module Data.VectorSpace.Free (
, V1
, V2
, V3
, V4
, Sequence, FinSuppSeq
, AffineSpace(..), AdditiveGroup(..)
, VectorSpace(..), InnerSpace(..), HasBasis(..)
, OneDimensional(..)
, FreeVectorSpace(..)
, FiniteFreeSpace(..)
) where
import Data.AffineSpace
import Data.VectorSpace
import Data.Cross
import Data.VectorSpace.Free.Class
import Data.VectorSpace.Free.FiniteSupportedSequence (FinSuppSeq)
import Data.VectorSpace.Free.Sequence (Sequence)
import Data.Basis
import Data.MemoTrie
import Data.Void
import qualified Linear as L
import Linear.V0
import Linear.V1
import Linear.V2
import Linear.V3
import Linear.V4
import qualified Linear.Affine as LA
import Control.Lens ((^.), FoldableWithIndex, ifoldr)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UArr
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as MArr
import Data.Ratio
import Foreign.C.Types (CFloat, CDouble)
import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
import qualified GHC.Generics as Gnrx
import GHC.Generics (Generic, (:*:)(..))
import qualified Text.Show.Pragmatic as SP
vDecomp :: FoldableWithIndex (L.E v) v => v s -> [(L.E v, s)]
vDecomp = ifoldr (\b s l -> (b,s):l) []
#define portFinDV(v) \
instance Num s => AffineSpace (v s) where { \
type Diff (v s) = v s; \
(.-.) = (L.^-^); \
(.+^) = (L.^+^) }; \
instance Num s => AdditiveGroup (v s) where { \
zeroV =; \
(^+^) = (L.^+^); \
negateV = L.negated }; \
instance Num s => VectorSpace (v s) where { \
type Scalar (v s) = s; \
(*^) = (L.*^) }; \
instance (Num s, AdditiveGroup s) => InnerSpace (v s) where { \
(<.>) = }; \
instance (Num s, AdditiveGroup s) => HasBasis (v s) where { \
type Basis (v s) = L.E v; \
decompose = vDecomp; \
basisValue = L.unit . L.el; \
decompose' w (L.E le) = w^.le }
#define portFinDP(v) \
instance Num s => AffineSpace (LA.Point v s) where { \
type Diff (LA.Point v s) = v s; \
(.-.) = (LA..-.); \
(.+^) = (LA..+^) }
instance Num s => HasCross2 (V2 s) where
cross2 (V2 x y) = V2 (y) x
instance Num s => HasCross3 (V3 s) where
V3 ax ay az `cross3` V3 bx by bz = V3 (ay * bz az * by)
(az * bx ax * bz)
(ax * by ay * bx)
instance HasTrie (L.E V0) where
newtype L.E V0 :->: a = V0T (V0 a)
trie f = V0T V0
untrie (V0T v) (L.E i) = v^.i
enumerate (V0T V0) = []
instance HasTrie (L.E V1) where
newtype L.E V1 :->: a = V1T (V1 a)
trie f = V1T $ V1 (f L.ex)
untrie (V1T v) (L.E i) = v^.i
enumerate (V1T (V1 x)) = [(L.ex, x)]
instance HasTrie (L.E V2) where
newtype L.E V2 :->: a = V2T (V2 a)
trie f = V2T $ V2 (f L.ex) (f L.ey)
untrie (V2T v) (L.E i) = v^.i
enumerate (V2T (V2 x y)) = [(L.ex, x), (L.ey, y)]
instance HasTrie (L.E V3) where
newtype L.E V3 :->: a = V3T (V3 a)
trie f = V3T $ V3 (f L.ex) (f L.ey) (f L.ez)
untrie (V3T v) (L.E i) = v^.i
enumerate (V3T (V3 x y z)) = [(L.ex, x), (L.ey, y), (L.ez, z)]
instance HasTrie (L.E V4) where
newtype L.E V4 :->: a = V4T (V4 a)
trie f = V4T $ V4 (f L.ex) (f L.ey) (f L.ez) (f L.ew)
untrie (V4T v) (L.E i) = v^.i
enumerate (V4T (V4 x y z w)) = [(L.ex, x), (L.ey, y), (L.ez, z), (L.ew, w)]
instance SP.Show (V0 Int) where showsPrec = showsPrec
instance SP.Show (V1 Int) where showsPrec = showsPrec
instance SP.Show (V2 Int) where showsPrec = showsPrec
instance SP.Show (V3 Int) where showsPrec = showsPrec
instance SP.Show (V4 Int) where showsPrec = showsPrec
instance SP.Show (V0 Integer) where showsPrec = showsPrec
instance SP.Show (V1 Integer) where showsPrec = showsPrec
instance SP.Show (V2 Integer) where showsPrec = showsPrec
instance SP.Show (V3 Integer) where showsPrec = showsPrec
instance SP.Show (V4 Integer) where showsPrec = showsPrec
instance SP.Show (V0 Float) where
show V0 = "V0"
instance SP.Show (V1 Float) where
showsPrec p (V1 x) = showParen (p>9) $ ("V1 "++) . SP.showsPrec 10 x
instance SP.Show (V2 Float) where
showsPrec p v = showParen (p>9) $ ("V2 "++).xs.(' ':).ys
where V2 xs ys = SP.showsPrecWithSharedPrecision abs 7 10 v
instance SP.Show (V3 Float) where
showsPrec p v = showParen (p>9) $ ("V3 "++).xs.(' ':).ys.(' ':).zs
where V3 xs ys zs = SP.showsPrecWithSharedPrecision abs 7 10 v
instance SP.Show (V4 Float) where
showsPrec p v = showParen (p>9) $ ("V4 "++).xs.(' ':).ys.(' ':).zs.(' ':).ws
where V4 xs ys zs ws = SP.showsPrecWithSharedPrecision abs 7 10 v
instance SP.Show (V0 Double) where
show V0 = "V0"
instance SP.Show (V1 Double) where
showsPrec p (V1 x) = showParen (p>9) $ ("V1 "++) . SP.showsPrec 10 x
instance SP.Show (V2 Double) where
showsPrec p v = showParen (p>9) $ ("V2 "++).xs.(' ':).ys
where V2 xs ys = SP.showsPrecWithSharedPrecision abs 10 10 v
instance SP.Show (V3 Double) where
showsPrec p v = showParen (p>9) $ ("V3 "++).xs.(' ':).ys.(' ':).zs
where V3 xs ys zs = SP.showsPrecWithSharedPrecision abs 10 10 v
instance SP.Show (V4 Double) where
showsPrec p v = showParen (p>9) $ ("V4 "++).xs.(' ':).ys.(' ':).zs.(' ':).ws
where V4 xs ys zs ws = SP.showsPrecWithSharedPrecision abs 10 10 v
infixr 7 ^/^, ^/!
class (VectorSpace v, Fractional (Scalar v)) => OneDimensional v where
(^/^) :: v -> v -> Maybe (Scalar v)
default (^/^) :: ( Generic v, OneDimensional (VRep v)
, Scalar (VRep v) ~ Scalar v )
=> v -> v -> Maybe (Scalar v)
v ^/^ w = (Gnrx.from v :: VRep v) ^/^ Gnrx.from w
(^/!) :: v -> v -> Scalar v
v^/!w = case v^/^w of
Just μ -> μ
Nothing -> 1/0
instance OneDimensional Float where
_^/^0 = Nothing
x^/^y = Just $ x/y
x^/!y = x/y
instance OneDimensional Double where
_^/^0 = Nothing
x^/^y = Just $ x/y
x^/!y = x/y
instance OneDimensional CFloat where
_^/^0 = Nothing
x^/^y = Just $ x/y
x^/!y = x/y
instance OneDimensional CDouble where
_^/^0 = Nothing
x^/^y = Just $ x/y
x^/!y = x/y
instance Integral i => OneDimensional (Ratio i) where
_^/^0 = Nothing
x^/^y = Just $ x/y
x^/!y = x/y
instance (Eq r, Fractional r) => OneDimensional (V1 r) where
_^/^V1 0 = Nothing
V1 x^/^V1 y = Just $ x/y
V1 x^/!V1 y = x/y
class (VectorSpace v, Num (Scalar v)) => FiniteFreeSpace v where
freeDimension :: Functor p => p v -> Int
default freeDimension :: (Generic v, FiniteFreeSpace (VRep v))
=> p v -> Int
freeDimension _ = freeDimension ([]::[VRep v])
toFullUnboxVect :: UArr.Unbox (Scalar v) => v -> UArr.Vector (Scalar v)
default toFullUnboxVect
:: ( Generic v, FiniteFreeSpace (VRep v)
, UArr.Unbox (Scalar v)
, Scalar (VRep v) ~ Scalar v )
=> v -> UArr.Vector (Scalar v)
toFullUnboxVect v = toFullUnboxVect (Gnrx.from v :: VRep v)
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect :: UArr.Unbox (Scalar v) => UArr.Vector (Scalar v) -> v
default unsafeFromFullUnboxVect
:: ( Generic v, FiniteFreeSpace (VRep v)
, UArr.Unbox (Scalar v)
, Scalar (VRep v) ~ Scalar v )
=> UArr.Vector (Scalar v) -> v
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect v = (unsafeFromFullUnboxVect v :: VRep v)
fromUnboxVect :: UArr.Unbox (Scalar v) => UArr.Vector (Scalar v) -> v
fromUnboxVect v = result
where result = case UArr.length v of
0 -> zeroV
n | n<d -> unsafeFromFullUnboxVect $ v UArr.++ UArr.replicate (dn) 0
d = freeDimension [result]
instance FiniteFreeSpace Int where
freeDimension _ = 1
toFullUnboxVect = UArr.singleton
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect v = UArr.unsafeIndex v 0
instance FiniteFreeSpace Float where
freeDimension _ = 1
toFullUnboxVect = UArr.singleton
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect v = UArr.unsafeIndex v 0
instance FiniteFreeSpace Double where
freeDimension _ = 1
toFullUnboxVect = UArr.singleton
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect v = UArr.unsafeIndex v 0
instance (FiniteFreeSpace u, FiniteFreeSpace v, Scalar u ~ Scalar v)
=> FiniteFreeSpace (u,v) where
freeDimension puv = freeDimension (fmap fst puv) + freeDimension (fmap snd puv)
toFullUnboxVect (u,v) = toFullUnboxVect u UArr.++ toFullUnboxVect v
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect uv = (u,v)
where u = unsafeFromFullUnboxVect uv
v = unsafeFromFullUnboxVect $ UArr.drop du uv
du = freeDimension [u]
instance Num s => FiniteFreeSpace (V0 s) where
freeDimension _ = 0
toFullUnboxVect _ = UArr.empty
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect _ = zeroV
instance Num s => FiniteFreeSpace (V1 s) where
freeDimension _ = 1
toFullUnboxVect (V1 n) = UArr.singleton n
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect v = V1 $ UArr.unsafeIndex v 0
instance Num s => FiniteFreeSpace (V2 s) where
freeDimension _ = 2
toFullUnboxVect (V2 x y) = UArr.fromListN 2 [x,y]
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect v = V2 (UArr.unsafeIndex v 0)
(UArr.unsafeIndex v 1)
instance Num s => FiniteFreeSpace (V3 s) where
freeDimension _ = 3
toFullUnboxVect (V3 x y z) = UArr.fromListN 3 [x,y,z]
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect v = V3 (UArr.unsafeIndex v 0)
(UArr.unsafeIndex v 1)
(UArr.unsafeIndex v 2)
instance Num s => FiniteFreeSpace (V4 s) where
freeDimension _ = 4
toFullUnboxVect (V4 x y z w) = UArr.fromListN 3 [x,y,z,w]
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect v = V4 (UArr.unsafeIndex v 0)
(UArr.unsafeIndex v 1)
(UArr.unsafeIndex v 2)
(UArr.unsafeIndex v 3)
instance FiniteFreeSpace a => FiniteFreeSpace (Gnrx.Rec0 a s) where
freeDimension = freeDimension . fmap Gnrx.unK1
toFullUnboxVect = toFullUnboxVect . Gnrx.unK1
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect = Gnrx.K1 . unsafeFromFullUnboxVect
fromUnboxVect = Gnrx.K1 . fromUnboxVect
instance FiniteFreeSpace (f p) => FiniteFreeSpace (Gnrx.M1 i c f p) where
freeDimension = freeDimension . fmap Gnrx.unM1
toFullUnboxVect = toFullUnboxVect . Gnrx.unM1
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect = Gnrx.M1 . unsafeFromFullUnboxVect
fromUnboxVect = Gnrx.M1 . fromUnboxVect
instance (FiniteFreeSpace (f p), FiniteFreeSpace (g p), Scalar (f p) ~ Scalar (g p))
=> FiniteFreeSpace ((f :*: g) p) where
freeDimension p = freeDimension (fmap (\(x:*:_)->x) p)
+ freeDimension (fmap (\(_:*:y)->y) p)
toFullUnboxVect (u:*:v) = toFullUnboxVect u UArr.++ toFullUnboxVect v
unsafeFromFullUnboxVect uv = u:*:v
where u = unsafeFromFullUnboxVect uv
v = unsafeFromFullUnboxVect $ UArr.drop du uv
du = freeDimension [u]
instance OneDimensional a => OneDimensional (Gnrx.Rec0 a s) where
Gnrx.K1 v ^/^ Gnrx.K1 w = v ^/^ w
Gnrx.K1 v ^/! Gnrx.K1 w = v ^/! w
instance OneDimensional (f p) => OneDimensional (Gnrx.M1 i c f p) where
Gnrx.M1 v ^/^ Gnrx.M1 w = v ^/^ w
Gnrx.M1 v ^/! Gnrx.M1 w = v ^/! w
type VRep v = Gnrx.Rep v Void