{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 908 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-x-partial #-} #endif module Test.Data.SearchEngine.TermBag where import Data.SearchEngine.TermBag import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Vec import qualified Data.List as List import Test.QuickCheck instance Arbitrary TermBag where arbitrary = fromList `fmap` (listOf arbitrary) instance Arbitrary TermId where arbitrary = TermId `fmap` choose (0,5) prop_invariant :: TermBag -> Bool prop_invariant = invariant prop_elems :: [TermId] -> Bool prop_elems tids = (map head . List.group . List.sort) tids == (elems . fromList) tids prop_fromList :: [TermId] -> Bool prop_fromList tids = (map (\g -> (head g, fromIntegral (length g `min` 255))) . List.group . List.sort) tids == (toList . fromList) tids prop_size :: [TermId] -> Bool prop_size tids = (size . fromList) tids == length tids prop_termCount :: [TermId] -> Bool prop_termCount tids = and [ termCount bag tid == count | let bag = fromList tids , (tid, count) <- toList bag ] prop_denseTable1 :: [TermBag] -> Bool prop_denseTable1 bags = Vec.toList terms == (List.sort . foldr List.union [] . map elems) bags where (terms, _) = denseTable bags prop_denseTable2 :: [TermBag] -> Bool prop_denseTable2 bags = and [ termCount bag (terms Vec.! t) == counts Vec.! (b * numTerms + t) | let (terms, counts) = denseTable bags numTerms = Vec.length terms , (b, bag) <- zip [0..] bags , t <- [0..Vec.length terms - 1] ]