-- | Dataflow analysis to be applied once basic block analysis is complete.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, PatternGuards, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections, DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Language.Fortran.Analysis.DataFlow
  ( dominators, iDominators, DomMap, IDomMap
  , postOrder, revPostOrder, preOrder, revPreOrder, OrderF
  , dataFlowSolver, showDataFlow, InOut, InOutMap, InF, OutF
  , liveVariableAnalysis, reachingDefinitions
  , genUDMap, genDUMap, duMapToUdMap, UDMap, DUMap
  , genFlowsToGraph, FlowsGraph
  , genVarFlowsToMap, VarFlowsMap
  , genBlockMap, genDefMap, BlockMap, DefMap
  , genCallMap, CallMap
  , loopNodes, genBackEdgeMap, sccWith, BackEdgeMap
  , genLoopNodeMap, LoopNodeMap
  , genInductionVarMap, InductionVarMap
  , genInductionVarMapByASTBlock, InductionVarMapByASTBlock
  , noPredNodes, genDerivedInductionMap, DerivedInductionMap, InductionExpr(..)
) where

import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Data
import Data.Function
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Text.PrettyPrint.GenericPretty (pretty, Out)
import Language.Fortran.Parser.Utils
import Language.Fortran.Analysis
import Language.Fortran.Analysis.BBlocks
import Language.Fortran.AST
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as IM
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.Graph.Inductive hiding (trc, dom)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.BFS (bfen)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (foldl', foldl1', (\\), union, delete, nub, intersect)
import qualified Debug.Trace as D


-- | DomMap : node -> dominators of node
type DomMap = IM.IntMap IS.IntSet

-- | Compute dominators of each bblock in the graph. Node A dominates
-- node B when all paths from the start node of that program unit must
-- pass through node A in order to reach node B. That will be
-- represented as the relation (B, [A, ...]) in the DomMap.
dominators :: BBGr a -> DomMap
dominators gr = IM.map snd $ dataFlowSolver gr init revPostOrder inn out
    nodeSet   = IS.fromList $ nodes gr
    init n    = (nodeSet, nodeSet)

    inn outF n
      | preNodes@(_:_) <- pre gr n = foldl1' IS.intersection . map outF $ preNodes
      | otherwise                  = IS.empty

    out inF n                      = IS.insert n $ inF n

-- | IDomMap : node -> immediate dominator of node
type IDomMap = IM.IntMap Int

-- | Compute the immediate dominator of each bblock in the graph. The
-- immediate dominator is, in a sense, the 'closest' dominator of a
-- node. Given nodes A and B, you can say that node A is immediately
-- dominated by node B if there does not exist any node C such that:
-- node A dominates node C and node C dominates node B.
iDominators :: BBGr a -> IDomMap
iDominators gr = IM.unions [ IM.fromList . flip iDom n $ gr | n <- noPredNodes gr ]

-- | An OrderF is a function from graph to a specific ordering of nodes.
type OrderF a = BBGr a -> [Node]

-- | The postordering of a graph outputs the label after traversal of children.
postOrder :: OrderF a
postOrder gr = concatMap postorder . dff (noPredNodes gr) $ gr

-- | Reversed postordering.
revPostOrder :: OrderF a
revPostOrder = reverse . postOrder

-- | The preordering of a graph outputs the label before traversal of children.
preOrder :: OrderF a
preOrder gr = concatMap preorder . dff (noPredNodes gr) $ gr

-- | Reversed preordering.
revPreOrder :: OrderF a
revPreOrder = reverse . preOrder

-- | Compute the set of nodes with no predecessors.
noPredNodes :: Graph g => g a b -> [Node]
-- noPredNodes = flip ufold [] $ \ ctx ns -> if null (pre' ctx) then node' ctx : ns else ns -- doesn't work, though it should
noPredNodes gr = filter (null . pre gr) (nodes gr)


-- | InOut : (dataflow into the bblock, dataflow out of the bblock)
type InOut t    = (t, t)

-- | InOutMap : node -> (dataflow into node, dataflow out of node)
type InOutMap t = IM.IntMap (InOut t)

-- | InF, a function that returns the in-dataflow for a given node
type InF t      = Node -> t

-- | OutF, a function that returns the out-dataflow for a given node
type OutF t     = Node -> t

-- | Apply the iterative dataflow analysis method.
dataFlowSolver :: Ord t => BBGr a            -- ^ basic block graph
                        -> (Node -> InOut t) -- ^ initialisation for in and out dataflows
                        -> OrderF a          -- ^ ordering function
                        -> (OutF t -> InF t) -- ^ compute the in-flow given an out-flow function
                        -> (InF t -> OutF t) -- ^ compute the out-flow given an in-flow function
                        -> InOutMap t        -- ^ final dataflow for each node
dataFlowSolver gr initF order inF outF = converge (==) $ iterate step initM
    ordNodes = order gr
    initM    = IM.fromList [ (n, initF n) | n <- ordNodes ]
    step m   = IM.fromList [ (n, (inF (snd . get m) n, outF (fst . get m) n)) | n <- ordNodes ]
    get m n  = fromJustMsg ("dataFlowSolver: get " ++ show (n)) $ IM.lookup n m

-- | Apply the iterative dataflow analysis method.
dataFlowSolver' :: Ord t => BBGr a            -- ^ basic block graph
                        -> (Node -> InOut t) -- ^ initialisation for in and out dataflows
                        -> OrderF a          -- ^ ordering function
                        -> (OutF t -> InF t) -- ^ compute the in-flow given an out-flow function
                        -> (InF t -> OutF t) -- ^ compute the out-flow given an in-flow function
                        -> [InOutMap t]        -- ^ dataflow steps
dataFlowSolver' gr initF order inF outF = iterate step initM
    ordNodes = order gr
    initM    = IM.fromList [ (n, initF n) | n <- ordNodes ]
    step m   = IM.fromList [ (n, (inF (snd . get m) n, outF (fst . get m) n)) | n <- ordNodes ]
    get m n  = fromJustMsg ("dataFlowSolver': get " ++ show (n)) $ IM.lookup n m


-- | BlockMap : AST-block label -> AST-block
-- Each AST-block has been given a unique number label during analysis
-- of basic blocks. The purpose of this map is to provide the ability
-- to lookup AST-blocks by label.
type BlockMap a = IM.IntMap (Block (Analysis a))

-- | Build a BlockMap from the AST. This can only be performed after
-- analyseBasicBlocks has operated, created basic blocks, and labeled
-- all of the AST-blocks with unique numbers.
genBlockMap :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> BlockMap a
genBlockMap pf = IM.fromList [ (i, b) | gr         <- uni pf
                                      , (_, bs)    <- labNodes gr
                                      , b          <- bs
                                      , let Just i = insLabel (getAnnotation b) ]
    uni :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> [BBGr (Analysis a)]
    uni = universeBi

-- | DefMap : variable name -> { AST-block label }
type DefMap = M.Map Name IS.IntSet

-- | Build a DefMap from the BlockMap. This allows us to quickly look
-- up the AST-block labels that wrote into the given variable.
genDefMap :: Data a => BlockMap a -> DefMap
genDefMap bm = M.fromListWith IS.union [
                 (y, IS.singleton i) | (i, b) <- IM.toList bm, y <- allLhsVars b


-- | Dataflow analysis for live variables given basic block graph.
-- Muchnick, p. 445: A variable is "live" at a particular program
-- point if there is a path to the exit along which its value may be
-- used before it is redefined. It is "dead" if there is no such path.
liveVariableAnalysis :: Data a => BBGr (Analysis a) -> InOutMap (S.Set Name)
liveVariableAnalysis gr = dataFlowSolver gr (const (S.empty, S.empty)) revPreOrder inn out
    inn outF b = (outF b S.\\ kill b) `S.union` gen b
    out innF b = S.unions [ innF s | s <- suc gr b ]
    kill b     = bblockKill (fromJustMsg "liveVariableAnalysis kill" $ lab gr b)
    gen b      = bblockGen (fromJustMsg "liveVariableAnalysis gen" $ lab gr b)

-- | Iterate "KILL" set through a single basic block.
bblockKill :: Data a => [Block (Analysis a)] -> S.Set Name
bblockKill = S.fromList . concatMap blockKill

-- | Iterate "GEN" set through a single basic block.
bblockGen :: Data a => [Block (Analysis a)] -> S.Set Name
bblockGen bs = S.fromList . fst . foldl' f ([], []) $ zip (map blockGen bs) (map blockKill bs)
    f (bbgen, bbkill) (gen, kill) = ((gen \\ bbkill) `union` bbgen, kill `union` bbkill)

-- | Iterate "GEN" set through a single basic block.
-- attempt to make this faster using sets internally (no obvious speedup though)
bblockGenFast :: Data a => [Block (Analysis a)] -> S.Set Name
bblockGenFast bs = fst . foldl' f (S.empty, S.empty) $ zip (map (S.fromList . blockGen) bs) (map (S.fromList . blockKill) bs)
    f (bbgen, bbkill) (gen, kill) = ((gen S.\\ bbkill) `S.union` bbgen, kill `S.union` bbkill)

-- | "KILL" set for a single AST-block.
blockKill :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> [Name]
blockKill = blockVarDefs

-- | "GEN" set for a single AST-block.
blockGen :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> [Name]
blockGen = blockVarUses


-- Reaching Definitions
-- forward flow analysis (revPostOrder)

-- GEN b@( definition of anything ) = {b}
-- KILL b@( definition of y ) = DEFS y    -- technically, except b, but it won't matter
-- DEFS y = { all definitions of y }

-- Within a basic block
-- GEN [] = KILL [] = {}
-- GEN [b_1 .. b_{n+1}] = GEN b_{n+1} `union` (GEN [b_1 .. b_n] `difference` KILL b_{n+1})
-- KILL [b_1 .. b_{n+1}] = KILL b_{n+1} `union` (KILL [b_1 .. b_n] `difference` GEN b_{n+1})

-- Between basic blocks
-- REACHin bb = unions [ REACHout bb | bb <- pred bb ]
-- REACHout bb = GEN bb `union` (REACHin bb `difference` KILL bb)

-- | Reaching definitions dataflow analysis. Reaching definitions are
-- the set of variable-defining AST-block labels that may reach a
-- program point. Suppose AST-block with label A defines a variable
-- named v. Label A may reach another program point labeled P if there
-- is at least one program path from label A to label P that does not
-- redefine variable v.
reachingDefinitions :: Data a => DefMap -> BBGr (Analysis a) -> InOutMap IS.IntSet
reachingDefinitions dm gr = dataFlowSolver gr (const (IS.empty, IS.empty)) revPostOrder inn out
    inn outF b = IS.unions [ outF s | s <- pre gr b ]
    out innF b = gen `IS.union` (innF b IS.\\ kill)
      where (gen, kill) = rdBblockGenKill dm (fromJustMsg "reachingDefinitions" $ lab gr b)

-- Compute the "GEN" and "KILL" sets for a given basic block.
rdBblockGenKill :: Data a => DefMap -> [Block (Analysis a)] -> (IS.IntSet, IS.IntSet)
rdBblockGenKill dm bs = foldl' f (IS.empty, IS.empty) $ zip (map gen bs) (map kill bs)
    gen b | null (allLhsVars b) = IS.empty
          | otherwise           = IS.singleton . fromJustMsg "rdBblockGenKill" . insLabel . getAnnotation $ b
    kill = rdDefs dm
    f (bbgen, bbkill) (gen, kill) =
      ((bbgen IS.\\ kill) `IS.union` gen, (bbkill IS.\\ gen) `IS.union` kill)

-- Set of all AST-block labels that also define variables defined by AST-block b
rdDefs :: Data a => DefMap -> Block (Analysis a) -> IS.IntSet
rdDefs dm b = IS.unions [ IS.empty `fromMaybe` M.lookup y dm | y <- allLhsVars b ]


-- | DUMap : definition -> { use }
type DUMap = IM.IntMap IS.IntSet

-- | def-use map: map AST-block labels of defining AST-blocks to the
-- AST-blocks that may use the definition.
genDUMap :: Data a => BlockMap a -> DefMap -> BBGr (Analysis a) -> InOutMap IS.IntSet -> DUMap
genDUMap bm dm gr rdefs = IM.unionsWith IS.union duMaps
    -- duMaps for each bblock
    duMaps = [ fst (foldl' inBBlock (IM.empty, is) bs) |
               (n, (is, _)) <- IM.toList rdefs,
               let Just bs = lab gr n ]
    -- internal analysis within bblock; fold over list of AST-blocks
    inBBlock (duMap, inSet) b = (duMap', inSet')
        Just i = insLabel (getAnnotation b)
        bduMap = IM.fromListWith IS.union [ (i', IS.singleton i) | i' <- IS.toList inSet, overlap i' ]
        -- asks: does AST-block at label i' define anything used by AST-block b?
        overlap i' = not . null . intersect uses $ blockVarDefs b'
          where Just b' = IM.lookup i' bm
        uses   = blockVarUses b
        duMap' = IM.unionWith IS.union duMap bduMap
        gen b | null (allLhsVars b) = IS.empty
              | otherwise           = IS.singleton . fromJustMsg "genDUMap" . insLabel . getAnnotation $ b
        kill   = rdDefs dm
        inSet' = (inSet IS.\\ (kill b)) `IS.union` (gen b)

-- | UDMap : use -> { definition }
type UDMap = IM.IntMap IS.IntSet

-- | Invert the DUMap into a UDMap
duMapToUdMap :: DUMap -> UDMap
duMapToUdMap duMap = IM.fromListWith IS.union [
    (use, IS.singleton def) | (def, uses) <- IM.toList duMap, use <- IS.toList uses

-- | use-def map: map AST-block labels of variable-using AST-blocks to
-- the AST-blocks that define those variables.
genUDMap :: Data a => BlockMap a -> DefMap -> BBGr (Analysis a) -> InOutMap IS.IntSet -> UDMap
genUDMap bm dm gr = duMapToUdMap . genDUMap bm dm gr


-- | Convert a UD or DU Map into a graph.
mapToGraph :: DynGraph gr => IM.IntMap a -> IM.IntMap IS.IntSet -> gr a ()
mapToGraph bm m = buildGr $ [
    ([], i, l, jAdj) | (i, js)    <- IM.toList m
                     , let Just l = IM.lookup i bm
                     , let jAdj   = map ((),) $ IS.toList js
  ] ++ [
    (iAdj, j, l, []) | (i, js)    <- IM.toList m
                     , j          <- IS.toList js
                     , let Just l = IM.lookup j bm
                     , let iAdj   = [((), i)]

-- | FlowsGraph : nodes as AST-block (numbered by label), edges
-- showing which definitions contribute to which uses.
type FlowsGraph a = Gr (Block (Analysis a)) ()

-- | "Flows-To" analysis. Represent def-use map as a graph.
genFlowsToGraph :: Data a => BlockMap a
                          -> DefMap
                          -> BBGr (Analysis a)
                          -> InOutMap IS.IntSet -- ^ result of reaching definitions
                          -> FlowsGraph a
genFlowsToGraph bm dm gr = mapToGraph bm . genDUMap bm dm gr

-- | Represent "flows" between variables
type VarFlowsMap = M.Map Name (S.Set Name)

-- | Create a map (A -> Bs) where A "flows" or contributes towards the variables Bs.
genVarFlowsToMap :: Data a => DefMap -> FlowsGraph a -> VarFlowsMap
genVarFlowsToMap dm fg = M.fromListWith S.union [ (conv u, sconv v) | (u, v) <- edges fg ]
    sconv i | Just v  <- IM.lookup i revDM = S.singleton v
            | otherwise                    = S.empty
    conv i | Just v  <- IM.lookup i revDM = v
           | otherwise                    = error $ "genVarFlowsToMap: convert failed, i=" ++ show i
    -- planning to make revDM a surjection, after I flatten-out Fortran functions
    revDM = IM.fromListWith (curry fst) [ (i, v) | (v, is) <- M.toList dm, i <- IS.toList is ]

Finds the transitive closure of a directed graph.
Given a graph G=(V,E), its transitive closure is the graph:
G* = (V,E*) where E*={(i,j): i,j in V and there is a path from i to j in G}
tc :: (DynGraph gr) => gr a b -> gr a ()
tc g = newEdges `insEdges` insNodes ln empty
    ln       = labNodes g
    newEdges = [ toLEdge (u, v) () | (u, _) <- ln, (_, v) <- bfen (outU g u) g ]
    outU gr  = map toEdge . out gr


-- | BackEdgeMap : node -> node
type BackEdgeMap = IM.IntMap Node

-- | Find the edges that 'loop back' in the graph; ones where the
-- target node dominates the source node. If the backedges are viewed
-- as (m -> n) then n is considered the 'loop-header'
genBackEdgeMap :: Graph gr => DomMap -> gr a b -> BackEdgeMap
genBackEdgeMap domMap = IM.fromList . filter isBackEdge . edges
    isBackEdge (s, t) = t `IS.member` (fromJustMsg "genBackEdgeMap" $ s `IM.lookup` domMap)

-- | For each loop in the program, find out which bblock nodes are
-- part of the loop by looking through the backedges (m, n) where n is
-- considered the 'loop-header', delete n from the map, and then do a
-- reverse-depth-first traversal starting from m to find all the nodes
-- of interest. Intersect this with the strongly-connected component
-- containing m, in case of 'improper' graphs with weird control
-- transfers.
loopNodes :: Graph gr => BackEdgeMap -> gr a b -> [IS.IntSet]
loopNodes bedges gr = [
    IS.fromList (n:intersect (sccWith n gr) (rdfs [m] (delNode n gr))) | (m, n) <- IM.toList bedges

-- | LoopNodeMap : node -> { node }
type LoopNodeMap = IM.IntMap IS.IntSet

-- | Similar to loopNodes except it creates a map from loop-header to
-- the set of loop nodes, for each loop-header.
genLoopNodeMap :: Graph gr => BackEdgeMap -> gr a b -> LoopNodeMap
genLoopNodeMap bedges gr = IM.fromList [
    (n, IS.fromList (n:intersect (sccWith n gr) (rdfs [m] (delNode n gr)))) | (m, n) <- IM.toList bedges

-- | The strongly connected component containing a given node.
sccWith :: (Graph gr) => Node -> gr a b -> [Node]
sccWith n g = case filter (n `elem`) $ scc g of
  []  -> []
  c:_ -> c

-- | Map of loop header nodes to the induction variables within that loop.
type InductionVarMap = IM.IntMap (S.Set Name)

-- | Basic induction variables are induction variables that are the
-- most easily derived from the syntactic structure of the program:
-- for example, directly appearing in a Do-statement.
basicInductionVars :: Data a => BackEdgeMap -> BBGr (Analysis a) -> InductionVarMap
basicInductionVars bedges gr = IM.fromListWith S.union [
    (n, S.singleton v) | (_, n)      <- IM.toList bedges
                       , let Just bs = lab gr n
                       , b@(BlDo {}) <- bs
                       , v           <- blockVarDefs b

-- | For each loop in the program, figure out the names of the
-- induction variables: the variables that are used to represent the
-- current iteration of the loop.
genInductionVarMap :: Data a => BackEdgeMap -> BBGr (Analysis a) -> InductionVarMap
genInductionVarMap = basicInductionVars

-- | InductionVarMapByASTBlock : AST-block label -> { name }
type InductionVarMapByASTBlock = IM.IntMap (S.Set Name)

-- | Generate an induction variable map that is indexed by the labels
-- on AST-blocks within those loops.
genInductionVarMapByASTBlock :: forall a. Data a => BackEdgeMap -> BBGr (Analysis a) -> InductionVarMapByASTBlock
genInductionVarMapByASTBlock bedges gr = loopsToLabs . genInductionVarMap bedges $ gr
    lnMap       = genLoopNodeMap bedges gr
    get         = fromMaybe (error "missing loop-header node") . flip IM.lookup lnMap
    astLabels n = [ i | b <- (universeBi :: Maybe [Block (Analysis a)] -> [Block (Analysis a)]) (lab gr n)
                      , let Just i = insLabel (getAnnotation b) ]
    loopsToLabs         = IM.fromListWith S.union . concatMap loopToLabs . IM.toList
    loopToLabs (n, ivs) = (map (,ivs) . astLabels) =<< IS.toList (get n)

-- It's a 'lattice' but will leave it ungeneralised for the moment.
data InductionExpr
  = IETop                 -- not enough info
  | IELinear Name Int Int -- Basic induction var 'Name' * coefficient + offset
  | IEBottom              -- too difficult
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic, Data)

type DerivedInductionMap = IM.IntMap InductionExpr

data IEFlow = IEFlow { ieFlowVars :: M.Map Name InductionExpr, ieFlowExprs :: DerivedInductionMap }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic, Data)

ieFlowInsertVar v ie flow = flow { ieFlowVars = M.insert v ie (ieFlowVars flow) }
ieFlowInsertExpr i ie flow = flow { ieFlowExprs = IM.insert i ie (ieFlowExprs flow) }
emptyIEFlow = IEFlow M.empty IM.empty
joinIEFlows flows = IEFlow flowV flowE
    flowV = M.unionsWith joinInductionExprs (map ieFlowVars flows)
    flowE = IM.unionsWith joinInductionExprs (map ieFlowExprs flows)

-- | For every expression in a loop, try to derive its relationship to
-- a basic induction variable.
genDerivedInductionMap :: forall a. Data a => BackEdgeMap -> BBGr (Analysis a) -> DerivedInductionMap
genDerivedInductionMap bedges gr = ieFlowExprs . joinIEFlows . map snd . IM.elems . IM.filterWithKey inLoop $ inOutMaps
    bivMap = basicInductionVars bedges gr -- basic indvars indexed by loop header node
    loopNodeSet = IS.unions (loopNodes bedges gr) -- set of nodes within a loop
    inLoop i _ = i `IS.member` loopNodeSet

    step :: IEFlow -> Block (Analysis a) -> IEFlow
    step flow b = case b of
      BlStatement _ _ _ (StExpressionAssign _ _ lv@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _)) rhs)
        | rhsLabel <- insLabel (getAnnotation rhs)
        , flow''   <- ieFlowInsertVar (varName lv) (derivedInductionExpr flow' rhs) flow' -> stepExpr flow'' lv
      _ -> flow'
        flow' = foldl' stepExpr flow (universeBi b)

    stepExpr :: IEFlow -> Expression (Analysis a) -> IEFlow
    stepExpr flow e = ieFlowInsertExpr label ie flow
        ie = derivedInductionExpr flow e
        label = fromJustMsg "stepExpr" $ insLabel (getAnnotation e)

    out :: InF IEFlow -> OutF IEFlow
    out inF node = foldl' step flow (fromJustMsg ("analyseDerivedIE out(" ++ show node ++ ")") $ lab gr node)
        flow = joinIEFlows [fst (initF node), inF node]

    inn :: OutF IEFlow -> InF IEFlow
    inn outF node = joinIEFlows [ outF p | p <- pre gr node ]

    initF :: Node -> InOut IEFlow
    initF node = case IM.lookup node bivMap of
                   Just set -> (IEFlow (M.fromList [ (n, IELinear n 1 0) | n <- S.toList set ]) IM.empty, emptyIEFlow)
                   Nothing  -> (emptyIEFlow, emptyIEFlow)

    inOutMaps = dataFlowSolver gr initF revPostOrder inn out

-- Compute the relationship between the given expression and a basic
-- induction variable, if possible.
derivedInductionExpr :: Data a => IEFlow -> Expression (Analysis a) -> InductionExpr
derivedInductionExpr flow e = case e of
  v@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _))   -> fromMaybe IETop $ M.lookup (varName v) (ieFlowVars flow)
  ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger str)
    | Just i <- readInteger str      -> IELinear "" 0 (fromIntegral i)
  ExpBinary _ _ Addition e1 e2       -> derive e1 `addInductionExprs` derive e2
  ExpBinary _ _ Subtraction e1 e2    -> derive e1 `addInductionExprs` negInductionExpr (derive e2)
  ExpBinary _ _ Multiplication e1 e2 -> derive e1 `mulInductionExprs` derive e2
  _                                  -> IETop -- unsure
    derive = derivedInductionExpr flow

-- Combine two induction variable relationships through addition.
addInductionExprs :: InductionExpr -> InductionExpr -> InductionExpr
addInductionExprs (IELinear ln lc lo) (IELinear rn rc ro)
  | ln == rn                = IELinear ln (lc + rc) (lo + ro)
  | lc == 0                 = IELinear rn rc (lo + ro)
  | rc == 0                 = IELinear ln lc (lo + ro)
  | otherwise               = IEBottom -- maybe for future...
addInductionExprs ie1 IETop = IETop
addInductionExprs IETop ie2 = IETop
addInductionExprs _ _       = IEBottom

-- Negate an induction variable relationship.
negInductionExpr :: InductionExpr -> InductionExpr
negInductionExpr (IELinear n c o) = IELinear n (-c) (-o)
negInductionExpr IETop            = IETop
negInductionExpr _                = IEBottom

-- Combine two induction variable relationships through multiplication.
mulInductionExprs :: InductionExpr -> InductionExpr -> InductionExpr
mulInductionExprs (IELinear "" lc lo) (IELinear rn rc ro) = IELinear rn (rc * lo) (ro * lo)
mulInductionExprs (IELinear ln lc lo) (IELinear "" rc ro) = IELinear ln (lc * ro) (lo * ro)
mulInductionExprs _ IETop                                 = IETop
mulInductionExprs IETop _                                 = IETop
mulInductionExprs _ _                                     = IEBottom

-- Combine two induction variable relationships using lattice 'join'.
joinInductionExprs :: InductionExpr -> InductionExpr -> InductionExpr
joinInductionExprs ie1 IETop = ie1
joinInductionExprs IETop ie2 = ie2
joinInductionExprs ie1 ie2
  | ie1 == ie2               = ie1
  | otherwise                = IEBottom -- too difficult to combine


-- | Show some information about dataflow analyses.
showDataFlow :: (Data a, Out a, Show a) => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> String
showDataFlow pf = perPU =<< uni pf
    uni = (universeBi :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> [ProgramUnit (Analysis a)])
    perPU pu | Analysis { bBlocks = Just gr } <- getAnnotation pu =
      dashes ++ "\n" ++ p ++ "\n" ++ dashes ++ "\n" ++ dfStr gr ++ "\n\n"
      where p = "| Program Unit " ++ show (puName pu) ++ " |"
            dashes = replicate (length p) '-'
            dfStr gr = (\ (l, x) -> '\n':l ++ ": " ++ x) =<< [
                         ("callMap",      show cm)
                       , ("postOrder",    show (postOrder gr))
                       , ("revPostOrder", show (revPostOrder gr))
                       , ("revPreOrder",  show (revPreOrder gr))
                       , ("dominators",   show (dominators gr))
                       , ("iDominators",  show (iDominators gr))
                       , ("defMap",       show dm)
                       , ("lva",          show (IM.toList $ lva gr))
                       , ("rd",           show (IM.toList $ rd gr))
                       , ("backEdges",    show bedges)
                       , ("topsort",      show (topsort gr))
                       , ("scc ",         show (scc gr))
                       , ("loopNodes",    show (loopNodes bedges gr))
                       , ("duMap",        show (genDUMap bm dm gr (rd gr)))
                       , ("udMap",        show (genUDMap bm dm gr (rd gr)))
                       , ("flowsTo",      show (edges $ genFlowsToGraph bm dm gr (rd gr)))
                       , ("varFlowsTo",   show (genVarFlowsToMap dm (genFlowsToGraph bm dm gr (rd gr))))
                       , ("ivMap",        show (genInductionVarMap bedges gr))
                       , ("ivMapByAST",   show (genInductionVarMapByASTBlock bedges gr))
                       , ("noPredNodes",  show (noPredNodes gr))
                       ] where
                           bedges = genBackEdgeMap (dominators gr) gr
    perPU _ = ""
    lva = liveVariableAnalysis
    bm = genBlockMap pf
    dm = genDefMap bm
    rd = reachingDefinitions dm
    cm = genCallMap pf


-- | CallMap : program unit name -> { name of function or subroutine }
type CallMap = M.Map ProgramUnitName (S.Set Name)

-- | Create a call map showing the structure of the program.
genCallMap :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> CallMap
genCallMap pf = flip execState M.empty $ do
  let uP = (universeBi :: Data a => ProgramFile a -> [ProgramUnit a])
  forM_ (uP pf) $ \ pu -> do
    let n = puName pu
    let uS :: Data a => ProgramUnit a -> [Statement a]
        uS = universeBi
    let uE :: Data a => ProgramUnit a -> [Expression a]
        uE = universeBi
    m <- get
    let ns = [ varName v | StCall _ _ v@(ExpValue _ _ _) _          <- uS pu ] ++
             [ varName v | ExpFunctionCall _ _ v@(ExpValue _ _ _) _ <- uE pu ]
    put $ M.insert n (S.fromList ns) m


-- helper: iterate until predicate is satisfied.
converge :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
converge p (x:ys@(y:_))
  | p x y     = y
  | otherwise = converge p ys

fromJustMsg _ (Just x) = x
fromJustMsg msg _      = error msg

-- Local variables:
-- mode: haskell
-- haskell-program-name: "cabal repl"
-- End: