module Network.FTP.Client (
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.List
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Network.Socket as S
import qualified System.IO as SIO
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mconcat)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Network.Connection
import System.IO.Error
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (defaultChunkSize)
data Handle = Handle
{ send :: ByteString -> IO ()
, sendLine :: ByteString -> IO ()
, recv :: Int -> IO ByteString
, recvLine :: IO ByteString
data FTPResponse = FTPResponse {
frStatus :: ResponseStatus,
frCode :: Int,
frMessage :: ByteString
instance Show FTPResponse where
show fr = (show $ frCode fr) <> " " <> (C.unpack $ frMessage fr)
data ResponseStatus
= Wait
| Success
| Continue
| FailureRetry
| Failure
deriving (Show)
responseStatus :: ByteString -> ResponseStatus
responseStatus cbs =
case C.uncons cbs of
Just ('1', _) -> Wait
Just ('2', _) -> Success
Just ('3', _) -> Continue
Just ('4', _) -> FailureRetry
_ -> Failure
data RTypeCode = TA | TI
serialzeRTypeCode :: RTypeCode -> String
serialzeRTypeCode TA = "A"
serialzeRTypeCode TI = "I"
data PortActivity = Active | Passive
data ProtType = P | C
data FTPCommand
= User String
| Pass String
| Acct String
| RType RTypeCode
| Retr String
| Nlst [String]
| Port S.HostAddress S.PortNumber
| Stor String
| List [String]
| Rnfr String
| Rnto String
| Dele String
| Size String
| Mkd String
| Rmd String
| Pbsz Int
| Prot ProtType
| Cwd String
| Cdup
| Ccc
| Auth
| Pwd
| Abor
| Pasv
| Quit
instance Show FTPCommand where
show = serializeCommand
formatPort :: S.HostAddress -> S.PortNumber -> String
formatPort ha pn =
let (w1, w2, w3, w4) = S.hostAddressToTuple ha
hn = show <$> [w1, w2, w3, w4]
portParts = show <$> [pn `quot` 256, pn `mod` 256]
in intercalate "," (hn <> portParts)
serializeCommand :: FTPCommand -> String
serializeCommand (User user) = "USER " <> user
serializeCommand (Pass pass) = "PASS " <> pass
serializeCommand (Acct acct) = "ACCT " <> acct
serializeCommand (RType rt) = "TYPE " <> serialzeRTypeCode rt
serializeCommand (Retr file) = "RETR " <> file
serializeCommand (Nlst []) = "NLST"
serializeCommand (Nlst args) = "NLST " <> intercalate " " args
serializeCommand (Port ha pn) = "PORT " <> formatPort ha pn
serializeCommand (Stor loc) = "STOR " <> loc
serializeCommand (List []) = "LIST"
serializeCommand (List args) = "LIST " <> intercalate " " args
serializeCommand (Rnfr from) = "RNFR " <> from
serializeCommand (Rnto to) = "RNTO " <> to
serializeCommand (Dele file) = "DELE " <> file
serializeCommand (Size file) = "SIZE " <> file
serializeCommand (Mkd dir) = "MKD " <> dir
serializeCommand (Rmd dir) = "RMD " <> dir
serializeCommand (Pbsz buf) = "PBSZ " <> show buf
serializeCommand (Prot P) = "PROT P"
serializeCommand (Prot C) = "PROT C"
serializeCommand (Cwd dir) = "CWD " <> dir
serializeCommand Cdup = "CDUP"
serializeCommand Ccc = "CCC"
serializeCommand Auth = "AUTH TLS"
serializeCommand Pwd = "PWD"
serializeCommand Abor = "ABOR"
serializeCommand Pasv = "PASV"
serializeCommand Quit = "QUIT"
stripCLRF :: ByteString -> ByteString
stripCLRF = C.takeWhile $ (&&) <$> (/= '\r') <*> (/= '\n')
getLineResp :: Handle -> IO ByteString
getLineResp h = stripCLRF <$> recvLine h
getMultiLineResp :: Handle -> IO FTPResponse
getMultiLineResp h = do
line <- getLineResp h
let (code, rest) = C.splitAt 3 line
message <- if C.head rest == '-'
then loopMultiLine h code line
else return line
return $ FTPResponse
(responseStatus code)
(read $ C.unpack code)
(C.drop 4 message)
loopMultiLine :: Handle -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
loopMultiLine h code line = do
nextLine <- getLineResp h
let multiLine = line <> "\n" <> nextLine
nextCode = C.take 3 nextLine
if nextCode == code
then return multiLine
else loopMultiLine h nextCode multiLine
sendCommandLine :: Handle -> ByteString -> IO ()
sendCommandLine h dat = send h $ dat <> "\r\n"
sendCommand :: Handle -> FTPCommand -> IO FTPResponse
sendCommand h fc = do
let command = serializeCommand fc
print $ "Sending: " <> command
sendCommandLine h $ C.pack command
resp <- getMultiLineResp h
print $ "Recieved: " <> (show resp)
return resp
sendCommands :: Handle -> [FTPCommand] -> IO [FTPResponse]
sendCommands = mapM . sendCommand
createSocket :: Maybe String -> Int -> S.AddrInfo -> IO (S.Socket, S.AddrInfo)
createSocket host portNum hints = do
addr:_ <- S.getAddrInfo (Just hints) host (Just $ show portNum)
print $ "Addr: " <> show addr
sock <- S.socket
(S.addrFamily addr)
(S.addrSocketType addr)
(S.addrProtocol addr)
return (sock, addr)
createSocketPassive :: String -> Int -> IO S.Socket
createSocketPassive host portNum = do
let hints = S.defaultHints {
S.addrSocketType = S.Stream
(sock, addr) <- createSocket (Just host) portNum hints
S.connect sock (S.addrAddress addr)
print "Connected"
return sock
createSocketActive :: IO S.Socket
createSocketActive = do
let hints = S.defaultHints {
S.addrSocketType = S.Stream,
S.addrFlags = [S.AI_PASSIVE]
(sock, addr) <- createSocket Nothing 0 hints
S.bind sock (S.addrAddress addr)
S.listen sock 1
print "Listening"
return sock
createSIOHandle :: String -> Int -> IO SIO.Handle
createSIOHandle host portNum = do
sock <- createSocketPassive host portNum
S.socketToHandle sock SIO.ReadWriteMode
sIOHandleImpl :: SIO.Handle -> Handle
sIOHandleImpl h = Handle
{ send = C.hPut h
, sendLine = C.hPutStrLn h
, recv = C.hGetSome h
, recvLine = C.hGetLine h
withSIOHandle :: String -> Int -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withSIOHandle host portNum f = bracket
(createSIOHandle host portNum)
(f . sIOHandleImpl)
withFTP :: String -> Int -> (Handle -> FTPResponse -> IO a) -> IO a
withFTP host portNum f = withSIOHandle host portNum $ \h -> do
resp <- getMultiLineResp h
f h resp
createDataSocketPasv :: Handle -> IO S.Socket
createDataSocketPasv h = do
(host, portNum) <- pasv h
print $ "Host: " <> host
print $ "Port: " <> show portNum
createSocketPassive host portNum
createDataSocketActive :: Handle -> IO S.Socket
createDataSocketActive h = do
socket <- createSocketActive
(S.SockAddrInet sPort sHost) <- S.getSocketName socket
port h sHost sPort
return socket
createDataSocket :: PortActivity -> Handle -> IO S.Socket
createDataSocket Active = createDataSocketActive
createDataSocket Passive = createDataSocketPasv
acceptData :: S.Socket -> PortActivity -> IO S.Socket
acceptData sock Passive = return sock
acceptData sock Active = do
(socket, _) <- S.accept sock
return socket
:: Handle
-> PortActivity
-> [FTPCommand]
-> IO SIO.Handle
createSendDataCommand h pa cmds = do
socket <- createDataSocket pa h
sendCommands h cmds
acceptedSock <- acceptData socket pa
S.socketToHandle acceptedSock SIO.ReadWriteMode
:: Show a
=> Handle
-> PortActivity
-> [FTPCommand]
-> (Handle -> IO a)
-> IO a
withDataCommand ch pa cmds f = do
x <- bracket
(createSendDataCommand ch pa cmds)
(f . sIOHandleImpl)
resp <- getMultiLineResp ch
print $ "Recieved: " <> (show resp)
return x
getAllLineResp :: Handle -> IO ByteString
getAllLineResp h = getAllLineResp' h []
getAllLineResp' h ret = (do
line <- getLineResp h
getAllLineResp' h (ret <> [line]))
`catchIOError` (\_ -> return $ C.intercalate "\n" ret)
recvAll :: Handle -> IO ByteString
recvAll h = recvAll' ""
recvAll' bs = (do
chunk <- recv h defaultChunkSize
recvAll' $ bs <> chunk)
`catchIOError` (\_ -> return bs)
connectTLS :: SIO.Handle -> String -> Int -> IO Connection
connectTLS h host portNum = do
context <- initConnectionContext
let tlsSettings = TLSSettingsSimple
{ settingDisableCertificateValidation = True
, settingDisableSession = False
, settingUseServerName = False
connectionParams = ConnectionParams
{ connectionHostname = host
, connectionPort = toEnum . fromEnum $ portNum
, connectionUseSecure = Just tlsSettings
, connectionUseSocks = Nothing
connectFromHandle context h connectionParams
createTLSConnection :: String -> Int -> IO (FTPResponse, Connection)
createTLSConnection host portNum = do
h <- createSIOHandle host portNum
let insecureH = sIOHandleImpl h
resp <- getMultiLineResp insecureH
sendCommand insecureH Auth
conn <- connectTLS h host portNum
return (resp, conn)
tlsHandleImpl :: Connection -> Handle
tlsHandleImpl c = Handle
{ send = connectionPut c
, sendLine = connectionPut c . (<> "\n")
, recv = connectionGet c
, recvLine = connectionGetLine maxBound c
withTLSHandle :: String -> Int -> (Handle -> FTPResponse -> IO a) -> IO a
withTLSHandle host portNum f = bracket
(createTLSConnection host portNum)
(\(_, conn) -> connectionClose conn)
(\(resp, conn) -> f (tlsHandleImpl conn) resp)
withFTPS :: String -> Int -> (Handle -> FTPResponse -> IO a) -> IO a
withFTPS host portNum = withTLSHandle host portNum
:: Handle
-> PortActivity
-> [FTPCommand]
-> IO Connection
createTLSSendDataCommand ch pa cmds = do
sendCommands ch [Pbsz 0, Prot P]
socket <- createDataSocket pa ch
sendCommands ch cmds
acceptedSock <- acceptData socket pa
(S.SockAddrInet sPort sHost) <- S.getSocketName acceptedSock
let (h1, h2, h3, h4) = S.hostAddressToTuple sHost
hostName = intercalate "." $ (show . fromEnum) <$> [h1, h2, h3, h4]
h <- S.socketToHandle acceptedSock SIO.ReadWriteMode
connectTLS h hostName (fromEnum sPort)
:: Handle
-> PortActivity
-> [FTPCommand]
-> (Handle -> IO a)
-> IO a
withTLSDataCommand ch pa cmds f = do
x <- bracket
(createTLSSendDataCommand ch pa cmds)
(f . tlsHandleImpl)
resp <- getMultiLineResp ch
print $ "Recieved: " <> (show resp)
return x
parse227 :: Parser (String, Int)
parse227 = do
skipWhile (/= '(') *> char '('
[h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2] <- many1 digit `sepBy` char ','
let host = intercalate "." [h1,h2,h3,h4]
highBits = read p1
lowBits = read p2
portNum = (highBits `shift` 8) + lowBits
return (host, portNum)
parse257 :: Parser String
parse257 = do
char '"'
C.unpack <$> takeTill (== '"')
login :: Handle -> String -> String -> IO FTPResponse
login h user pass = last <$> sendCommands h [User user, Pass pass]
pasv :: Handle -> IO (String, Int)
pasv h = do
resp <- sendCommand h Pasv
let (Right (host, portNum)) = parseOnly parse227 (frMessage resp)
return (host, portNum)
port :: Handle -> S.HostAddress -> S.PortNumber -> IO FTPResponse
port h ha pn = sendCommand h (Port ha pn)
acct :: Handle -> String -> IO FTPResponse
acct h pass = sendCommand h (Acct pass)
rename :: Handle -> String -> String -> IO FTPResponse
rename h from to = do
res <- sendCommand h (Rnfr from)
case frStatus res of
Continue -> sendCommand h (Rnto to)
_ -> return res
dele :: Handle -> String -> IO FTPResponse
dele h file = sendCommand h (Dele file)
cwd :: Handle -> String -> IO FTPResponse
cwd h dir = do
sendCommand h $ if dir == ".."
then Cdup
else Cwd dir
size :: Handle -> String -> IO Int
size h file = do
resp <- sendCommand h (Size file)
return $ read $ C.unpack $ frMessage resp
mkd :: Handle -> String -> IO String
mkd h dir = do
resp <- sendCommand h (Mkd dir)
let (Right dir) = parseOnly parse257 (frMessage resp)
return dir
rmd :: Handle -> String -> IO FTPResponse
rmd h dir = sendCommand h (Rmd dir)
pwd :: Handle -> IO String
pwd h = do
resp <- sendCommand h Pwd
let (Right dir) = parseOnly parse257 (frMessage resp)
return dir
quit :: Handle -> IO FTPResponse
quit h = sendCommand h Quit
pbsz :: Handle -> Int -> IO FTPResponse
pbsz h = sendCommand h . Pbsz
prot :: Handle -> ProtType -> IO FTPResponse
prot h = sendCommand h . Prot
ccc :: Handle -> IO FTPResponse
ccc h = sendCommand h Ccc
auth :: Handle -> IO FTPResponse
auth h = sendCommand h Auth
sendType :: RTypeCode -> ByteString -> Handle -> IO ()
sendType TA dat h = void $ mapM (sendCommandLine h) $ C.split '\n' dat
sendType TI dat h = send h dat
nlst :: Handle -> [String] -> IO ByteString
nlst h args = withDataCommand h Passive [RType TA, Nlst args] getAllLineResp
retr :: Handle -> String -> IO ByteString
retr h path = withDataCommand h Passive [RType TI, Retr path] recvAll
list :: Handle -> [String] -> IO ByteString
list h args = withDataCommand h Passive [RType TA, List args] recvAll
stor :: Handle -> String -> B.ByteString -> RTypeCode -> IO ()
stor h loc dat rtype =
withDataCommand h Passive [RType rtype, Stor loc] $ sendType rtype dat
nlstS :: Handle -> [String] -> IO ByteString
nlstS h args = withTLSDataCommand h Passive [RType TA, Nlst args] getAllLineResp
retrS :: Handle -> String -> IO ByteString
retrS h path = withTLSDataCommand h Passive [RType TI, Retr path] recvAll
listS :: Handle -> [String] -> IO ByteString
listS h args = withTLSDataCommand h Passive [RType TA, List args] recvAll
storS :: Handle -> String -> B.ByteString -> RTypeCode -> IO ()
storS h loc dat rtype = do
withTLSDataCommand h Passive [RType rtype, Stor loc] $ sendType rtype dat