Free Your Client... and Your Requests Will Follow ================================================= `free-http` is an http-client based on Free Monads. `free-http` exposes a Free Monad to express standard http verbs as well as several backends to interpet programs written in the free monad using various http clients (currently: a pure client, an `http-client`-backed client, and a random client). See [here]( for an example. To use free-http, simply: 1. Import Network.HTTP.Client.Free to use the library. 2. Choose your base request type by defining your own instance of the `RequestType` type family or importing one from an interpreter. E.g. ``` data MyClient type instance RequestType MyClient = Request ``` or ``` import Network.HTTP.Free.Client.HttpClient (HttpClient) ``` 3. Choose your base response type by defining your own instance of the `ResponseTYpe` type family or importing one from an interpreter. E.g. ``` type instance ResponseType MyClient = Response ByteString ``` or ``` import Network.HTTP.Free.Client.HttpClient (HttpClient) ``` 4. Write a program in the 'FreeHttp MyClient m a' free monad. 5. Import an interpreter, such as 'HttpClient' ``` import Network.HTTP.Free.Client.HttpClient ``` 6. Run your program against the interpreter: ``` runHttp (myProgram :: FreeHttp MyClient IO String) ``` ## Design Choices ### `RequestType` and `ResponseType` Haskell is fortunate to have several very well-designed http clients: [http-client](, [wreq](, [http-conduit](, [pipes-http](, etc. Unfortunately, a few of those clients support several different *Request* and *Response* types. To keep `free-http` flexible, we use two type families defined as: ``` type family RequestType client :: * type family ResponseType client :: * ``` Our `HttpF` functor is thus defined as: ``` data HttpF client a = HttpF StdMethod (RequestType client) (ResponseType client -> a) deriving Functor ``` This allows our `HttpF` functor to be agnostic of the foundational request and response type, while allowing interpreter authors to specify the concrete types they need for their http client libraries (e.g. `Request` in the case of `http-client`). A consequence of this is that `free-http` clients (you) need to specify, at some point, the foundation you're using. This can be done in two ways: 1. You can define your own foundation (see above). 2. You can import one from an interpreter. To specify your request and response foundation, use replace the `client` type in `HttpF client a` or `FreeHttp client m a` to the type signalling your foundation. For example, the http-client, pure, and arbitrary interpreters use `HttpClient`, `PureClient`, and `ArbitraryClient` respectively.