flexible-numeric-parsers: Flexible numeric parsers for real-world programming languages.

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This package provides parsers for integer, natural, and arbitrary-precision decimal numbers that are compatible with the syntaxes of a wide variety of programming languages.

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Dependencies base (>= && <5), parsers (>=0.12.10 && <0.13), scientific (>=0.3.6 && <0.4) [details]
Tested with ghc ==8.8.3
License MIT
Copyright 2020 Patrick Thomson
Author Patrick Thomson
Maintainer Patrick Thomson <patrickt@github.com>
Category Parsing
Home page https://github.com/patrickt/flexible-numeric-parsers
Bug tracker https://github.com/patrickt/flexible-numeric-parsers/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/patrickt/flexible-numeric-parsers.git
Uploaded by patrick_thomson at 2021-08-26T14:34:52Z
Distributions NixOS:
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Readme for flexible-numeric-parsers-

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GitHub CI Hackage MIT license

Flexible numeric parsers for real-world programming languages. These parsers accept values such as 100_000_000, 0B1_1, and 0xa_bcd_ef0.

This code was extracted from the Semantic project.

Currently missing support for complex numbers, suffixes indicating signedness/size (U and L and friends), and hexadecimal floats. If you need the former, file an issue; if you need the latter, then I sure want to know what your use case is.