module Foundation.UUID
( UUID(..)
, nil
, fromBinary
) where
import Foundation.Internal.Base
import Foundation.Class.Storable
import Foundation.Hashing.Hashable
import Foundation.Bits
import Foundation.Primitive
import Foundation.Primitive.Base16
import Foundation.Primitive.IntegralConv
import qualified Foundation.Array.Unboxed as UA
data UUID = UUID !Word64 !Word64
deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable)
instance Show UUID where
show = toLString
instance NormalForm UUID where
toNormalForm !_ = ()
instance Hashable UUID where
hashMix (UUID a b) = hashMix a . hashMix b
instance Storable UUID where
peek p = UUID <$> (fromBE <$> peekOff ptr 0)
<*> (fromBE <$> peekOff ptr 1)
where ptr = castPtr p :: Ptr (BE Word64)
poke p (UUID a b) = do
pokeOff ptr 0 (toBE a)
pokeOff ptr 1 (toBE b)
where ptr = castPtr p :: Ptr (BE Word64)
instance StorableFixed UUID where
size _ = 16
alignment _ = 8
withComponent :: UUID -> (Word32 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word64 -> a) -> a
withComponent (UUID a b) f = f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
!x1 = integralDownsize (a .>>. 32)
!x2 = integralDownsize ((a .>>. 16) .&. 0xffff)
!x3 = integralDownsize (a .&. 0xffff)
!x4 = integralDownsize (b .>>. 48)
!x5 = (b .&. 0x0000ffffffffffff)
toLString :: UUID -> [Char]
toLString uuid = withComponent uuid $ \x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ->
hexWord_4 x1 $ addDash $ hexWord_2 x2 $ addDash $ hexWord_2 x3 $ addDash $ hexWord_2 x4 $ addDash $ hexWord64_6 x5 []
addDash = (:) '-'
hexWord_2 w l = case hexWord16 w of
(c1,c2,c3,c4) -> c1:c2:c3:c4:l
hexWord_4 w l = case hexWord32 w of
(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8) -> c1:c2:c3:c4:c5:c6:c7:c8:l
hexWord64_6 w l = case word64ToWord32s w of
(# wHigh, wLow #) -> hexWord_2 (integralDownsize wHigh) $ hexWord_4 wLow l
nil :: UUID
nil = UUID 0 0
fromBinary :: UA.UArray Word8 -> Maybe UUID
fromBinary ba
| UA.length ba /= 16 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ UUID w0 w1
w0 = (b15 .<<. 56) .|. (b14 .<<. 48) .|. (b13 .<<. 40) .|. (b12 .<<. 32) .|.
(b11 .<<. 24) .|. (b10 .<<. 16) .|. (b9 .<<. 8) .|. b8
w1 = (b7 .<<. 56) .|. (b6 .<<. 48) .|. (b5 .<<. 40) .|. (b4 .<<. 32) .|.
(b3 .<<. 24) .|. (b2 .<<. 16) .|. (b1 .<<. 8) .|. b0
b0 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 0)
b1 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 1)
b2 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 2)
b3 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 3)
b4 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 4)
b5 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 5)
b6 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 6)
b7 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 7)
b8 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 8)
b9 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 9)
b10 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 10)
b11 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 11)
b12 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 12)
b13 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 13)
b14 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 14)
b15 = integralUpsize (UA.unsafeIndex ba 15)