module Html2Drawing(
getBgColor,getBgImage) where
import Fudgets hiding (defaultFont,FontSpec)
import AllFudgets(horizontalAlignP,horizontalAlignP',noRefsS) --,paragraphP'',overlayAlignP,moveRefsS,refEdgesS
import Html
import HtmlTags
import HtmlOps(htmlchars,txt,href,br,mapHtmlChars)
import StyleAttrs
import FontSpec
import Data.List(groupBy)
import Data.Char(isHexDigit)
import Data.Maybe(isJust,maybeToList,fromMaybe)
import Control.Applicative((<|>))
import Utils2(strToUpper,isSpace',eqBy,chopList,apSnd)
import ActiveGraphicsF
import HtmlFormF2
import HtmlIsIndexForm
import URL(URL,joinURL)
import ParseURL(parseURL)
import ImageF
import FuppletF
import PixmapDisplayF() -- Show instance for PixmapId, for debugging
type HtmlDrawing = ActiveDrawing HtmlLabel Gfx HtmlInput HtmlOutput
data HtmlOutput
= FromForm FormOutput
| FromImage ImageOutput
| FromFupplet FuppletOutput
deriving (Show)
data HtmlInput
= ToForm FormInput
| ToImage ImageInput
| ToFupplet FuppletInput
-- deriving (Show)
data HtmlLabel
= LinkTo URL
| LinkTarget String
| Form TagAttrs
| IsMap Size URL
deriving (Eq,Show) -- Show instace only for debugging
data Ctx
= C { font :: FontSpec,
underline :: Bool,
strike :: Bool,
align :: Alignment,
linkColor :: ColorSpec,
linkTo :: Maybe URL,
base :: URL
ctx0 = C defaultFont False False aLeft defaultLinkColorSpec Nothing
changeFont f c@(C{font=font}) = c{font=f font}
drawHtmlDoc :: URL -> Html -> HtmlDrawing
drawHtmlDoc baseURL html = boxD (concatMap (drawHtml baseURL) html)
drawHtml :: URL -> HtmlItem -> [HtmlDrawing]
drawHtml base html =
case html of
HtmlContext (BODY,attrs) html -> drawBody base attrs html
HtmlContext (HTML,_) html -> concatMap (drawHtml base) html
HtmlContext (NOFRAMES,_) html -> concatMap (drawHtml base) html
HtmlContext (FRAMESET,_) html -> drawFrameset base html
_ -> ignore "drawHtml" html $ []
ignore s html = ctrace "ignore" (s,html)
drawFrameset base html =
drawTextBlock (ctx0 base) $
txt "Frames: ": extractFrames html
extractFrames = concatMap extr
extr item =
case item of
HtmlContext (FRAMESET,_) html -> extractFrames html
HtmlCommand (FRAME,attrs) -> maybeToList (drawFrame attrs)
_ -> []
drawFrame attrs =
do src <- optsrc
link <- optname<|>optsrc
return (href src [txt link])
optsrc = lookupAttr "SRC" attrs
optname = lookupAttr "NAME" attrs
--drawBody :: URL -> TagAttrs -> Html -> [HtmlDrawing]
drawBody base attrs html =
[softAttribD [GCForeground textColor,GCFont fnt] $
drawBlocks' ctx html]
fnt = fontSpec.fontname.font $ ctx
ctx = (ctx0 base') { linkColor = linkColor }
textColor = colorSpec $
maybe id (:) (lookupStyleAttr "TEXT" "color" attrs) [fgColor]
linkColor = colorSpec $ maybe id (:) (lookupAttr "LINK" attrs) defaultLinkColor
-- vlinkColor = colorSpec $ lookupWithDefault attrs "black" "LINK"
base' = fromMaybe base $ lookupAttr "BASE" attrs >>= parseURL
drawBlocks :: Ctx -> Html -> [HtmlDrawing]
drawBlocks ctx html = [drawBlocks' ctx html]
drawBlocks' ctx = placedD' (verticalP' 0) . concatMap (drawBlock ctx)
drawBlock :: Ctx -> HtmlItem -> [HtmlDrawing]
drawBlock ctx item =
case item of
HtmlContext t html -> drawBlockContext ctx t html
HtmlCommand cmd -> drawBlockCommand ctx cmd
HtmlChars s -> drawBlockContext ctx (P,implicit) [item]
_ -> ignore "drawBlock" item [] -- !!!
drawBlockCommand ctx (tag,attrs) =
case tag of
HR -> [hrD]
ISINDEX -> drawBlock ctx (isIndexHtml attrs)
_ -> ignore "drawBlockCommand" tag []
where hrD = plD (hFiller 2)
drawBlockContext :: Ctx -> HtmlTag -> Html -> [HtmlDrawing]
drawBlockContext ctx (tag,attrs) [] = ctrace "empty" (tag,attrs) []
drawBlockContext ctx (tag,attrs) html =
case tag of
UL -> drawList attrs ctx drawUlItem html
OL -> drawList attrs ctx drawOlItem (number 1 html)
DIR -> drawList'' 7 (tableP' 2 Horizontal 1) ctx drawDirItem html
MENU -> drawList' 1 ctx drawMenuItem html
DL -> drawList attrs ctx drawDlItem html
BLOCKQUOTE ->[marginD (pP 30 12) (pP 30 12) (boxD (drawBlocks ctx html))]
CENTER -> drawBlocks (ctx{align=aCenter}) html
TABLE -> drawTable (getAlignAttr attrs ctx) attrs html
FORM -> [labelD (Form attrs) $ boxD $ drawBlocks ctx html]
PRE -> drawPreTextBlock ctx html
ADDRESS -> drawTextBlock ctx html -- !!!
P | attrs==implicit -> txtDs
| otherwise -> [vMarginD 7 $ boxD txtDs]
where txtDs = drawTextBlock (getAlignAttr attrs ctx) html
H1 -> dh 1
H2 -> dh 2
H3 -> dh 3
H4 -> dh 4
H5 -> dh 5
H6 -> dh 6
BODY -> drawBlocks ctx html -- A hack to tolerate bad html from ToHtml.
_ -> if isBlockTag tag
then drawBlocks (getAlignAttr attrs ctx) html
else drawTextBlock ctx [HtmlContext (tag,attrs) html] -- !!
where dh = drawHeading (getAlignAttr attrs ctx) attrs html
drawHeading ctx attrs html n =
[marginD (pP l t) (pP r b) $ changeFontD ctx' $ boxD $ drawTextBlock ctx' html]
ctx' = changeFont (setWeight Bold . adjsize (4-n)) ctx
--h = pixelsize (fontsize (font ctx))
(t,r,b,l) = maybe (m,0,m,0) id (lookupMargins attrs)
m = 24-4*n
drawList attrs = drawList' vsep
where vsep = if hasAttr "COMPACT" attrs then 1 else 5
drawList' vsep = drawList'' vsep (verticalP' vsep)
drawList'' vsep placer ctx drawItem list =
[marginD (pP 20 vsep) (pP 0 vsep) $
placedD' placer (concatMap (drawItem ctx) list)]
drawUlItem ctx = drawLiItem ctx (changeFontD ctx' (plD "ยท"):)
where ctx' = changeFont (setCharset AdobeSymbol) ctx
drawOlItem ctx (i,item) = drawLiItem ctx (plD (show i++"."):) item
drawDirItem ctx = drawLiItem ctx ((:[]) . marginD (pP 10 0) 0 . boxD)
drawMenuItem ctx = drawLiItem ctx id
drawLiItem ctx bullet item =
case item of
HtmlContext (LI,_) html -> [hboxaD (bullet (drawBlocks ctx html))]
_ -> ignore "drawLiItem" item []
drawDlItem ctx item =
case item of
HtmlContext (DT,_) html -> drawBlocks ctx html -- !! drawTextBlock
HtmlContext (DD,_) html -> [marginD (pP 20 0) (pP 0 7) $ boxD $
drawBlocks ctx html]
_ -> ignore "drawDlItem" item []
--drawTable ctx attrs html = undefined {-
drawTable ctx attrs html =
[placedD' (hAlignS a `spacerP` verticalP' 1) (
drawCaps tcaptions++
[frameD bgcolor bw space $
tableD' space colcnt (map drawCell (concatMap padrow rows))]++
drawCaps bcaptions
rows = [cells attrs row | (row,attrs)<-tableRows html]
colcnt = maximum (map (length {-. fst-}) rows)
cells ras row = [(cell,(t,as,ras)) | HtmlContext (t,as) cell<-row, isCell t]
isCell = (`elem` [TH,TD])
padrow cells = take colcnt (map Just cells++repeat Nothing)
drawCaps = map (drawTextBlock' ctx' . fst)
where ctx' = ctx { align=aCenter }
(bcaptions,tcaptions) = part hasAlignBottom captions
captions = [(cap,attrs) | HtmlContext (CAPTION,attrs) cap<-html]
hasAlignBottom (_,attrs) =
maybe False ((=="BOTTOM").strToUpper) (lookupAttr "ALIGN" attrs)
tableRows = concatMap tableRows'
tableRows' (HtmlContext (t,as) html) =
case t of
TR -> [(html,as)]
THEAD -> tableRows html
TFOOT -> tableRows html
TBODY -> tableRows html
_ -> []
tableRows' _ = []
a = align ctx
bw = readAttr' attrs "BORDER" 0 1
pad = readAttr attrs "CELLPADDING" 2
space = maybe 2 id $ lookupLength "CELLSPACING" "border-spacing" attrs
bgcolor = getBgColor attrs
drawCell Nothing = pblankD 5
drawCell (Just (cell,(t,attrs,ras))) =
frameD (getBgColor attrs) bw pad $
case t of
TH -> changeFontD ctx' (drawContents ctx' cell)
where ctx' = changeFont (setWeight Bold) ctx
_ -> drawContents ctx cell
drawContents ctx cell = spacedD (vAlignS va) $ drawBlocks' ctx' cell
where ctx' = getAlignAttr as (ctx{align=aLeft})
as = attrs<>ras
va = fromMaybe aCenter $
parseVAlign =<<
(lookupStyleAttr "VALIGN" "vertical-align" as)
drawPreTextBlock ctx html =
[changeFontD ctx' $ drawTextBlock'' lineD ctx' (breakLines html)]
ctx' = changeFont (setSpacing Fixed) ctx
breakLines = mapHtmlChars brk
brk s = case span (/='\n') s of
("","") -> []
(s1,"") -> [HtmlChars s1]
("",_:s) -> br:brk s
(s1,_:s2) -> HtmlChars s1:br:brk s2
drawTextBlock ctx html = [drawTextBlock' ctx html]
drawTextBlock' ctx html = drawTextBlock'' paraD ctx (breakWords html)
breakWords = mapHtmlChars (map txt . words')
words' = map collapse . groupBy (eqBy isSpace')
collapse s@(c:_) | isSpace' c = " "
collapse s = s
-- Prelude.words does not treat nonbreaking space right, so:
words' = filter (not . null) . -- trailing spaces => last word == ""
chopList takeWord'
takeWord' = break isSpace' . dropWhile isSpace'
drawTextBlock'' placer ctx html =
placedD' (verticalP' 1) $ map (placer a . drawText ctx) html'
where a = align ctx
html'' = floatBR html
html' = --ctrace "floatBR" (html,html'')
drawText ctx = concatMap drawTextItem
drawTextItem item =
case item of
HtmlContext t html -> drawTextContext ctx t html
HtmlCommand cmd -> drawTextCommand ctx cmd
HtmlChars s -> drawChars ctx s
HtmlGarbage ('!':s,_) -> [] -- comment
HtmlGarbage (t,_) ->
[softAttribD (gcFgA (colorSpec "red")) (plD ("<"++t++">"))]
drawChars ctx s = [drawChars' ctx s]
drawChars' :: Ctx -> String -> HtmlDrawing
drawChars' ctx s = linkLblD ctx (optul (plD s))
optul = if underline ctx then ul else id
ul s = stackD [spacedD bottomS (plD (hFiller 1)),s]
-- ul s = placedD' overlayAlignP [lineD, s] -- outputs the wrong ref points?
-- lineD = spacedD (moveRefsS (pP 0 2) `compS` refMiddleS `compS` topS)
-- (plD (hFiller 1))
linkLblD = linkLblD' LinkTo
linkLblD' f ctx d =
case linkTo ctx of
Just link -> labelD (f (joinURL (base ctx) link)) d
_ -> d
drawTextCommand ctx (tag,attrs) =
case tag of
-- BR -> [pblankD (pP 600 1)] -- A quick hack!!
IMG -> [optImageD ctx attrs]
INPUT -> [formD (formInputF attrs)]
_ -> ignore "drawTextCommand" tag []
drawTextContext ctx (tag,attrs) html =
(if null html then ctrace "empty" (tag,attrs) else id) $
case tag of
EM -> italic
STRONG -> bold
DFN -> italic
CODE -> fixed
SAMP -> fixed
KBD -> fixed
VAR -> italic
CITE -> italic
TT -> fixed
SANS -> sans
I -> italic
B -> bold
U -> drawText (ctx{underline=True}) html
STRIKE -> strike
S -> strike
DEL -> strike
INS -> sans
BIG -> changefont (adjsize 1)
SMALL -> changefont (adjsize (-1))
-- SUB ->
-- SUP ->
Q -> italic
ABBR -> sans -- !!
ACRONYM -> sans -- !!
A -> --ctrace "A" attrs $
[tD $ aD $ boxD $ drawText ctx' html]
where tD = maybe id (labelD . LinkTarget) $ lookupAttr "NAME" attrs
(aD,ctx') =
case lookupAttr "HREF" attrs >>= parseURL of
link@(Just _) -> (softAttribD (gcFgA (linkColor ctx)),
ctx { underline=True, linkTo=link })
_ -> (id,ctx)
FUPPLET -> [fuppletD ctx attrs html]
-- APPLET ->
-- OBJECT ->
-- IFRAME ->
FONT -> [changeColor $ changefont' (fsize $ lookupAttr "SIZE" attrs)]
changeColor =
if ignoreColors
then id
else maybe id (fgD . fgD') (lookupAttr "COLOR" attrs)
fgD' s = if length s==6 && all isHexDigit s
then [s,'#':s,"black"]
else [s,"black"] -- could use a context sensitive fallback
fsize Nothing = id
fsize (Just s) = setsize (newsize s)
newsize ('"':s) = newsize s -- !!! quotes should be removed by parser
newsize s@('+':_) = size (flip adjsize' s0) s
newsize s@('-':_) = size (flip adjsize' s0) s
newsize s = size FontSize s
s0 = fontsize defaultFont -- !! Should use BASEFONT setting!
size f s =
case reads s of
(n,_):_ -> f n -- allow trailing quote char
[] -> s0
-- MAP ->
NOBR -> [hboxaD (drawText ctx html)]
SELECT -> [formD (formSelectF attrs options)]
options =
[(htmlchars' opt,attrs) | HtmlContext (OPTION,attrs) opt<-html]
htmlchars' = unwords . words . htmlchars .
mapHtmlChars ((:[]).txt.(' ':))
TEXTAREA -> [formD (formTextAreaF attrs (htmlchars html))]
SCRIPT -> [] -- Scripts should not be displayed...
STYLE -> [] -- Hide style sheet in bad HTML
SVG -> [] -- !! not implemented
_ -> drawText ctx html
fixed = changefont (setSpacing Fixed)
italic = changefont (setSlant Italic)
bold = changefont (setWeight Bold)
sans = changefont (setSerif SansSerif)
strike = drawText (ctx{strike=True}) html
changefont f = [changefont' f]
changefont' f = changeFontD ctx' (boxD $ drawText ctx' html)
where ctx' = changeFont f ctx
marginD ul lr = spacedD (hvMarginS ul lr)
vMarginD n = spacedD (vMarginS n n)
frameD optBgColor bw pad d =
stackD' (background++border++[contents])
contents = padD (bw+pad) d
border = if bw==0 then [] else [softAttribD (bwA bw) $ plD frame]
background =
case optBgColor of
Nothing -> []
Just bgcolor -> [fgD [bgcolor,paperColor] $ plD filledRect]
paraD a = placedD' paraP
where paraP = paragraphP'' (lineP a) (pP 0{-5-} 0)
lineP a = spacerP (hAlignS a) . horizontalAlignP'
lineD a = placedD' (lineP a 0{-5-})
hboxaD = placedD' horizontalAlignP
--vboxlD'' sep [] = pblankD 5
--vboxlD'' sep ds = vboxlD' sep ds
padD = spacedD . marginS
placedD' p [] = pblankD 5
placedD' p ds = PlacedD p (boxD ds)
changeFontD = softAttribD . gcFontA . fontSpec . fontname . font
readAttr attrs name def = readAttr' attrs name def def
-- readAttr is not good for string attributes, since read then require quotes!
readAttr' attrs name def1 def2 = maybe def1 f $ lookupAttr name attrs
where f s = case reads s of
[(x,_)] -> x
_ -> def2
getAlignAttr attrs =
maybe id set (parseAlign =<< lookupStyleAttr "ALIGN" "text-align" attrs)
where set a ctx =ctx{align=a}
parseAlign s =
case strToUpper s of
"LEFT" -> Just aLeft
"RIGHT" -> Just aRight
"CENTER" -> Just aCenter
_ -> Nothing
parseVAlign s =
case strToUpper s of
"TOP" -> Just aTop
"BOTTOM" -> Just aBottom
"CENTER" -> Just aCenter
_ -> Nothing
getBgColor attrs =
if ignoreColors
then Nothing
else lookupStyleAttr "BGCOLOR" "background-color" attrs
bwA bw = [GCLineWidth bw]
defaultLinkColorSpec = colorSpec defaultLinkColor
defaultLinkColor =
argKeyList "linkcolor" defdef
where defdef = words "mediumblue blue3 blue2 grey40 black"
plD x = passiveLeaf . G $ x
alD x = activeLeaf x
optImageD =
if images
then imageD
else imageAltD
imageAltD ctx = drawChars' ctx . maybe "[IMG]" id . lookupAttr "ALT"
imageD ctx attrs =
if isJust (linkTo ctx)
then linkLblD' lnk ctx $ stackD [borderD,imgD]
else imgD
lnk = if hasAttr "ISMAP" attrs then IsMap border else LinkTo
borderD = fgD (linkColor ctx) $ plD filledRect
imgD= alD (FromImage>^==^^^==^^^==^^ [Html]
floatBR = hlines . floatBR'
hlines = chopList (break' isBr)
break' p = apSnd (drop 1) . break p
isBr (HtmlCommand (BR,_)) = True
isBr _ = False
floatBR' :: Html -> Html
floatBR' = concatMap floatBR1
floatBR1 :: HtmlItem -> Html
floatBR1 item =
case item of
HtmlContext t@(n,_) html | n `notElem` don't_break
-> map ctx (groupBR $ floatBR' html)
where ctx [item] | isBr item = item
ctx html = HtmlContext t html
_ -> [item]
groupBR = groupBy (\i1 i2 -> not (isBr i1 || isBr i2))
don't_break = [SELECT,TEXTAREA]
ignoreColors = argFlag "ignorecolors" False
images = argFlag "images" True