-- | HTML document analysis
module HtmlFuns where
import Html
import HtmlTags
-- ** HTML destruction
extractTitle html =
case extractElements TITLE html of
HtmlContext (TITLE,_) t : _ -> Just (htmlchars t)
_ -> Nothing
extractBase html =
case extractElements BASE html of
HtmlCommand (BASE,attrs) : _ -> lookupAttr "HREF" attrs
_ -> Nothing
extractBodyAttrs html =
case extractElements BODY html of
HtmlContext (BODY,attrs) _ : _ -> attrs
_ -> noAttrs
extractElements t = extractElements' p
where p (tag,_) = tag==t
extractElements' p = extr
extr = concatMap extr1 . (id::Html->Html)
extr1 e@(HtmlContext tag contents) =
if p tag
then [e]
else extr contents
extr1 e@(HtmlCommand tag) = if p tag then [e] else []
extr1 _ = []
-- | removes the markup
htmlchars :: Html -> String
htmlchars = concatMap chars
chars (HtmlChars s) = s
chars (HtmlContext _ html) = htmlchars html
chars _ = ""
mapHtmlChars :: (String->Html) -> Html -> Html
mapHtmlChars f = concatMap hmap
hmap i =
case i of
HtmlChars s -> f s
HtmlContext tag html -> [HtmlContext tag (mapHtmlChars f html)]
_ -> [i]
mapHtmlTags f = map hmap
hmap item =
case item of
HtmlContext tag html -> HtmlContext (f tag) (mapHtmlTags f html)
HtmlCommand tag -> HtmlCommand (f tag)
_ -> item
mapHtmlTags f = apHtmlElems cmd ctx
ctx tag html = HtmlContext (f tag) (mapHtmlTags f html)
cmd tag = HtmlCommand (f tag)
apHtmlElems :: (HtmlTag->HtmlItem)->(HtmlTag->Html->HtmlItem)->Html->Html
apHtmlElems cmd ctx = map hmap
hmap item =
case item of
HtmlContext tag html -> ctx tag html
HtmlCommand tag -> cmd tag
_ -> item
apHtmlCtx = apHtmlElems HtmlCommand
apHtmlCmd cmd = apHtmlElems cmd HtmlContext
rmHtmlGarbage :: Html->Html
rmHtmlGarbage = concatMap rm
rm item =
case item of
HtmlGarbage _ -> []
HtmlContext tag html -> [HtmlContext tag (rmHtmlGarbage html)]
_ -> [item]