foo: Paper soccer, an OpenGL game.

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Foo (abbreviation from football) is a playing machine of Paper Soccer, a pencil and paper game for two players, described in WIKIPEDIA. Written in Haskell, contains also simply interface using HOpenGL library. Provides bunch of playing algorithms.

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Versions [RSS] 1.0
Dependencies base, containers, GLUT, haskell98, OpenGL [details]
License LicenseRef-GPL
Author Bartosz Wójcik
Maintainer none
Category Game
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Uploaded by DonaldStewart at 2008-08-16T19:53:10Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables foo
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Readme for foo-1.0

[back to package description]
1. The game has been described in WIKIPEDIA under 'Paper Soccer'. Please refer to there in order to learn rules.
Rules of this game can be completed by simply rule. Player who does the move that finishes because there is no further available move left, loses only half a point.
Size of the court can be defined almost without limits, but as first option size $8 \times 8$ has been chosen.

2. Install Foo

2.1 Install GHC
First install Haskell compiler. I've used GHC only. You can find it here: Follow installing instructions there. The newest installation contains required GLUT and OpenGL Libraries.

2.2 Compile sources
Download sources to separate directory and compile there using following command 
ghc --make -package GLUT PlayFoo.hs -O -fvia-C -cpp -o PlayFoo 
This works assuming you have direct acess to GHC compiler.