoot = sequenceAFix readPtr where
readPtr p = withHandle $ flip readStoredLazy p
writeRoot :: Root r => r (Stored s) -> Transaction r' s (r Ptr)
writeRoot = sequenceAFix writeStored where
writeStored s = withHandle $ flip sync s
rootIso :: (Root r, Fixed g, Fixed h) => r g -> r h
rootIso = runIdentity . sequenceAFix (Identity . iso)
data Ref (f :: * -> *) (g :: (* -> *) -> *) = Ref { deRef :: g f }
deriving (Generic)
instance Binary (Ref f Ptr)
instance Fixable f => FixTraverse (Ref f) where
sequenceAFix isoT (Ref a) = Ref <$> isoT a
ref :: Lens' (Ref f g) (g f)
ref = lens (\(Ref a) -> a) (\_ b -> Ref b)
newtype Transaction r s a = Transaction {
runRT :: RWS.RWST FFH (Last (r Ptr)) (r (Stored s)) IO a
instance Functor (Transaction f s) where
fmap f (Transaction t) = Transaction $ fmap f t
instance Applicative (Transaction f s) where
pure = Transaction . pure
Transaction a <*> Transaction b = Transaction $ a <*> b
instance Monad (Transaction f s) where
return = pure
Transaction t >>= f = Transaction $ RWS.RWST $ \ffh root -> do
(a, root', w) <- RWS.runRWST t ffh root
(a', root'', w') <- RWS.runRWST (runRT $ f a) ffh root'
return (a', root'', w `mappend` w')
instance RWS.MonadState (r (Stored s)) (Transaction r s) where
get = Transaction $ RWS.get
put = Transaction . RWS.put
state = Transaction . RWS.state
subTransaction :: Lens' (r (Stored s)) (r' (Stored s)) -> Transaction r' s a ->
Transaction r s a
subTransaction l st = Transaction $ RWS.RWST $ \ffh root -> do
(a, r, _) <- RWS.runRWST (runRT st) ffh (root^.l)
return (a, set l r root, mempty)
withHandle :: (FFH -> IO a) -> Transaction r s a
withHandle f = Transaction $ RWS.ask >>= liftIO . f
readStoredLazy :: (Traversable f, Binary (f (Ptr f)), Typeable f) =>
FFH -> Ptr f -> IO (Stored s f)
readStoredLazy h p = do
f <- getBlock p h
let fcons = Cached p
fcons <$> mapM (unsafeInterleaveIO . readStoredLazy h) f
alterT :: (tr ~ Transaction (Ref f) s, Traversable f, Binary (f (Ptr f))) =>
(Stored s f -> Stored s f) -> tr ()
alterT f = ref %= f
lookupT :: (tr ~ Transaction (Ref f) s, Traversable f, Binary (f (Ptr f))) =>
(Stored s f -> a) -> tr a
lookupT f = f <$> use ref
data FixFile r = FixFile FilePath (MVar (FFH, r Ptr)) (MVar ())
fixFilePath :: FixFile r -> FilePath
fixFilePath (FixFile p _ _) = p
acquireWriteLock :: FixFile f -> IO ()
acquireWriteLock (FixFile _ _ wl) = do
void $ takeMVar wl
releaseWriteLock :: FixFile f -> IO ()
releaseWriteLock (FixFile _ _ wl) = do
putMVar wl ()
withWriteLock :: FixFile f -> IO a -> IO a
withWriteLock ff f = do
acquireWriteLock ff
f `finally` releaseWriteLock ff
readHeader :: FFH -> IO (Pos)
readHeader (FFH mh _) = withMVar mh $ \h -> do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
decode <$> BSL.hGet h 8
updateHeader :: Pos -> Transaction r s ()
updateHeader p = do
withHandle $ \(FFH mh _) ->
withMVar mh $ \h -> do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
BSL.hPut h (encode p)
hFlush h
createFixFile :: Root r => r Fix -> FilePath -> IO (FixFile r)
createFixFile initial path =
openBinaryFile path ReadWriteMode >>= createFixFileHandle initial path
createFixFileHandle :: Root r =>
r Fix -> FilePath -> Handle -> IO (FixFile r)
createFixFileHandle initial path h = do
ffh <- FFH <$> newMVar h <*> newMVar M.empty
BSL.hPut h (encode (0 :: Pos))
let t = runRT $ do
dr <- writeRoot $ rootIso initial
(withHandle $ putRawBlock dr) >>= updateHeader
Transaction . RWS.tell . Last . Just $ dr
(_,_,root') <- RWS.runRWST t ffh undefined
let Just root = getLast root'
ffhmv <- newMVar (ffh, root)
FixFile path ffhmv <$> newMVar ()
openFixFile :: Binary (r Ptr) => FilePath -> IO (FixFile r)
openFixFile path =
openBinaryFile path ReadWriteMode >>= openFixFileHandle path
openFixFileHandle :: Binary (r Ptr) => FilePath -> Handle ->
IO (FixFile r)
openFixFileHandle path h = do
ffh <- FFH <$> newMVar h <*> newMVar M.empty
root <- readHeader ffh >>= getRawBlock h
ffhmv <- newMVar (ffh, root)
FixFile path ffhmv <$> newMVar ()
closeFixFile :: FixFile r -> IO ()
closeFixFile (FixFile path tmv _) = do
(FFH mh _, _) <- takeMVar tmv
h <- takeMVar mh
hClose h
putMVar mh $ error (path ++ " is closed.")
putMVar tmv $ error (path ++ " is closed.")
readTransaction :: Root r => FixFile r ->
(forall s. Transaction r s a) -> IO a
readTransaction (FixFile _ ffhmv _) t = do
(ffh, root) <- readMVar ffhmv
let t' = readRoot root >>= RWS.put >> t
(a, _) <- RWS.evalRWST (runRT t') ffh undefined
return a
writeTransaction :: Root r =>
FixFile r -> (forall s. Transaction r s a)
-> IO a
writeTransaction ff@(FixFile _ ffhmv _) t = res where
res = withWriteLock ff runTransaction
runTransaction = do
(ffh, root) <- readMVar ffhmv
let t' = readRoot root >>= RWS.put >> t >>= save
save a = do
dr <- RWS.get >>= writeRoot
(withHandle $ putRawBlock dr) >>= updateHeader
Transaction . RWS.tell . Last . Just $ dr
return a
(a, root') <- RWS.evalRWST (runRT t') ffh undefined
case getLast root' of
Nothing -> return ()
Just root'' -> do
void $ swapMVar ffhmv (ffh, root'')
return a
writeExceptTransaction :: Root r =>
FixFile r -> (forall s. ExceptT e (Transaction r s) a)
-> IO (Either e a)
writeExceptTransaction ff@(FixFile _ ffhmv _) t = res where
res = withWriteLock ff runTransaction
runTransaction = do
(ffh, root) <- readMVar ffhmv
let t' = readRoot root >>= RWS.put >> runExceptT t >>= save
save l@(Left _) = return l
save r@(Right _) = do
dr <- RWS.get >>= writeRoot
(withHandle $ putRawBlock dr) >>= updateHeader
Transaction . RWS.tell . Last . Just $ dr
return r
(a, root') <- RWS.evalRWST (runRT t') ffh undefined
case (a, getLast root') of
(Right _, Just root'') -> do
void $ swapMVar ffhmv (ffh, root'')
_ -> return ()
return a
getRoot :: Root r => Transaction r s (r Fix)
getRoot = rootIso <$> RWS.get
getFull :: Functor f => Transaction (Ref f) s (Fix f)
getFull = uses ref iso
cloneH :: Root r => FixFile r -> Handle -> IO ()
cloneH (FixFile _ mv _) dh = runClone where
runClone = do
mv'@(ffh, root) <- takeMVar mv
BSL.hPut dh (encode (Ptr 0))
root' <- sequenceAFix (copyPtr ffh dh) root
r' <- putRawBlock' root' dh
hSeek dh AbsoluteSeek 0
BSL.hPut dh (encode r')
putMVar mv mv'
copyPtr ffh h = hyloM (flip getBlock ffh) ((Ptr <$>) . flip putRawBlock' h)
clone :: Root r => FilePath -> FixFile r -> IO ()
clone fp ff = openBinaryFile fp ReadWriteMode >>= cloneH ff
vacuum :: Root r => FixFile r -> IO ()
vacuum ff@(FixFile path mv _) = withWriteLock ff runVacuum where
runVacuum = do
(tp, th) <- openTempFile (takeDirectory path) ".ffile.tmp"
cloneH ff th
(FixFile _ newMV _) <- openFixFileHandle tp th
renameFile tp path
void $ takeMVar mv
readMVar newMV >>= putMVar mv