{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Flight.Kml.Internal
-- * Internal Usage
-- $internal-use
-- ** Display of a fix
, showLngLatAlt
, showTimeAlt
-- ** Length and range
, fixesLength
, fixesSecondsRange
, fixesUTCTimeRange
-- ** Display of fixes
, showFixesLength
, showFixesSecondsRange
, showFixesUTCTimeRange
-- * Parsing
, formatFloat
, roundTripLatLngAlt
, parseTimeOffsets
, parseBaroMarks
, parseLngLatAlt
, parseUtcTime
) where
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Numeric (showFFloat)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, addUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Format (parseTimeM, defaultTimeLocale)
import Text.Parsec (string, parserZero)
import Text.Parsec.Token as P
import Text.Parsec.Char (spaces, digit, char)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
( GenParser
, (<?>)
, eof
, option
, sepBy
, count
, noneOf
, many
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P (parse)
import Text.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Text.Parsec.Prim (ParsecT, parsecMap)
import Flight.Types
( Latitude(..), Longitude(..), Altitude(..), Seconds(..)
, LLA(..), Fix(..)
, MarkedFixes(..)
, FixMark(..)
lexer :: GenTokenParser String u Identity
lexer = P.makeTokenParser emptyDef
pFloat:: ParsecT String u Identity Rational
pFloat = parsecMap toRational $ P.float lexer
pNat :: ParsecT String u Identity Integer
pNat = P.natural lexer
pNats :: GenParser Char st [Integer]
pNats = do
_ <- spaces
xs <- pNat `sepBy` spaces
_ <- eof
return xs
-- | Parses UTC time in the format yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ.
-- >>> parseUtcTime "2012-01-14T08:22:21Z"
-- Just 2012-01-14 08:22:21 UTC
parseUtcTime :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
parseUtcTime s =
case P.parse pUtcTimeZ "(stdin)" s of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right t -> Just t
pUtcTimeZ :: GenParser Char st UTCTime
pUtcTimeZ = do
ymd <- many $ noneOf "T"
_ <- char 'T'
hrs <- count 2 digit
_ <- char ':'
mins <- count 2 digit
_ <- char ':'
secs <- count 2 digit
zulu <- option "Z" (string "Z")
let s = mconcat [ymd, "T", hrs, ":", mins, ":", secs, zulu]
let t = parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale "%FT%TZ" s
case t of
Nothing -> parserZero
Just t' -> return t'
pFix :: GenParser Char st (Rational, Rational, Integer)
pFix = do
-- NOTE: KML coordinates have a space between tuples.
-- lon,lat[,alt]
-- SEE: https://developers.google.com/kml/documentation/kmlreference#linestring
lngSign <- option id $ const negate <$> char '-'
lng <- pFloat <?> "No longitude"
_ <- char ','
latSign <- option id $ const negate <$> char '-'
lat <- pFloat <?> "No latitude"
_ <- char ','
altSign <- option id $ const negate <$> char '-'
alt <- pNat <?> "No altitude"
return (latSign lat, lngSign lng, altSign alt)
pFixes :: GenParser Char st [ (Rational, Rational, Integer) ]
pFixes = do
_ <- spaces
xs <- pFix `sepBy` spaces <?> "No fixes"
_ <- eof
return xs
-- | Parse the list of time offsets.
-- >>> parseTimeOffsets "0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30"
-- [0s,2s,4s,6s,8s,10s,12s,14s,16s,18s,20s,22s,24s,26s,28s,30s]
parseTimeOffsets :: String -> [Seconds]
parseTimeOffsets s =
case P.parse pNats "(stdin)" s of
Left _ -> []
Right xs -> Seconds <$> xs
-- | Parse the list of barometric pressure altitudes.
-- >>> parseBaroMarks "239 240 240 239 239 239 239 239 239 240 239 240 239 239 240"
-- [239m,240m,240m,239m,239m,239m,239m,239m,239m,240m,239m,240m,239m,239m,240m]
parseBaroMarks :: String -> [Altitude]
parseBaroMarks s =
case P.parse pNats "(stdin)" s of
Left _ -> []
Right xs -> Altitude <$> xs
-- | Parse comma-separated triples of lng,lat,alt, each triple separated by
-- spaces.
-- >>> parseLngLatAlt "147.932050,-33.361600,237 147.932050,-33.361600,238"
-- [LLA {llaLat = -33.36160000°, llaLng = 147.93205000°, llaAltGps = 237m},LLA {llaLat = -33.36160000°, llaLng = 147.93205000°, llaAltGps = 238m}]
parseLngLatAlt :: String -> [LLA]
parseLngLatAlt s =
case P.parse pFixes "(stdin)" s of
Left _ -> []
Right xs ->
(\(lat, lng, alt) ->
(Latitude lat)
(Longitude lng)
(Altitude alt)) <$> xs
-- | Avoids __@"0."@__ because ...
-- @
-- > (read "0." :: Double)
-- Exception: Prelude.read: no parse
-- > (read "0.0" :: Double)
-- 0.0
-- @
-- >>> formatFloat "112.2334455"
-- "112.233446"
-- >>> formatFloat "0"
-- "0.000000"
-- >>> formatFloat "0."
-- "0.000000"
-- >>> formatFloat "0.0"
-- "0.000000"
formatFloat :: String -> String
formatFloat s =
case splitOn "." s of
[ a, "" ] -> showFFloat (Just 6) (read a :: Double) ""
_ -> showFFloat (Just 6) (read s :: Double) ""
-- | Shows relative time offset in seconds and altitude in metres.
-- >>> import Flight.Kml (mkPosition)
-- >>> let lla = mkPosition (Latitude (-33.65073300), Longitude 147.56036700, Altitude 214)
-- >>> showTimeAlt $ Fix (Seconds 0) lla Nothing
-- "(0s,214m)"
showTimeAlt :: Fix -> String
showTimeAlt Fix{fixMark, fix} =
"(" ++ show s ++ "s," ++ show a ++ "m)"
Seconds s = fixMark
LLA{llaAltGps} = fix
Altitude a = llaAltGps
-- | Shows lat,lng,alt.
-- >>> showLatLngAlt (Latitude (-33.65073300), Longitude 147.56036700, Altitude 214)
-- "-33.650733,147.560367,214"
showLatLngAlt :: (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) -> String
showLatLngAlt (Latitude lat, Longitude lng, Altitude alt) =
mconcat [ formatFloat $ show (fromRational lat :: Double)
, ","
, formatFloat $ show (fromRational lng :: Double)
, ","
, show alt
-- | Shows lng,lat,alt.
-- >>> showLngLatAlt (Latitude (-33.65073300), Longitude 147.56036700, Altitude 214)
-- "147.560367,-33.650733,214"
showLngLatAlt :: (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) -> String
showLngLatAlt (Latitude lat, Longitude lng, Altitude alt) =
mconcat [ formatFloat $ show (fromRational lng :: Double)
, ","
, formatFloat $ show (fromRational lat :: Double)
, ","
, show alt
-- | Round trip from rational to double and back to rational.
-- >>> roundTripLatLngAlt (Latitude (-33.65073300), Longitude 147.56036700, Altitude 214)
-- (-33.650733,147.560367,214m)
roundTripLatLngAlt :: (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude)
-> (Double, Double, Altitude)
roundTripLatLngAlt (Latitude lat, Longitude lng, alt) =
let lat' = read $ formatFloat $ show (fromRational lat :: Double)
lng' = read $ formatFloat $ show (fromRational lng :: Double)
in (lat', lng', alt)
-- | The number of fixes in the track log. There is a <#range fixesLength>
-- example in the usage section.
fixesLength :: MarkedFixes -> Int
fixesLength MarkedFixes{fixes} =
length fixes
-- | In the given list of fixes, the seconds offset of the first and last
-- elements. There is a <#range fixesSecondsRange> example in the usage
-- section.
fixesSecondsRange :: MarkedFixes -> Maybe (Seconds, Seconds)
fixesSecondsRange MarkedFixes{fixes} =
case (fixes, reverse fixes) of
([], _) -> Nothing
(_, []) -> Nothing
(x : _, y : _) -> Just (mark x, mark y)
-- | In the given list of fixes, the UTC time of the first and last elements.
-- There is a <#range fixesUTCTimeRange> example in the usage section.
fixesUTCTimeRange :: MarkedFixes -> Maybe (UTCTime, UTCTime)
fixesUTCTimeRange mf@MarkedFixes{mark0} =
rangeUTCTime mark0 <$> fixesSecondsRange mf
-- | Shows the number of elements in the list of fixes, in the tracklog. There
-- is a <#showfixes showFixesLength> example in the usage section.
showFixesLength :: MarkedFixes -> String
showFixesLength = show . fixesLength
-- | Shows the relative time range of the tracklog. There is a
-- <#showfixes showFixesSecondsRange> example in the usage section.
showFixesSecondsRange :: MarkedFixes -> String
showFixesSecondsRange mf =
maybe "[]" show (fixesSecondsRange mf)
-- | Shows the absolute time range of the tracklog. There is a
-- <#showfixes showFixesUTCTimeRange> example in the usage section.
showFixesUTCTimeRange :: MarkedFixes -> String
showFixesUTCTimeRange mf@MarkedFixes{mark0} =
maybe "" (show . rangeUTCTime mark0) (fixesSecondsRange mf)
-- | By providing the UTC time of the first fix, convert a relative time range
-- of offset seconds into a time absolute time range of UTC times.
rangeUTCTime :: UTCTime -> (Seconds, Seconds) -> (UTCTime, UTCTime)
rangeUTCTime mark0 (Seconds s0, Seconds s1) =
let f secs = fromInteger secs `addUTCTime` mark0 in (f s0, f s1)
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XTemplateHaskell
-- >>> :set -XNamedFieldPuns
-- >>> import Language.Haskell.TH
-- >>> import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift)
-- >>> import Flight.Kml
-- >>> import Flight.Kml.Internal (showLatLngAlt, showLngLatAlt, showTimeAlt)
-- :{
-- embedStr :: IO String -> ExpQ
-- embedStr readStr = lift =<< runIO readStr
-- :}
-- >>> kml = $(embedStr (readFile "./test-suite-doctest/Phil de Joux.20120114-082221.21437.40.kml"))
-- $internal-use
-- Working with the <Flight-Kml.html#kml KML tracklog dump> from the tracklog file "__@Phil de Joux.20120114-082221.21437.40.kml@__".
-- >>> Right mf@(MarkedFixes{mark0, fixes}) <- parse kml
-- >>> mark0
-- 2012-01-14 02:12:55 UTC
-- >>> length fixes
-- 6547
-- >>> head fixes
-- Fix {fixMark = 0s, fix = LLA {llaLat = -33.36160000°, llaLng = 147.93205000°, llaAltGps = 237m}, fixAltBaro = Just 239m}
-- >>> last fixes
-- Fix {fixMark = 13103s, fix = LLA {llaLat = -33.65073300°, llaLng = 147.56036700°, llaAltGps = 214m}, fixAltBaro = Just 238m}
-- #range#
-- The length and range of the tracklog.
-- >>> fixesLength mf
-- 6547
-- >>> fixesSecondsRange mf
-- Just (0s,13103s)
-- >>> fixesUTCTimeRange mf
-- Just (2012-01-14 02:12:55 UTC,2012-01-14 05:51:18 UTC)
-- #showfixes#
-- Showing the fixes in the tracklog.
-- >>> showFixesLength mf
-- "6547"
-- >>> showFixesSecondsRange mf
-- "(0s,13103s)"
-- >>> showFixesUTCTimeRange mf
-- "(2012-01-14 02:12:55 UTC,2012-01-14 05:51:18 UTC)"
-- Showing a single fix.
-- >>> let a = head fixes
-- >>> let z = last fixes
-- >>> let lla = (lat . fix $ a, lng . fix $ a, altGps . fix $ a)
-- >>> showLatLngAlt lla
-- "-33.361600,147.932050,237"
-- >>> showLngLatAlt lla
-- "147.932050,-33.361600,237"
-- >>> showTimeAlt a
-- "(0s,237m)"
-- >>> showTimeAlt z
-- "(13103s,214m)"