module HtmlF2b(htmlF) where
import Fudgets hiding (StreamProcIO(..))
import Html2Drawing
import HtmlFormHandler
import HtmlFormSubmit
import HtmlFuns(extractBodyAttrs,extractBase)
import Http(HttpMethod(..))
import ActiveGraphicsF
--import ExternalImageFetchF(imageFetchF)
import ImageFetchF(imageFetchF)
import FuppletFetchF
--import ImageF(ImageInput(..),ImageOutput(..)) -- because of -fno-syn-expand
--import FuppletF(FuppletInput(..),FuppletOutput(..)) -- because of -fno-syn-expand
import URL(URL,joinURL,sameDoc,fragment,relativeURL)
import ParseURL(parseURL)
import Html(Html,noAttrs)
--import Monads
import ReactiveF
import ConnectF
--import qualified HtmlF as Old
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
--infixr !
--tr x y = ctrace x y y
--reactiveF rM = mapstateF (\ s m ->react (rM m) s)
htmlF optsize = htmlF2 optsize -- >*< (shellF "Old" $ Old.htmlF optsize)
data State = S { current :: HtmlDrawing,
currentURL :: URL,
optcursor :: Maybe DPath }
htmlF2 :: Maybe Size -> F (URL,Html) (InputMsg (URL,HttpMethod))
htmlF2 optsize = vScrollF dispF
dispF = loopThroughRightF
(reactiveF ctrlM state0)
ctrlM = either fromLoop fromOutside
state0 = S adrawing0 undefined Nothing
putToDisp :&: putToImageFetchF :&: putToFuppletFetchF :&: putToFormHandlerF =
extend (put . Left) tags
TagF combF fromLoop tags =
disp >&< imageFetch >&< fuppletFetch >&< formHandler
disp = tagF fromDisp $ activeGraphicsF' (setBorderWidth 0) adrawing0
imageFetch = tagF fromImageFetchF imageFetchF
fuppletFetch = tagF fromFuppletFetchF fuppletFetchF
formHandler = tagF fromFormHandlerF $ absF formHandlerSP
fromDisp = either gfxEvent fromInset
-- adrawing0 = passiveLeaf (G (blankD size))
adrawing0 = mapLeafDrawing Right (blankD size)
size = fromMaybe 500 optsize
putToDispGfx = putToDisp . Left
putToInsets = putToDisp . Right
putToOutside = put . Right
newdoc new url = update $ \ s -> s { current=new,currentURL=url }
newcursor new = update $ \ s -> s { optcursor=new }
fromOutside (url,html) =
do optfetchbgpic
putToFormHandlerF Nothing -- reset form handler state
-- putToImageFetchF flush -- flush outstanding requests
putToDispGfx (ChangeGfxBg bgcolor)
putToDispGfx (replaceAllGfx next)
putToDispGfx (showGfx target)
newdoc next url
next = spacedD (marginHVAlignS 5 aLeft aTop) $
drawHtmlDoc baseURL html
target = fragmentPath next url
bgcolor = colorSpec $
maybe id (:) (getBgColor bodyattrs) [paperColor]
optfetchbgpic =
fromMaybe nop $ getBgImage bodyattrs >>= parseURL >>= fetchit
fetchit url = return (putToImageFetchF msg)
where absurl = joinURL baseURL url
msg = (Nothing,(absurl,Nothing))
bodyattrs = extractBodyAttrs html
baseURL = fromMaybe url $
fmap (joinURL url) . parseURL =<< extractBase html
fragmentPath drawing url =
--tr "target" $
fromMaybe [] (fragment url >>= path)
path fr = lookup (LinkTarget fr)
(--tr "annots" $
map swap $ drawingAnnots drawing)
gfxEvent e =
case e of
GfxMotionEvent { gfxState=gfxState } ->
do (if Button1 `elem` gfxState
then changeCursor e
else nop)
select False e
GfxButtonEvent {gfxType=gfxType,gfxButton=Button 1} ->
case gfxType of
Pressed -> changeCursor e
Released -> do removeCursor ; select True e
_ -> nop
_ -> nop
select isDone e =
do S { current=current } <- get
fromMaybe nop $
do (path,(p,_)) <- last' (gfxPaths e)
LabelD lbl _ <- enclosingLink current path
-- -- ^^ should search for LinkTo/IsMap labels!!
url <- case lbl of
LinkTo url -> return url
IsMap offset url -> return (addMapPos url (p-offset))
_ -> Nothing --zero
return (goto url)
goto url =
do S { currentURL=currentURL,current=current } <- get
if isDone && sameDoc url currentURL
then putToDispGfx (showGfx (fragmentPath current url))
else putToOutside (f ({-url2str-} url,HttpGet))
-- url2str: for compatibility with Old.htmlF -- (now dropped)
f = if isDone then inputMsg else inputChange
removeCursor = fmap optcursor get >>= maybe nop removeIt
where removeIt path =
do putToDispGfx (gfxSetCursor path False)
newcursor Nothing
changeCursor e =
do cur <- fmap optcursor get
if new==cur then nop -- avoid flicker
else do removeCursor
newcursor new
addNewCursor new
where new = fmap fst (last' (gfxPaths e))
addNewCursor = maybe nop addIt
where addIt path = putToDispGfx (gfxSetCursor path True)
fromImageFetchF (dst,msg) =
case dst of
Just n -> putToInsets (n,ToImage msg)
Nothing -> putToDispGfx (ChangeGfxBgPixmap pm False)
where (_,(_,pm)) = msg
fromFuppletFetchF (dst,msg) = putToInsets (dst,ToFupplet msg)
fromInset (n,dpath,msg) =
case msg of
FromImage imsg -> putToImageFetchF (Just n,imsg)
FromFupplet imsg -> putToFuppletFetchF (n,imsg)
FromForm fmsg ->
do S { current=current } <- get
let formpath = drawingAnnotPart' isForm current dpath
putToFormHandlerF (Just (formpath,(n,fmsg)))
_ -> nop -- ignored for the moment!
fromFormHandlerF = either toForm submit
toForm (n,msg) = putToInsets (n,ToForm msg)
submit (formpath,values) =
do S { current=current } <- get
let msg = submitForm (attrs,values)
attrs = enclosingFormAttrs current formpath
putToOutside (inputMsg msg)
enclosingLabel = enclosingLabel' (const True)
enclosingLabel' p drawing path =
maybeDrawingPart drawing (drawingAnnotPart' p drawing path)
enclosingFormAttrs drawing path =
case enclosingLabel' isForm drawing path of
Just (LabelD (Form attrs) _) -> attrs
_ -> noAttrs
isForm (Form _) = True
isForm _ = False
enclosingLink = enclosingLabel' isLink
isLink (LinkTo _) = True
isLink (IsMap _ _) = True
isLink _ = False
gfxSetCursor path on = highlightGfx path on
last' [] = Nothing
last' xs = Just (last xs)
showGfx target = ShowGfx target (Nothing,Just aTop)
addMapPos url (Point x y) =
joinURL url (relativeURL ("?"++show x++","++show y))